
15 de abril de 2016


George Orwell is considered one of the great social critics of the modern era.

Some of your appointments, with more than half a century old, show a deep understanding of the future, that only an enlightened mind like yours could ever have.
1) "In our age there is no possibility to stay out of politics. All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass formed of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia "
Many people today are willing to bury your head in the sand when it comes to political issues, but hard they try, never get isolated from reality.
Even if someone gets avoid politics, at some point the effects of policy decisions that have tried to avoid, knock on your door and fully affected.
george-orwell b
2) "All war propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting"
We can see it every day in the news, where constantly politicians, experts analysts or commentators appear opinionated leaders, calling for the need to get the blood flowing through the streets of a city or region unpronounceable name.
Always in a "selective and humanitarian" bombing in the form of "legitimate" struggle against tyrants or terrorists in the name of democracy, peace, security or international law or in defense of the homeland, beliefs or ideologies more multifarious.
And as they drop bombs and bullets fly, they remain embedded in their comfortable clothes, talking quietly on camera, away from the battlefield that they themselves have generated.
They never fight in wars ...
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3) "The war against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they will benefit from it"
This is a difficult idea to accept for many people. But just need to see who benefited from the recent wars waged by the United States to understand that this is the true reality that lurks behind most of today's conflicts.
4) "The very concept of objective truth is disappearing from our world. Lies will pass into history "
We can constantly see in history books worldwide.
For example, there is a book of Iraqi history that tells the "glorious victory of Saddam Hussein over the United States" in 1991.
There are, in turn, multiple history books, from different nations, who claim that any of its citizens was the first to fly or make the same invention.
History is always written by the winner or the one who has the power ... and it never asks if he's telling the truth.
5) "In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"
Each time it is clearer: the revolutions of the future will not be fought with bullets and explosives, but with small pieces of data traveling over networks around the world destroying false narratives with which governments deceive their citizens.
There are examples (although discussed) Assange, Manning and Snowden ...
6) "Journalism is to say things that someone does not want you to say everything else is public relations"
Make no mistake about it; if an item does not upset anyone, not real journalism.
Most of what is now considered "news" is little more than an official announcement of a product, a service, or a belief.
That is, pure propaganda in the service of some interest.
Authentic journalism is to uncover the truth. And the truth always upset someone ...
7) "In real life it is always the anvil that breaks the hammer ..."
In all conflicts, as we now see around the world, the winning side is not the one who can inflict further damage, but which is able to withstand further damage.
He who resists is that ultimately imposes itself.
History is replete with situations where powerful military forces "won the battle but lost the war."
Does it sound Vietnam?
8) "The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but also has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them"
Tell that American citizens.
They launched the cry to heaven if they speak of the twin towers ... but neither have only heard of Haditha, Panjwai district Maywand or Mahmudiya.
In all these incidents, those who committed the atrocities and acts of brutality carried an American flag on his shoulder.
And so with all countries ...
9) "The threats to freedom of expression, writing and action, although often seem trivial when we see them in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and always lead to a widespread lack of respect for the rights of citizens"
Every day there is a new form of censorship or a new method of forcing people to be self - censorship  and people do not react to it, because every time a new method of repression, only applies to a small minority appears.
When people realize that their freedom of expression and their ability to dissent has been completely restricted, it is too late.
And that brings us to the most disturbing quote from Orwell ...
10) "If you want to see a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever"
Once people are indoctrinated with nationalist beliefs and once you have created the need to protect them from some kind of constantly changing in name "enemy" and form, infrastructure is no longer any possibility that people regain their freedom.
At the moment all these pieces are in place, every opportunity to regain freedom is lost and not only that, but the willingness of people to achieve that freedom evaporates.
At this point, people really love Big Brother.

It is not what is currently happening with much of the population of all countries?
Here comes Orwell again ... get ready for another of his "I told you so"
Here comes Orwell again ... get ready for another of his "I told you so"

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