
5 de abril de 2019

Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies for Eye Problems!

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Eyes are the doorway to one’s soul! Eyes reflect mind, eyes reflect psyche, and eyes reflect HEALTH! No wonder homeopathy that caters effectively the ‘mind’ of an individual has lot to offer in problems of eyes. Eye is certainly one of the most delicate organs of the body and therefore, caring for eyes has to be done by an expert homeopath. A homeopath might want to consult an ophthalmologist to rule out certain critical eye problems before proceeding for the treatment. But here one should remember that while treating homeopathically, we should not give much importance to the diagnostic name of the eye problem but its signs and symptoms that point us to the accurate remedy.

There are hoards of homeopathic remediesuseful in the treatment of various eye problems. However, one must remember that for constitutional eye problems like cataract, glaucoma, recurrent blepharitis or conjunctivitis, corneal opacities, and/or recurrent styes, one must go for constitutional prescribing after carefully considering the physical, mental, and emotional characteristic of the individual; then only it is possible to impart perfect cure! But one must be acquainted with certain remedies that specifically render beautiful results in varied eye problems so that they can be used for acute prescribing as well.

Here is the list of top 10 homeopathic remedies for eye problems—

(1) Euphrasia-
-         Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis
-         Eyes water all the time with inclination to blink frequently
-         Acrid burning eye discharge that corrodes the margins of the lids
-         Corneal opacities with thick discharges that burn
-         Blistery cornea
-         One of the great remedies for rheumatic iritis that may be associated with partial ptosis
-         Almost always associated with bland and watery coryza
-         Swelling of the lids with burning, which feels better when in open air
-         Worse in the evening, indoors, light, warmth
-         Better open air, coffee, dark
-         Must be compared with Allium cepa while dealing with allergic rhinitis associated with conjunctivitis. In Allium cepa, eye discharges are bland and coryza is acrid.

(2) Ambrosia-
-         Allergic eye problems
-         Intolerable itching of lids
-         Smarting and burning in eyes with watery coryza and nosebleed
-         Wheezy cough almost always present with eye problems
-         Compare with Sabadilla, Arundo

(3) Ruta-
-         Eye-strain headaches
-         Red hot eyes with pain in eyes
-         Especially associated with sewing or reading fine print
-         Accommodation of vision disturbed
-         Weariness in eyes with headache
-         Excessive lassitude associated with eye troubles
-         Bruised, pressure feeling over the eyes
-         Compare with Natrum mur, Argentum nitricum

(4) Pulsatilla-
-         Pulsatilla is one of the most invaluable homeopathic medicines for eye troubles.
-         Bland thick greenish eye discharges call for it
-         Associated with itching and burning sensation
-         Recurrent styes invariably need a dose of Pulsatilla during the course
-         Inflamed agglutinated eye-lids
-         Sub-acute eye complaints in venous constitutions
-         Sub-acute conjunctivitis associated with dyspepsia
-         Veins of fundus oculi enlarged
-         All complaints are worse in warm room and better when in open air

(5) Spigelia-
-         Neuralgic eye pains
-         Pressing pains in eyes on turning them
-         Extreme photophobia
-         Rheumatic ophthalmia
-         Pains in and around eyes feel as if extending deep into the socket
-         Eyes feel too large
-         Very sensitive to touch
-         Worse from touch, jar, noise
-         Better by lying with head high

(6) Apis mellifica-
-         Swollen, edematous lids that burn and itch
-         Bright red puffy conjunctiva
-         Prevents recurrence of styes
-         Pain around orbits with serous exudates
-         Swelling below the lower lid (upper lid- Kali carb)
-         May be associated with urinary problem
-         Worse heat, touch, pressure, right side
-         Better cold washing, open air

(7) Merc sol-
-         Syphilitic eye troubles
-         Thick, red, swollen lids
-         Profuse burning acrid eye discharges
-         Floaters
-         Eye trouble that starts after exposure to the glare of fire etc
-         Iritis with thick corroding discharges
-         Extremely offensive eye discharges
-         Boils in and around eyes with yellow fetid pus
-         Worse at night, wet damp weather, warmth

(8) Silica-
-         Day-light produces sharp pains through the eyes
-         Tenderness of eyes worse when closed or pressured
-         Suppuration in the anterior chamber of the eye, iritis
-         Confused sort of vision where letter run together while reading
-         Lachrymal duct affections
-         Has potential to clear corneal opacities when homeopathically indicated
-         Cataract in office workers
-         Worse new moon, cold
-         Better warmth

