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14 de agosto de 2018

The Two Superpowers - Who Really Controls the Two Countries?

by Paul Craig Roberts
June 30, 2018
from PaulCraigRoberts Website
Spanish version

Russian President Vladimir Putin
 meeting with US President Donald Trump
on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg,
Germany, July 7, 2017
(The Kremlin)

The warmongering US mainstream media
are serving the interests of the Deep State
by trying to undermine
improved US relations with Russia.

Among the ruling interests in the US, one interest even more powerful than the Israel Lobby:
the Deep State of the military/security complex.
There is enormous fear that an uncontrollable President Trump at the upcoming Putin/Trump summit will make an agreement that will bring to an end the demonizing of Russia that serves to protect the enormous budget and power of the military-security complex.

You can see the Deep State's fear in the editorials that the Deep State handed to the Washington Post (June 29) and the New York Times (June 29), two of the Deep State's megaphones, but no longer believed by the vast majority of the American people.

The two editorials share the same points and phrases.
They repeat the disproven lies about Russia as if blatant, obvious lies are hard facts.
Both accuse President Trump of "kowtowing to the Kremlin."

Kowtowing, of course, is not a Donald Trumpcharacteristic. But once again fact doesn't get in the way of the propaganda spewed by the WaPo and NYT, two megaphones of Deep State lies.

The Deep State editorial handed to the WaPo reads:
"THE REASONS for the tension between the United States and Russia are 'well-established.'

Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine, instigated a war in eastern Ukraine, intervened to save the dictatorship of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, interfered in the U.S. presidential election campaign to harm Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump, poisoned a former intelligence officer on British soil and continues to meddle in the elections of other democracies."
The WaPo's opening paragraph is a collection of all the blatant lies assembled by the Deep State for its Propaganda Ministry.

There have been many books written about the CIA's infiltration of the US media. There is no doubt about it.

I remember my orientation as Staff Associate, House Defense Appropriation Subcommittee, when I was informed that the Washington Post is a CIA asset. This was in 1975.

Today the Post is owned by a person with government contracts that many believe sustain his front business.

And don't forget Udo Ulfkotte, an editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, who wrote in his best seller, Bought Journalism, that there was not a significant journalist in Europe who was not on the CIA's payroll.

The English language edition of Ulfkotte's book has been suppressed and prevented from publication.

The New York Times, which last told the truth in the 1970s when it published the leaked Pentagon Papers and had the fortitude to stand up for its First Amendment rights, repeats the lies about Putin's "seizure of Crimea and attack on Ukraine" along with all the totally unsubstantiated BS about Russia interfering in the US president election and electing Trump, who now kowtows to Putin in order to serve Russia instead of the US.

The editorial handed to the NYT insinuates that Trump is a threat to the national security of America and its allies (vassals). The problem, the NYT declares, is that Trump is not listening to his advisors.

Shades of President John F. Kennedy, who,
did not listen to the CIA and Joint Chiefs of Staff about invading Cuba, nuking the Soviet Union, and using the false flag attack on America of the Joint Chiefs' Operation Northwoods.
Is the New York Times setting up Trump for assassination on the grounds that he is lovely-dovey with Russia and sacrificing US national interests?

I would bet on it.

While the Washington Post and New York Times are telling us that if Trump meets with Putin, Trump will sell out US national security, The Sakersays that Putin finds himself in a similar box, only it doesn't come from the national security interest, but from the Russian Fifth Column, the Atlanticist Integrationists whose front man is the Russian Prime Minister Medvedev, who represents the rich Russian elite whose wealth is based on stolen assets during the Yeltsin years enabled by Washington.

These elites, The Saker concludes, impose constraints on Putin that put Russian sovereignty at risk. Economically, it is more important to these elites for financial reasons to be part of Washington's empire than to be a sovereign country.

I find The Saker's explanation the best I have read of the constraints on Putin that limit his ability to represent Russian national interests.
I have often wondered why Putin didn't have the security force round up these Russian traitors and execute them.

The answer is that Putin believes in the rule of law, and he knows that Russia's US financed and supported Fifth Column cannot be eliminated without bloodshed that is inconsistent with the rule of law.

