
1 de julio de 2017

Spain increasingly empty and births of children ...

I remember when botifler Freixenet owner said it was good that young Spaniards will be started to work out ... I 

mean, born a few, and the few who do, get the hell ... 
Very clever Bonet ... Interestingly it is a good thing that "aid" to the Spanish system is unsustainable: life expectancy in the peninsula is the highest in the world ... who then will pay pensions? Some people believe that even be difficult to maintain solidarity ...

If you notice, the youth of today come together and, instead of buying a car, prefer to each have your iPhone, your iPad, your and your laptop. And then money for dining and travel. 
Well, about not having a car, add not have a child ... 
Okay, the work has changed, no stems to be 5 currar in the field, but has other work (and precarious) no solves the problems of the aging population and pensions ... the 'Spain empty' is increasingly empty. There are regions in Spain whose density is less  to Siberia or Lapland ... According to the National Statistics Institute (INE), there are four Spanish provinces carrying eight consecutive years losing population (Lugo, Palencia, Orense and Zamora). And its consequences are felt more and more: more elderly population and fewer children in the streets. And no sign that the situation will overturn. Orense is the "old" province of Spain. Last year,  more than 30% of its inhabitants had more than 64 years , according to the INE. Although the proportion has been increasing gradually, the truth is that it takes remain so long as ten years earlier, in 2006, the proportion of over 64 existing in the province and it was 28%. The greatest exponents of the 'Spain empty' accompany Orense as most aged provinces: Zamora, Lugo, Leon, Salamanca, Soria and Avila also have more than 25% of its population over 65 years. Precisely where the Rajoy government has invested over recent years  (crazy). In 2016, the inhabitants of Orense had on average 50.05 years, becoming the first Spanish province in over half a century of average age of its citizens, compared with 42.7 national average. Followed closely Zamora, with 49.86 years on average among its population. Above 47 years are six more provinces empty Spain: Lugo, Leon, Asturias, Palencia, Salamanca and Soria. Soria is the province with fewer births in 2016 neither reached the two babies a day, registering 626 throughout the year. With this, there are six consecutive years in which Soria has not reached the two births aday. Zamora, with 930 children born in 2016, It is the other province that stays below 1,000 children a year, but Palencia (1,047 children) and Teruel (1.059) do not reach the three births daily. In relative terms, Zamora is also the tail of birth, registering five births per year per thousand inhabitants. Faced with this empty, without children aged Spain, there is another much more dynamic Spain demographically speaking,  which focuses on the Mediterranean  and the Madrid officials. They gained population: Malaga, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Las Palmas, Álava, Barcelona, Melilla, Murcia, Navarra, Girona, Guipúzcoa, Seville and Alicante, Baleares, Almería and Madrid. Rajoy said that Spain needs to 20,000,000 contributors ... But if there is 10,000,000 retirees, that figure falls short of workers and,

Germany has almost the same population as the year 1975 (counting of the East). 
Since 1984 French and English have added more than 10 million and growing at that pace. 
Spain boom came when Aznar and Zapatero allowed to enter South Americans and Moors; from 2000 to 2008 , 6 million people joined; five years ago Spain lost population. In Spain every 3 marriages (6) give birth to 4 children. there is a loss of -2 ... The fastest conclusion is that Spain is going to a superenvejecida population and to pay pensions should come foreign labor (if any work). No more ... By the way, read the comments on this topic on the network. As I first made them one of fun:

It is what it is ... 

and independent Catalunya should take this issue very seriously.

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