(9) Hepar sulph-
-         Corneal ulcers
-         Suppurative eye troubles, iritis with pus in anterior chamber
-         Conjunctivitis with purulent discharges
-         Red and inflamed lids and conjunctivae
-         Pain in orbits
-         Soreness is marked in eyeballs
-         Objects appear red and enlarged
-         Half-reduced field of vision
-         Styes with pain and suppuration
-         Worse exposure to draft of cold, touch
-         Better warmth, wrapping up head

(10)                    Agaricus-
-         Double-vision with flickering before the eyes
-         Twitching of lids and eyeballs
-         Neuralgic eye pains
-         Letters seem to move or swim while reading
-         Agglutinated margins of lids with burning pains with red inner canthi
-         Eye troubles associated with vertigo and icy cold head
-         Worse open cold air

Archangel Metatron: The Ray of Atlantian Knowledge

Metatron: The tenth Ray was created after the fall of Atlantis. It was created to access knowledge that had been lost. It was necessary to evolve past third dimensional realities. The tenth Ray was utilized by beings who have incarnated in service to Earth. Because of the mass destruction that occurred on Atlantis, great segments of knowledge were lost. This knowledge was readily available in those Atlantian times and it was desired that it be preserved for access at a later time. The tenth Ray was created for beings incarnating in service to third dimensional realities to bring about more consciousness and higher realities. It was their service project to uncover some of what was common knowledge on Atlantis. It was through the utilization of this tenth Ray that this was a possibility. It was not so much the scientific knowledge, although this was very much a consideration. It was more the philosophy. Once these beings incarnated in the denseness of the third dimensional realities, they had to have a way to access this knowledge from the denseness that was present there.

These beings were of the consciousness and spiritual level that they too could access the love, stability and light frequencies that were available in the fourth, fifth and sixth Rays. It enabled them to access the codes which enabled them to have conscious awareness of this ancient knowledge.

The tenth Ray contains a library. It is not a library of manuscripts or files, it is library of configurations of light frequencies. It is similar to but not the same as the Akashic Records.

It is desired that these beings who come in service bring in this knowledge for humanity; that humans might have a better perspective and access higher awareness through this knowledge. This knowledge provides freedom to think outside the box, so to speak; to access other realities, other ways of thinking, broader spectrums, wider viewpoints. This is the purpose of the tenth Ray – to stimulate human intellect to be able to embody broader spectrums of thought so that they might access higher thought forms. This raises the collective consciousness to a higher perspective, which in turn will raise the planet itself. All of these things are the purpose of the tenth Ray of Creation.

Not all beings have access to the tenth Ray. This Ray could be considered a teacher’s Ray, or a way-shower’s Ray. At times it is accessed unconsciously. This happens when teachers of a certain degree acquire information that they know, but have not an understanding how they know it. How they know is through this tenth Ray that they have accessed at an unconscious level.

Now it would be quite helpful to access this Ray in a conscious state because, when this occurs, much more information can be gleaned. In times past, most beings who had access to the tenth Ray, did so on an unconscious level. They had an idea or inspiration or they knew something and began to focus upon it. The idea evolved. This is how the tenth Ray was utilized in the early part of your history. Now with the energetics such as they are, many will be able to start to access it on a more conscious level but it is still a very evolutionary process at this time.

It is important to know that when you have ideas, or intuitive urgings, that you explore these. You are one of these beings who access this Ray on a regular basis at an unconscious level. It is now desired that you access this knowledge at a more conscious level. It is through beings such as yourself that many who would otherwise not be able to access higher thought forms will begin to. The seed must be planted in your consciousness first. I have done that. As time progresses, if you will pay attention and be more aware of your ideas and your intuitive knowings, they will become more conscious. And you will develop a process by which you might enter the library of the tenth Ray on a more conscious level.

This is a conversation between Jim Self and Archangel Metatron as they prepare to teach a class together.