For Putin, the rule of law is as important as Russia. So, Russia hangs in the balance. It is my view that the Russian Fifth Column could care less about the rule of law. They only care about money.

As challenged as Putin might be, Chris Hedges, one of the surviving great American journalists, who is not always right but is incisive when he is,explains the situation faced by the American people.

It is beyond correction. American civil liberties and prosperity appear to be lost.

In my opinion, Hedges leftwing leanings caused him to focus on Reagan's rhetoric rather than on Reagan's achievements - the two greatest of our time - the end of stagflation, which benefited the American people, and the end of the Cold War, which removed the threat of nuclear war.

I think Hedges also does not appreciate Trump's sincerity about normalizing relations with Russia - relations destroyed by the ClintonGeorge W. Bush, and Obama regimes - and Trump's sincerity about bringing offshored jobs home to American workers.

Trump's agenda puts him up against the two most powerful interest groups in the United States. A president willing to take on these powerful groups should be appreciated and supported, as Hedges acknowledges the dispossessed majority do.

If I might point out to Chris, whom I admire, it is not like Chris Hedges to align against the choice of the people. How can democracy work if people don't rule?

Hedges writes, correctly,
"The problem is not Trump. It is a political system, dominated by corporate power and the mandarins of the two major political parties, in which we [the American people] don't count."
Hedges is absolutely correct.

It is impossible not to admire a journalist like Hedges who can describe our plight with such succinctness:
"We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and banks destroy the economy."
Read The Saker's explanation of Russian politics.

Possibly Putin will collapse under pressure from the powerful Fifth Column in his government. Read Chris Hedges analysis of American collapse.

There is much truth in it.
  • What happens if the Russian people rise up against the Russian Fifth Column and if the oppressed American people rise up against the extractions of the military/security complex?

  • What happens if neither population rises up?

  • Who sets off the first nuclear weapon?
Our time on earth is not just limited by our threescore and ten years, but also humanity's time on earth, and that of every other species, is limited by the use of nuclear weapons.

It is long past the time when governments, and if not them, humanity, should ask why nuclear weapons exist when they cannot be used without destroying life on earth.

Why isn't this the question of our time, instead of, for example, transgender toilet facilities, and the large variety of fake issues on which the presstitute media focuses?

The articles by The Saker and Chris Hedges, two astute people, report that neither superpower is capable of making good decisions, decisions that are determined by democracy instead of by oligarchs, against whom neither elected government can stand.

If this is the case, humanity is finished

4 de julio de 2018

Who’s Afraid Of The Trump/Putin Summit?

by EraOfLight
independent media
President Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton was in Moscow last week organizing what promises to be an historic summit meeting between his boss and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Bolton, who has for years demanded that the US inflict “pain” on Russia and on Putin specifically, was tasked by Trump to change his tune. He was forced to shed some of his neoconservative skin and get involved in peacemaking. Trump surely deserves some credit for that!
As could be expected given the current political climate in the US, the neoconservatives have joined up with the anti-Trump forces on the Left — and US client states overseas — to vigorously oppose any movement toward peace with Russia. The mainstream media is, as also to be expected, amplifying every objection to any step away from a confrontation with Russia.
Bolton had hardly left Moscow when the media began its attacks. US allies are “nervous” over the planned summit, reported Reuters. They did not quote any US ally claiming to be nervous, but they did speculate that both the UK and Ukraine would not be happy were the US and Russia to improve relations. But why is that? The current Ukrainian government is only in power because the Obama Administration launched a coup against its democratically-elected president to put US puppets in charge. They’re right to be nervous. And the British government is also right to be worried. They swore that Russia was behind the “poisoning” of the Skripals without providing any evidence to back up their claims. Hundreds of Russian diplomats were expelled from Western countries on their word alone. And over the past couple of months, each of their claims has fallen short.
At the extreme of the reaction to Bolton’s Russia trip was the US-funded think tank, the Atlantic Council, which is stuck in a 1950s time warp. Its resident Russia “expert,” Anders Åslund, Tweeted that long-time Russia hawk Bolton had been “captured by the Kremlin” and must now be considered a Russian agent for having helped set up a meeting between Trump and Putin. Do they really prefer nuclear war?
The “experts” are usually wrong when it comes to peacemaking. They rely on having “official enemies” for their very livelihood. In 1985, national security “expert” Zbigniew Brzezinski attacked the idea of a summit between President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. It was “demeaning” and “tactically unwise,” he said as reported at the time by the Washington Times. Such a meeting would only “elevate” Gorbachev and make him “first among equals,” he said. Thankfully, Reagan did engage Gorbachev in several summits and the rest is history. Brzezinski was wrong and peacemakers were right.
President Trump should understand that any move toward better relations with Russia has been already pre-approved by the American people. His position on Russia was well known. He campaigned very clearly on the idea that the US should end the hostility toward Russia that characterized the Obama Administration and find a way to work together. Voters knew his position and they chose him over Hillary Clinton, who was also very clear on Russia: more confrontation and more aggression.
President Trump would be wise to ignore the neocon talking heads and think tank “experts” paid by defense contractors. He should ignore the “never Trumpers” who have yet to make a coherent policy argument opposing the president. The extent of their opposition to Trump seems to be “he’s mean and rude.” Let us hope that a Trump/Putin meeting begins a move toward real reconciliation and away from the threat of nuclear war.

