
15 de abril de 2016




Israeli companies operating in the Sudanese mines, then smuggle the material extracted in complicity with local armed groups.
Hasan Abdollah Dudu, a local leader, was quoted Thursday by the state Sudanese Media Center Communication (SMC, its acronym in English) said that Israeli companies steal gold and uranium, among other natural riches of this African country, for then transfer them to Israel via Sudan.
The source states that excavations are carried out in areas controlled by militants People's Liberation Movement of Sudan-North (SPLM-N, its acronym in English).
breu 10 b
It also argues that the Israelis operate in mines located in the state of South Kordofan, near the borders it shares the country with South Sudan.
The SMC has also published photos that you can see senior leaders of the SPLM-N and the so-called Movement for Justice and Equality (MJI), as well as officials of the Bank of South Sudan, who are supposedly negotiating large amounts gold in Juba, southern Sudanese capital.
In December 2014, the same source said the SPLM-N members are involved in smuggling gold to finance the attacks launched against government forces in Sudan.
Activists of the opposition group fighting since 2011 in South Kordofan and Blue Nile, the country accuse the government of having "marginalized" these states, both politically and economically. Khartoum accuses the southern neighbor of supporting this movement.


The Untold Story of Israeli military exports to South Sudan

Since the independence of Sudan, Israel has continued to sell weapons, military training, internal security and surveillance technology. The only problem is that these weapons and others are used to commit war crimes and possible crimes against humanity.

-Translated Riba English by Carlos Garcia
We now know that in the nineties Israel sold arms to Rwanda as the genocide was widespread throughout the country. The details of such deals remain secret; there is a call for those details to be made public which is currently being examined in the Supreme Court. However, it seems that has not learned any lessons from this issue.
In the last 18 months a bloody civil war has been raging in another African country, South Sudan; in it are taking war crimes sufficiently documented and possible crimes against humanity. The international media covering this war every day. 
On the other hand, Israeli media reported about it the first few months but since then the silence is the norm, although they continue to be perpetrated atrocities. 
It is likely that this silence has a good excuse: senior government officials and security industry are selling weapons, military training, internal security and surveillance technology to the warring factions in South Sudan. Any information on these activities could put them in embarrassment.
Since the sixties of last century Israel has been involved in a secret war in southern Sudan.This is to support the struggle of the rebels to free themselves from the tyranny of Khartoum.Israel's help does not reflect the humanist values ​​of solidarity and a just and legitimate struggle for freedom but is the result of a variety of strategic interests in the region.
 In 2011, after strong pressure from the international community, a referendum was held in South Sudan. 99 percent of residents voted in favor of secession from Khartoum; on 9 July the same year, South Sudan became an independent state.

