
19 de octubre de 2018

Trump’s Administration Has Been Briefed About UFOs; According To Steven Greer

donald trump

What do presidents know about UFOs? Well, if you’re an avid researcher of the topic, you’ve probably realized by now that presidents don’t really have a “need to know” about these things. The “military-industrial complex” that Eisenhower spoke of, which has become as uncontrollably powerful as he feared, has completely taken over operations that not even the president knows about. Many from within political realms who’ve held esteemed positions have spoken out about this fact.
Take Paul Hellyer for example, a former Canadian Defense Minister, who gave lecture at the University of Toronto in 2008 where he said it is “ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in your own backyard.” He was referring to black budget special access programs, which receive no oversight from Congress. This means that not even the government knows about the developments happening in this area, all for “national security” purposes.
It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects which both congress and the commander in chief know nothing about.
To The Stars Academy
It’s almost 2019, and the topic of UFOs has exploded into the mainstream, especially with former rock superstar Tom Delonge gathering defense intelligence officials, world-renowned scientists and more to relay this information to the public via the ‘To The Stars Academy.’ They’ve already released multiple videos of UFOs, and have publicly stated that there are programs within the government that study this phenomenon.
They have Luis Elizondo, a former director of a government ‘aerospace threat identification’ program. This was all disclosed via establishment mouthpieces like the New York Times and the Washington Post. They’ve also admitted to recovering materials from these ‘unidentified’ objects. You can read the latest updates about what’s going on with that and mainstream UFO disclosure, in general, below.
Black Budget Projects
The black budget is something we easily get information about, and for those who try to bring out information it is difficult to investigate. One example is the efforts of journalists Dana Priest and William Arkin of the Washington Post in 2010. Their investigation lasted approximately two years and concluded that America’s classified world has “become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, and how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.” You can read more about that, and see more examples, in this CE article.
Here is one of many statements from people who have been “in the know” so to speak. There are thousands of verified quotes on this subject, and we now have the electro-optical data and evidence to back up all of this witness testimony.
We have, indeed, been contacted – perhaps even visited – by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public. (Second Look, Volume 1, No 7, Washington, DC, May, 1979)
What are the intentions of the cabal when it comes to UFO disclosure? We’ve been lied to about so many things by them, that it’s become hard to believe anything we hear from mainstream mouthpieces. Presidents George Bush and Barack Obama, who I believe are establishment puppets, have brought up the subject, acknowledged it, but have refused to share any information on it. They did so in cryptic, often comedic ways on popular television, on the Jimmy Kimmel show. It’s hard to know what to make of their comments, or even their overall knowledge about this.
So What About Trump?
Has Donald Trump been briefed? Yes he has, according to Dr. Steven Greer. Greer is the founder of The Disclosure Project, an initiative that has brought forth hundreds of military/defense/political personnel from all over the world, with verified credentials, to publicly share their testimony about their experiences with UFOs and extraterrestrials. He also released a film last year, called “Unacknowledged.” It was one of the most popular, if not the most popular film on Itunes & Netflix in 2017. It’s highly recommended if you are new to this subject and don’t already know much about it.
Greer has amassed great credibility for his claims. For example, many years ago he claimed to have had meetings at the Pentagon with some very high-ranking people. After this, Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell admitted that he also attended these meetings with Greer. What came out of these meetings is that not many people knew the details of this topic, nor wanted to discuss it. Wikileaks documents have also been released which saw astronaut Edgar Mitchell communicate with US politician John Podesta. You can access those documents and read more about them here.
He’s been able to develop relationships with individuals he has interviewed from various branches and ranks of the military as well as within the intelligence and defence communities.
In my opinion, Podesta, Clinton, Obama and Bush are all cabal puppets. Therefore, anything they say about terrorism, national security, or UFOs, is probably lathered up with some ‘disinformation’ soap. Without this point, if we completely disregard it, there is still more than enough evidence to show that they are simply following the will of their masters. But that’s a topic for another article, back to UFOs!
Greer says he has briefed people close to Trump about the UFO/extraterrestrial issue in this interview. He has also claimed to have briefed past presidents, like Obama and Clinton, and provides those documents on his website, Sirius Disclosure. It seems credible, especially when his claim to have had high-level meetings within the Pentagon was verified by Dr. Edgar Mitchell.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has so far not answered any questions that have been asked about UFOs. Will There Ever Be A Full Mainstream UFO Disclosure?
Given the fact that this topic seems to be controlled by a small group of very powerful people who gets to decide what humanity can and can’t know, I’d say that as long as this group maintains power, the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings will be hidden from humanity in official channels. A censorship plan has also been spoken about for years by those within. Roscoe Hiellenkoetter, the first director of the CIA, for example, pointed out decades ago in the New York Times that, “through an official campaign of secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” He went on to state that they are operating under intelligent control.
That being said, there is a serious effort by multiple nations, and perhaps those within this power structure as well, to reveal these truths to humanity. This is evident by all of the whistle-blowers with verified credentials who have shared their experiences, as well as the release of evidence in the form of radar trackings and electro-optical data.. There is a serious push for mainstream disclosure, this can’t be denied and is quite evident by the article linked earlier. Establishment mouthpieces are slowly disclosing this reality.
In 1979 Spanish General Carlos Cavero told the world the following:
“Everything in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world. The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon an international exchange of data.” (via Richard Dolan, “UFOs & The National Security State”)
Why Any Disclosure At All?
Why would the New York Times, CNN and the rest of them share any of this truth? Can we believe what they say? Perhaps not everything they say is false, but for years we’ve seen major geopolitical issues completely twisted by the mainstream media, and evidence of ‘perception manipulation’ that is fostered by their close relationship with US intelligence agencies. There is also the testimony of multiple award-winning mainstream media journalists who emphasize how mainstream media outlets are paid by governments, corporations and intelligence agencies to present a specific narrative.
Is the establishment trying to lay the foundation for a ‘war against aliens’ like they made a ‘war against drugs’ and a ‘war terror?’ Or are we seeing the white hats within these groups push for the disclosure of information? All this remains to be seen, but we must understand why this topic would be extremely difficult to disclose and to be honest, it’s probably a mix of both.
For one, you have the energy question. These crafts are clearly not using petroleum. Have we harvested technology from these crafts? If released, what would that mean for the oil industry and our economy? Who would benefit, who would lose? What about the historical questions, the scientific questions? What about our laws of science and what we understand about ourselves and perhaps human origin? What about the idea that there are intelligent extraterrestrials surveying, visiting, and interacting with people here on Earth!
Tremendous Implications
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the disclosure of this information leaves no area of humanity untouched. As you can imagine, it has tremendous implications and it’s something that would change the world forever. I am sure the existence of extraterrestrials and the fact that we’ve been visited and are being visited, is not even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to discovery.
Most important will be the impact on consciousness, the deeper investigation into metaphysical realities, and the validation of non-material science. One can expect that disclosure will impact our understanding of who we are and why we are here, and perhaps there is some sort of spiritual lesson to be reaped from the realization that we are not the only ones. There is a CE podcast featuring CE founder Joe Martino, myself, and a “contactee” who discuss this exact topic. You can listen to that, it’s linked at the bottom of this article, for more information.
The Takeaway
Humanity is just now waking up, and ready to take the steps necessary to move out of infancy. Understand “them” will help us to understand ourselves. We are all connected in some strange form, and the future is exciting. It’s a topic that, most importantly, we DON’T have to be afraid of or react to with fear, despite the fact that that this type of reaction seems to have been programmed into us. We need to deprogram ourselves from what Hollywood has presented us with, and start to examine the actual evidence and what’s really going on here.
I don’t believe you have to be afraid to discuss or talk about this topic with your peers and your family anymore. It’s no longer taboo, and the more we speak up, speak out, and generate discussion, the closer we get to finding out what’s really going on. It’s definitely an exciting time to be alive.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice

