
1 de noviembre de 2018

Choose a totem and discover what your spiritual powers are

Native American tribes and other ancient cultures have used  totems to represent spiritual symbols and identify their tribe. The totems are intended to be protective by nature, and is án here to guide or help your soul's journey.
Follow your instincts and choose the totem that calls you and connects you first. Choosing your totem will tell you the kind of spiritual powers you probably have.

Read on below to find out what your choice reveals about you!

1. Totem Owl

If you choose the owl as your totem, then you are a very peaceful and calm person. By nature, owls can see in the dark; in the same way, you're someone who can see through the lies of someone.
His wise nature has given him a sense of maturity compared to their peers. This kind of old soul and makes you irresistible aura of energy that you emit is amazing.
You can keep your composure in difficult times and are always a welcome relief from the storms of life to those around you.
You possess the soul has existed throughout life. Your inner spirit knows things that others can barely understand. Appreciate your time alone and see the time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

2. Eagle Totem

If you decide to choose the eagle as your totem, then you're the kind of person who is very ambitious and determinative. You are willing to go further, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve the goals you want.
You are someone who is bound to succeed and willing to do whatever the cost.
The eagle choose relentlessly pursue its goal until it reaches. Even after a mission, no time to rest. Your true strength lies in your burning desire to fly beyond the luna.Posees a soul that is the living representation of passion and fire. You're like a guiding star in heaven for those around you.
The spiritual power of the eagle is the fire that burns in your heart. You want to fly above all others as the eagle you are.

3. Totem Ox

If the ox totem is your choice, you are a kind person who would show acts of bravery to danger. With a look of courage and bravery will never stand back.
However, your strength and courage are not obvious to everyone. Keep your occult powers to the time they actually need. Your humility is your determining factor, not your courage.
This choice of totem reveals that possesses a soul that rises and exalts himself by helping others before you. You'd rather be humble and proud successful than a failure.
Your real spiritual strength is your ability to inspire others to be larger. You're a bright future for others to follow suit.

4. Bear Totem

If you decided to choose the bear as your totem, then you're the kind of person who has the need to master the skill set to succeed.
You are someone who can easily control room entering and their presence can only establish respect.
The bear is ready to show strength when others want to hide in fear. Not afraid to take the initiative when others do not make a move.
This choice of totem reveals that your soul knows no fear and do not need help. You're wild and free like the bear. You are ready to destroy anyone willing to threaten your safety.
Your true spiritual power is your ability to realize your will effortlessly. His inner strength is ready to overcome any obstacle and you are the embodiment of strength.

5. Wolf Totem

If you decide to choose the wolf as your totem, then you have a unique personality, to put it mildly.
I'm sure you're a loner, but also trust the herd to seek protection. You are a mix of almost all other totems.
Your mysterious personality is not obvious to everyone. There is a special charm about you that is hidden and only shown if you decide to reveal it.
This collection of totem indicates that you have a soul that lives in the gray area of ​​morality. Nothing is as easy as black and white for you all can become very complex.
His spiritual power is the ability to identify the evil in people and look into their souls like a book. You can see what people try to hide.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, full credit is given to author and included this URL https: // and copyright notice

Escoge un tótem y descubre cuáles son tus poderes espirituales

Las tribus nativas americanas y otras culturas antiguas han usado tótemspara representar símbolos espirituales e identificar a su tribu. Los tótems están destinados a ser protectores por naturaleza, y están aquí para guiarte o ayudar a tu alma en su viaje.
Sigue tus instintos y elige primero el tótem que te llama y conecta contigo. La elección de tu tótem te dirá el tipo de poderes espirituales que probablemente posees.

¡Sigue leyendo a continuación para descubrir lo que tu elección revela sobre ti!

1. Tótem Búho

Si eliges al búho como tu tótem, entonces eres una persona muy tranquila y serena. Por naturaleza, los búhos pueden ver en la oscuridad; de la misma manera, eres alguien que puede ver a través de las mentiras de alguien.
Su sabia naturaleza le ha dado una sensación de madurez en comparación con sus pares. Esta naturaleza de vieja alma te hace irresistible y el aura de energía que emites es increíble.
Puedes mantener la compostura en momentos difíciles y siempre eres un alivio de las tormentas de la vida para los que te rodean.
El alma que posees ha existido durante toda la vida. Tu espíritu interno sabe cosas que otros apenas pueden entender. Aprecias tu tiempo a solas y ves el tiempo lejos del ajetreo y el bullicio de la vida cotidiana.