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

25 de junio de 2018

US Media in All-out Effort to Stop Trump-Putin Summit

by EraOfLight
eol news source
Even as Russiagate’s death looks certain, “Deep State” seeks any way possible to obstruct progress towards normalizing relations. Recently, plans for a summit meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin were announced.
The report was first disclosed rather quietly late on a Friday evening three weeks ago in the Wall Street Journal, and subsequent reports indicated more and more details in terms of both the intent and the stage of planning conducted for these meetings. Hopes are rising that this meeting will lead to a normalization of relations between the US and Russia.
Over the past two weeks, the press has tried to destroy this narrative.
First, the “crisis” of immigrants on the border in connection with the application of the existing policy that separates children of illegal aliens from their parents if their parents were imprisoned for a crime.
Reuters launched a story in which this topic was highlighted

After about one week of criticism concerning the separation of illegal immigrant children from their parents, the White House pointed out a photo of a Honduran child who was seen sobbing on the US-Mexican border, to accuse the Democrats and the media that they used this photo to push their agenda for immigration.
The photo taken by Getty Images photographer John Moore at the place of detention at the border this month became a powerful image in media coverage of the division of families on the US-Mexican border.
Dozens of newspapers and magazines, including Time and The Washington Post, published the image.
The image, widely seen as showing the girl crying over being parted from her mother, helped swell outrage at home and abroad that pushed President Donald Trump to back down on Wednesday on his administration’s policy of separating children from their families while the adults were prosecuted for illegally crossing the border.
Getty’s caption on the June 12 picture taken at the Texas border town of McAllen said the photo showed a 2-year-old Honduran asylum seeker crying as her mother was searched and detained. The caption said the detention could lead to possible separation, not that this had occurred.
In an article about the picture, the Washington Post quoted Moore as saying that after he took the picture he feared the girl and her mother might be separated, but he did not know what happened to them.
White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said on Friday the mother and child had not been separated, and accused Democrats and the media of exploiting the picture.
“It’s shameful that dems and the media exploited this photo of a little girl to push their agenda. She was not separated from her mom. The separation here is from the facts. Dems should join POTUS (the president) and fix our broken immigration system,” she tweeted.
And, later, a piece from Reuters confirmed this, noting that the girl’s own father said that she was not separated from her mother.
Representatives from Getty Images did not immediately respond to requests for comment on Friday.
For its cover this week, titled “Welcome to America,” Time magazine cropped the picture to show just the girl, juxtaposing it with a picture of Trump, as though he were looking down at her.
This was Attempt Number One.

