
18 de abril de 2017

Rodrigo Rato immorality knows no bounds

Difficult to find a parallel in Spanish politics, even in Europe, a leader who accumulate as much power as Rodrigo Rato and then end up squandering all its political and moral credit for the sink of immorality. Rato was Minister of Economy and Deputy Prime Minister, and then managing director of Intercional Monetary Fund (IMF), charged with the rank of head of state. It was the face of the economic miracle of the mandate of José María Aznar. And, regardless of other considerations on economic management that stage, the fact is that his performance has been shattered by the obscene behavior of those who abused his position for personal gain.

The latest revelations published in the world credited the lack of scruples who one day aspired to take over from Aznar in front of the PP and the government. Rato did not commit any irregularities after abandoning his political responsibilities. As minister, hiding and seven millonesoffshore. According to the latest report of the Central Operating Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard, former Vice President blanked capital and paid with illegal money lending banks. It transifirió funds from tax havens in three operations in 2001 and 2003. The Civil Guard believes that five companies of the Rato family turnover of 82 million euros between 1998 and 2004 nine companies he privatized while serving as vice president. Specifically, 31 of these 82 million were paid between 2004 and 2007, when Rato was director of the IMF. And indeed, Rato output of this organism occurred only two days after the external audit of the Fund will interrogate for their companies in tax havens for money launderers. This explains, ten years later, why the former leader of the PP had to leave abruptly IMF, a move that gravely eroded the image of Spain abroad.

Rato behavior can only be described as infamous. Because if it 's already severe public office any fall in illegal and reprehensible practices is even more poignant in that exerted such high responsibilities. And only from the absolute shamelessness or from a sense of impunity be understood that Rato had no complexes in whitening of his fortune using email IMF or repatriate more than four million by a company of Panama when he was still vice president, as this newspaper has revealed. He even ordered from his ministerial office to which state-controlled companies hired with family companies, which certifies the moral character of the above.

It should be emphasized that, in the person of former Economy Minister converge both the shadows of corruption in their particular business -Hacienda and anomalies detected two restatements of Rato as irregularities that dot its management in the public domain. The PP entrusted with the Presidency of Bankia when he was not yet a disgraced character. However, he was convicted by the High Court to four and a half years in prison for a crime of misappropriation in the case of black cards and is being investigated for his role in the fraudulent exit Bankia Bolsa. Regarding the opaque cards a robbery in which officers and directors of the company fraudulently spent 12.5 million euros between 2003 and 2012, the Court ruled that Rato "extended practice in their favor." Rato benefited from stays in five-star hotels and the purchase of luxury items. On the other hand, although the company has already returned the money from the IPO to minority shareholders, the fact is that the former president of Bankia agreed in its accounting manipulation, as evidenced by the reports of the inspectors. The collapse of its management-and of Blesa- not leave him free to citizens, since the State had to inject 23,000 million euros of public money to bail out Bankia.

All this forms the portrait of a man who knows no ethics and preferred undermine its prestige even at the risk of magullar also the economic task of the party that encumbró the first echelon of national and international policy. Justice should thoroughly investigate the source of wealth of Rato, which in no way corresponds to the remuneration received during his political and financial career. But outside the court action, what no doubt is the onerous come from a leader become the epitome of lack of principles. It is difficult to fall lower than Rodrigo Rato.

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