Los Arcturianos: Comunicación Inter-Dimensional

Consejo Arcturiano Era de la Luz Dot Com

  • "Saludos. Somos el Consejo Arcturiano. Estamos encantados de conectar con todos ustedes.

Hemos comenzado a experimentar los efectos de nuestras transmisiones en todos ustedes, y estamos muy satisfechos con lo que podemos percibir desde aquí en la novena dimensión. Nos complace ver que la mayoría de ustedes que están recibiendo estas transmisiones son capaces de integrar no solo las palabras, sino también las energías que se infunden en ellas. Esto nos muestra que está listo para más, y siempre estamos interesados ​​en darle más.
Ahora, no somos los únicos seres que están haciendo esto. Hay una red completa de seres aquí en lo no físico, y también estamos conectados con otros seres en lo físico. Nuestra red luego se sincroniza con la Tierra y el sol para crear una red tan magnífica para que todos ustedes puedan descansar, como una de sus hamacas. Descansar y recibir son componentes clave para su evolución. No se trata de hacer en este punto. Ya has hecho suficiente.
Ahora, a medida que continúe recibiendo de todos nosotros en esta red, notará que se vuelve más fácil de transmitir a los demás seres humanos, los que aún están dormidos, porque actuará en nuestro nombre y lo sabemos. como llegar a ellos Pero claro, necesitamos tu ayuda. No lo podemos hacer solos. Ustedes son los que conviven con los que aún no se han despertado, por lo que saben mejor cómo entregar lo que estamos transmitiendo.
Usted sabe cómo hacer que lo que le estamos dando sea accesible para ellos, y sabe cómo hacerlo, ya sea que se dé cuenta o no. Verá, este canal que está hablando por nosotros en este momento no es el único de ustedes que actúa como conducto. Tanto si habla palabras como si no, todos transmiten energía, y el resto del colectivo se beneficia enormemente de lo que ha podido recibir, integrar y ahora transmitir. Estamos muy orgullosos de todos ustedes.
Somos el Consejo Arcturiano, y hemos disfrutado conectándonos con usted ".
»  Fuente » Canal: Daniel Scranton

