
6 de julio de 2017

THIS IS SINKING: The ratio of contributors per pensioner at historic lows.

2,24 contributors will pay the pension to a retired ...

Believe it or not, one of the reasons for the decline is because the ratio of the unemployed. On the one hand there are the unemployed find work and earn less than being at home ... 
And on the other those who fail to collect benefits (half) and, therefore delisted. This implies that Spain lost nearly 4,000 unemployed traded each day this year. And the data show that not all the unemployed who no longer receive this kind of benefit do to find a new job, but many stop this perception that Deplete the provision. This fall of unemployed brings the total number of contributors has fallen so far thisyear ...

It is easy to understand, there are a large number of unemployed who quit charging ... Happy government because not have to pay ... but on the other hand, this fact brings down the number of contributors and, as a result, pensions deficit widens ... 
heh, heh, heh ... this is hopeless ... Meanwhile, the number of pensioners grows without letting up and is approaching 8.7 million (the total number of pensions paid more than 9 million because there are people who earn more than a benefit).

Jordi Català

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