© Time
Attempt Number Two might be said to have occurred last night.
In the Duran video report run by Alex Christoforou, we learn about the latest statements by former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, where she went on record as saying that President Putin is a white supremacist.
Reuters ran this report , discussing Hillary’s statements:

Russian President Vladimir Putin has positioned himself as the leader of a xenophobic movement that wants to weaken the United States’ traditional alliances and undermine democracy, former U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Friday.
The former secretary of state described Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election she lost to Donald Trump as “a clear and present danger to western democracy”.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is leading an investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 election. Moscow denies U.S. intelligence agency allegations that it interfered in the election, and Trump has denied colluding with Russia.
“Vladimir Putin has positioned himself as the leader of an authoritarian, white-supremacist and xenophobic movement that wants to break up the EU, weaken America’s traditional alliances and undermine democracy,” Clinton said in a lecture at Trinity College Dublin, where she received an honorary doctorate.
“We can see this authoritarian movement rippling out from the Kremlin, reaching across Europe and beyond. It’s emboldening right-wing nationalists, separatists, racists and even neo-nazis. We are living through an era when fundamental rights, civic virtue, even facts and reason are under assault like never before.”
The Duran’s own Alexander Mercouris explained the dynamics of the upcoming summit at length in his report, here. In particular he focuses on the British leadership’s fears of such a meeting. Fears in certain sectors of the American political and media establishment are also significant.
 It is widely believed that such a summit would result in some kind of sanctions roll-back. For those who have a geopolitical agenda that requires Russia be isolated and diminished in importance as a world power, this would be very bad news.
However, President Trump is not one of these people. He has stated on multiple occasions the need for Russia to be involved with the G7 (making it the G8 once again) and more directly he expressed the need for closer relations, saying “Russia needs our help.”
While this statement is probably intended to make the relations look more attractive, there is some truth to it, as a resumption of US investment and resources could help Russia build, or rebuild her infrastructure.
The other side of this need would be something closer to at least an agreement to cooperate, if not forming an outright alliance.
 Even mutual cooperation in rivalry holds unbelievable potential, such as fewer wars across the world.
Unity in economic affairs could greatly enhance world economic and political stability, most notably with China as the third partner in a distinctly sovereign, but cooperative triad of Great Powers.
While these possibilities seem very bright for the average citizenry of all the nations involved, there are those who stand to lose from such peace, and the media attacks of late are beginning to reflect the anger – and fear – of those who stand to lose from it.

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

6 de mayo de 2018

Sorcha Faal: US Federal Judge Orders Mueller Back to Court to Face Russians

May 6, 2018

US Federal Judge Orders Mueller Back To Court To Face Russians—While Thousands Of American Bikers Head To Washington To Shut Down His “Sham” Investigation

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Source: What Does It Mean

In what can only be described as a stunning blow against the “Deep State” coup d'état against President Trump, a new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that a few hours ago (Saturday evening US time/5 May), US Federal Judge Dabney Friedrichrejected a plea from Special Counsel Robert Mueller to delay court proceedings against a Russian company he had filed a “joke indictment” against—with her ordering Mueller back to her courtroom this coming Wednesday to begin his case—with this, also, not being the only headache Mueller will be dealing with this coming week as thousands of pro-Trump bikers are now reported to be traveling to Washington D.C. to shut down his “sham” investigation[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Pro-Trump bikers head to Washington D.C. to confront “Deep State” leader Special Counsel Robert Mueller

As detailed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday, on Friday afternoon (4 May), a team of Special Counsel Mueller attorneys begged Federal Judge Friedrich to postpone their case against the Russian companyConcord Management and Consulting whom Mueller had comically charged with interfering in the 2016 US presidential election—with Mueller’s lawyers claiming as their excuse to delay this case being an outright lie that “maybe” this Russian company hadn’t been notified of the charges against it yet—but that stood in stark and laughable contrast to Mueller’s lawyers sitting right next to Concord’s attorneys from the global legal law firm of Reed Smith LLP—and who, obviously, knew that their client had been charged, otherwise they wouldn’t have been sitting in Judge Friedrich’s courtroom to begin with.

To the real reason that Special Counsel Mueller didn’t want to face this Russian company in a US federal courtroom, this report explains, is that under American law, a company, even a foreign one, has “corporate personhood” that enables them to have the same rights as an individual—and that Mueller hadn’t fully thought out before filing his “joke indictment” that he believed no Russian citizen would ever come to the United States to face.

