
9 de julio de 2017

Jesus in Rome: 4. Personal Ministry

The Urantia Book
document 132

4. Personal Ministry

Jesus did not devote all his spare time while in Rome to the task of preparing men and women to become future disciples of the coming kingdom. Much of his time dedicated it to acquire an intimate knowledge of all races and types of human beings who lived in this, the largest and most cosmopolitan city in the world. In each of these numerous human contacts Jesus had a double purpose: I wanted to know their reactions to life living in the flesh, and also had in mind to say or do something that could enrich their lives, to make her more worth living. His religious teachings during these weeks were no different from those that characterized his later life as teacher of the twelve and preacher of crowds.
The thesis of his message was always: the reality of Heavenly Father's love and the truth of his mercy, these facts coupled with the good news that man is a son of faith in the same God of love. Jesus used the technique used in their social relationships was to extract the opinions and feelings of those with whom conversed asking questions. Usually the conversation began with Jesus asking the questions, and ended with partners asking questions of Jesus. He was equally adept in teaching by asking questions he or answering them. As a rule, those who teach more, less said.The most benefits derived from his personal ministry were fatal overwhelmed, anxious and depressed, they found relief at the opportunity offered to them to let off steam in his compassionate and sympathetic ear, as he knew how to listen and more. When these maladjusted human beings had told Jesus about his problems, he knew always offer practical and immediately helpful suggestions for correcting the real problems, without ceasing to speak words of comfort and welfare immediate moment. And invariably he spoke to these distressed mortals about the love of God and distintans several ways and they conveyed the message that they were the children of this loving Father in heaven. without ceasing to speak words of comfort and welfare immediate moment. And invariably he spoke to these distressed mortals about the love of God and distintans several ways and they conveyed the message that they were the children of this loving Father in heaven. without ceasing to speak words of comfort and welfare immediate moment. And invariably he spoke to these distressed mortals about the love of God and distintans several ways and they conveyed the message that they were the children of this loving Father in heaven.
So Jesus, during his stay in Rome, came personally affectionate and uplifting contact with about five hundred mortals of the realm. Thus obtained a knowledge of the different races of humanity could ever acquire or in Jerusalem, nor in Alexandria.Always he considered that those six months were the richest and informative periods of his earthly life.
As expected, a man so versatile and acometedor could not do so for six months at the world metropolis without being approached by numerous people who wanted to get their services in connection with some business or, more often, for a project teaching , social reform, or religious movement. He received more than a dozen such offerings, and he made use of each of these as an opportunity to impart some spiritual ennoblement teaching, with well-chosen words or by accommodating service. Jesus loved to do something useful, even small things, for all kinds of people.
Held talks on politics and affairs of state with a Roman senator, and this unique encounter with Jesus both impressed this legislature he spent the rest of his life trying in vain to convince his colleagues to change the course of the prevailing political from the idea of ​​a government that kept and fed the people to a people to keep the government. Jesus spent one night conversation with a wealthy slaveholder, he spoke of man as son of God, and the next day this man, Claudius, gave freedom to one hundred and seventeen slaves. He had dinner with a Greek physician, reminded him that his patients had minds and souls in addition to body and thereafter the doctor tried a wider able to their patients ministry. He conversed with all sorts of people, from all backgrounds and professions. The only place in Rome he did not visit was the public baths. He refused to accompany his friends to the baths because of sexual promiscuity which there prevailed.
A Roman soldier walking along the Tiber said:  "Be brave of heart and arm. Dare to do justice and have the mettle to be merciful. Forces your lower to obey your higher nature just as you obey your superiors nature. Reverently extols the goodness and truth. Choose beauty instead of ugliness. Love your fellow man and come to God with all your heart, for God is your Father in heaven. "
The speaker of the forum said:  "Your eloquence is pleasing, your logic is admirable, the sound of your voice is pleasant, but your teaching do not reflect the truth. If you could only enjoy the inspiring satisfaction of knowing that God is your spiritual Father, maybe you could use your ability speaker to free your fellow man from the yoke of darkness and slavery of ignorance. "  Was this the Marcos who heard Peter preach in Rome and later became his successor. When they crucified Simon Peter, who was the one who defied the Roman persecutors and boldly continued to preach the new gospel.
Meeting a poor man who had been falsely accused, Jesus went with him before the magistrate and, having been granted special permission to speak for him, made this excellent speech during which he said:  " It is justice that make a great nation; the bigger a more caring nation will be to ensure that does not suffer even the humblest injustices of its citizens. Woe to the nation that only those with money and influence have security prompt justice in its courts. It is the sacred duty of the magistrate toacquit the innocent and punish the guilty it is. Impartiality, fairness and integrity of its courts depends on the sustainability of a nation. The civil government is based on justice and true religion is based on mercy ".  The judge reopened the case, and after examining the evidence, acquitted the prisoner. Of all Jesus' activities during this period of personal ministry, this was the one that came closest to a public appearance.

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