We would like to thank Joan Walker for bringing forth Uriel to speak through her. With her collaboration the Mastering Alchemy Level 3 course unfolded

Arcángel Metatrón: El Rayo Del Conocimiento Atlante

Metatrón: el décimo rayo se creó después de la caída de la Atlántida. Fue creado para acceder al conocimiento que se había perdido. Era necesario evolucionar más allá de las realidades tridimensionales. El décimo Rayo fue utilizado por seres que han encarnado en servicio a la Tierra. Debido a la destrucción masiva que ocurrió en la Atlántida, se perdieron grandes segmentos de conocimiento. Este conocimiento estaba fácilmente disponible en esos tiempos atlantes y se deseaba preservarlo para el acceso en un momento posterior. El décimo Rayo fue creado para los seres que encarnan las realidades tridimensionales para generar más conciencia y realidades superiores. Fue su proyecto de servicio para descubrir algo de lo que era de conocimiento común en Atlantis. Fue a través de la utilización de este décimo Rayo que esto era una posibilidad. No fue tanto el conocimiento científico, aunque esto fue en gran medida una consideración. Era más la filosofía. Una vez que estos seres se encarnaron en la densidad de las realidades tridimensionales, tuvieron que tener una manera de acceder a este conocimiento desde la densidad que estaba presente allí.

Estos seres tenían la conciencia y el nivel espiritual, y también podían acceder a las frecuencias de amor, estabilidad y luz que estaban disponibles en los rayos cuarto, quinto y sexto. Les permitió acceder a los códigos que les permitieron tener conciencia de este conocimiento antiguo.

El décimo rayo contiene una biblioteca. No es una biblioteca de manuscritos o archivos, es una biblioteca de configuraciones de frecuencias de luz. Es similar pero no igual a los Registros Akáshicos.

Se desea que estos seres que vienen en servicio traigan este conocimiento para la humanidad; que los humanos pueden tener una mejor perspectiva y acceder a una mayor conciencia a través de este conocimiento. Este conocimiento proporciona libertad para pensar fuera de la caja, por así decirlo; para acceder a otras realidades, otras formas de pensar, espectros más amplios, puntos de vista más amplios. Este es el propósito del décimo Rayo: estimular al intelecto humano para que pueda encarnar espectros más amplios de pensamiento para que puedan acceder a formas de pensamiento superiores. Esto eleva la conciencia colectiva a una perspectiva superior, lo que a su vez elevará el planeta mismo. Todas estas cosas son el propósito del décimo Rayo de Creación.

No todos los seres tienen acceso al décimo Rayo. Este rayo podría considerarse el rayo de un maestro o el rayo de una ducha de paso. A veces se accede inconscientemente. Esto sucede cuando los maestros de cierto grado adquieren información que conocen, pero no comprenden cómo lo saben. Cómo saben que es a través de este décimo Rayo al que han accedido en un nivel inconsciente.

Ahora sería muy útil acceder a este Rayo en un estado consciente porque, cuando esto ocurre, se puede obtener mucha más información. En tiempos pasados, la mayoría de los seres que tenían acceso al décimo Rayo, lo hicieron en un nivel inconsciente. Tuvieron una idea o inspiración o sabían algo y comenzaron a centrarse en ello. La idea evolucionó. Así es como se utilizó el décimo Rayo en la primera parte de su historia. Ahora, con la energía tal como es, muchos podrán comenzar a acceder a ella en un nivel más consciente, pero todavía es un proceso muy evolutivo en este momento.

Es importante saber que cuando tiene ideas, o instintos intuitivos, las explora. Usted es uno de estos seres que acceden a este Rayo regularmente en un nivel inconsciente. Ahora se desea que acceda a este conocimiento a un nivel más consciente. Es a través de seres como tú que muchos de los que de otra manera no podrían acceder a formas de pensamiento superiores comenzarán a hacerlo. La semilla debe ser plantada primero en tu conciencia. Ya lo he hecho. A medida que el tiempo avanza, si prestas atención y estás más consciente de tus ideas y tus conocimientos intuitivos, se volverán más conscientes. Y desarrollarás un proceso mediante el cual podrías ingresar a la biblioteca del décimo Rayo en un nivel más consciente.

Esta es una conversación entre Jim Self y Archangel Metatron mientras se preparan para enseñar una clase juntos.

Nos gustaría agradecer a Joan Walker por traer a Uriel para hablar a través de ella. Con su colaboración se desarrolló el curso Mastering Alchemy Level 3.

