
19 de abril de 2017

C's: "The PP is riddled with corruption"

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

C's: "The PP is riddled with corruption"

The reactions of the world of politics to the arrest of the former president of the Community of Madrid is not waiting

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19/04/2017 - 10:03 H. - UPDATED: 3 H.

The arrest of Ignacio González for alleged direct involvement in an operation by the diversion of funds in the Canal de Isabel II has sparked reactions the world of politics immediately. The device launched by the Civil Guard, which has arrested more than a dozen people, occurred early Wednesday, causing many reactions against one of the strong men of the popular Madrid.

The PSOE increases pressure on C's to oust Cifuentes after the arrest of GonzálezJUANMA ROMERO
Socialists Madrid are willing to lead a motion of censure, 

but remember that it is the orange formation which has "the key" to dismount the PP regional government One of the first to react was the leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias , who did not hesitate to be very critical with whom he was president of the Community of Madrid, which he described as "one of the frogs in the pond Countess Aguirre". The reference is directly related to the 'Tramabús', where one of the characters appearing is Esperanza Aguirre, person very close to the race González.

See picture on Twitter Follow Pablo Iglesias ✔ @ Pablo_Iglesias_ Detained Ignacio González, one of the frogs in the pond Countess Aguirre Trama? What plot? In the #TramaBus today we 'll talk about it 9:48 - April 19, 2017

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Susana Díaz, President of Andalusia and candidate for secretary general of the PSOE, believes that "clearly, in recent decades the PP has had a murky relationship with money and institutions ".In his opinion, Gonzalez is part of" collection of PP leaders "who have been prosecuted for such problems, hoping that justice" bring order "and clarify" what for decades has been in this country for the Popular party. "

Pedro Sánchez was also very critical of what happened in Madrid. "As I said at the time: the history of the PP corruption is like a detective series, each week a new chapter". Then he did not hesitate to exploit to campaign " PP corruption reassures us: only PSOE left and coherent force will make us first. 

. Otherwise condemns us to be third " Follow 

Pedro Sánchez
✔ @ sanchezcastejon

Corruption PP reassures us:.. Only PSOE left and coherent will first force us otherwise condemns us to be third
12:58 - 19 April 2017

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Irene Montero , spokesman for Podemos, also referred to 'Tramabús' and the arrest of Gonzalez: "Plot, what plot Volume II?" Were the words to refer to this new case. For his part, Xavier Domènech was also very clear: "Ignacio González, arrested for diverting funds are not and have never been isolated cases, it is an organized system of corruption.". Meanwhile, the official profile of Podemos says that "the 'Tramabus' is too small."


Xavier Domènech
✔ @ XavierDomenechs

Ignacio González stopped by diverting funds. They are neither have never been isolated cases, it is an organized system of # Corruption 

7171 I like

for people of Podemos, this case will not stay in Gonzalez, but consider that research will lead to higher courts. Íñigo Errejón is clear that it is only one step, but not the last, you can splash the PP in the Spanish capital. "Looted Madrid for decades, but they could not hide the evidence today is Ignacio González but the fence every time it more closely , "he said.


Íñigo Errejón
✔ @ ierrejon

looted Madrid for decades, but they have been unable to hide the evidence. Today is Ignacio González but the siege increasingly narrows more.
10:08 - 19 April 2017

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Albert Rivera has also reacted to the arrest in a tweet in which he quoted the news of the operation and has been accompanied by a lone "Other". In the same vein, he reacted the official profile of Citizens in Madrid, which speaks of "Suma y sigue" referring to the new corruption case involving the Popular Party. Recall that one of the basic points of agreement between C's and the PP to the Government focuses precisely on this aspect.

View image on Twitter Follow Citizens Madrid ✔ @ Cs_Madrid Suma y sigue: arrested the former president Ignacio González laundering and illegal financing in Canal de Isabel II

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spokesman Citizens Assembly of Madrid, Ignacio Aguado, said that "the PP has managed the Community of Madrid as a criminal organization that has plundered the Canal and the region and has laughed of the locals at the expense their taxes. " Cristina Cifuentes considers that "will have to explain" as maximum responsible for the PP, considering that "the PP is riddled with corruption and is crumbling in Madrid".

United Left was also very critical of the arrest of Ignacio González, Cristina Cifuentes directly attacking by his statements in which he claimed that "making the blonde" when "men together" allows you to "get muchícimo more." "Hello Cristina Cifuentes, or was Espe? #MadridSinMafia 10:25 - 19 April 2017 or was Espe? #MadridSinMafia 10:25 - 19 April 2017

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For his part, Interior Minister Juan Ignacio Zoido said that institutions in Spain and works "are the best guarantee that there is no impunity." "Justice comes at the end" and insisted that no division of powers to be respected in Spain, "no share or judicial decisions". Similarly, Executive President of Extremadura, Guillermo Fernández Vara said he was unaware this operation, but hopes to "identify responsibilities".

Similarly, the Socialist councilor Antonio Miguel Carmona spoke very clearly in 'The program Ana Rosa'. "Madrid have become a cesspool Siege closes more and more about Esperanza Aguirre and, therefore,

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