
14 de abril de 2017

FACEBOOK nerves under pressure from European states

FACEBOOK nerves under pressure from European states

The Zionist elite that dominates the world is nervous about the meteoric rise in the polls Mélenchon in France. 

A few days ago, against their own tradition of not interfering in internal affairs of other countries, the German government publicly gave his support to the candidate of Rostchild, Macron. 

The media did not cease in its efforts to discredit his rivals, but in vain. France has become anti-system. 

And both the left and the right, the traditional parties are overwhelmed by their more radical options. 

The desperate elite forces Facebook to break into the campaign taking sides. Since it closed, all of those accounts, both right and left, which supposedly give false news. It is assumed to be those who sympathize with Le Pen or Melenchon.

Armak of Odelot

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He says it will close the largest audience
Facebook takes action against 30 thousand accounts with false information and fraud
Newspaper La Jornada 
Friday April 14, 2017
Facebook  reported that undertook actions against tens of thousands of  fake accounts in France , at a time when the social network seeks to demonstrate working hard to stop the spread of spam, false information, fraud and misinformation.
The company, based in  Silicon Valley , is under intense pressure because several European governments have threatened new laws unless  Facebook  act quickly to remove propaganda extremists or other illegal content, in accordance with current regulations.
Social networking sites like  Twitter, YouTube ,  owned by  Google - and Facebook  are also under scrutiny for their potential to be used to manipulate voters in national elections to be held in France and Germany  in the coming months.
In a blog post,  Facebook  explained that took action against 30 thousand false accounts in France  and that in some cases deleted, but not all. 
He added that  his priority is to close those that have high volumes of publications and larger audiences . 
We have made improvements to recognize these unauthentic accounts more easily to identify patterns of activity, without evaluating the content itself , wrote in an official blog post  Shabnam Shaik, manager of a security team  Facebook.
The company also issued  notices to full page  in  newspapers  more sales in  Germany  to educate readers about  how to detect false news.
In April, the German cabinet tested new laws to force social networks  to play a greater role in combating hate speech on the net. Otherwise  they could face fines of up to $ 53 million.
In recent months,  Facebook  has taken steps to make it easier for users to report possible fraud, to criticism for his role in spreading false news during the presidential election in  the United States.

La Jornada

Mélenchon image result in elections france

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