
1 de noviembre de 2018

Choose a totem and discover what your spiritual powers are

Native American tribes and other ancient cultures have used  totems to represent spiritual symbols and identify their tribe. The totems are intended to be protective by nature, and is án here to guide or help your soul's journey.
Follow your instincts and choose the totem that calls you and connects you first. Choosing your totem will tell you the kind of spiritual powers you probably have.

Read on below to find out what your choice reveals about you!

1. Totem Owl

If you choose the owl as your totem, then you are a very peaceful and calm person. By nature, owls can see in the dark; in the same way, you're someone who can see through the lies of someone.
His wise nature has given him a sense of maturity compared to their peers. This kind of old soul and makes you irresistible aura of energy that you emit is amazing.
You can keep your composure in difficult times and are always a welcome relief from the storms of life to those around you.
You possess the soul has existed throughout life. Your inner spirit knows things that others can barely understand. Appreciate your time alone and see the time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

2. Eagle Totem

If you decide to choose the eagle as your totem, then you're the kind of person who is very ambitious and determinative. You are willing to go further, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve the goals you want.
You are someone who is bound to succeed and willing to do whatever the cost.
The eagle choose relentlessly pursue its goal until it reaches. Even after a mission, no time to rest. Your true strength lies in your burning desire to fly beyond the luna.Posees a soul that is the living representation of passion and fire. You're like a guiding star in heaven for those around you.
The spiritual power of the eagle is the fire that burns in your heart. You want to fly above all others as the eagle you are.

3. Totem Ox

If the ox totem is your choice, you are a kind person who would show acts of bravery to danger. With a look of courage and bravery will never stand back.
However, your strength and courage are not obvious to everyone. Keep your occult powers to the time they actually need. Your humility is your determining factor, not your courage.
This choice of totem reveals that possesses a soul that rises and exalts himself by helping others before you. You'd rather be humble and proud successful than a failure.
Your real spiritual strength is your ability to inspire others to be larger. You're a bright future for others to follow suit.

4. Bear Totem

If you decided to choose the bear as your totem, then you're the kind of person who has the need to master the skill set to succeed.
You are someone who can easily control room entering and their presence can only establish respect.
The bear is ready to show strength when others want to hide in fear. Not afraid to take the initiative when others do not make a move.
This choice of totem reveals that your soul knows no fear and do not need help. You're wild and free like the bear. You are ready to destroy anyone willing to threaten your safety.
Your true spiritual power is your ability to realize your will effortlessly. His inner strength is ready to overcome any obstacle and you are the embodiment of strength.

5. Wolf Totem

If you decide to choose the wolf as your totem, then you have a unique personality, to put it mildly.
I'm sure you're a loner, but also trust the herd to seek protection. You are a mix of almost all other totems.
Your mysterious personality is not obvious to everyone. There is a special charm about you that is hidden and only shown if you decide to reveal it.
This collection of totem indicates that you have a soul that lives in the gray area of ​​morality. Nothing is as easy as black and white for you all can become very complex.
His spiritual power is the ability to identify the evil in people and look into their souls like a book. You can see what people try to hide.

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