, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : Hello? Campers? WAKE UP!!! The Great Fraud has come to an end.



Hello? Campers? WAKE UP!!! The Great Fraud has come to an end.

 posted by  on Jul 14 2017 in Anna Von Reitz

By Anna Von Reitz

I want to cut out a lot of unnecessary silliness and panic and wasted effort by driving this point home to my readers.  
Almost every government on this planet is bankrupt. 
The exceptions are North Korea, Iran, a handful of Pacific Island kingdoms, the Holy See, and the unincorporated United States of America. 
Now you know why the Big Push to make war on North Korea and Iran.  Misery loves company.  If their governments could have been added to the big Slush Pile, it would have been a clean sweep for the plotters of this monstrous enterprise. 
They always knew that the unincorporated United States of America was still alive, but as decades fled by and the Americans didn't awaken, it seemed likely that we would stay asleep until it was too late and even if we did wake up, we would be "at sea" --- all misidentified as US Vessels in commerce and unable to reclaim our standing as Paramount Security Interest Holders. 
So what happened?  The Paradigm Project happened.  
A group of DOD employees discovered something amazing--- fraud and embezzlement on a staggering scale, and from there, they discovered that all governments worldwide were incorporated and that all those governments were tied to the Holy See as the ultimate owner. 
Those of you who have followed along realize that all corporations were created by the Roman Curia, and so, you also know why that had to be. 
So after discovering this, the members of the Paradigm Project foreclosed on all these incorporated governments--- but they could only act as Secondary Creditors and they could only act in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  
The Paradigm Project could not claim to be the Paramount Security Interest Holders, because that is only owed to the land jurisdiction American states and people--- the same Rip Van Winkles that had been left adrift decades ago in leaky boats far off the coastline of North America. 
So-- all Municipal Governments worldwide (except as noted) were liquidated in Chapter 7 (involuntary) bankruptcy by Barack Obama.  The UNITED STATES (INC.) enfranchised all the other governments--- FRANCE, UNITED KINGDOM, GERMANY, and JOHN MICHAEL DOE.  
He also placed all the Territorial Governments worldwide (except as noted) in Chapter 11 Reorganizations.  The USA, Inc. enfranchised all the other governments --- France, United Kingdom...... and John Michael Doe. 
The Paradigm Project and other Secondary Creditors named Bankruptcy Trustees and created a gigantic "public trust" that they named the One People's Public Trust or OPPT, and they proceeded to create the Giant Slush Pile described.  
They claimed title to all assets presumed to belong to JOHN MICHAEL DOE and JOHN M. DOE and John M. Doe and John Michael Doe and John Doe.... all the land and all the houses, all the businesses, all the oil rigs, all the cows, all the cars and trucks,,,,,,all dumped into the OPPT and parceled out by Secondary Creditors.
All this while the actual Paramount Security Interest Holders drifted in their leaky boats, far, far out at sea, asleep, never told a word about any of this by their employees. 
I don't have a problem with the OPPT people.  They did as good as they could do given the situation without putting their own necks in a noose.  
They intended to provide people remedy within the system they had available to do that and to discharge all the bogus odious debt that had been heaped on Mom and Pop via the public bankruptcy. 
That is, I believe, what is going on with the "Treasury Direct Accounts"--- people aren't receiving money.  They are receiving discharge of debts owed by JOHN MICHAEL DOE--- debts that are naturally being discharged as part of the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES. 
And this same blessed relief would then carry through to Mom and Pop in Portugal and Japan and Cambodia and everywhere else.  
Within its limits, it was a good enough plan--- but the problem then, is that because the Paramount Security Interest Holders were not  slated show up to retrieve their property out of the bankruptcy, all our assets would be "subsumed" as collateral owed to the Secondary Creditors and under their control.  
OPPT would own everything.  The entire notion of Private Property would be destroyed.  It would all be in one big pot under the control of the OPPT Trustees, a sort of global communism on steroids.  Nobody would own anything at all--- except in North Korea, Iran, and a handful of Pacific Islands. 
Those who set this system in motion were so sure that the Americans would not wake up and not be able to get back to land if they did wake up, that they set up their whole system using the presumptions above.  
But against all odds, in the eleventh hour of the eleventh hour, the Americans did wake up and they did pioneer the legal means to return to the land jurisdiction of the states and they did appear at the bankruptcy proceedings and they did firmly lodge their claim.  
So, all bets are off, and the American states and people are here as the Paramount Security Interest Holders in all the registered assets on Earth--- not the OPPT.   Everything rolls over into our trust instead, and private property is preserved. 
Farms in Norway will belong to Norwegians.  Factories in Germany will be the property of Germans.  The people of England can come home, just as we did.  
The unincorporated United States of America owns the United States and owns the UNITED STATES and owns the USA, Inc. and therefore also owns all the many, many, many franchises of these corporations worldwide.  This is because the American states and people paid for it all.
Having paid for it all, we have no interest in creating a gigantic Ball of Wax worldwide trust to own everything and everyone via any shady legal process and no intention of destroying private property interests worldwide--- not our own, not anyone else's.
The forgiveness of all the debts of FRANCE and JOHN MICHAEL DOE will be accomplished, but not at the cost of the loss of any rights or assets rightfully belonging to living people.  The Great Fraud is at an end. 

Meanwhile, people need  to think and think carefully about what is going on.  The governments are all in bankruptcy at both the Municipal and Territorial levels.  This means that they are being controlled by Bankruptcy Trustees, and are functioning under the laws of bankruptcy, not the "laws" established by these corporations.

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