
19 de junio de 2017

Pineales choir tones in France. I and II

Choir pineales tones in France. I and II
 CHOIR PINEAL TONES IN FRANCE - PART 1Introduction by Mónica MuranyiFor many of you this is your first experience with the Pineal Tones Choir. But to others, they have participated in all the choirs. No matter how many times they've been in a choir, therea fundamental question: Why are they here? Each will have a different answer to this question, but let me givethe answer of Kryon: You are here to enable the multidimensional aspects of their DNA. They are here to awaken your Akash, to remember your galactic spiritual lineage, to communicate with Gaia and the grids of consciousnessthe planet. They are here to talk to the nodes and zero parts of the world, a benevolent system created by the Pleiadians, as it accelerated path to consciousness. Pineales to sing tones, vibration of the planet will change forever because, individually, each of you is resonating with a new vibration. I would likemake a brief review of whatonly be described as amazing full. The origin of tones began 26,000 years ago in ancient Lemuria, a place that Kryon described as the launching pad of humanity. Pleiadian Lemurian had teachers who taught tones. Dr. Todd Ovokaytis was known as Lemuria Yawee. Yawee Lemurian was the greatest scientist who ever lived, and the pineal tones Pleiadian mother taught her. Since 2012 Yawee has gathered many souls around the world to sing tones. Choruses have occurred in locations that contain significant capsules Pleiadians time. The result is that quantum information is released to the grids of consciousness, which then spread to humanity. By free will, mankind can access this power transmission and voluntary information. We are in a special place; in the shadow of Mont Blanc. Mont Blanc has been identified as one of the twelve major nodesthe planet. The mountain has been waiting for you. The capsule was placed here some 200,000 years ago is ready to receive your communication. They are in the right place at the right time; start singing tones. Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. This group is sitting in the living room almost in the shadow of Mont Blanc pleyadiano called node, and not by accident. The history of what is happening here has literally 200,000 years because it was then that the nodes were installed and null zones. Dear, if you are hearing this but they are not in the classroom, have a tendency to turnoff, perhaps to put eyes and say "These poor fools esoteric have swallowed this nonsense." And I wantrefer to that. Today's message will be filled with a reality that is transformed; Physical information that is appropriate, since what is in a node is physical. There will be instructions for Yawee (Kryon laughs). There will be no information on the area combined with the node, and what you are doing here.Dear ancient, esoteric soul, the reality that you have is different from many. The reality is a changing state; thereno reality that is true, because your reality changes every time you make a new discovery about yourself, about yourself, about the planet, about physics in general, or about the universe. It is a moving target, and now, dear ones, you have moved beyond where most people are. I would liketell about the choir singing tones are connected to the grid. Not necessarily hear the mountain; are connected to the grid, therean association, a relationship between all parties. It is transmitted through its intention and consciousness to all nodes and void areas of the planet, not just that you are coming. Therea relationship between this network of nodes and null zones and the planet itself; therea multidimensional relationship between these nodes and other planetary system that installedTherea relationship between this planetary system andlike; therea relationship with the galaxy.What you do here it is known to those you can not conceive, beyonddistances that you can not believe. The high esoteric thought and belief and consciousness of God's love has broughtto this place on this day. They are the only group on the planet who is actively seeking the integrity of consciousness of these nodes and null zones. The tones are developed and given, they come directly from Yawee, which has a relationship with those who installedThat's who you are. Dear ones, I want to address for a moment the scientist, who put his eyes and say, "This is nonsense, this can not be and is stupid and foolish." I want to talk for a moment. Come with me to a meeting some time ago, full of scientists and doctors attending a meeting and told something, and they laughed out loud, and then a few drinks were taken and laughed a little, wondering what crazy and misunderstood what was heard that there was a tiny, tiny, invisible things, carrying diseases. How foolish to think that! And then, of course, they had to change music, when germs were discovered. Germs changed reality. Invisibles! Carriers of disease. And the smartest among smart laughed more and more. And what changed the paradigm was the discovery of something they did not think was there. The next time I come here I'll tell you a little bit of that, and maybe I'll give you a lesson in physics. Einstein was probably one of the smartest minds in physics were for that day; He gave them what you use today. Sparkly; more than brilliant - for his time and died absolutely convinced that there was no such thing as quantum energy or a quantum particle. Did not fit within their paradigm, the box in which he lived, however brilliant it out! And now you know better. Science has shown that there are at least 11 dimensions; there are many more.Dimensionality is something that you constantly work on high physics. The reality of Einstein, brilliant aswas, I was in a box. Let me tell you about the big box that are currently still in astronomy and physics, before those who laugh now laugh a little more. There was an astronomer called Vera Rubin. She was a wild card. He recently died; I could be here at this moment, smiling, because she discovered something that should have alerted all knowledge about physics, something they did not know about the relationship between the parties. She was brilliant. He found that all the stars in a spiral galaxy are