
17 de julio de 2017

Financial Tyranny: Tests

I have asked Svali and other members [Illuminati] if I inadvertently discovered a "ritual site" in 1990 in Scotia, New York, and said it probably was.

Let me tell you, in advance, that I do not think the great majority of Masons are aware of these activities, or anything to do with them. I think it would be very unfair to blame them all for this.

We have revealed how masonic oaths could be used to conceal detrimental secrets. However, that does not change the fact that most Masons are good and kind people who do not want to participate in anything nefarious.

About a mile away from a Masonic lodge in my hometown of Scotia, New York, just east of Collins Lake, Sunnyside Avenue became a bridge that crossed the railroad tracks.

In 1990, a friend of mine was riding his motorcycle under this bridge when he saw something really frightening. He ran to my house and told me that he had to come and see him immediately. He did not say anything else.

I went with him and was surprised by what I saw. It was a gigantic Egyptian Left Eye of Horus - the classic symbol of the Illuminati painted in full color - bright red, bright blue, bright yellow, black and black - under the bridge.

The dirt stains on the Eye are my traces from the day before. The Eye is about 40 feet wide.

The painting was very fresh, colorful and vibrant in 1990. There was no other graffiti in the area. Not a single thing apart from this Eye. There were no other designs. There were no scribbles. Nothing. Just the eye.

I was surprised by how little it had degraded, in general, when I re-photographed it in 2004. There were a lot of new graffiti, but nothing else approached the Eye in the quality of its execution.

It's true that I was terrified of going there and doing this, but I did it anyway.


In this next image, I used simple Transform filters in Photoshop so that the Eye resembled what it looked like when it was originally drawn - before it was painted as a mural, using the bricks as a grid.

What I found even more disturbing was that when I returned there in the summer of 2004, I found graffiti extremely full of hate, and in some cases satanic - particularly under the opposite side of the bridge.

Jews and African-Americans were specifically targeted. Swastikas were drawn, as well as other symbols that I could not identify. You will then see one of the (less so) offensive.

I came back for the third time in the winter of 2004 and captured a video movie of this and much more than what was under there. I drive directly from the Masonic Lodge, around the corner, on the street, park on the lot, walk to the bridge, pass under the bridge and saw this.

My friend and I felt an oppressive sense of evil when we were there in 1990. We realized that people could do ceremonies under this bridge and not be detected. There was a huge parking area nearby.

At that time we had no idea that there would be a connection between Egyptian symbols and rituals of black magic, but why would another person paint this immense and perfect eye, and nothing else?

It was also strange to go back in 2004 and see that someone had painted the Eye at some point. Another graffiti was placed on him, like the "tags" of someone calling himself "M-Side."

Painting appears to degrade very rapidly in particular, particularly in cold climates. The graffiti I see on a regular ride I take has already faded almost to invisibility in less than a year. It would seem that the Eye has enjoyed regular maintenance and maintenance since I first saw it.

I did not really understand what I saw, or how it all fit, until I read Still's book in December 1996 - and particularly after reading Svali, beginning in 2001.

When I read Svali, I also felt that I finally had an explanation for something my parents saw one night, when I was maybe seven years old, which terrified them completely, with supernatural terror.

The house across the street from us was owned by a successful local auto dealer. At the southern end of our street lived a family that owned a local oil company, a local bank, and also gained positions in the local elections.

In the middle of the night, my parents saw at least three different couples walking down the street and entering the house across the street from us.

There were no lights outside or inside the house. They did not call - they just opened the door and entered. They walked almost as if in a military march: without speaking, without making gestures. Very stiff.

My father was completely terrified and told us to never tell anyone about this. None of my parents like it when I ask them to tell me the story - and it's always been the same after all these years.

At least one of the couples they saw was masonic. Mr. W was an old member of the Freemasons. His wife was a member of Eastern Star, the female version of Masonry.

We had at least three older Masons and their wives who lived on our street - the Ws, the Fs and the Ms - all within no more than four houses away from the one opposite us. These were probably the people my parents saw.

Ms. was an Italian family who owned a local shoe repair shop. I wondered if there was a mafia connection, since they would periodically organize big parties where many cigarettes were smoked.

Both things really happened to me as a child. What my parents saw was very real. The eye under the bridge is very real. Later, all this research helped me put the pieces together.

You may be having a very strong negative reaction once the full scope of this research becomes evident. You may feel too sick to continue reading, but you still must. I get it.

That Eye really scared me when I was a high school student. It was too perfect to have been made without reason.

When I read Svali's materials in the summer of 2001, I felt the world approaching me. I had trouble sleeping and felt a continuous feeling of fear and anxiety.
Unlike many people, I had no reactions of denial, ridicule, sarcasm and hatred. He had too much background, too much education, to fall into this trap.
The only way he could read about all this was to take it in small doses, which would then balance with positive reading, uplifting material of inspiration.

It took me months to work through the grief, the fear and the disgust that arose in me when I learned all this. Since then I have become much more confident in a positive outcome.