2. Tótem Águila

Si decidiste escoger el águila como tu tótem, entonces eres el tipo de persona que es muy ambiciosa y determinativa. Estás dispuesto a ir más allá, dispuesto a hacer lo que sea necesario para alcanzar las metas que deseas.
Eres es alguien que está obligado al éxito y dispuesto a lograrlo sin importar el costo.
El águila elige implacablemente perseguir su objetivo hasta que lo alcanza. Incluso después de cumplir una misión, no hay tiempo para descansar. Tu verdadera fuerza reside en tu ardiente deseo de volar más allá de la luna.Posees un alma que es la representación viviente de la pasión y el fuego. Eres como una estrella guía en el cielo para quienes te rodean.
El poder espiritual del águila es el fuego que quema en su corazón. Tú deseas volar por encima de todos los demás como el águila que eres.

3. Tótem Buey

Si el buey es tu tótem de elección, eres una persona amable que mostraría actos de valentía ante el peligro. Con una mirada de valentía y bravura nunca retrocedes.
Sin embargo, tu fuerza y valor no son obvios para todos. Mantienes tus poderes ocultos hasta el momento en que realmente se necesitan. Tu humildad es tu factor determinante, no tu coraje.
Esta elección de tótem revela que posee un alma que se eleva y enaltece al ayudar a otros antes que a ti. Prefieres ser humilde y exitoso que un fracasado orgulloso.
Tu verdadera fuerza espiritual es tu habilidad para inspirar a otros a ser más grandes. Eres un ejemplo brillante para que otros lo sigan.

4. Tótem Oso

Si decidiste elegir al oso como tu tótem, entonces eres el tipo de persona que tiene la necesidad de dominar el conjunto de habilidades para que suceda.
Usted es alguien que puede controlar fácilmente la habitación en la que entra y solo su presencia puede establecer respeto.
El oso está dispuesto a mostrar fortaleza cuando otros quieren esconderse con miedo. No tiene miedo de tomar la iniciativa cuando otros no hacen un movimiento.
Esta elección de tótem revela que tu alma no conoce el miedo y no necesita ayuda. Eres salvaje y libre al igual que el oso. Estás listo para destrozar a cualquiera que esté dispuesto a amenazar tu seguridad.
Tu verdadero poder espiritual es tu habilidad para materializar tu voluntad sin esfuerzo. Su fuerza interior está dispuesta a superar cualquier obstáculo y usted es la encarnación de la fuerza.

5. Tótem Lobo

Si decidiste elegir el lobo como tu tótem, entonces tienes una personalidad única, por decirlo suavemente.
Seguro que eres un solitario, pero también confías en la manada para buscar protección. Eres una mezcla de casi todos los otros tótems.
Tu misteriosa personalidad no es obvia para todos. Hay un encanto especial sobre ti que permanece oculto y solo se muestra si decides revelarlo.
Esta selección de tótem indica que tienes un alma que vive en la zona gris de la moralidad. Nada es tan fácil como blanco y negro para ti y todo puede volverse muy complejo.
Su poder espiritual es la capacidad de identificar el mal en las personas y mirar en sus almas como un libro. Puedes ver lo que las personas intentan esconderte.

Copyright © misteri1963 Todos los derechos reservados. Puede copiar y distribuir este artículo siempre que no lo modifique de ninguna manera, el contenido permanece completo, se otorga crédito al autor y se incluye esta URL https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com y el aviso de copyright


A petición de una lectora vamos a hablar sobre cómo soltar a la Llama Gemela, de forma práctica. Aunque olvidaros de las listas. No os voy a dar ninguna lista sobre cómo soltar a la Llama Gemela. Vamos a ir a la chicha de verdad.

Cuando hablamos de soltar a la Llama Gemela realmente no estamos hablando de soltar a la Llama Gemela. No. No. Y te cuento por qué no hablamos de soltar a la Llama cuando dices que quieres soltar a la Llama.
Siempre has estado unid@ a tu Llama Gemela y eso nunca te ha dado problemas. Oh-ho, no digas que obvio. Escucha (bueno, lee).
Siempre has estado unid@ a tu Llama Gemela porque las Llamas Gemelas son una solaúnica e indivisible entidad energética.
Al ser una unidad, no puedes ni agarrar ni soltar a tu Llama Gemela en tanto en cuanto no puedes ni soltar ni agarrar tus arterias.
No puedes decidir soltar uno de tus pulmones igual que no puedes decidir soltar a tu Llama Gemela. Y espera, porque no estoy diciendo que tengas que no puedas soltar a la Llama Gemela. No. No.
Lo que quiero que hagas es que ubiques realmente a tu Llama Gemela y que te des cuenta que tu Llama Gemela NO es el problema.
Tu Llama Gemela no es el problema porque no te estás aferrando a tu Llama Gemela. Te estás aferrando a la idea que tienes sobre la Llama Gemela. Y aquí quería llegar.