Copyright © misteri1963 Todos los derechos reservados. Puede copiar y distribuir este artículo siempre que no lo modifique de ninguna manera, el contenido permanezca completo, se le dé crédito al autor y esta URL se incluya https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com y el Aviso de Copyright

The Arcturians: Inter-Dimensional Communication

Arcturian Council Era of Light Dot Com

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to experience the effects of our transmissions on all of you, and we are very satisfied with what we can perceive from here in the ninth dimension. We are happy to see that most of you who are receiving these transmissions are able to integrate not only the words, but also the energies that are infused into them. This shows us that you are ready for more, and we are always interested in giving you more.
Now, we are not the only beings who are doing this. There is an entire network of beings here in the non-physical, and we are connected to other beings in the physical as well. Our network then synchs up with the Earth and the sun to create such a magnificent web for all of you to rest in, much like one of your hammocks. Resting and receiving are key components to your evolution. It’s not about the doing at this point. You have done enough.
Now, as you continue to receive from all of us in this network, you are going to notice that it becomes easier to transmit to the other humans, the ones who are still asleep, because you will be acting on our behalf, and we know how to reach them. But of course, we need your help. We cannot do it alone. You are the ones who are living side by side with those who have yet to awaken, and so, you know better how to deliver what we are transmitting.
You know how to make what we are giving you accessible to them, and you know how to do this whether you realize it or not. You see, this channel who is speaking for us right now is not the only of you who is acting as a conduit. Whether you speak words or not, you are all transmitting energy, and the rest of the collective is benefitting greatly from what you have been able to receive, integrate, and now transmit. We are very proud of all of you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
» Source » Channel: Daniel Scranton

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice

Los ataques de Trump a la Fed podrían ser contraproducentes

altnews eraoflight

Los ataques del presidente Donald Trump a la Reserva Federal podrían ser contraproducentes si el banco central se mueve más agresivamente para probar su independencia, según el ex vicepresidente de la Fed, Stanley Fischer. En última instancia, Fischer dijo que el banco central probablemente se apegará a su plan de alzas constantes pero graduales.
El ataque del presidente Donald Trump a los funcionarios de la Reserva Federal por elevar las tasas de interés podría ser contraproducente si las opiniones del ex vicepresidente del banco central son correctas.
Stanley Fischer, quien también fue gobernador en el Banco de Israel, dijo el jueves que la Fed podría estar tentada de subir las tasas de manera aún más agresiva para demostrar que no puede ser influenciada por la Casa Blanca.
"No creo que sea de ninguna ayuda, incluso si él piensa eso. La Fed intentará demostrar que es totalmente independiente políticamente y no va a reaccionar a eso ", dijo Fischer a Sara Eisen de CNBC durante una entrevista de Squawk on the Street ".
"Entonces la pregunta es, ¿qué hacen para demostrar que no están reaccionando? Podrían ir de cualquier manera ”, agregó. "Probablemente podrían subir las tasas más rápido, que no es lo que él está buscando exactamente".
En última instancia, la Reserva Federal probablemente continuará con lo que cree que es el mejor curso de acción independientemente y no tratará de hacer ninguna declaración filosófica, dijo Fischer, quien se desempeñó en el banco desde 2014-17.
"Creo que este es un consejo altamente profesional. "La junta de la Fed fue elegida muy bien por la administración, y es un buen grupo de personas que harán lo que saben que tienen que hacer", dijo. "Tienen que hacer un juicio profesional y eso debería ser lo que debería ser la tasa de interés y debería ser totalmente independiente de la presión política".
El Comité Federal de Mercado Abierto de la formulación de políticas ha estado subiendo las tasas de manera gradual pero constante desde fines de 2015, con el aumento más reciente en septiembre. Los funcionarios de la Reserva Federal han dicho que buscan normalizar las tasas para evitar las presiones inflacionarias y garantizar la estabilidad financiera.
Trump ha atacado al banco central en múltiples ocasiones, y recientemente dijo que el aumento de las tasas es la "mayor amenaza" para el auge económico durante su administración.
Más temprano en el día, el ex presidente de la Fed, Alan Greenspan, dijo a CNBC que los actuales funcionarios de la Fed deberían "ponerse orejeras" e ignorar la presión política. Agregó que escuchó de los presidentes "todo el tiempo" sobre lo que debería ser la política monetaria.
Fischer estuvo de acuerdo con el consejo de Greenspan y dijo que la Fed no debería retroceder en el camino de la política actual.
"El gran problema es que hay retrasos en este proceso. Subes las tasas de interés ahora debido a la inflación que temes en el futuro. Así que es muy fácil decir que siempre, sí, son prematuros ", dijo. "Bueno, es mejor que sean prematuros.

