
10 de abril de 2017

the State Treasury of the Republic came to be moved to the west.

4 May 4 , 2011: Sheldon Nye dollar News

Selamat Jalwa! In order to fully realize a legitimate government in line with NESARA , a huge amount of American banknotes is involved in the first major expenditure . Therefore, NESARA the State Treasury of the Republic came to be moved to the west. This made it possible to do future payments more effectively than initially anticipated. The huge amount of this initial payment implies that the old illegal corporation, America, will officially collapse. Moreover, this activity also means the end of the cheating act that was done on a daily basis because there is no government in Washington. People making new NESARA Republic are preparing some procedures now for the early days after the establishment of this Republic. This event is designed to be a trigger to change the earth from the war state, the worst extreme, to the age of peace and prosperity. This is also a formal testimony that debt slavery ends worldwide.

This special process is designed so that everyone can be a dignified and rich member in this new way of being on the planet. This new legitimate government and many other sister states will be reconstructed in new reality and become a leader state to be legally and welcomed. In this reality, a way to release a series of amazing newest equipment that was officially hidden under the name of national security formerly the old government will be made. These devices are known for curing various diseases that have continued poisoning humankind since Atlantis. In addition to this, the enormous amount of historical facts that have been forgotten are also clarified and will be discussed by the Ascended Masters. Humanity will be able to touch wisdom that has been denied access so far . Using this knowledge and advanced technologies hidden so far. You will experience a miracle.

- It will be released from all disgusting diseases and you will be given a great rejuvenation technique. A truly miraculous time will come for everyone!

When we will come, we are promised to enter the era where we can communicate with the Agarta inside the Earth and our union. First contact is what we have been aiming since the beginning when we came to the earth in the early 1990s . Dark Anchara Alliance has tried to eliminate our efforts by enabling the nova explosion phenomenon by manipulating the state of the sun. But, as the heaven informed us of their actions, we were able to rectify this quickly. Through this case, we were keenly aware of how important their illegal way is to them. We urgently contacted the scientific exploration team and sent a small team aiming to carefully monitor your sun. This temporary strategy eventually evolved into a defense corps in the second half of 1990 , and when the secret organization of darkness tried to do malicious " invasion " against the earth many times , the Anchara alliance I have succeeded in interfering with helping. With such relentless activities of the darkness, God led us to order the mission of First Contact. And this mission has evolved into its present shape over the last few decades. We are now watching the way you are turning into light and perfect consciousness.

In the present mission, in order to convert you into a galactic mankind, it is necessary for us to create a living crystal light chamber in collaboration with the teacher presence in us and the Agartans. And for the success of this process we noticed that we had to proceed with a stable and computationally paced pace. Furthermore, we were able to know a lot about your very wide variety of belief systems and culture through the liaison. I was quite surprised by the way the existence of the darkness stayed in the old reality as if they had warped your reality as convenient for them.

I am very pleased that the people who are working hard to change this area accepted us fully. Initially, we understand how difficult it was to accept us among various people. Along with that, I am very pleased that we have helped greatly against the long struggle between your darkness. Essentially it is quite close to complete victory against the sneaky plans of secret organizations of the dark that will make you all enslaveable. If an appropriate time comes, we are ready to fully accept you as an interstellar nation of the new galaxy. It will be after everyone turns into a galactic human being and every water planet in your new interstellar state will be converted to allow human beings to live.

Namaste! We are your ascended master! Today is full of joy against our holy secret society responding promptly to achieve the greatest victory of light. This series of wonderful events is thanks to a special trap that they tried to make them think that victory has come to the side of the darkness. In fact, the villainous government has been the subject of ongoing street investigations for us to expose the lie that USA Co., Ltd. actually exists. The ongoing investigation still ongoing will provide evidence necessary to completely isolate and arrest secret organization of darkness and its innumerable underling organization. I would like to thank you for continuing to keep your positive vision, so that heaven will be able to attach this direction at sacred timing. Even though the delay was added as necessary, everyone kept collective vision politely. Thanks to that, we can deliver a big gift that heaven is new and rich. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

I appreciate your positive visualization and wonderful support. We started this most difficult journey with everyone. Peace and prosperity, freedom and dignity, which is the deepest desire of such a wonderful assembly, is about to come true. The launch of NESARA and all that accompany it is yours. We are all looking forward to seeing each one of you to realize the dream that is most passionate. In addition, the gift from the sky of the realization of dreams comes when the project succeeds successfully. Heaven understands how hard it is to turn this reality of the earth into difficult. In addition, Heaven talked about how this difficult task is cleared. I appreciate everyone's concentration of consciousness and the ability to overcome many of your difficulties. Please, please use the knowledge obtained as a result to make a more enjoyable celebration! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the collective of the earth, the reality obtained through its visualization. What is going on now is happening by this series of noble actions. Let's grow the possibilities further with this magnificent surprise. We see that your great gentle and merciful behavior develops and reminds us how arrogant the former dark rulers in this reality were. Now they have to see that the spectators who overlooked greatly are ruining the grand plan. I will forever thank you for your patience and wonderful power to grow! We went out with a very dangerous journey. It seemed that the twists and turns would last forever and there were times when heaven had to reach out several times . However, we survived and became a position to tell a wonderful story to the world. When we cheers for good work, we will send you a blessing at that wonderful work. In that sense, there is this joy message and elegant victory!

Today I had my consciousness tilted about what is happening on this beautiful blue-green earth. Many things are going to develop. Please use this time, be ready to make the most pleasant and wonderful drive. As old proverbs say "Fun is coming now! "  Please let me know, infinity supply and endless wealth of heaven is really yours! That's it! Be one! Be in joy!

Website: Planetary Activation Organization

Translation : JUN

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