Cuando nos cuesta soltar o fluir con cualquier situación lo que nos sucede realmente es que partimos de la creencia subconsciente que nosotros podemos actuar directamente sobre la situación. Y te lo explico de otra manera…
Te cuesta soltar a la Llama Gemela porque crees que si sueltas a la Llama nunca habrá reunión Llama ¿Me equivoco o no me equivoco?
Pues eso. El problema no es la Llama Gemela ni tampoco es soltar o no soltar.
La cuestión, el trasfondo y la raíz está en creer que todo el peso de la Llama Gemela cae sobre ti. Aunque esa idea sea absolutamente falsa, una parte de ti cree que solo tú puedes hacer que suceda o que no suceda la reuniónEsa creencia es la que te impide soltar a la Llama Gemela.


La forma más rápida de soltar a la Llama Gemela es integrar que:
Tú no controlas el camino de las Llamas Gemelas. Es el Yo Superior quien supervisa todo el proceso. Tu Llama Gemela y tu Yo Superior son aspectos energéticos del mismo modo que tus organos forman parte de tu cuerpo. No puedes separarte de tu Yo Superior ni de tu Llama Gemela igual que no puedes separarte de tus arterias. Tu Yo Superior es el cerebro. Igual que se encarga de hacer que respires, que tu corazón bombee y que tu sangre oxigene tu organos también se encarga de sincronizar el camino de las Llamas Gemelas. Igual que un organismo, recuerda que el camino de las Llamas Gemelas está interconectado a todos los demás aspectos de tu vida. Cada paso que das encaminad@ por el Yo Superior es un paso que das hacia tu Llama Gemela. Sobre lo único que puedes actuar essobre tus pensamientostus sentimientos y tus acciones. No intentes soltar a la Llama Gemela, centra tus energías en cambiar el punto de vista que tienes sobre el camino de las Llamas Gemelas.


Sabrás que has soltado la idea de soltar a la Llama Gemela cuando:
Sientas que el camino de las Llamas Gemelas ES del SER y no hago que hay que hacer. Sepas que el camino de las Llamas Gemelas no depende exclusivamente de ti y que es el Yo Superior quien se encarga de todo. Veas tu vida como una gran red en el que todo está conectado y funcionando de forma armónica.
Porque no te engañes a ti mism@, ahora que sabes que tienes Llama Gemela no vas a dejar de pensar en tu Llama Gemela. La clave es pensarl@ bien

Copyright © misteri1963 Todos los derechos reservados. Puede copiar y distribuir este artículo siempre que no lo modifique de ninguna manera, el contenido permanece completo, se otorga crédito al autor y se incluye esta URL https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com y el aviso de copyright

Pánico, Economía y cultura

"[Los imperios económicos del planeta] tienen miedo de que la humanidad terrestre descubra que existen humanidades en otros planetas que viven en el amor, y que tomen ejemplo de ellas. Por ello ocultan cualquier evidencia de vida extraterrestre y fomentan el miedo al contacto con seres de otros mundos a través de películas en las que se hace ver que los extraterrestres son seres con apariencia abominable (insectos, reptiles, virus) que se meten dentro de los humanos y que tienen la intención de destruir la humanidad. Tienen miedo a que el ser humano descubra su inmortalidad, y el propósito de la vida, que es el mejoramiento espiritual a través del descubrimiento del amor, y comience a trabajar por ello. Por ello niegan cualquier evidencia de la existencia de la vida más allá de la muerte, amparándose en los dogmas de una ciencia materialista y, al mismo tiempo, fomentan el miedo a profundizar en lo que ocurre más allá de la muerte física y al contacto con el mundo espiritual, a través de películas en las que toda la vida después de la muerte aparece como algo espantoso, a través de la creación de personajes terroríficos como fantasmas, demonios, vampiros y zombis sedientos de sangre, que se apoderan de las almas de los vivos para atormentarlos."

