, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : It was necessary to destroy evil large libraries, as these may have contributed greatly to our awakening



It was necessary to destroy evil large libraries, as these may have contributed greatly to our awakening

The wall of Jose Luis Martinez Garcia 

was necessary to burn all the great libraries of antiquity; It was a necessity for those who control the Matrix Holographic Earth, since otherwise we would have realized that similar myths and hoaxes like many thousands of years contrived done in order to keep us guilty and tied to beliefs repeat that we reduce to almost nothing. It was necessary to destroy them lest we would realize that we are the creators of the stage in which we and the matter that makes up the total scenario.
Whenever we were immersed in conditions of very hard existence and with little means to be able to grow spiritually came to us a few teachers who left his teaching a few lessons in accordance with the Universal Laws, and this occurred for tens of thousands of years. These teachings were collected in books through all ages; chances are that these teachings were distorted by agents of Darkness, as has been happening always someone was deceived and became agent of this, but still had seen some keys that are repeated, similar deceptions.
  It was necessary to destroy evil large libraries, as these may have contributed greatly to our awakening, which is unacceptable for them, for that had escaped them without being able to hold us. If we realize our inner power and the material and spiritual scenario that we find we can change according to our level of knowledge and our level of preparedness in the spiritual, apart from not return to this type of scenario for exceeding the necessary tests, those remaining would be like a sterile field for them, they do not produce something they need in abundance to survive: the vibrations of fear.
This knowledge is hidden also in caves and remote places to which we should find and we realized scams to our control, but the trouble is that when prints are that could us open our eyes, coming soon with the excuse studying them are the bad guys and they are the ones who hide and make them disappear from view. Most of these engravings, from very remote times sometimes contain mostly simple drawings that tell us about the scams of the hidden elite, because the drawings are timeless, while the word may have completely changed over time until it becomes indecipherable, because the various languages ​​are also needed for the hidden scams to separate us and so we understand each other elite.
Clearly, true knowledge is we nixed, at least until we demand, and most of us it is impossible demands it while trapped by nothing, that is, for hobbies, for leisure, for mass sports , by the deceptions of religion, politics *, etc. 

El Libertario
Note: When the Flood try the drawings, this does not mean that there was no flood, as there have been many, and these are repeated in accordance with the large solar cycles (times of Universal Harvest), but the thymus is always telling us that all animals and some of us will be saved in a large barge; but we hide the mountain tops were never meet, much to tell us yes (think: where could leave enough water to cover all the tops of the Earth at once?); They never tell us the preservation of human and animal species by our space brothers, who often help with their ships to preserve life on Earth and which replanted life

* all control the same, both calls right and the left, because they created both capitalism as we know it like Communism, as it was implemented; they buy wills with their wealth and many of us choose to sell and act selfishly, because all forms of selfishness is a betrayal of his fellow result of this lack of knowledge and Universal Laws that characterizes 

Images: various myths, scams elite hidden, found in tablets in caves and remote places (those shown are caves Burrows and tablets of Michigan, all uS and before our era, although, of course, they will say they are not before our era and is something false)

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