Quan Yin: The Push for The Final Disclosure

Quan Yin says, dear heart, I am Quan Yin. I come today with important news. Divine has decreed that the climate on the planet is very suitable for the Divine agenda. We have decided to move forward with Christ’s Plan. In other words, the Christ Era has begun. And Christ herself has been settling on the planet. Now she is ready for her plan to be manifested. What Christ is going to do now is to gradually introduce the planet to her plan, and how her plan is going to impact the planet in general. Christ herself is going to be the one who has the control over the entire plan, and she is going to share that plan, little by little, so that eventually we all have a clear understanding of Christ’s Plan for humanity and the planet.
Christ has been implementing the entire plan for the last few years or so, and now that she has done and she wants us to know what the plan is. Christ is the ruler of the entire planet. She has all the Divine plan covered. She is the sole reason that we, the Divine and the company of heaven, have been diligently working for the last decade or so, so that when the time was right, Christ could come to the planet, and get the plan going. Now Christ has come and has been on the planet for a while. She is very content with what we, the Divine and the company of heaven, have accomplished, and she is grateful for all the hard work each and every one of you have put into the Divine plan. She is now ready to move forward with the plan and get much done possible.
In the next six months or so, Christ wants all the Divine agendas to be completed so that the next phase of Gaia’s restoration can go into full force. But for now, what we, the Divine and the company of heaven, with Christ, are focusing on the political arena. We want the Divine and the company of heaven, to be known to the planet. We need the final disclosure to happen. We need our light workers to be recognized so that together, with Christ, we can move forward with the Divine plan, and then focus on Gaia’s next phase of ascension. Gaia has been anxiously waiting, so has Mother Earth. We need to move forward with the rebuilding process. Gaia needs it, so does the planet. Christ, herself, has known of the severe situation of the planet, and she literally has to be on Gaia’s side to support her and make sure Gaia/Mother Earth are sustaining the planet for the time being.
Now, besides Christ’s Plan for the planet, what is next is the Divine government. We need the Divine and the company of heaven, to start the process so that in the near future, we can start to move into Washington DC, and get the Divine government going. We have the agenda ready, so with the Divine government, together, we will bring the entire operation under control, and let Christ get the ball rolling. We are indeed all in place, and are just waiting for the right time. That is the Divine and the company of heaven.
Also, in the next few weeks or so, we, the Divine are going to start the push for the final disclosure. We have had enough. The Divine has seen enough and now the time has come. We need the Divine government to move into Washington DC so that, together, with Christ, we can move forward with Gaia’s restoration process. Gaia is waiting desperately, and there is no more time for the planet to waste. We need to act. The moment is now. I love you dear ones. I am Quan Yin. So it is.
» Source » Channel: Linda Li