exactly the same speed around the center.And it's not how the solar system works. In fact, that does not fit with Kepler and Newton; It does not fit into anything that physics had as rules. And then what makes clever physique with that information, around the globe? What can you do with that? They decidedinvent an energy to fit with Kepler and Newton! So, instead of seeing it and absorbas a beautiful change in the laws of physics, which was to be seen and revealed, perhaps as the tones that are sung today, instead they closed the box and invented the dark energy, and today westudying, trying to fit what she showed in an old bubble known physics, instead of opening the box for something that would be bigger. This is what would be bigger; and what you do here can callesoteric, but I'll call physical high. Dear, what they call an angel? Is it possible that an angelic being come and go violating the laws of physics? You feel your consciousness. Would you say that they have nothing to do with physics, nothing to do with science, because they come from God? I remember something: the creative source of the universe is the physical Master! And the beings around him, are all working with basic physics. That's how things work; all is the relationship between the parties. The Pleiadeans came; they did not use ships. They existed long, long before there was life on this planet. They are part of the Creator Source, it could even be said to be almost angelic, they are his seminal parents are beautiful and full of love for you. It is the story of creation on the planet. That is why you have 23 instead of 24 pairs of chromosomes. With that you are addressing today; It is not merely esoteric time singing. So to start today with tones, want to see the beauty of the signals they emit, and what they mean for those who hear, whatever their mode of hearing. Pleiadians almost pure, faster than the speed of light consciousness, because consciousness has no mass, they came here with a purpose, time, and eventually found Yawee. Dear: This may sound strange for those who have never heard; I promise that someday will become your reality on this issue. Beginning tones. KryonCHOIR PINEAL TONES IN FRANCE - Part 2Dear, this is the seventh choir.Traditionally, every choir I speak of the nodes and null zones, this system, and then combine with each other that you represent. In a moment, Mont Blanc will have a partner, but first I want to tell you about the relationship between these nodes and null zones. It is not linear. I can not stand here and give information easily nonlinear because linearly hear, think linearly. Some have said, "Kryon, the are activating."That is incorrect. "The online're getting." Incorrect. Ipaint a picture for you; It is not entirely accurate, but give them an idea of how this works. These nodes and null zones were placed here as time capsules and contain nothing inside (laughs). They were prepared to run at the right time. They were here working with grids system, even before the change, so you could say that existed and did something. But the plan was arrived at a place that was itself after the change. Imagine 24 humans in a complex scene in 24 rooms. In each room there are doors opening to the other.Now this is longer linear and is not really accurate, because they would clearly see multidimensionally to know that each room had doors that opened to all others. That's complicated, but for now imagine 24 rooms, and there are 12 that are, say, positive and 12 are negative, tryingget together in order to cause more energy each by itself could not. First question you would do: "Humans are living and working?"Yes; but they are alone. Then, as we begin to connect pairs,we will open doors to allow them to see each other, discover each other. However, the complex part of this, we have not really discussed much, is that pairs of nodes and null zones are not established as existing and known peers. As you, the choir have sung notes, phrases, tones, and have met with the intention that changes the energy of the nodes and null zones are capable of doing. Therefore, whenever you combine a couple is the couple of the moment, unknown until now. Actually, if you wantspeak, you are the ones who decide what is what, and what goes with what. So each time a couple was armed, that was the couple that day, because the tones, because the intention, because of the sacredness of what they are doing. So that the doors have opened slightly and now have many nodes and void areas with accesseach other, starting to build a network. However; it does not become stronger - that is linear - simply becomes more effective. Strength, strength, all that is linear. This process actually is known in some models of computer program; It is a nonlinear process in which the pieces and parts and the relations between them grow and coalesce,discover each other, and build on that. It is the best example I can give of a nonlinear system of nodes and null zones, so that's not what you think. When lines between the nodes and known null zones are drawn form a nice pattern with linearity. If they knewdo it in a quantum way through the gates, is sacred geometry. You may not discover that until they know what to do doors. Today I wantcombine Mont Blanc in the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere: will be with Mount Aconcagua, which is in South America. Obviously, the north meets the south. That all this change is. The northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere come together in a way that creates a more balanced world where compassion is universal, not belonging to one hemisphere. Started; start now; that is par for this day. Dear, therealways a section in which we go to Yawee. Is a whole heritage, Yawee, do what you've done, and I will reflect that back throughout. Incredibly, almost 50,000 years. I wanttella little about the Pleiadian biology, their science, but first I want to honor the lineage of Yawee. We told you this would be your year, and has been. Your science grows andstart to remember things that your mother gave you. They include science now develop because it happenedyou information and putin your Akash, so that when you wake up during the change - if there was a change -'d start to remember. And you did