This is our planet. This is what we have here. This is the situation. I believe in the positive forces that guide and protect our planet, and I also believe they need our help.

One of the strongest inspirations I saw in Svali's testimony was the fact that the vast majority of these people did not like what was happening to them and would come out and help the world if they could.

The same happened during the antimonasonic revolt of 1826, to around 1840.

When I read Svali, I had seven years studying and integrating Finney's book into my daily thoughts, and five years to take the much wider picture of the story and goals of the "Illuminati" revealed in Still's book.

I was amazed at the extent to which Svali's testimony validated these demonstrable, historical facts. In addition, in the present world there was abundant evidence that such a group existed.
This included a wide variety of films that I would never have shown interest in seeing - but once I knew what to look for, I considered this to be a necessary form of research.

I did not want to publish my findings on this on my own website, under my own name, at that time, although since then I have lost that fear.
On July 27, 2003 I briefly took the pseudonym "Art Aqua" and published an exhaustive investigation of Svali and several corollarial materials for Joe Mason and the website by Dee Finney.

I wrote about the Eye, but I could not remember where I was at the time - and I had no pictures. I returned on my footsteps on a trip to New York the following summer and found it.

Now that I'm finally giving away all the pieces I've been putting together, you may feel overwhelmed. That's exactly what they want.

Denial is their first line of defense - creating a sarcastic disbelief in which people increase their egos by convincing themselves that all this is a joke, and then attack and humiliate anyone who discusses it.

His next line of defense is fear. The people within this group believe, literally, that if you fear them, you worship them. They see fear and worship as interchangeable.

There are many, many people who are beginning to gain knowledge about this group, but then conclude that it is completely insane for anyone to deal with them.

I'm not afraid of it. I understand that we have a very serious problem - and now I have had contact with a massive alliance of 122 nations that has been formed to resolve it.

Especially since Sept. 11, most active and retired US military personnel have been fully aware of this group, their agendas and ultimate intentions - and seemingly try to stop them.

Fulford Pentagon sources say that we will soon see massive arrests. There may be a public revelation of evidence like what I have presented. This "history lesson" could soon become common knowledge.

There is a historical precedent for what might be about to happen now.
180 years ago the Anti-Masonic Revolt was in full swing. An astonishing 45,000 of 50,000 Masons fled the group once they realized they could. Freemasonry was almost destroyed in America as a result.

These people had taken their oaths. They were well aware of the secret, preferential treatment and loyalty they had vowed to maintain, about the pain of death.
However, after that they became some of America's strongest and bravest allies.

Using this written history as our guide, let us remember again what Svali said:

"Most of them are injured, abused victims, who do not realize that it is possible to leave the group. There is much discontent in the ranks, and there would be a mass exodus if the members knew that it was really possible to get out (and live).

Many of the coaches I knew (I know, wicked pedophile torturers) were not happy with what they were doing. They would whisper in a low voice, or take a look, to show that they did not agree with what they had to do. "

There is an incredible amount of material on the Illuminati on the Internet. Much of it is of very poor quality and unconvincing.

The overwhelming majority of these articles are loaded with anger, victimhood and the mentality of burning witches. I hardly ever see any acknowledgment of the humanity of the people trapped in these groups.

I believe that this "projected" anger occurs when we can not face our own side of the shadow - pain, humiliation and sense of failure and defeat that goes back to early childhood, when we first heard the word NO.

This buried shame can lead to the use of alcohol and drugs to numb it, as well as many other addictive and compulsive behaviors.

Unhealed pain creates a "victim" mentality, in which we are constantly looking for an external enemy to burst with our repressed anger. We project this rage into a comfortable and easy goal.

If we can blame someone for why we feel bad, then for a short time we feel better.

If we have not forgiven and accepted ourselves, and those who hurt us, and entered into a true knowledge of our own worth, we will continue to seek revenge again and again.

This is nothing less than an epidemic in our society. Just look at the comments on any YouTube video as an obvious example.


"Internet conspiracy theorists" channel this repressed rage and self-hatred into a mythical scenario that is extremely destructive to individuals, groups, and nations.

Many of them seem totally unable to heal, or even realize what they are doing.

In this scenario, it becomes black and white. God versus Satan. People vs. Things. Good guys against bad guys. We against them.

Look what happens when you think like that. Everyone in government is the enemy. Everyone in the army is the enemy. Everyone in a corporation is the enemy. Everyone in the media is the enemy.

Our warriors have promised their lives to protect us. That is a truly brave sacrifice. Our own parents and brothers paid the final price for our freedom - with their blood.

I will not dishonor the brave men and women of our armed forces by suggesting, even a minute, that "everyone is in it."
Some of them are. Absolutely. But most of them do not. They have chosen to risk torture and potentially sacrifice their lives to protect the will, freedom, security and life of people.

They have not chosen to increase the comforts of a small group of wealthy bankers.
Anyone who works inside or outside the system, and chooses to stand and fight, has become a soldier of Truth - protecting people who are still half asleep and shaking.

We have a word for those who stand up and fight to protect and defend others. They are called heroes.

I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII -

-David Wilcock

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