The Pleiadians: Multidimensionality

From our point of view, you all have knowl
edge, and you just need to activate the memory that is stored inside your being. We’ve noticed that some of you, from your location of experience, are out there moaning and groaning, saying, “We need help and assistance now and again.” So let us suggest to you an avenue that you can definitely walk down-a formula that works.
The formula is quite simple. It is for you, in the moment and every day, to consistently set out with clarity what you wish to experience. Perhaps what you want falls into a category of impossibility according to someone else’s boundary or someone else’s limitation. With a sense of deserving and graciousness, discover inside yourself what will bring you happiness. What makes you feel light and connected and alive? What do you desire that will bring peace on the planet as you occupy your own being?
Whatever those things are, begin to want them. Call them to yourself by saying, “It is my intention that I experience a harmonious lifestyle. It is my intention to experience health and energy that lead me to creative adventures. It is my intention that I be well provided for, that shelter and food and all of the things I need to experience life be given to me in great abundance, and that I pass this great abundance on and share it with others.” These are not ideas you have been trained to think of. Two or three times a day, devote a small portion of your time to getting clear about what you want. Every day open the energy centers in your body and above your every day by calling the frequency of light. We call this the pillar of light. Picture a beam of light coming into your twelve chakra centers, seven inside your body and five outside your body. These chakras are information centers or vortexes that, once activated, begin to spin. When they spin, they create a movement inside your body that activates the light-encoded filaments to work together, rebundle, and form the twelve evolving helixes in the body.
It is very important for everyone who wishes to be in complete balance with their physical being to practice, on a regular basis, some kind of deep-breathing program. This is a program in which breath is very important and oxygenation is practiced so that oxygen is brought into the body.
Another activity we recommend for those of you who wish to move into a vast acceleration of energy is spinning. Move from left to right, spinning around and focusing your vision on your thumb, counting and spinning. We recommend that you spin thirty-three times at least once a day. You may build up to the thirty- three spins very slowly. If you are able to work up to thirty-three spins, three times a day, so that you are spinning ninety-nine times, well, we will see how long you stay on the planet-or at least in this dimension. When you complete spinning, however many times you spin, bring your palms together at chest level. Press them together, keeping your eyes open, and balance yourself with your feet a shoulder’s width apart so that you feel anchored and still feel the spinning at the same time. This tremendously accelerates the spinning of the chakra systems inside your body, which tremendously accelerates the rate at which you can interpret and receive data.
So, the methods to use are intention, breathing, using the pillar of light, and spinning. We will add a postscript to these. As you are electronic beings who are altering your frequency at a very fast rate, we would recommend that you drink a tremendous amount of water: fresh water, purified water, or spring water. Water acts as a conduit or conductor. It keeps your system open and flowing.
There are many other things you can do. Learn to have altered-state experiences and not feel out of control. Cultivate them and go into them to gather information, change probabilities, move onto the corridor of time, and alter your own lives. Then come out of them with complete and total use of your will with respect to how you use these altered states. When you learn to do this, the acceleration will be absolutely phenomenal. When there are many consciousnesses on the planet registering that kind of ability, the whole network that organizes and monitors human consciousness alters itself. More energy is able to come onto the planet because there are those who can accommodate it.
Everyone can learn to accommodate and honor this energy, because it must be housed. It is like an oil well. What good do oil wells do if they are untapped and shooting off here, there, and everywhere? Very little; they just create a mess. However, when you take energy gifts from Earth such as oil wells or sources of natural gas or waterfalls and you combine them with your will, you put together a purpose or way of directing the energy. Then a wealth occurs for those of you who direct these natural resources. The most essential aspect of this entire process of directing and housing energies is to value Earth and her experience first and foremost. You are being given an incredible natural resource at this time, and you must tap it and direct it. Then you will all become very wealthy individuals in the realms of accessibility and mastery.
Many of you want to reach the higher realms and stay there, forgetting that your task is here on Earth. You must learn to stay grounded. The necessity of being grounded is something many of you do not understand. You will soon find out that if you move into greater and greater acceleration and you do not have grounds-things to connect you and pull the worlds into one you may have difficulty with your nervous systems. When frequency changes and more light comes into the body, the typical vehicle begins to receive much more data. Sometimes you get very bored living in your world, and you just want to come into data receptivity and forget about what you consider the mundane world. If you are not grounded, you will not have a way of allowing that information to enter your reality and be put to use. It could simply overload your system, or you could not be able to translate what you are getting and stay calm.
You need to balance many worlds at once. How do you do this? By intention, by practice, and by decree. Grounding allows worlds to merge and allows you to access many worlds. It allows you to feel surges of energy and then to direct these surges of energy where and when you need them-to become superhuman.