it. However there are a couple of interesting things can happen. You will receive some prizes; there will be a recognition, but no longer can stay in the closet (laughs). You will know as "rare" (more laughter).Do notsurprised if any of the awards banquets do not ask youspeak; are afraidsing whale songs (laughs). Not only that;I want to think about the lineage of Yawee and these choruses in a thousand years. Maybe two or three thousand years. It will be recognized that you did something, and esoterically there was a change; They might even say it was a group of shamans; they will not understand exactly what happened, what Yawee did, how they managed something that was dynamically quantum even before they understood that was possible. But the strangest thing we can say is maybe what will happen when in some way in a land fill is reached discover a choir book (audience laughs). And scholars say "this has to be the language of light more complex than we have ever seen," and study more and more, trying to elucidate the meanings or the depths of "ang ang Yawee ha ha oh" (big laughs) . But nothing more mysterious than "Cycle 11 on the side of the left hand." This will keep them occupied for decades (laughs). Todd, you need not do more pineales tones, you're done. But you can, if you wish.And this is literal: the necessary tone for what you've done already complete. And what you do from now on for your free will be an enhancement that makes Yawee, last but not now.At maturity, having remembered everything that you remembered, you can now develop tones not from memory, not from your Akash, but from maturity and evolution through the seven choirs. So what do depends on you; no assignment except one, but that assignment is the heart. I wanttalk about your mother. In physics it is difficult to change between what is multidimensional and what is corporeal. Even if the physical can be manipulated over and over again, and it is true that through awareness and understanding how it works, you can have corporeal beings traveling great distances massless, but when reconverted to corporeality and emulate a way, especially as they did the Pleiadians to plant them to you, that tended to age them, and then you really only did twice, once arrived here. And then when they decided to return to a multidimensional state could live almost indefinitely, until they retook the corporeal form.There was a time when this was necessary, and there was a time when they had to do it all. There are certain places on this planet renowned for groups of them, and by their presence; This chorus has been in several, one of them is Shasta. Of course they are also in the mountains of Hawaii.People have seen the lights and felt the energy, have known something very, very special have these places where they still exist today, not to interfere but in celebration, watching their work, especially during the change, and what they had done . Todd, there was a time I wanttalk about your mother.Last year I asked youdevelop two lullabies, and therea reason why I contacted her when I taught aschildlight and responsibility that then you would like Yawee in Lemuria, and as Ovokaytis for Change . But she gave you another song.Todd, when youready, we wanttouch your heart. It was a song of farewell, because she had to make their final change. And she implanted this melody in your Akash, that the songs that you spoke of the future, and you said she was eternal but that you, the young man did not return to see her again in flesh. It has beautiful words you know, a melody you know. Todd, the melody was sung for your vision, probably would not have remembered, but it was that. I want youdevelop a lullaby, it was the last of it, orchestrated as you did with the other. In this therepower; Have you seen how the choir has reacted to the lullabies? Do you see what happened? Do you see the emotion, compassion, when they realize what they represent? This would be important; I would have never asked youdo this years ago. But now you're on the verge of a full recollection of many things. It for next Coro, in the magical place called Glastonbury, which will reveal the final words of it for you. And we'll stand there and sing, and remember-and celebrate a job well done! Thank you, Yawee!Dear, here you are a personal message from you to me. I've been watching. Here's a message they have given me. A bee can really fly. It seems impossible; It seemsdefy the laws of physics when they seeBut a bee is not a plane; In fact the relationship she has with the air, its support is howflies. It is one of many insects is clearly seen when analyzing their movements up and down wings create lift or elevation, because she can bendand bendThus, It is constantly in a state of lift in the air while flapping its wings open and creating something that is almost miraculous. This is how I see you. This is the message I have been giving the relationship that the bee has with air is survival. What is the relationship you have? Andhas to be something that is more than for most, because you sit in these chairs and the message I have been sending all this time is that they understand much of it. Dear, I wantanchor: I receive your message, and tell them that therean even larger ratio than what they know. Even larger than what is in the nodes and null zones, and personal. How do you define yourself? Put the name by which you know on a piece of paper, puton the wall andview. The question is, Who am I? And you can not answer. Me neither. And the reason I do not see the relationship. But I see in you, not the name on the wall. The relationship you have with what's on the inside, which is on the outside, actually shown here. But there's more. You are on the verge of a discovery of a relationship did not expect.It is almost a relationship with yourself, but not really with you. We have asked for a long time you learned to love yourself, to know you, to heal you. And finally it boils down to this: What if I told you that it was you, almost like a mirror of yourself, a multidimensional you who has always been there? This is quite new information and yet it is also what the ancients taught, because in some of their sleep time in some of their ceremonies, they saw this and knew what it was. This is the quantum