Copyright © misteri1963 Todos los derechos reservados. Puede copiar y distribuir este artículo siempre que no lo modifique de ninguna manera, el contenido permanezca completo, se le dé crédito al autor y esta URL se incluya https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com y el Aviso de Copyright

Trump’s Attacks on Fed Could Backfire

altnews eraoflight

President Donald Trump’s attacks on the Federal Reserve could backfire if the central bank moves more aggressively to prove its independence, according to former Fed Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer. Ultimately, Fischer said the central bank likely will stick to its plan of steady but gradual hikes.
President Donald Trump‘s lambasting of Federal Reserve officials for raising interest rates could backfire if the views of the central bank’s former vice chairman are correct.
Stanley Fischer, who also was a governor on the Bank of Israel, said Thursday that the Fed might be tempted to raise rates even more aggressively to show that it can’t be influenced by the White House.
“I don’t think it helps at all, even if he thinks that. The Fed is going to try to demonstrate it’s totally independent politically and it’s not going to react to that,” Fischer told CNBC’s Sara Eisen during a “Squawk on the Street” interview.
“Then the question is, what do they do to show they’re not reacting? They could go either way,” he added. “They could probably raise rates faster, which is not what he is exactly looking for.”
Ultimately, the Fed likely will proceed with what it thinks is the best course of action regardless and not try to make any philosophical statements, said Fischer, who served on the bank from 2014-17.
“I believe this is a highly professional board. The Fed’s board was chosen very well by the administration, and it’s a good group of people and they will do what they know they have to do,” he said. “They have to make a professional judgment and that should be what the interest rate should be and it should be totally independent of political pressure.”
The policymaking Federal Open Market Committee has been raising rates in a gradual but steady manner since late-2015, with the most recent increase coming in September. Fed officials have said they are seeking to normalize rates to head off inflationary pressures and to ensure financial stability.
Trump has lashed out at the central bank on multiple occasions, most recently saying that rising rates are the “biggest threat” to the economic boom during his administration.
Earlier in the day, former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan told CNBC that current Fed officials should “put earmuffs on” and ignore the political pressure. He added that he heard from presidents “all the time” about what monetary policy should be.
Fischer agreed with Greenspan’s advice and said the Fed should not back down from the current policy path.
“The big problem is there are lags in this process. You raise interest rates now because of inflation you fear down the road. So it’s very easy to say always, yeah, they’re premature,” he said. “Well, they better be premature.