In facing a global legal giant representing the rights of a Russian company, instead of a lowly Russian citizen, however, this report continues, Special Counsel Mueller got the shock of his life when Reed Smith LLP lawyers buried him underneath an avalanche of what are called discovery motions that would reveal the entire secret workings of Mueller’s probe into Trump-Russia collusion for all the world to see. [UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Crim. No. 18-cr-32 (DLF)—scroll down to ATTACHEMENT A]

Going from just shock in his having to contemplate handing over to Reed Smith LLP lawyers the entire secret workings and evidence of what he is actually doing, this report further notes, Special Counsel Mueller, without a doubt, became downright terrified when Reed Smith LLP lawyers filed additional discovery motions [scroll down to ATTACHEMENT B] demanding all documents and information relating to the United States’ most closely guarded secrets, to include:

From 1945 to present, each and every instance where any officer, employee and/or agent of the United States Government engaged in operations to interfere with elections and political processes in any foreign country; including but not limited to information relating to whether any such activity utilized propaganda in any format, including but not limited to the use of social media.

This disclosure should include any and all information regarding the use of computer infrastructure inside and outside of the United States, false foreign identities, goals to sow discord in a foreign political system, assistance to a foreign elected official or candidate, attacks on a foreign elected official or candidate, assassination or conspiracy to assassinate a foreign elected official or candidate, buying political advertisements, posing as foreign persons and/or failure to honestly identify to foreign voters the involvement of any officer, employee or agent of the United States Government.

Important to understand about the discovery motion demands being made on Special Counsel Mueller by Reed Smith LLP lawyers, this report details, is that it points to what is known in American law as an “affirmative defense” strategy being used to defend the Russian company Concord Management and Consulting—that, in essence, means that if it can be proven that the United States has interfered in the elections of another country (US secretly interfered in Israeli election and French election most recently) , attempted to assassinate, or assassinated a leader of another country (US has long history of assassinating leaders of foreign countries), or overthrew the government of another country (US has overthrown the governments of Iran, Guatemala, Congo, Dominican Republic, South Vietnam, Brazil, Chile), then no one could be held liable for their defending themselves against the same thing happening to them. 

Obama secretly spends $350,000 to overthrow the elected leader of Israel—private Russian company spends $46,000 on Facebook ads during 2016 US presidential election favoring both Trump and Clinton, as opposed to Trump and Clinton spending $81 million—and Putin’s the bad guy?

So obscenely distorted and dysfunctional, in fact, has America become today because of Special Counsel Mueller’s so-called “investigation”, this report continues, former Secretary of State John Kerry has now been revealed to be conducting secret negotiations with Iran—while at the same time, forces loyal to President Trump have been revealed to have hired Israeli spies to dig up dirt on Secretary Kerry and anyone else in the former Obama administration who made the original nuclear deal with Iran—while in the meantime, French President Macron is warning that the “Pandora’s Box” of this Iranian nuclear deal is leading to war—and whose dire assessment is supported by no less than UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who has just issued a chilling message to the world that: “The risk of World War III breaking out in the Middle East is intensifying at an alarming rate”.

With the “Deep State” aligned NSA now reported to have tripled its surveillance of Americans’ phone chatter, collecting over 534 million phone call records and text messages last year, Special Counsel Mueller’s investigative tactics now being described as an “Orwellian Grotesque Violation of Civil Liberties” that will soon be turned against everyone in the US, and the Atlantic Council now explaining why the American people need to be propagandized against “for their own good”, this report concludes, what is called “The Resistance” in the United States is showing the entire world what national suicide actually looks like—but that Russia hopes President Trump can stop before this once great nation’s heartbeat ends forever—and that President Putin showed was possible to do, at least for a nation willing to stand up for its religious values, families and national heritage. 

May 6, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Special Advisor Mueller's team faces the Russian truth in the US Federal Court. UU

Special Advisor Mueller's team faces the Russian truth in the US Federal Court. UU. For the first time, then flees the courtroom in dirty diapers  By: Sorcha Faal, and as its Western subscribers reported  Source:  What does  a new Ministry scathingly wrote the report  Foreign Affairs (  MoFA  ) circulating in the Kremlin today taunts and ridicule heaped on  the special counsel Robert Mueller  and his legal team for their actions in federal district court yesterday when, for the first time, they faced  a real Russian counterattack -called probe against collusion "Trump-Russia" -and that terrorized the legal team to such an extent Mueller, beseeched President Trump

