
20 de junio de 2017

Satanic cult that rules the world

The satanic cult that rules the world

[Note: The information in this chapter is not a part of the reports and not from the author.]
16 October, 2007

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

Sarkozy shows sign of satanic hand Hand Cornuto. All Satanists show this satanic sign unconsciously as a symbolic act of recognition and servitude to their "god" - Lucifer.
"How you can chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight unless ... God had given them in the hands of the enemy?" 
(Deuteronomy 32:30)
"Either convert to Islam or die." This was the choice of the Turkish sultan put Sabbatai Zevi, Jewish self-proclaimed "Messiah" in 1666.
Just try to convert, Zevi resorted to a common practice. But Zevi was not an ordinary Jew. He led a popular heresy, based on a satanic strain Cabalism. The rabbis he and his followers had denounced.
After his "conversion" more than a million followers, who later as the Rothschild financial included, imitated his example. But not only they claim to be Muslims or Christians. They were passed by Jews as well.
Communist defector Bella Dodd revealed that during the 1930s the Communist Party had 1100 members join the  Catholic priesthood. They became bishops, cardinal and possibly Papas.
By adopting this chameleon strategy, this satanic cult infiltrated and subverted most governments and religions, and established an invisible tyranny without drawing much attention. In the words of the gifted researcher Clifford Shack:
The era of the Second World War is a good example. The following leaders were members of the "Cult of the All-Seeing Eye" (Sabbatean / Frankists): Franklin D. Roosevelt; Winston Churchill; Adolph Hitler; Eugenio Pacelli (Pius XII); Francisco Franco; Benito Mussolini; Hirohito and Mao Tse-Tung ". The era of the Second World War is a good example. The following leaders were members of the "Cult of the All-Seeing Eye" (Sabbatean / Frankists): Franklin D. Roosevelt; Winston Churchill; Adolph Hitler; Eugenio Pacelli (Pius XII); Francisco Franco; Benito Mussolini; Hirohito and Mao Tse-Tung ".


If Mr. Shack is correct, historians, educators and journalists collaborate in defense of a false reality and distracts us from the truth. Our world, our perception of human experience, are shaped by a secret society hidden. Our culture is  an elaborate psychological operation.
Obviously, the Sabbateans and their descendants should consume our attention. Instead, they are hidden from view. They were instrumental in the so-called "Enlightenment," "secularism" and "modernism" which are nothing more than small steps to their Satanism.
According to Rabbi Marvin Antelman they believe that sin is holy and should be practiced for its own sake. Since the Messiah will come when people will either be fair or completely corrupt, the Sabbateans opted for debauchery: "Since we can not all be saints, we are all sinners."
His blasphemous blessing "that allows the forbidden" later became the Illuminist "do what you want" the expression of his "religious" feeling. [Aleister Crawley said: "Do what your desire and this is the whole law."]  Totally amoral, believe that "the end justifies the means." ( "To eliminate opium", Vol. 2 p. 87)
In 1756, Jacob Frank and his followers were excommunicated by the rabbis. Antelman Sabbateans says were behind the reform, the liberal and revolutionary movements of the nineteenth century. They were also behind the reform and conservative movements in Judaism, including the "Haskalah" ie Jewish assimilation. In other words, Jews have been influenced by the Sabbateans and not even know it.
That is their tactic. They do not advocate a Satanic kingdom. They gently steer you that way by questioning the existence of God, demanding "sexual liberation," "independence" for women "internationalism", "diversity" and "religious tolerance." They all have a hidden agenda: to undermine "all collective forces except ours."

sexual excesses as a religion

We are told "free sex" is "progressive and modern." In fact, the Sabbatean sect has allowed the exchange of wives, sexual orgies, adultery and incest for more than 350 years. They also promoted interracial sex. We have partially installed in their worship.
Antelman cites a rabbinic court proceedings where Shmuel, son of Shlomo tearfully confessed he had rejected the Torah and had encouraged his wife to have sex several times with Hershel. "I am guilty. She did not want." (111)
sexual abandon it is characteristic of Communism, a direct consequence of Sabbateanism. . Jacob Frank pimped his beautiful wife to recruit influential men. The women members of the Communist Party are used in the same way. Adam Weiskaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, got his sister-in-law pregnant.
A relevant anecdote: In his book,  "The Other Side of Deception,"  Mossad defector Victor Ostrovsky describes how Mossad relax. At a party, staff, including many unmarried young women, gathered around a pool,  totally naked.


The influence of Sabbatean conspiracy hidden from view. For example, the term "Holocaust" is used regardless of its true meaning. Rabbi Antelman states that before World War II, the term meant "holocaust" as in sacrifice. (P.199)
Bruno Bettleheim quoted saying "calling the most callous, most brutal, most horrible. Murder most heinous mass of a 'holocaust' is a sacrilege, a profanation of God and man." (205)
Whose sacrifice was? For what purpose? Obviously, it has something to do with the hidden Sabbateans practice '. Every time we use that word, which unwittingly join in their sacrilege.
According to Antelman, the Sabbateans hated Jews and sought their extinction. He cites rabbis who warned already in 1750 that if the Jews did not stop the Sabbateans, would be destroyed by them. (209)
And in fact when some Jews tried to save European Jews from genocide, Antelman says that "the conservative and reform communities [in the US] went their merry way ignoring these activities. Calls organizations establishment as the American Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee, and B 'nai Brith did virtually nothing. " (217)


Sabbateans only marry within their demonic sect. They often marry wealthy, influential Gentiles. Therefore, the Fourth Baron Rothschild mother (Jacob) was not Jewish nor is his wife.
Another example is the daughter of Al Gore 's 1997 marriage to Andrew Schiff Karenna, the great grandson of Jacob Schiff. Gore's father was sponsored by Armand Hammer (Occidental Petroleum) senator, whose own father was the founder of the American Communist Party. Like Hitlery and Dubya, Al Gore is  another Illuminati agent  .


Mankind is in the grip of a vicious Satanic cult whose power is so great that can make their war against humanity seem normal and inevitable. Even when its argument that can convince everyone that is racist and in bad taste to believe it is exposed. Men have fixed pornography while erecting a police state.
Western society is morally bankrupt. This elaborate cult network controls politics, information and culture. Most leaders are deceived or traitors. The "intelligentsia" has been bribed while the public is distracted and lives in a fool's paradise.
Like most nations and religions, Jews have been subverted from within. Zionists are pawns of the Sabbateans who used the "holocaust" to design the creation of Israel. Millions of Jews were "sacrificed" to create a National Sabbatean, a "holocaust" Satan.
God gave man life: a miracle full of beauty and inherent meaning. He gave us all we need to develop according to their plan.
But people who think unlimited power and wealth are better than the infinite love have hijacked humanity. They want to spoil our divine appointment and enslaving place. This is the true meaning of our policy and our time.

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