The state of Israel was one of the first countries to recognize the new state; in 2011, Moyardit Salva Kiir, president of South Sudan, came to Israel on an official visit. 
For Israel, a independent South Sudan was a golden opportunity to promote their interests in the area in relation to their own safety and economy; therefore, it made heavy investments in civil and military infrastructure in that country. 
The relationship between the two countries is exceptional even when compared with the close ties that Israel has with other African countries. The above relationship shows certain features of sponsorship.
This special relationship should be understood in the context of the struggle for power in the region. The local conflict between Sudan and South Sudan is funded by Iran and Israel, respectively. 
While Iran strengthened its ties with Muslim Sudan, Israel strengthened its relations with the Christian South Sudan, which also provides the oil. 
two and a half years ago, Israel bombed a suspected weapons factory in Khartoum Iranian-owned; a year ago, the Israeli defense forces intercepted a cargo ship carrying ammunition from Sudan to Gaza; and last May it was reported that an Israeli drone was shot down in Sudan. 
Clearly Iran and Israel are waging a proxy war through its African allies.
The only problem is if anything this semiimperial strategy can in any way justify support for South Sudan forces perpetrating war crimes and crimes against humanity. 
To prevent the sale of weapons that can be used for this purpose, no Israeli strategic interest, whether real or imagined, can be exempted from moral and legal responsibility.
It is sad to note this, but the independence of South Sudan has become one of the worst tragedies of our times. 
Since the middle of December 2013, there is a savage civil war in South Sudan faces two ethnic and political groups; a continuation of the bloody civil war that, after 22 years, resulted in the independence of the country.
 According to recent reports, in that war they killed 50,000 people, there were two million people forced to leave their homes and become refugees and another 2.5 million people are at risk of hunger as a result. 
Human rights organizations and United Nations estimates that there are about 12,000 smaller integrated as soldiers in military units fighting in South Sudan. All factions fighting the government and especially its aliadas- militias are involved in war crimes, crimes against humanity and serious violations of human rights.
Neither party has the capacity to bring the war to an end, and no ethnic group has a clear majority in the country. 
Dinka tribe, which now controls the government meets only 35 percent of the population.Some of the opposition fighters are former agents of the security forces who defected to go to the other side carrying weapons and military training received, making the government forces have it even harder to defeat. 
For these reasons, the government decided an alternative strategy: mass murder, systematic rape of women than other ethnic groups and violence against citizens identified with the opposition. While weapons continue to enter the country, the government has no interest in compromise and continues to cling to the false hope of defeating their enemies in the battlefield.
The situation has led European countries to declare an arms embargo on South Sudan and the United States suspended its military aid. 
There was also some attempt to pass an embargo similar in the United Nations Security Council. So far, these attempts have not been successful not only because of disagreements and discussions among Council members but also the fear that the rebels defeat the government forces. 
Despite the political difficulties that arise to reach a resolution agreement, however, the severity of the situation in South Sudan is clear for everyone. On 3 March 2015, the Security Council adopted Resolution 2206-presented by the United States for which both parties an ultimatum threatening to an arms embargo and other sanctions if they do not end the fight occurs.
Despite world reaction, according to information provided by human rights activists who have been, or are still in the country, Israel's secret war in South Sudan continues. 
Since the declaration of independence, Israel has not stopped sending weapons, to train their forces and deliver a variety of technological devices related to security. 
There is also cooperation between the secret services of both countries and there are Israeli entities have established and maintain in operation an internal system of control and surveillance in South Sudan.
The current involvement of Israel in South Sudan is exceptional in the history of Israeli military exports. 
It is certainly beyond any economic calculation. Today, Israel is working hard for the viability of a project that has invested heavily in recent years, a project that if failed could damage its credibility with dictators and other regimes like that receiving Israeli military aid.
An official publication of the Defense Ministry broadcast in November 2014 (about a year after the start of the civil war in Sudan South) boasts the success of the export department in the sample Cyber ​​Security, which was visited by 70 delegations around the world, including South Sudan. 
There is evidence that the military of South Sudan are using the Israeli Galil ACE rifle.Eighteen months after the start of the civil war, a Sudanese newspaper reported an airlift between Israel and South Sudan to carry self-propelled missiles, military equipment and even African mercenaries (after being trained).
 The supplies continue to flow. A delegation of South Sudan will visit an exhibition of Israeli weapons that will open next week in Tel Aviv.
Think for a minute in this: a country that now being perpetrated crimes against humanity, using weapons from another country and to embargo all arms approved by the United States and Europe, sends a delegation purchases Israel and there is welcomed with open arms.
Both international law as a basic human morality prohibit the sale of weapons and any other military aid that can be used to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity.
 In the past, due to political conflicts related to the Cold War, the international community failed in fulfilling this obligation, but since the nineties this policy has become a crucial legal body in the United States and Europe; Not only that, this issue has been taken up by international conventions and institutions like the United Nations and international level courts.
Israel does not have the real possibility to ensure that the arms it sells to South Sudan is not used to kill civilians and to threaten women while being raped by soldiers or militia members. 
Moreover, there is no way to ensure that training of security forces is not used for killing and torturing civilians and technology exported is not used to persecute citizens for their political or ethnic affiliation not to mention support horrific war crimes and crimes against humanity unless completely stop all exports to that country's military and security equipment. 
It is important to make clear that international law also prohibits the sale of technology and devices that "do not shoot projectiles" if they can be used in the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
On 12 March, the attorney Itai Mack gave an interview on military exports to South Sudan in the radio program -in Hebrew  , According to Forein Media
(According to foreign media say), put on the air by radio station Al For Peace. Mack revealed more details about Israeli involvement in providing arms and military training to the forces of South Sudan. 
From their findings, Dr. Mack appealed to the Ministry of Defense to stop military exports to that country. This appeal was rejected; otherwise it would have been somewhat surprising.

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