Matthew Ward: Matters at Hand

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by addressing the two matters of most concern to readers—first, mandatory vaccinations for children. Extraterrestrial special forces scientists are neutralizing to the extent possible the toxins in vaccines; nevertheless, continued opposition to vaccinating children as a prerequisite for their attending school is necessary to end this practice that has caused an autism-like condition in many children. Bodies’ chemistry and immune systems are stressed by mercury, and youngsters who are especially vulnerable sustain neurological damage that results in symptoms very similar to autism, which is a very rare condition. Opposition can be reinforced by declining inoculations advised by healthcare professionals who are rewarded by vaccine manufacturers or believe the false claim that “preventive” flu shots and a raft of others are necessary public health measures.
We add that vaccines, like the first pharmaceuticals, were developed for beneficial purposes. Any innovation that is designed to be of benefit can be adapted for malevolent purposes, and that is what the Illuminati have done at every stage of the civilization’s progress.
The other matter is the 5G wireless technology that offers highly accelerated speed and broader bandwidth. This new generation of communication service still is in development and market-testing stages, and universal family members are reducing the emissions’ impact on bodies of the relatively few people who are exposed; when devices are in mass production, those members will expand their technological assistance accordingly. A significant factor is the amount of light in a body—the more light, the higher the vibratory rate, and the less the body is affected by emissions.
As the society learns the facts about vaccines and the effect those emissions can have on bodies’ electrical systems, by public demand unnecessary vaccinations will be stopped and all electronic equipment and devices will be designed with safety-to-health as the foremost consideration.
In previous messages we addressed readers’ issues with US President Trump in simple statements acknowledging his lack of presidential qualifications and sound judgment and that he was reversing his country’s progress. The following excerpts from some of the many similar reactions to our last message show that you want explanations and we need to offer them.
“His behavior just does not seem to jibe with the persona of someone who is attempting the important work of dismantling the Illuminati.” “He doesn’t appear to care about anyone but himself. Could Matthew please explain this?” “Trump is a pathological liar. Why would anyone in that international group trust him?” “Please ask Matthew to expound on that man in the white house.” “Our president seems mighty far from ‘the light’ in words and actions. How come this is not addressed?” “If Matthew is going to put Donald Trump forward as someone who is working to topple the evil ones and lead us into the light, he owes us an explanation for how such an extremely odious human being could be tasked with such a world-changing responsibility.”
“What I can’t understand is why anyone voted for that narcissist, misogynist, racist liar who’s pompous and crude to boot. From the minute he started campaigning, it was obvious what kind of person he is.” “If Matthew feels it is for the highest good, could he please address this contrast we are seeing in all the actions Donald Trump has done that are destructive to so many of the programs that help the environment and the health and well-being of our US citizens?” “I cannot understand how Americans could elect a man like Donald Trump to be their president.” “Could you please explain to me how he can be so opposite of loving energy for our world and still for putting the Illuminati down.” “Trump is a very disgusting man who has CAUSED a lot of anger and divisions in the country. Why was such a morally bankrupt man chosen to be in this position? It doesn’t make sense.” “I really want to feel a trust for this country’s political leadership but find so much of it wanting for integrity. Who do we trust?”
First we say, our love for Donald Trump is unconditional, as it is for all other souls on Earth. As we respond to those questions and comments, it will be without judgment or criticism of him, but rather a straightforward account of what we know.
When he entered the presidential race, he lacked the support base that the other candidates had. To build a base, he made promises he knew would appeal to principals in the fossil fuel and banking industries who wanted regulations on their enterprises eliminated; the wealthy and corporate heads who wanted lower tax rates; individuals who wanted their religious convictions to be the laws of the land; those who did not want immigrants in the country; and the many people who felt their government ignored them while enabling others to prosper. Enacting laws and policies that would please voters across that spectrum was directly in line with Mr. Trump’s goal, to undo everything he could that the previous administration had accomplished.