A good way to ground yourself is to go outside and sit on the ground. So go outside and be in nature. Stand or sit next to a tree for awhile. Put your chair in the sun and read a book with the sun shining on you. Or go swimming, or put your feet in water. These are the elements. They make up Earth, so you can feel them.
As you evolve and your entire species moves to merge dimensions, your nervous systems must be able to translate all of this information that will change how you define your world. This is coming. In the last year, the information that you may have known for years has become much more public. Many more people who have not been interested in extraterrestrials or personal development have become either interested or at least aware of these things. They are aware that there is a growing movement and that something is changing all over the world, not just in the United States.
There is a conflict of energies at this time, which you could call either a skirmish or a grand battle. The battle is going to become grander still because it is a battle over whose frequency will prevail on this planet and who will own, manipulate, and train your frequency. Who are you, as a frequency in disguise as a human, and what specifically is your job in this time?
It is essential to know who you are and what you are doing when you are doing it. As you become interdimensional and multidimensional, and as the frequencies alter and the energies accelerate, your body goes through a drastic rapid change that the nervous system, the conveyer of information, must handle.
You must learn to handle many realities at once, to realize that you are doing this, and to have a place-Earth-to translate information into. You would not be here if it wasn’t important for you to ground information and energy into Earth. So whenever you find yourself electrified or energized, realize that you are in an altered state. Realize also how many versions of altered states there are and that you must instruct yourself to become a conduit, like a big pipeline. When you know you are in an altered state and are being given information, healing energy, exaltation, or upliftment, act as a pipeline. Funnel the energy through yourself, and acknowledge and recognize that you are in a multidimensional expression. Register this, but do not analyze it. Just let the energy filter through you into Earth, and it will make more sense later on.
You can discover your emotional body by making a decree that you believe emotions can be trusted. Decree that you believe emotions are good, that they are safe, that they can take you somewhere, that they are beneficial, and that they are not just in the way or misunderstood. Any time emotions are released in you, look to see what they do for you. When you have a fight with your child and your child screams at you and then afterwards you feel bad and cry, look at your emotion. What is the emotion doing for you? Whenever you are in emotion, you are accessing information from many realities. Find that frequency and hold it.
It is somewhat of a universal belief that emotions are uncontrollable. They are not. You can control emotion, and you do not have to go out of control. Emotion can become a frequency inside of you through which you feel to the depth and core of your being. Yet, someone may look at you and not have any idea that anything is going on with you. This does not mean you are blocking; it simply means you have set up a way to feel an emotion and not feel bad about it or good about it but just recognize you are feeling it. See what you can do with an emotion. Where does it take you? What is the next step? Disengage from the event that brought about the emotion. That will help some of you.
Bodywork serves to bring about a release. You have used the tissue and muscle of your body as armor to cover up your skeleton. This tissue has compacted and buried itself and kept what is in the skeletal form from rising to the surface. You want to access information that is within bone, for bone is where the story is held, while the blocks are held in tissue. You must go through all of these layers to get to the truth inside your body.
Your blueprint, or what you came onto this planet to achieve, begins to get excited when you get close. This is just like the game you played when you were a child; you would hide something, and when someone got close, you would say, “warmer.” Your body gets excited as your blueprint begins to take over and you move out of your logical mind and into experience. That is because you are aligning yourself with your purpose. Your body, not your mind, takes in the information. If you allow your emotions to have a free reign, you will have a much more satisfying experience than if you judge your emotions, do not understand what you are going through, and attempt to control them.
You need your emotions. We cannot emphasize that enough. Some of you pride yourselves on the fact that you don’t have emotion. This will not work much longer because you will find that what you pride yourself on will bring about your destruction.
You may feel as if you have worked things through with your parents. It would be more accurate to say that you have had as much vision as has been possible at a given time. When you experience some sort of bodywork or crystal work, or you create any kind of movement to higher ground, you get a bigger picture.
Information is stored and written in stone. Information is also stored and written in bone. That is why it is important to work with the skeletal structure, because it houses much of your experience in this lifetime. Let things come out, and do not chastise yourself because you thought you were finished with certain events. Say, “This is wonderful! There is more here. I love it!” Use the experience as if you are discovering a gold mine as if you are discovering that you are a newly birthed, wealthy person.
All you go through is what you decide you have to go through. You don’t know how much you are clearing. You are opening avenues of consciousness for the planet, not just for yourselves. The good thing is that what you are clearing now is the easier stuff. Some of the far-out bizarre stuff will come later when you will be so blase about it that it won’t make any difference. Everything happens in its own time.