you. There are two words that have been misused over and over again at this time called esoteric: "quantum" and "nano". Neither it is used properly.Quantum now equals multidimensional. Could there be a multidimensional you? It reflects what you do, but it's not part of you, unless you have a relationship with him. And what would that relationship? That relationship would have to be something you have not seen before or do not even know. You are breaking the barrier of compassion. Dear, therea kind of multidimensional physics compassion. When the compassion is generated, it creates a relationship with the air, with the elements, with the same physical. And you've been trying to do all this time by yourself, without realizing that therea quantum you, beside you, it has everything to do with compassion. It is almost like the missing piece, a part of the human being is very, very well known. You could say it is the higher self, but it is not. The Higher Self is a part of you that vibrates higher. This is ready to meet you. Some have found this multidimensional self and have joined with him, and realized thatwas the solution because they found the best friend I ever have. It was good alternative you falllove, because it is a multidimensional you apart from you and then begin to help each other. Can you begin to see a list of support? (laughs). A relationship that lifts you to be unique, because you're not. A relationship so you do not have to bear the burdens alone. What if I tell you that there is another you inside you that is emerging multidimensional way that helps you? You see it all the time, you do not know what it is, you hear the voice of the alternative you when you have intuition Much comes from the pineal; much comes from the brain and heart. But the alternative you that is emerging is something totally new. You start to realize that you're multiple, you're not singular. But the multiple is beautiful, appropriate, useful, and is the answer. What if there is in you that you have no problems you have? (laughs).It has better health than you. And he will live longer than you if you letSome of you are finding this alterative you, and the combination is a list of the parts of you. The multidimensional you, the 3D you, the you of the Higher Self,This is the relationship of the parties of which we speak.And when you start to see it, you realize that you can alter the 3D you because you can manipulate the field between the two; You can manipulate space between them in a way that creates solutions for everything you have. It is a new way of looking atAnd some say, "Well, I'm not sure I understood that." Let me tell: do not needunderstandBee fly very well without understanding; You can do the same. I think you get the idea. Let me tellsomething: this group is unique.Who have participated in this esoteric enterprise choir are very different in their thinking, what they expect, what they see, and what they create. I'm talking to an advanced group.Some know exactly what I'm talking, and that is why they are in the chair. Do not accept what others tell them they should be. Do not accept the reality that those around them will tell you they should have. Accept only what they know is the reality of something very different, very beautiful, always benevolent. Never hurts. And compassionate towards everyone around him. I will be back. For those who are listening, they have not heard of music (laughs) I speak of those who were not present. And why have not the feeling of lullabies. Jubilation, celebration, beauty, compassion; It is a great way to complete the day. Dear, do not let them say goodbye. The lineage continues choirs, and thesealways be part of what happens next, whether attendingperson; ifcan not reach, just they are part of it. Someday, when you have done all the choirs, even then there will be goodbye.Because it is in a circle, it is perpetual, as is the love, such as the evolution of this planet, with promises and more so that to leave here no goodbye. The ancients had no word for "goodbye". Of civilization in civilization, carefully built a term that meant both, and in some cases the word also meant "I love you". Everything is bound to leave this place; as a group will always be together. And so it is. KryonTranscription and translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro by Lee CarrollChamonix, France, May 21, 2017 Because it is in a circle, it is perpetual, as is the love, such as the evolution of this planet, with promises and more so that to leave here no goodbye. The ancients had no word for "goodbye". Of civilization in civilization, carefully built a term that meant both, and in some cases the word also meant "I love you".Everything is bound to leave this place; as a group will always be together. And so it is. KryonTranscription and translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro by Lee CarrollChamonix, France, May 21, 2017 Because it is in a circle, it is perpetual, as is the love, such as the evolution of this planet, with promises and more so that to leave here no goodbye. The ancients had no word for "goodbye". Of civilization in civilization, carefully built a term that meant both, and in some cases the word also meant "I love you".Everything is bound to leave this place; as a group will always be together. And so it is. KryonTranscription and translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro by Lee CarrollChamonix, France, May 21, 2017 The ancients had no word for "goodbye". Of civilization in civilization, carefully built a term that meant both, and in some cases the word also meant "I love you". Everything is bound to leave this place; as a group will always be together. And so it is.KryonTranscription and translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro by Lee CarrollChamonix, France, May 21, 2017 The ancients had no word for "goodbye". Of civilization in civilization, carefully built a term that meant both, and in some cases the word also meant "I love you". Everything is bound to leave this place; as a group will always be together. And so it is.KryonTranscription and translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro by Lee CarrollChamonix, France, May 21, 2017 

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