As far as we know, he’s not familiar with the name Illuminati—his “crooked Hillary” was, like “drain the swamp” and “build the wall,” a slogan he devised to attract and retain the support of like-minded citizens. Although he was right about “crooked,” he had no evidence to substantiate that until recently, and we are aware that he wants her “locked up” so he can say “I told you so.” While that self-serving reason is not admirable, it has no bearing at all on why he is included in the international group working to end all Illuminati activity—as stated in our last message, it is the presidential office he holds. We are aware, too, that while others in the group treat him with the dignity accorded heads of state, they have little respect for him and are prudent about what they reveal. But they know his cooperation is essential—he is the leader of the country where most of the peak Illuminati are citizens and must be dealt with within its justice system.
The “persona” Donald Trump. His egocentricity, truth-twisting boastfulness about himself and his achievements, and appointing persons whose flattery of him often exceeds their competency stem from deep-seated insecurity and need for approval, childhood feelings that intensified as the years passed. During the fleeting moments when those feelings emerge, his fear and confusion result in a repetitive phrase, a slurred or wrong word, or gestures. To disguise his brief lapses of loss of control, he intentionally repeats phrases or gestures so they always appear to be for emphasis; however, his mental processes are not as keen as they once were.
To love and respect others, first one must love and respect self, and, contrary to public perception, Donald Trump does not have those feelings for himself—that is why he can’t feel love or respect, empathy, gratitude, compassion, forgiveness or concern for others. Instead, he is driven to win, to succeed, to control, to obtain and maintain, and he doesn’t let laws or ethics interfere with attaining his objective. To be sure, he is not unique in that regard—it is that his widely publicized wealth, business ventures, relationships, and now, the presidency, have kept him in the spotlight. And he is afraid of losing that. Beneath his public bravado and self-assurance is fear of loss, and there is no light in fear.
Trust is earned, and if individuals act in ways that do not engender your trust, they don’t deserve it. Let that be so, and put your trust where it is deserved: your intuition, instinct, conscience, inspiration and aspirations. Living in accordance with the soul’s guidance evokes a sense of inner peacefulness even when circumstances are not satisfactory.
And now, dear family, please let’s put to rest this issue of misgivings about the United States president. We are not saying those feelings are unjustified! But a far better direction for your energy is into light-filled thoughts and feelings. The light, the same energy as love, that is within each of you is the power that is transforming your world.
“It seems impossible to destroy the cabal by ourselves. If extraterrestrials are going to help us like you and other channeled messengers said, what are they waiting for?” Extraterrestrial family on the planet and in ships surrounding it have been helping you all along in all the ways they are permitted. They cannot interfere with anyone’s free will except to prevent attempts to start a nuclear war, which is by Creator’s decree, or to cause pandemics, which is by God’s honoring Gaia’s free will choice.
There is another consideration here. Earth is the homeland of the civilization there, and by universal law, it is their right and responsibility to manifest the kind of world they want. However, in this unprecedented time in the universe, other civilizations have been authorized to assist Earth’s peoples, and you volunteered to help them realize that they have the power to make their world the way they want it to be. At soul level they do know this—the realization that is still nebulous on a conscious level will become clearer as the vibratory rate continues accelerating.
Even without consciously knowing their innate power, their progress is praiseworthy, and your steadfastness in the light has been an invaluable contribution. Think of the myriad grassroots movements that are improving conditions in villages and cities around the world; finding ingenious resolutions to challenges in healthcare, education, communication and multicultural relationships; preserving the environment; treating animals humanely; expanding philanthropic assistance and humanitarian aid. All of those achievements have been chipping away at cabal-perpetuated impoverishment, destruction, bigotry and violence; and the aforementioned international group is working to hold the cabal, the Illuminati, accountable for their crimes against humanity.
Crews will land with their technologies and extraterrestrials living among you will introduce themselves, that is certain, but it isn’t likely to happen until after the cabal’s global network is destroyed. God is in charge of the timing of the occasion commonly called Disclosure, and the determining factor is assurance of safety for everyone. That will come with the elimination of threats from forces still under Illuminati command and a civilization that is ready to meet strangers from other worlds. Rising vibrations are aiding in the riddance of all dark activity and are preparing Earth’s peoples consciously and spiritually for the momentous day of greeting other members of the universal family.
Beloved sisters and brothers, light beings throughout this universe support you with unconditional love and honor your dedicated service to Gaia and her civilization.
Suzanne Ward