The mutation occurring is the evolution or plugging-in of internal data to external data. The clearing occurring is the accessing of all the emotional bodies you have been frightened of using. You need to access your emotional body in order to understand your spiritual body. As we have said, the mental body and the physical body go hand in hand, while the emotional body and the spiritual body go hand in hand. Because the spiritual body is nonphysical and you are locked in the physical realm, you must access the whole realm of the nonphysical through your emotions.
Human beings tend to love their dramas so much that they can get lost in the process of processing. Processing can become a way of life. This is not useful. It is not “cool” to always be processing and saying to people, “Don’t call me, I’m processing. I’m deep in my stuff. I can’t figure it out.” Yes, your personal dramas need to be examined. Yes, your personal dramas are a banquet of nourishment for yourself. But, eat the food and get on with life and make yourself another banquet. Quit holding onto these gems of your past and being so frightened that if you resolve these issues you will never have anything else exciting come up again in your lives. It is good to put processing in perspective.
The human body is evolving and changing. It may believe that it needs a certain nutritional combination because this is what you have been taught. Ideally at this point, however, you will forget what you have been taught. You will listen to your body and let your body tell you what it wants. We would guess that many of you in the last year have changed the things you want to eat. You no longer feel comfortable eating what you used to eat because the vibration within certain food is so intense that it is not compatible with you. In the meat industry as you know it, the cattle, pigs, and chickens are not fed food. They live in small compartments, and many of them do not see the light of day. Many of them defecate on top of one another because they live in layers of small metal boxes. This is how they are raised. They are fed steroids and antibiotics-things other than food. They are not raised with love. When they are taken to slaughter, they are also not killed with love. So you are ingesting this vibration.
Remember that all things exist as a vibration. Animals were put upon the planet to be companions for you, to live on the land, and to feed you and shelter you if necessary. This was to be done with love. If you live on a farm and raise your own chickens and pigs, and if you feed them food, and if, when it comes time to bring them to slaughter, you do it with compassion and love, then it is fine. You give quality of life to the animals, and then the animals in turn recycle themselves to give you love and quality of life. That is the ideal. That was the reality for a long time upon this planet. It is not the reality any longer. Be aware of the vibration within things.
Let your body speak what it wants. Let yourself be willing to change, because your body, as it attempts to raise its vibration and build a light body, will move away from certain foods. Intend that you wish to change your diet and then intend that things come to you. We emphasize over and over again that you are much more than physical beings. You exist in many realities, and you have a multitude of guides. So each of you needs to become more clear in your intentions. What do you want State, “I want to evolve. I want to change my diet. I wish to have a greater sense of intuition.” Be clear about what you intend. The words I intend have tremendous power.
True health would consist of twelve completely mutated and evolved helixes inside the body, which would activate full brain capacity. It will take a while for the twelve helixes to be completely activated, though they can begin to be plugged in. Some of you have experienced them as plugged in, yet not activated. When they are in activation, the full brain is in operation and you are geniuses.
You know everything, you are telepathic, and you are able to do anything because you are the host of the Living Library. You have the card that allows you to access any kind of information stored all over this planet.
If you could aspire to anything, we would ask you to become impeccable Keepers of Frequency. Keep inside yourself knowledge and information of the highest order, an order of unlimited being. Make that frequency, simply by living it, available to all around you by walking your streets, shopping in your stores, and simply resting on your pillows in the evening and knowing who you are.
There will come a time when you will no longer need to seek information outside of yourselves. At this time, we and others like us come to trigger you, to round you up, to gather you together, and to put you into clusters so that you can reflect off each other and electromagnetically charge each other. When we work with you, we create sparks of light that allow openings. As these openings occur within you, you vibrate at such a rate that you affect everyone around you. Whenever something clicks with one of you, you send out a frequency of recognition and other people pick it up. That is how the group mind grows. It occurs without you rationally understanding it or specifically having a picture or a realization of it because it happens electromagnetically within the body. You create the raising of energy according to how much you are able to handle.
Individuals must trigger themselves into multidimensionality. Part of the self makes a decision and says, “Alright, I wish to go into this multidimensional experience. What do I want to do?” The desire must wine first. The desire is a realization that puts you in the moment. Then you must decide what you are going to do with this desire. You might forget it tomorrow. In order to structure this desire and demonstrate that you are really serious about it, participate in events, actions, rituals, and ceremonies that demonstrate your commitment. Then you can proceed to structure your life in such a way as to send the signal that this is what you mean. This can be like living and walking prayer. Churches teach people to pray and beg certain lords for things that they want or for forgiveness. We are suggesting a living prayer, a process by which every moment in the day has meaning and leads you because of the way you are acting and your focus on what you are praying for.
