
5 de junio de 2017

messages Rangers

messages Rangers


Human Being Beings of Light are directed to give a life expectancy beyond what he perceives. They come to give their energy of life so that human beings evolve already, and fulfills the objective for which it was created: Being evolution, be life, be energy, be calm, be love and be harmony, to stop being destruction.

WHY THE HUMAN BEING SICK physically or emotionally?
ALANISO, it tells us the reasons why the human being is physically affected and are as follows.

1: SO PIENSAN.- humans (children, adolescents and adults), they are affected by emotions; ie fears, fears, anxieties, resentments, disappointments, intransigence, intolerance, etc., etc., etc., so ask us toanalyze our life from childhood to the present age (or from the current to infant age living memory) and begin to overcome each and every one of the negative emotions that affect us in life (for all people) as to phase them the importance and significance that we gave them; This way your body will respond to that (or those) change (s).

2: what they eat. - Man must stop eating all kinds of meat from animals (land, air and water) that is feeding on an element that is dead, which does not provide life to the human body and requires the right fuel for the body fulfill its automatic functions and thus will repair itself. Therefore, the human being is not "carnivore" as commonly called himself; we do not have claws (are nails), do not have adequate dentition (like carnivores), we are unable to catch an animal with our nails and tearing (as do carnivores) far from bite to start I eat it; In addition, our gastric juices and saliva, are totally inadequate to process the meat (which are as these) without an impact in the short you have, medium or long term (measured in human years), on the other hand, a piece of meat passes 72 hours (according brand science) in our body, adding to this body temperature before being evicted waste obtained after digestion, and not dislodged as a whole, because as in the intestine there are folds and villi, always remain attached small residues of the "misnamed food" are the initiators of the amount of discomfort by passing our body, then we corrected by medication or surgery. Keep in mind that the animals are treated with high hormone levels, anabolic steroids, drugs for animals not transmitted diseases, medications that keep them dormant so they do not attack each other and mistreats his flesh, which, since it could not be sold and must also consider that the animal suffers a lot in the "sacrifice" that man submits, without any consideration.

3: SO DRUNK: The human being to become a tradition with the consumption of alcohol to celebrate all kinds of events, in which itbelieves to be happy or believed to be the way to share with others, happiness or misery, without realize that every drop of alcohol is destroying the cell, dehydrating and altering the genetic patterns, as well as the destruction of vital organs (which is the whole body), by which severe and irreversible conditions shall be taken, if persisted in Alcohol consumption. without any consideration. 3: SO DRUNK: The human being to become a tradition with the consumption of alcohol to celebrate all kinds of events, in which it believes to be happy or believed to be the way to share with others, happiness or misery, without realize that every drop of alcohol is destroying the cell, dehydrating and altering the genetic patterns, as well as the destruction of vital organs (which is the whole body), by which severe and irreversible conditions shall be taken, if persisted in Alcohol consumption. without any consideration. 3: SO DRUNK: The human being to become a tradition with the consumption of alcohol to celebrate all kinds of events, in which it believes to be happy or believed to be the way to share with others, happiness or misery, without realize that every drop of alcohol is destroying the cell, dehydrating and altering the genetic patterns, as well as the destruction of vital organs (which is the whole body), by which severe and irreversible conditions shall be taken, if persisted in Alcohol consumption.


Because it is extremely important to understand that we are not Carnivores, as always we made us believe; because in order to receive help from the Guardians of the Universe of the Father, we are asking: respect the life of all that exists as Life.

Therefore we are told that we should not eat any meat (land, air and water), including animal broths.

Why not eat meat? Because we have a carnivorous structure; that is, wedo not have claws, do not have a teething like true carnivores, tigers, lions, hyenas, etc. So too, our saliva and gastric juices are unsuitable for working with meat elements, hence we have a heavy and long hours digestion. We must understand that the carnivore, stalking its prey, chases, hunting and killing to eat it, activities that human beings do not perform; In addition, the hunting carnivore to eat and people kill to kill, and kill to say you should eat meat that nourishes him; without some awareness that nutrition is not based on the meat, because if the "Science" says that there are enough to feed the body nutrients, this is false outright, since the stop having life body of the animal, the process of putrefaction begins immediately, then the "nutrients" that might be useful to the human body, stop having quality (same as it was for the animal), but not for humans. Furthermore, it has been found that meats generate similar alcohol liquid, so causing addiction to meat and hence, it takes a lot of work to stop eating meat (s).

Nutrients for human beings, are in the natural, which does not mean a change in power is made; ie go straight to the Vegetarian or Naturist. You can go making a transition in power, starting with the lacto-ovo vegetarianism. It will ask ... why do this kind of transition? Just for the body recienta not change; ie using egg and milk and derivatives thereof (yogurt, creams, cheeses, butters, etc.) they will be giving the body, animal proteins, not because they are necessary for the body to be healthy or it evolves, but that the body does not start to demand what the meat was supplied inappropriately.

We can say that,


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