
27 de junio de 2017

Earth and humanity have entered a new era.

Nesara News RV intel
The Saint Germain Foundation!
Earth and humanity have entered a new era. It is destined to become the Golden Age if humanity returns to the beneficent laws of life they once knew. Governor Maestro for this Golden Age is the Cosmic Being widely known as Saint Germain. In his long series of incarnations, He was a leader of humanity to rediscover the lost wisdom and harmony.
Saint Germain formally established its work com or Saint Germain Foundation in 1938 a non-profit corporation in the US.
__AHORA, along with Ascended Lady Master Nada are responsible for announcing NESARA to the world __________
The word "I AM" in English carries different inner vibration when expressed in word or thought in any other language.
Resultat d'imatges Sant Germain
Saint Germain sought for 600 years between the people of Earth someone sufficiently obedient, humble enough to bring his mission on earth. In 1932 he found these two, Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Ballard, in the United States. He already knew them well before, since he had been his father, his teacher, his governor in other lives. They accepted their instruction and freely gave all he had given them. They have made their Ascension and Great Ascended Masters are now working at Cosmic Levels for Enlightenment and Ascension of humanity and the planet.

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