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice

Matthew Ward: asuntos a la mano

hacia adelante
Con saludos amorosos de todas las almas en esta estación, este es Mateo. Comencemos por abordar los dos temas que más preocupan a los lectores: primero, las vacunas obligatorias para niños. Los científicos de las fuerzas especiales extraterrestres están neutralizando en la medida de lo posible las toxinas en las vacunas; sin embargo, la continua oposición a la vacunación de los niños como un requisito previo para asistir a la escuela es necesaria para poner fin a esta práctica que ha causado una condición similar al autismo en muchos niños. La química de los cuerpos y los sistemas inmunológicos están estresados ​​por el mercurio, y los jóvenes que son especialmente vulnerables sufren daños neurológicos que producen síntomas muy similares al autismo, que es una condición muy rara.
Añadimos que las vacunas, como los primeros productos farmacéuticos, se desarrollaron con fines beneficiosos. Cualquier innovación que esté diseñada para ser beneficiosa puede adaptarse a fines malévolos, y eso es lo que los Illuminati han hecho en cada etapa del progreso de la civilización.
La otra cuestión es la tecnología inalámbrica 5G que ofrece una velocidad muy acelerada y un ancho de banda más amplio. Esta nueva generación de servicios de comunicación aún se encuentra en etapas de desarrollo y pruebas de mercado, y los miembros de la familia universal están reduciendo el impacto de las emisiones en los cuerpos de las relativamente pocas personas que están expuestas; cuando los dispositivos están en producción en masa, esos miembros ampliarán su asistencia tecnológica en consecuencia. Un factor importante es la cantidad de luz en un cuerpo: cuanto más luz, mayor es la velocidad vibratoria y menos el cuerpo se ve afectado por las emisiones.
A medida que la sociedad se entera de los hechos acerca de las vacunas y el efecto que pueden tener esas emisiones en los sistemas eléctricos de los cuerpos, por la demanda pública se interrumpirán las vacunas innecesarias y todos los equipos y dispositivos electrónicos se diseñarán con la seguridad para la salud como la principal consideración.
En mensajes anteriores, abordamos los problemas de los lectores con el presidente Trump de EE. UU. En declaraciones simples que reconocían su falta de calificaciones presidenciales y buen juicio y que estaba invirtiendo el progreso de su país. Los siguientes extractos de algunas de las muchas reacciones similares a nuestro último mensaje muestran que usted desea explicaciones y debemos ofrecerlas.
"Su comportamiento no parece coincidir con la personalidad de alguien que está intentando el importante trabajo de desmantelar a los Illuminati". " No parece preocuparse por nadie más que por él mismo. ¿Podría Matthew explicar esto? "" Trump es un mentiroso patológico. ¿Por qué alguien de ese grupo internacional confiaría en él? "" Por favor, pídale a Matthew que explique a ese hombre en la casa blanca "." Nuestro presidente parece poderoso lejos de "la luz" en palabras y acciones. ¿Cómo es que no se aborda esto? "" Si Matthew va a presentar a Donald Trump como alguien que está trabajando para derrocar a los malvados y guiarnos a la luz, nos debe una explicación de cómo un ser humano tan extremadamente odioso podría ser. encargado de una responsabilidad tan cambiante del mundo ".
"Lo que no puedo entender es por qué alguien votó por ese narcisista, misógino, mentiroso racista que es pomposo y grosero. Desde el momento en que comenzó a hacer campaña, era obvio qué tipo de persona es "." Si Matthew cree que es por el bien supremo, ¿podría abordar este contraste que estamos viendo en todas las acciones que Donald Trump ha hecho que son destructivas para ¿Cuántos de los programas que ayudan al medio ambiente, a la salud y al bienestar de nuestros ciudadanos estadounidenses? "" No puedo entender cómo los estadounidenses podrían elegir a un hombre como Donald Trump para que sea su presidente "." ¿Podría explicarme cómo él? puede ser tan opuesto a la energía amorosa para nuestro mundo y aún así para derribar a los Illuminati ”.“ Trump es un hombre muy asqueroso que ha provocado mucha ira y divisiones en el país. ¿Por qué se eligió a un hombre tan moralmente en bancarrota para estar en esta posición? No tiene sentido "." Tengo muchas ganas de sentir confianza para el liderazgo político de este país, pero me parece que falta mucha integridad. ¿En quién confiamos?
Primero decimos, nuestro amor por Donald Trump es incondicional, como lo es para todas las demás almas en la Tierra. A medida que respondemos a esas preguntas y comentarios, no lo juzgaremos ni lo criticaremos, sino más bien una explicación directa de lo que sabemos.
Cuando entró en la carrera presidencial, carecía de la base de apoyo que tenían los otros candidatos. Para construir una base, hizo promesas que sabía que serían atractivas para los directores de las industrias bancarias y de combustibles fósiles que querían eliminar las regulaciones sobre sus empresas; los jefes ricos y corporativos que querían tasas de impuestos más bajas; individuos que querían que sus convicciones religiosas fueran las leyes de la tierra; los que no querían inmigrantes en el país; y las muchas personas que sintieron que su gobierno los ignoró mientras permitían que otros prosperaran. La promulgación de leyes y políticas que complacerían a los votantes de todo el espectro estaba directamente en línea con la meta del Sr. Trump: deshacer todo lo que pudiera el gobierno anterior.
Por lo que sabemos, no está familiarizado con el nombre Illuminati: su "Hillary torcida" era, como "drenar el pantano" y "construir el muro", un eslogan que ideó para atraer y retener el apoyo de ciudadanos de ideas afines. Aunque tenía razón acerca de "torcido", no tenía pruebas que lo confirmaran hasta hace poco, y somos conscientes de que la quiere "encerrada" para que pueda decir "Te lo dije". Si bien esa razón de autoservicio no es admirable, no tiene ninguna relación con la razón por la que está incluido en el grupo internacional que trabaja para poner fin a todas lasactividades de los Illuminati; como se indicó en nuestro último mensaje, es la oficina presidencialél sostiene. También somos conscientes de que, mientras que otros en el grupo lo tratan con la dignidad otorgada a los jefes de estado, le tienen poco respeto y son prudentes con respecto a lo que revelan. Pero saben que su cooperación es esencial: él es el líder del país donde la mayoría de los Illuminati son ciudadanos y deben ser tratados dentro de su sistema de justicia.