(Fragmento del libro de Vicent Guillem titulado "Las leyes espirituales")

¡ESTAMOS AQUÍ Llamada de llamada final

Esta es una alerta para aquellos de ustedes que no saben que esto ha estado sucediendo, la recuperación del mundo de estos monstruos globales que han estado destruyendo al mundo entero durante siglos. Por favor, búferos con mucha comida y artículos básicos. Tenga a mano un pedazo de efectivo (billetes pequeños).

Visto el progreso en las pantallas traseras.
¡Mira el rial iraní!
Nuevo calendario para los banqueros con respecto al nivel 5 que supuestamente no se inicia el 12 de noviembre -
Mañana el nuevo horario por 26 días o 21.

ESPERANDO UN EVENTO DE DÍA no una noche * hora de EE. UU.
Recover America Projects New Technologies, gracias Bruce <3 desde hace 7 años
The Big Call Intel solo con Bruce 31 de octubre de 2018

Sepa que este es un pequeño precio a pagar para recuperar el control de nuestra existencia. Si Hillary hubiera ganado, este resultado habría sido muy diferente. Cuando seas testigo de los próximos eventos, no tengas miedo. Deben pasar por esta transición. Por favor ayuda a los demás como puedas. Estamos bien encaminados hacia un mundo maravilloso. Un poco de dificultad es un pequeño precio a pagar para ser liberado de un tren de esclavos. Sin saberlo, ha habido muchos que ya han pagado el precio final. ¡Cuídate y Dios rápido!

Copyright © misteri1963 Todos los derechos reservados. Puede copiar y distribuir este artículo siempre que no lo modifique de ninguna manera, el contenido permanece completo, se otorga crédito al autor y se incluye esta URL https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com y el aviso de copyright


Original English website:

Sananda via Sion, October 31st, 2018 - The great changes that are approaching

Sananda – The great changes that are approaching
The great events that are about to happen will change humanity’s course forever taking you to the start of a new golden age where the new human beings will be able to enjoy their true essence as gods of love and peace.
Good morning my beloved Sion it’s a pleasure that we are able to connect when the new day is yet to light up in this part of the planet, you ask me what is going to happen in your immediate future?
Well, my love as we have been saying to you; great changes are approaching in your and the planet’s horizon. Right now you are in a process of monumental changes that may appear as nothing to your human eyes because it looks like all is the same as always but believe me what you and your light worker brothers and sisters are living and experimenting is marvelous, it’s the ascension process itself !
The complete and radical change of the end of an era that even though it has been hard for most of you on Earth, it was of great blessings for the universe for all the changes that have been accomplished not only in your minds but by the impact on the lives of other brothers and sisters with your love and light, which many times it has been done unconsciously, by your presence alone you have achieved transmuting that negative and unstable energy for one of great love and peace.
What happens is that as you don’t see it with your physical eyes you believe every day is the same but what you don’t see is what is truly important and thus I’ll tell you about it my dear Sion:
You and all your brothers and sisters are being transformed from the inside out with the powerful energies that Father/Mother have been sending to the planet, which without them it would be impossible for you to return home with us. These changes in your DNA, like I told you in the book that I’m still working on with your daughter Valeria, are imperceptible to you and maybe you only feel it as physical discomfort due to the changes produced by it but in reality one of the greatest miracles, as you call them, that humanity could have conceived is happening.
The transition from humans to gods in one life time and with your own living bodies in such way that you are being your own witnesses to this wonderful moment of life not only on the planet but in the whole universe. As we have told you in many messages before this process from human to god in one life time has never been done before thus we are facing of one of the greatest events we have witnessed and of which we are very proud to say that we have done it along with you, that dear Sion its called evolution and we have done it, you and us together as ONE.
Saving your own selves from self-destructing like the other civilizations that were here, which were your selves in past lives, has been a great achievement and the passing of the December 21, 2012 marker, that we had to pass, which was done successfully as WWIII did not start as many on the planet wanted to so they could have their genocide and keep their world. Contrary to those sad non news, today we can tell you that you are firmly walking home where we, all full of joy, are waiting for you with open arms for your return to live in the beautiful paradise that Gaia is.
That my dear Sion is what is happening right now in your world and because the cleanup started from the inside out of each of you and of beautiful Gaia now those changes will have to show up outside of each of you and Gaia. That is why each day that goes by we are even closer to the moment that all that was changed, cleaned and transformed inside you and all the human beings as well as your beautiful planetary Mother will have to be seen changed, cleaned and transformed in the exterior of every single one of your lives and that is why everything has been moving a lot, there are some that for whom their whole life transformed and all is changing rapidly in their now which they have noticed even though they have not been able to understand yet what is happening but their lives have turn unimaginably and all are trying to adapt to all those changes and transformations in their lives that have led them to think; something is happening!
And those same individual changes are happening to your loving Mother Gaia as she herself also is part of this change, cleanup and planetary transformation that is impacting the whole universe and that is why I want you to understand my beloved Sion that you and your brothers and sisters do not have to be afraid of the events that are forthcoming in the following weeks and months as they are part of everyone’s cleanup and are much needed to uproot all the darkness that had you trapped in the mind’s illusion.
Mother Gaia knows perfectly what is coming and she is not afraid of anything because she knows it is part of the process that she choses to live and it only flows with these changes and events that come up every day, allowing our guidance to follow her evolution process. Remember that what is inside so on the outside and what is above so below and all is one and the same. We are to the point to the start of great changes on the planet that are not other than Gaia’s internal changes and you have made it possible so prepare yourselves and your lives that change from your heart with the outmost love and joy for all that is coming, without fear, this is a marvelous and true heavenly celebration.
I love you my dear Sion
I promise you that very soon we will be together
Your beloved Sananda

