
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta bankruptcy. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta bankruptcy. Mostrar todas las entradas

20 de febrero de 2018

"Let us clarify concepts of bankruptcy of the World Bank".


"Let us clarify concepts of bankruptcy of the World Bank".
It will not collapse the world economy. It will collapse only banking and financial economy that makes money from swaps and futures, derivatives and options for a specified period, a system of Monopoli, no real economy based on productivity of companies and working people should be the unique patterns of measurable values ​​by experts agreed the world.
A real madness to which we have been subjected since the seventies they were invented.
When your system now bankrupt, they can not pay their debts nonexistent electronic money and its creative software programs counterfeit money have collapsed their own online gaming system .
Another system is the solution, and are fiduricarias currencies of each country covered in the trust of the community in each country projects that support economic experts and companies that they work.
But  obviously those responsible for the system of banking that have names, have to pay for their misdeeds, and are called the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Goldman Sach, the JPMorgan, the Khun Loeb, the Lazard, the Seif Moses, and ultimately the 8 large banksworldwide  that have led us to this,  and his clique as Bush, the Brzezinski, Soros, and many families who star in their plans. 
They are the ones who want us to get into a war global, national and local conflicts to destabilize and dilute the ruin that have resulted, and introduce ourselves as solution their new currency and world only the Amero, which will be another great ruin that continue ruining, fragmenting assets as always achieve the bankrupt to continue hiding them real money, there is no longer and what address that tell us to them and we enslave countries and people money.
The World Bank, should be inoperative, you must disable them, their existence is cancer of power, and the entanglements of the British Crown and Rothchild House primarily to restore his world and full colonial empire.

15 de mayo de 2017

Monday could break the Popular Bank and drag all banks in Spain In other countries it will be the same


Monday could break the Popular Bank and drag all banks in Spain

In other countries it will be the same. It promises to be a black week. Banking and states organize a trial of Internet blackout to protect the sovereign debt borne by banks. Governments lack an emergency plan, people can live a playpen and of course lose all their actions. "


Moody  lowers the ratio  of Canadian banks: 

Beginning of the End for the housing market? ".

"Moody's downgrades credit ratings 

of the  6 large banks in Canada ".

"Zimbabwe, a new Cyprus lines to  get all the money from the banks."
"China  on the brink  of a banking crisis, the government injected more money into the markets. Delinquencies in China increases by three basis points to 6%. "
This week plans to the ghost of  Lehman Brothers, Enron and Northern Rock Bank , colossal failures that we will see again next week through  Banco Popular , and behind the other banks, especially  Bankia .
Banco Popular have asked for help from JP Morgan and Lazard , but successive falls in market prices suggest Banco Popular difficult intervention. 

Despite the  Popular denies bankruptcy, and discusses urgent sale, no bank will intervene in an operation that can go as cheap as the Northern Rock Bank  an epitaph leaving him bankrupt and pudiendolo buy at bargain prices rather than rescue it is already written. 

In 2008  the British state  nationalized NRB  before selling it to  Richard Branson, but this is not applicable to Popular, simply because it has  toxic assets and floors SAREB  that  wouldruin the plan refloating of Spain  as acountry  with debt holdings by banking,  so they have opted for the virus. 

"The  cyberattack  with  WannaCry virus  extends  globally ".
Appropriately named Wannacry WANT TO MOURN, because  on Monday when will rise as they have lost their savings and stocks traded.

"Telefónica asks its employees to turn off their computers."

"Turn off your computer and do not turn it on and until further notice" (Telefonica Movistar).

The idea of ​​doing a Friday afternoon is before the closing of the bags and look like continue blackouts on Monday and several days because the WannaCry virus will be the excuse of banks and government to reset the notes of bankruptcy.

Federal Reserve have organized cyber world today.
The aim is to hide the sovereign debt owed to the bank that bought the bulk of international debt and our Spanish case which has only managed to place  one hand . It will be the same in American and European banks.

-the corporate shareholders, including Rosctchild have already sold this week, with several days of rises of up  to 20% made to sell now if they want to and can leave them fall, they will lose their stock and may not be able to charge up savers past weeks and only small amounts. 

Cyprus trial experienced in this way.
The government works for banks but not for the citizen has no emergency plan to prevent the debacle, surely not leave Moncloa and hide in bunkers. 

It promises to be a black week started on a  black Monday.
Do not believe anything, this whole bankruptcy corralito is scheduled to be aggrieved citizens with savings accounts, current and especially shareholders.
It promises to be the end of the government, and other governments around the world lying like saying there is growth miscreants.  

This will put us on the brink of martial law,  people shouting in the streets demanding their money amid announcements of boom and growth.

On Monday the price of precious metals - gold and silver, a plan will be triggered and activated by  Jacob de Rothschild.

Brussels and Paris tested his martial law with false flags.

"Jade Helm in Texas, can not begin without an 

false flag  cyber attack  the US and London. "


"The global cyberattack and" dimension never seen before "that affected institutions and companies from more than 70 countries." bbc

"The cyberattacks in 12 nations 

NSA tool used for hacking ".

"The company Avast antivirus 

warns that hacking affects about  100 countries ".

