
6 de julio de 2017

"Sea water is not a good deal for pharmaceutical» in La Voz de Galicia by Miguel Celades

Seawater is not a good deal for pharmaceutical in La Voz de Galicia by Miguel Celades

"Sea water is not a good deal for pharmaceutical»

A collective Morangueira held a conference in Porto do Son who had to speak at the Catalan researcher
JAVIER ROMERO RIBEIRA / voice, March 05, 2015updated at 05:15 h.
The Catalan researcher Miguel Celades Porto do Son visited a few days ago to expose the benefits of the uses seawater for man, livestock and agriculture. Celades also defends the use of salty liquid health element, and just as an example a phrase of his to understand the depth of his speech: "Only with that droppers hospital physiological serum is changed by isotonic sea water is save tens of thousands of lives every day. "
Why it is said in the slogan of the program of activities held in Porto do Son seawater that food and robbed are the future of humanity?
-The current human food is harmful to your health. We have, on the one hand, ten million people who die of hunger every year in the Third World, and on the other hand, we have billion obese in the civilized world. Have forgotten something fundamental as seawater in our diet, adding the mass use of GMOs, fluoride and other poisonous elements for the man on our dinner plate, it is mortgaging our health and that of future generations.
It Speak the use of sea water for livestock, agriculture and daily life of people, why is not an alternative today?
-The seawater contains the 118 elements of the periodic table, why mammals such as whales feed only marine soup, which is sea water in its purest form. Millions of livestock would improve their health, quality of life and production just replacing the balls of salt that farmers are obliged to give them lest they die by seawater. In fact, in some farms in Catalonia they are doing and have been surprised to see that their livestock has grown by 35% and prevented the use of many vaccines and antibiotics. Seawater, along with their carbohydrates, fats, proteins, essential amino acids, nucleic acids and vitamins, is the best food for a human being, since we all came out of the sea. Be ingested in baths or inhalations, seawater nourishes,
What has seawater in Galicia that does not have the rest?
Absolutely nothing, except for its denomination of origin. Seawater is panatónica, ie its composition is exactly the same anywhere in the world, saving its degree of salinity in enclosed seas, such as the Dead or pollution levels in certain costs.
-These benefits also apply to health, right?
-The human health is the main beneficiary. The existing water in our body is also seawater as we can see by the saltiness of any of our bodily fluids (tears, sweat, blood, etc.).Recognize something as logical and simple as this explains why the use of seawater would be a great solution to many of the health problems of human beings.
Do you think one day we can see all these benefits with widespread use in society?
The answer is simple: the seawater is not good business for transnational pharmaceutical funding all scientific research by creating dogmas such as "do not drink sea water you die," or "if you drink seawater to you taparán the kidneys". The big problem is that there are numerous corporations living with our illnesses and seawater is abundant, available and free.
-¿Exige some support from the public administration?
In Spain not yet, but in other African and Latin American countries, with more voluntarism media they have begun to build marine dispensaries.
"Ingested in baths or inhalations, seawater nourishes, disinfects and alkalized"

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