
3 de junio de 2017

The British Communist Party supports Corbyn in general elections

"We are faced with special circumstances and we will take the extraordinary step of not fielding candidates in the general election and urge people to vote Labor in all constituencies," said the leader of the CP (for its acronym in English) in an interview phone.
© REUTERS / Russell Cheyne

According to  Griffiths, it is the first time since 1920 that there will be enrolled Communist candidates on the ballot in the country.

"We need a Labor - led government from the left and we  need to protect the position of Jeremy Corbyn  and its allies in the leadership of the Labor Party , " he said.
The call CP extends supporters and members of "all progressive forces, leftist or center-left"  for the sole purpose of maximizing opportunities to "get the largest number of votes and seats for the  Labor Party".
" The conditions are disastrous since qu and we are probably more left - wing Labor leadership  in modern history  but will attack from all fronts, not only from the 'establishment' and the mass media, but also from their own ranks" , he warns communist leader.
UK legislative  governed by a majority system that grants the victory in each constituency the candidate with the most votes, although the difference is limited to one.
"The system encourages Tactic vote or and inevitably there will be this time, but will have a small impact on the overall result , " adventure.
Griffiths  doubt however that the Conservative Party, led by Prime Minister  Theresa May,  p Ueda reap the huge absolute majority projecting polls  of voting intentions and most media.
"If you get enough unity and militancy overturned in a massive campaign, the victory of the Labor Party would still be possible, but obviously we have a huge mountain to climb , " he told the agency.
The CP wants to set an example among his rivals on the left withdrawing from the contest in the polls to give the vote to Corbyn and other 'red' candidates.
Also general secretary will vote Labor in the electoral college of Cardiff South & Pernath in Wales, "although the official candidate is right and publicly attacked Jeremy Corbyn, but the message must be clear and undiluted for the Labor Party."
According to Griffiths, the other progressive parties with parliamentary presence such as the National Scotland, Wales Plaid Cymru or Verde- have lost confidence and support of the CP possible "because of his determination to sabotage" the output European Union.
The PC, however, issued its own manifesto proclaiming their support for a  Brexit  hard, the withdrawal of NATO and the end of austerity, among other measures.

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