La "persona" de Donald Trump. Su egocentrismo, su jactancia de la verdad acerca de sí mismo y sus logros, y el nombramiento de personas cuyos halagos sobre él a menudo superan su competencia se debe a una profunda inseguridad y necesidad de aprobación, sentimientos infantiles que se intensificaron a medida que pasaban los años. Durante los momentos fugaces en que surgen esos sentimientos, su miedo y confusión dan como resultado una frase repetitiva, una palabra insegura o incorrecta, o gestos. Para disfrazar sus breves lapsos de pérdida de control, intencionalmente repite frases o gestos para que siempre parezcan de énfasis; sin embargo, sus procesos mentales no son tan agudos como antes.
Para amar y respetar a los demás, primero uno debe amarse y respetarse a sí mismo y, contrariamente a la percepción pública, Donald Trump no tiene esos sentimientos por sí mismo, por eso no puede sentir amor o respeto, empatía, gratitud, compasión, perdón. o preocupación por los demás. En cambio, lo impulsan a ganar, a tener éxito, a controlar, a obtener y mantener, y no deja que las leyes o la ética interfieran con el logro de su objetivo. Sin duda, no es el único en ese sentido, es que su riqueza ampliamente publicitada, negocios, relaciones y ahora, la presidencia, lo han mantenido en el centro de atención. Y él tiene miedo de perder eso. Debajo de su bravuconería pública y seguridad en sí mismo está el miedo a la pérdida, y no hay luz en el miedo.
La confianza se gana, y si los individuos actúan de una manera que no engendra su confianza, no la merecen. Que eso sea así, y poner su confianza en que semerecía: su intuición, el instinto, la conciencia, la inspiración y aspiraciones. Vivir de acuerdo con la guía del alma evoca una sensación de paz interior, incluso cuando las circunstancias no son satisfactorias.
Y ahora, querida familia, dejemos de lado este tema de dudas sobre el presidente de los Estados Unidos. Estamos no decir esas sensaciones son injustificadas! Pero una dirección mucho mejor para tu energía es en pensamientos y sentimientos llenos de luz. La luz, la misma energía que el amor, que está dentro de cada uno de ustedes, es el poder que está transformando su mundo.
“Parece imposible destruir la camarilla por nosotros mismos. Si los extraterrestres nos van a ayudar, como usted y otros mensajeros canalizados, ¿qué esperan? ”La familia extraterrestre en el planeta y en los barcos que lo rodean lo ha estado ayudando en todo momento en todas las formas en que están permitidos. No pueden interferir con el libre albedrío de nadie, excepto para evitar los intentos de iniciar una guerra nuclear, que es por decreto del Creador, o para causar pandemias, que es por el hecho de que Dios honra la elección del libre albedrío de Gaia.
Hay otra consideración aquí. La tierra es la patria de la civilización allí, y según la ley universal, es su derecho yresponsabilidad manifestar el tipo de mundo que desean. Sin embargo, en este tiempo sin precedentes en el universo, otras civilizaciones han sido autorizadas para ayudar a los pueblos de la Tierra, y usted se ofreció como voluntario para ayudarlos a darse cuenta de que tienen el poder de hacer de su mundo el modo en que lo desean. A nivel del alma, ellos lo saben: la comprensión que todavía es nebulosa en un nivel consciente se aclarará a medida que la velocidad vibratoria siga acelerándose.
Incluso sin saber conscientemente su poder innato, su progreso es digno de elogio, y su constancia en la luz ha sido una contribución invaluable. Piense en los innumerables movimientos de base que están mejorando las condiciones en pueblos y ciudades de todo el mundo; encontrar soluciones ingeniosas a los desafíos en salud, educación, comunicación y relaciones multiculturales; preservando el medio ambiente; tratar a los animales humanamente; Ampliando la asistencia filantrópica y humanitaria. Todos esos logros han estado destruyendo el empobrecimiento, la destrucción, el fanatismo y la violencia perpetuados por la camarilla; y el mencionado grupo internacional está trabajando para responsabilizar a la camarilla, los Illuminati, por sus crímenes contra la humanidad.
Las tripulaciones aterrizarán con sus tecnologías y los extraterrestres que viven entre ustedes se presentarán, eso es seguro, pero no es probable que suceda hasta que la red global de la camarilla sea destruida. Dios está a cargo del momento de la ocasión comúnmente llamado Divulgación, y el factor determinante es la seguridad de la seguridad de todos. Eso vendrá con la eliminación de amenazas de fuerzas aún bajo el mando de los Illuminati y una civilización que está lista para encontrarse con extraños de otros mundos. Las vibraciones crecientes están ayudando a librarse de toda actividad oscura y están preparando a los pueblos de la Tierra consciente y espiritualmente para el día trascendental de saludar a otros miembros de la familia universal.
Amados hermanos y hermanas, los seres de luz a lo largo de este universo lo apoyan con amor incondicional y honran su dedicado servicio a Gaia y su civilización.
Amor y paz

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18 de octubre de 2018

Las Escrituras del Creador, Usted puede hacerlo

En este momento hay mucho ruido y mucho más. Sólo hay unas pocas vecesen el curso de la historia humana donde las cosas se han "distorsionado" como están ahora. Por favor, no dejes que esto te guarde de tus metas! Has trabajado para el futuro y ahora estás trabajando en ello. Hoy, tómese un momento para detenerse, respirar y escuchar ... permita que la voz del Universo lo guíe y lo apoye en su viaje hacia el amor y la paz. Eres igual al desafío y puedes hacerlo! ~ Creador

The Creator Writings You Can Do It!

Right now there is so much noise and so much chaos going on that it might be hard to hear what direction you should be going.  There are only been a few times in the course of human history where things have become as ‘distorted’ as they are now.  Please do not let this keep you from your goals!  You have worked for and have earned the right to stand where you are now and the work is to continue, dear one.  Today, take a moment to stop, breathe and listen…allow the voice of The Universe to guide and support you in your journey toward love and peace.  You are equal to the challenge and you can do it! ~ Creator

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...