"Banks have to bid for Popular 

in a week and sees a hole  7,000 million . "

"The virus was activated late on Friday to cause a false blackout that  would alter  the strict order of placements of sale to all banking operators ahead of the traders before Monday for banks."

"The virus was activated late on Friday to cause a false blackout that would alter the strict order of placements of sale to all banking operators ahead of the traders before Monday for banks."

Jamie Dimon-and-market-volatility-is-here-to-stay-
Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase bankster.
professional trader confirms that 90% of people and traders lose their money in the stock market:
90% of traders (stock traders), lose money ... then how to be in the top 10% of the winners ?. So what are the bad habits to avoid ?.
¿ Who are the 10% : banking and  secret software .
Teasing of Warren Buffet. They did win manipulating the markets.
To explain simply those who know how it works the stock market, purchase orders or sales of marketable securities carries an order entry time, which is understood as placements purchase or sale.
It is not new that the largest number of stock trades are generally conducted both closing and opening, in fact is the reason why large swings in exchange buying and selling operations suffer some ups and downs often seen only at the time of the day, the closing and opening all the accumulated running operations in the final minutes to close admission orders for sale droves. 

Orders that can be modified both the price and quantity of securities if it has not been executed operation, if they have been issued before 17:30 in the case of Europe and Greenwich time, if not, remains for the morning following opening for another 20-30 minutes, or the order is issued during any time before 8:30.
The execution order is carried out strictly in order to issue strict orders.
This is where market manipulation is:
With electronic blackout, all the purchase orders or sales could be blocked, and can introduce wedges orders banks ahead of orders waiting list before closing, and will continue pending entire weekend before 9:00 Monday. 

It is a clear way to remove money from people and traders for the benefit of the banks and prevent their loss or increase their gains as traders remain unable to sell or sell off, or malcomprando at a time of extreme tension continues observation margin required for operation informed.
It is an offense but with the virus and electronic blackout may never supported and will even light. 

Technically it has never happened, not even the official regulator can find manipulation in a blackout because every second is vital and can appear and disappear, or anticipate millions of unknown orders on other orders.
These practices are doing many years and especially the closing and opening of markets, and especially on Fridays. 

The CNMV always denies it, is not attending one of these reviews but can be observed in real-time quotes especially in the last 20 minutes and that many sell orders or changing the price manage to run down. 

Always they have the excuse that there were other lower with more volume and better price also not finished running.
The  regulator  in the case of Spain is the CNMV, but we already know about the lack of neutrality that a public body serving banking.
The inventor of software placements were two French colonels Intelligence flights, bookings and cancellations and overbooking; software system that adopted the mega AMADEUS operator, but this, improved, improved and more advanced modified system is being used in bag in all world stock markets from banks.
He denounced US financial senior executive a few years ago, but until the video is gone. It was used mainly for the NASDAQ and DOW JONES.
This means that you can enter purchase orders or sales as required ahead of the tail of a cluster of orders from individuals leaving these "offside" and taking advantage of the news and trends last minute, leaving "offside "the rest of particular operations. 

Although it prohibited and punishable benefit from information  confidential in reality no persecution or punishment is not applied, because the authors are always members of the same listed companies with insider trading and banking - related controlling bags.
On the other hand it is also prohibited but not market manipulation with the placement of millions of euros purchase or sale of a value to influence the intentions of other sales purchase pursued.
Bill Gross for  :

"The Federal Reserve, with interest rates in the basement of the bargain and printer money always waiting, is manipulating financial markets and crushing capitalism, the bank said Bond Bill Gross in his latest attack on the central bank US.
In a letter to customers, Gross addressed directly to the president of the Fed, Janet Yellen, saying that policies has driven "have delayed the long-term pain for the benefit of short-term gains."
Criticisms come as the  Fed is pondering whether to raise interest rates after years of keeping them anchored in efforts to stimulate the economy and create inflation. Instead, he said  Gross, the Fed has simply inflated asset prices while actually harms the economy.
Yellen  and other global central bankers "all have mastered the art of market manipulation and no - that's not an unpleasant accusation - it is a fact thatMs. Yellen.  And other central bankers plead guilty to more than a cocktail in Jackson Hole or any other set of PhD economists who have lost their way ,"wrote Gross ".
The Federal Reserve, With its bargain-basement interest rates and money printer always on standby, is Manipulating financial markets and crushing capitalism, bond king Bill Gross Said In His latest broadside against the US Central Bank.
In a letter to clients, Gross Fed Chair Janet Yellen addresses Directly, saying the policies she has pushed "have deferred long-term pain for the benefit of short-term gain."
The Criticisms eat as the Fed is weighing Whether to raise interest rates after years of keeping them anchored in Efforts to Stimulate the economy and create inflation. Instead, Gross Said, the Fed has inflated prices Merely whos asset while harming the economy.
Yellen and other global central bankers "All have mastered the art of market manipulation and no - that's not an unkind accusation - it's one in fact That Ms. Yellen and central other bankers would plead guilty to over a cocktail at Jackson Hole or any other get together of PhD economists Who Have lost their way, "Gross wrote.
Millonarios share secrets strategies.

"The pound  may be  the Swiss franc next.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...