Federal Judge Friedrich Dabney US. UU. For then his subsequent flight from the courtroom "like babies in dirty diapers in search of their mothers." [Note: Some words and / or phrases that appear in quotation marks in this report are approximations English words / phrases Russian who do not have an exact counterpart.]  Conceptualized image of Special Counsel Robert Mueller as a baby crying for her mom to come and change his dirty diaper  According tothe report, while leading the  coup of "Deep State" against President Trump  ,

He accused 13 Russian citizens and 3 Russian companies for allegedly interfering in US presidential elections in 2016,  but whose real intention was toprovide "mental food" for the clamorous leftist leaders establishment of media propaganda in the United States they needed something else to defame Trump with. Although special advisor Mueller, a leftist tabloid headlines like "Trump Russia Collusion Probe Nabs Russian Citizens and Companies" to hit President Trump in the head, this report continues, the mainstream US propaganda did not inform anyone that this was a 'joke accusation "that made legitimate free expression of US insidious" Russian bots "without even mentioning anything about Russian hacking, or anything else Wikileaks background

But Mueller did not care because "knew" that no Russian would come to the United States to face these charges. Unluckiest Special Counsel for Mueller, however, and I should have known better, says the report, which was one of the companies charged in his "indictment joke" was the Russian company Concord Management and Consulting ,  which by law US has "  corporate personhood  " that allows you to have the same rights as an individual, and quickly hired  Reed Smith LLP  (a law global law firm based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with more than 1,800 lawyers in 27 offices in the US, Europe and Middle East) and Asia) to defend him.

Certainly shaking the Special Adviser Mueller in its essence, this report details the April 11, 2018, the  lawyers Reed Smith LLP, Eric Dubelier and Kate Seikaly, reported to the Federal Court of EE. UU. Concord would defend Management and Consulting against these "accusations joke" charges-and who followed this announcement with a virtual avalanche of requests for discovery under US law should give Mueller which includes its demand that Mueller immediately deliver them to 51 categories of information- including details on online platforms that the government has discovered, people believed to have been involved in activities charged and uncharged, and names of possible witnesses, including all statements, recordings or electronic surveillance officers and employees of Concord. [DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Crim. No. 18-cr-32 (DLF) -  Scroll to ANNEX A  ]

While this avalanche of lawsuits discovery made in the Special Adviser Mueller undoubtedly made him shiver to the bottom, because that would reveal the secret workings of their investigation of collusion Trump-Russia for all the world to see, this continues the report, which lawyers Reed Smith LLP demanded then and again without doubt, sent tremors of fear throughout the "deep state" and that under the rules of the US federal court known as requirements of rule 12  , have Reed Smith LLP these lawyers who require Mueller [  scroll down to the ANNEX B  ] will deliver  immediately all documents and information related to:

From 1945 to the present, every one of the instances in which any officer, employee and / or agent of the Government of the United States took part in operations to interfere with elections and political processes in any foreign country; including, without limitation, information relating to whether such activity propaganda used any format, including, among others, the use of social networks.

This disclosure should include any and all information related to the use of infrastructure within and outside the United States, false foreign identities, aims to sow discord in a foreign political system, attendance at an official or candidate elected abroad, attacks a foreign official elected or candidate, murder or conspiracy to murder an official or candidate elected abroad, buying political advertising, impersonating foreign persons and / or not honestly identify foreign voter participation of any officer, employee or agent of the Government of the United States. United States overthrows foreign governments:  the master list

Knowing full well that under the law of the US. UU. Have to provide lawyers Reed Smith LLP all documents and information that have demanded, this report points out that the Special Adviser Mueller, however, did not do that, choosing instead to have his legal team  asked a continuation lying openly the US federal judge Dabney Friedrich and comedian alleges that "maybe" the Russian company Concord Management and Consulting had not yet received your citation, and  not even bother to explain how this was. Concord's lawyers were sitting with them in court.