Message channeled by Sion – Victory to the Light!!!
Translation to English from Spanish: Ramon
Editing of English: Per Staffan

Original English website:

31 de octubre de 2018

Las Escrituras del Creador, Ahora es el momento

El creador a través de Jennifer Farley

31 DE OCTUBRE DE 2018 

¡ Bienvenido a la próxima ola! 

Sí, el período de descanso fue muy breve, pero hay mucho por hacer. 

Durante las próximas semanas, parecerá que cada ... ... solo ... ... algo que sabes y sientes sobre ti mismo está siendo desafiado.

 Bajo ninguna circunstancia debe considerarse esto como algo negativo. 

En su lugar, es una oportunidad para que te extiendas más allá de tu zona de confort, para explorar opciones que no hayas pensado y para darte el regalo de la expansión. 

En tu plano terrestre hay muchas cosas que se ven como finitas. 

Sabes que hay mucho más en tu existencia que lo que se te presenta.

 ¡Ahora es el momento de explorar, romper esos lazos y entrar en tu propio infinito personal! Como siempre, el Universo te está amando y apoyando a través de todo esto.

 ~ Creador

The Creator Writings, Now Is The Time…

OCTOBER 31, 2018

Welcome to the next wave! Yes, the resting period was very brief but, there is much to be done! Over the next few weeks, it will seem as if every….single….thing you know and feel about yourself is being challenged. Under no circumstances should this be viewed as a negative thing. Instead, it is an opportunity for you to stretch beyond your comfort zone, to explore options not thought of and give you the gift of expansiveness. On your Earth plane there are many things that are viewed as finite. You know there is much more to your existence than what is being presented to you. Now is the time to explore, break those bonds and step into your own personal infinite! As always, The Universe is loving and supporting you through it all. ~ Creator

Changes that are coming The Deep State’s control is fast coming to an end

The centuries-long tyrannical regime is reaching its termination stage

Thousands of centuries of criminal extortion

The Deep State’s control is fast coming to an end. They never expected this, so they are not prepared for it. Their lackeys – the puppets – in governments all over the world will find themselves in deep trouble. They are being believed less and less with every passing day. They are being exposed and must eventually face the wrath of the people whose lives they have maliciously exploited. President Trump, on his short visit to England, was there for only one reason: to confront the Queen of England with her malevolence and to demand the return of all that was stolen, to which the Queen agreed.

He didn’t want pomp and ceremony. He has the respect of all who seek truth. It was a pity that there were those in England who set out to disrespect him. They were either paid for it by George Soros, or displaying their own ignorance about what is going on in our world. President Trump deserves every respect and success in his endeavour to free the world from the criminal mafia that has terrorised and exploited the populace for thousands of centuries.

Politics is a dirty game. President Trump is not a politician, so he is free to follow his conscience. This is why there is such a huge effort to remove him from office. There have been to date over a dozen assassination attempts. The Cabal is petrified of him because they cannot control him. Never in the history of our world has there been such an effort to remove a President from his Office. The Cabal is ruthless and desperate to hold on to their power and control, which again is why numerous assassination attempts have been undertaken. To fulfil this monstrous task, you must really be driven and totally convinced of the ability to improve the world for all of humanity, for it is the most ungrateful job to fulfil. There is no glamour and money involved, commonly belonging to such a position.