Living prayer involves having a very conscious intention about the objects in your environment: having an altar, having sacred things, and having nothing in your reality that does not have meaning for you. We know that suggesting you have nothing in your reality that has no meaning sends an earthquake through some of you. But how many of you are putting up with things you don’t want in your life, whether it is the coat you have been wearing for the last fifteen years that has a few moth holes under the arm or the partner you have been carting around for thirty-five years who has more than a few moth holes? It is a challenge to get rid of everything in your life that does not have meaning for you, yet this is essential.
Putting an altar together is a great overlay for activating ritual. Ritual stirs up cellular memory and reminds you of ancient teachings that are stored inside you. It puts these teachings into your active memory. Ritual puts you in the now and takes you from one expanding now to another by honoring aspects of Mother Earth that have personal significance. You create personal significance for yourself. All things first come into being because someone decided to energize them. Anything can be energized. It comes down to the power of the individual mind to activate the will and use it to restructure reality.
There is no one on the Earth plane at this time who is not impulsed toward evolving. No one without this impulse would have come here. All the portals that were opened and the blueprints that were laid out for this time were conditioned to work toward self-motivating, self-accelerating, rapid evolution. This book itself is a process and a trigger. The keys are hidden within this book. We encourage you to act on the impulses that are whispering in your ear saying, “You are part of this Family of Light, and Earth is a Living Library.” We will entice you and assist you by saying that there are many rewards. Even though we will never guarantee that the challenges will stop, there is a stance of mastery that you will achieve.
Learn to read the symbols and follow the impulses to their highest conclusion. Being multidimensional means opening the channels and turning the dials to the various frequencies, and then receiving the transmissions or knowings.
There are not enough words in the present vocabulary or dictionary of expression to convey the feelings of the nonphysical realm. The Spirit we speak of encompasses many ideas. It basically refers to that which is not physical or not within third-dimensional viewing.
You can liken this enticement or leap to bounding on a trampoline and going for one gigantic jump, after which you never touch the trampoline again. You bound and bound and then go for that gold that sends you into the realm of Spirit. This is not to say that you are lost or destroyed or that your molecules are disseminated. It is simply the vault that all of the ancient shamans on Earth practiced and maintained as a potentiality a way of linking intelligent forms and assisting the evolving human species.
Multidimensionality to us is a way of life. We realize that part of our challenge as teachers is to transduce our way of life into systems that are evolving. To put you at rest, however, unless you check out of the planet, this is a process you are heading toward, though how you encounter it is up to you. We want you to be able to go to the edge of a cliff, step off it, and stand in the air next to the cliff edge. We want you to be out there. We want you to recognize the heretic inside of you: tile part that knows and is going to break this reality wide open and establish a whole new paradigm of consciousness. This is not going to be done by one world leader; it is going to be done by the masses, because the masses are ready for it.
At this time, the Guardians of Light are on this planet in the millions. All you need to do is evolve yourselves. Your work at this time is very intensely involved with the self, the physical vehicle that you presently occupy. It is the self that allows you to play this game at this time. Love it, honor it, cherish it, take good care of it, speak very well of it, and intend that it perform at optimum capacity. That is all you need do to be open to connect with your Family of Light. Then be prepared to find out who light has met, who light is going to introduce you to, and who light, indeed, are.
Love is what you experience when you go beyond light. You need light, which is information, to access this love. Without the informational frequency, the love frequency is misunderstood. When the love frequency comes first, without the light frequency, you think that love is outside of yourself rather than understanding that it is you. Then you do what people on the planet have done for eons: you worship and deify everything and think that love isout there rather than in Here. We have decided to come onto this planet and operate with light first by informing you, strengthening you, and firing your blueprints according to information.
Now that you have become informed, and you understand what you are up against during the multidimensional light infusion with your identity, you will begin to experience the love frequency that will allow you to extend love to other versions of your multidimensional self and create a massive healing of consciousness on many levels. The experiences you will have in these realms of activity can be very powerful. They will alter you tremendously, and you will walk around with a smile from ear to ear so that others will wonder what you have been up to, it will carry yourself this way because you will be in a vibration of ecstasy. You will be in a vibration of connectedness, and everyone and everything you draw to yourself will be a part of that vibration. Anything that does not resonate with this frequency will not even be able to get near you. In actuality, when you resonate with the higher frequencies, anything that is not in those frequencies will not even see you.
When you operate in the frequency of information coupled with creation and love, you will be put to work spreading that frequency-not by doing it for others, but by allowing others to feel your frequency when they come in contact with you.
You all are invaluable, you know. Those of you who master these things, and there is no reason why all of you cannot, will be in very high demand one of these days. You will be looked upon as superhuman. However, it is not for you to separate yourself from the population. It is your place to teach the population and show them how they can do the same thing. Frequencies are to be given and shared freely so that everyone can discover what they can do for themselves. This is how this planet is going to evolve.
» Channel: Barbara Marciniak » Book: Bringers of the Dawn

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