Equally worse for Special Counsel Mueller, this report continues, it's almost thesame time as his legal team fled from the court of Judge Friedrich "like babies with dirty diapers looking for their mothers , " President Ronald Reagan appointed  to the Superior Federal Court of EE . UU. Judge TS Ellis III  also disarticulated another legal teams Mueller  calling them liars, accusing them of wanting to "unrestricted power"  and exposing this farce of a "deep state" so it really is saying, "  Do not do it". I really care about Mr. Manafort. You really care about the information that Mr. Manafort can give to guide Mr. Trump and an accusation, or whatever  . "Even for the Special Adviser The first call for Mueller success

General Michal Flynn will  plead guilty to a charge of lying to the FBI; This report notes that, in fact, did not succeed, and Mueller, once again, had to postpone the sentencing hearing Flynn for at least another two months,  and that certainly the must  astonishing new evidence showing former FBI Director Comey and FBI agents testified under oath before the United States Congress stating that, in fact, Flynn had never lied to anyone . General Flynn Meanwhile, while this farce of a "deep state" is developed, this report continues, seems to have no care in the world, with  this weekend travel to Montana to campaign on behalf of President Trumpfor the  hero of American war Troy Downing

who he saved countless lives of their fallen brothers and sisters in the battlefields of Afghanistan and is trying to take the power the monster of "Deep State" US Senator. UU. Jon Tester, and on whom, a few days ago they revealed operational service of Russian intelligence was  behind the plot "Vile Honey Trap" to locate near President Trump member sex cult NXIVM and medical vice president Mike Pence, Jennifer Peña, MD,  but whose plan failed and ended in the  expulsion of Dr. Peña from the White House forever  . "Deep State" tried tooust the Admiral Ronnie Jackson, White House physician President Trump, and replace it with Jennifer Peña, MD, a member of NXIVM sexual cult.

As for why the Special Adviser Mueller and the "Deep State" still face "failure after failure" in his plan to destroy the President Trump, about this report, it is because they never realized that the General Flynn, who it is one of the most intelligent operating in US military history. UU. They had already secured a confidentiality agreement with the attorney general immunity Jeff Sessions long before accepting an agreement with Mueller, and that allowed him (and others like him who accepted agreements with Mueller) operate covertly behind it.Mueller enemy lines and the "deep state".

Tactical intelligence officials have US Government. UU., As General Flynn, pleading guilty to charges while having secret dealings immunity to allow other operations to infiltrate the US government, the report says, was invented by one of the most feared lawyers modern America. story called  Roy Cohn,  who used this tactic to  infiltrate the US State Department. UU. (and other government agencies EE. UU.) to eliminate Communist spies,  and, as he helped the equally feared agent of President Richard Nixon,  Roger Stone  (  both worked to elect President Ronald Reagan also despised by the left 1980 ), She conveyed this knowledge to Stone, who used it to protect President Reagan from prosecution during the Iran-Contra Affair  . The two most feared political operatives in modern US history, Roger Stone (left) and Roy Cohn (right). The most powerful of America during most of the twentieth century man was  FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover  , who even presidents were afraid to go against  , concludes the report, one of the most enduring mysteries for Russian intelligence agencies is What the "deep state" did not realize that  Hoover was so fond of Roy Cohn who offered the ultimate accolade in 1954 and insisted that Cohn call it"Edgar" (Cohn, for who bother to notice, was "  The Original Donald Trump  ") before declaring total war President Trump, particularly because

Cohn had been "teaching" Trump how to be president since the late 1970s -  and whose "lessons" continued under the guidance of protected Cohn, Roger Stone said thus turning Trump, not in one of the most, but the most feared and ruthless American. presidents in history that even Moscow or China want to be enemies, and for full and complete destruction, the "deep state" will soon learn the truth from them as well, since it is not actually Trump against those who are fighting, but the political reincarnation of the 21st century Roy Cohn, this time all the authority and unstoppable and frightening force of a US president. UU. and you're really, really angry. "

I do not write polite letters ... I do not plead guilty ... I like to fight ... Saco worst of my enemies and thus achievement that defeat themselves  . "  Roy Cohn (left), mentor of the 45th president the United States, Donald J. Trump (right)  , May 5, 2018. © EU and EE. UU. all rights reserved.  permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition that is linked to your Original source WhatDoesItMean.Com.  Content Freebase licensed under CC-bY  and  GFDL  .

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