People will be shocked to learn the extent of the Cabal’s control over them. Every aspect of our lives is covered. Even in the world of sports, where it is believed that the best man, woman, or team wins. Be assured it is often decided in advance by them, because they are the owners of the game, and have set their huge bets on their designated winner. They never leave anything to chance. They control all; much more than you ever can imagine.

Exposing the Truth

The change cannot occur until all governments cease to use chemtrails, which destroy humanity and the crops people depend on for their survival. No one should be forced to be vaccinated, especially not our lovely children. Drugs that eventually kill patients should be removed immediately. The full extent of the Satanic Ritual Abuse and killings must be fully exposed and outlawed. Respect for men, women and children, should be the norm. These are the goals we should all intend to achieve. Many freelance investigative reporters are fighting the cabal via the internet. ‘It has become an army of digital soldiers’ that are fighting the cabal and all oppressive forces around us, to inform the awoken public about the progress made.

These are citizens like yourselves that cannot withstand the call to expose the truth. There is no option of being helpless and standing by as a spectator, while knowing the extent of the corruption, high treason and lies, all made possible by a judicial system that is bought and controlled by the cabal. This is all made possible as a result of the privately-owned monetary system that they illegally seized. This has become warfare at its best. Meanwhile, it has been made publicly visible that the cleaning up of the swamp is in progress and very soon a great deal will be exposed when the sealed indictments are opened.

Economic Collapse is being planned

The economy has long ago passed its expiration date and will now be purposely collapsed. This economy is a central bank economy and cannot be repaired. The economy will be replaced by a people’s economy, supported by free markets.The ongoing global financial market correction could continue during the coming weeks, as more GESARA-related changes are made around the world.

The Central Bank system works on debt and people have been brainwashed for years to make them believe that debt is a good thing. The stock market and the housing market are going down. The interest on debt will get to a point where it is unsustainable. President Trump and the patriots are using this strategy to push the MSM into blaming the Fed for the coming crash.

The stock markets all over the world have been declining for the last 5 weeks, and have lost over 8 trillion in paper value. This is the beginning of the entire global economic system breaking down. Around the world the real estate market is experiencing a downturn, even worse than the 2008 market downfall.

The Globalist system is collapsing on all fronts, and this is being done intentionally with the intervention of the Alliance. The most important factor for both sides of this information war is the push to control the narrative of the collapse. The central banks that were planning to introduce a cash-free society, are now experiencing the setbacks. They are in great panic.

The centuries-long tyrannical regime is reaching its termination stage

The centuries-long tyrannical regime is steadfastly reaching its end stage, to be destroyed for ever. No more lies and manipulation. All markets will be free, all aspects of our lives will be free from oppression and suppression. People will take responsibility for their own lives and decide for themselves.

Be prepared and be on your guard, as things are going to move fast from now on. Banks are closing and this will leave many people stranded without the necessities of life. The changeover should take about three weeks. The corrupt and their puppet helpers will be removed as they are unable to move forward. They became part of the Cabal because they have all been bribed to do the work for them. It made them feel important, but they will regret it and are paying a very high price for it.

There is plenty of work to be done

Remember; If only 1 percent of the population is knowingly involved, participating and benefiting from the Deep State fraud scheme, that amounts to about seven million criminals that have to be addressed with some level of questioning and prosecution.

So how are about two million law enforcement officers and judges, and other officials in the Army supposed to arrest, incarcerate, and prosecute these seven million criminal cases? Military tribunals and resources alone cannot possibly handle the vast volume of inquiries and prosecutions. Of course, they can take out the puppet ringleaders and dismantle the infrastructure that supports the Deep State, but in order to do the actual housecleaning, we will need the help of the awakened masses.

We, the people have to work together to put our house in order. We have to assemble our regional infrastructure and appoint or elect our governing bodies, to reclaim our assets and resources, restore our lawful court systems, and many issues more. There will be no sitting around in front of the television set, waiting for superman to come along and rescue us, even though there are many heroes doing their best for us.

We are the answer that we are looking for. Remember that these heroes depend on our civil government to direct and finance their operations. – The Cabal has been leeching off of humanity’s wealth for centuries. The amounts of stolen wealth are being recovered, to be allocated to projects for the benefit of humanity.

There are enough funds to build an entire civilisation on another planet. The funds being allocated to the GCR/RV are equivalent to less than 1% of the total amount of stolen wealth.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...