
24 de julio de 2017

The European Union is dead and Catalonia have the opportunity to not be tied or Spain or the EU.

The United Kingdom has decided to take off and put impediments EU. Catalonia wants to stay and some say should be expelled ... Poland does its best to make the throw and the EU looks away ... It is clear that the EU is desperate and is making a fool ...

And it is curious that in the case of Poland the Spanish media speak of "drift" when you are doing what Spain ... in Spain the Superior Court and the Constitutional they put the PP and the PSOE.

And recently the government gave the award to the Constitutional unconstitutional to suspend function without trial and without recourse to public office. And now, again, stems from Madrid talk about the fact that Poland do the same ... His reasoning is the same as Franco did not want toknow anything about communism because it was a dictatorship ... A farce Spanish press still no he has devoted an editorial to the "operation Catalunya" or  the sewers indoor ...

Hala, what they have done ...!

That did not make the PP an absolute majority?

The point is that the EU, like Spain, has become a "something" that does not give confidence.
Damn ... but if even the Nart is MEP (and was Girauta with rods personal advisor ...).

Poland sees no clear European project so that gives long time ago to use the euro ... And it is normal not to trust; Of what value is a currency that every day millions are printed for southern Europe will not break?

Retirees from northern Europe have seen their money is worthless because of the eternal rescue Spain ..

Before, when given to handle the money machine, there was a devaluation. How is it that there is a depreciation of the euro? Everything is so fictitious that when pete the EU, the euro will have the same value as Monopoly banknotes ...

And when each country back its own currency, then yes there will be devaluation in the currency. And all Spanish (and Catalan, if we formed part of Spain) will lose half of our savings ...
Go mustering dollars ...
If I had a shop allow me to pay in US currency.

I never get tired of saying that Catalonia must create its own currency which initially must be linked with parity to the euro (or dollar).

Almost my affirmative vote in the referendum is linked to money creation. Besides, I want my own notes and coins illustrious Catalans.

We must be prepared for when you leave Poland will go the rest of the  Visegrad Group  (Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia) and so will the Netherlands, Austria ...

Clearly the future holds three or four organizations where there are now two (EU and EFTA). And all functioning as EFTA, that is, without the elephant graveyard of Parliament. By the way, all those politicians we pay to  the pension .. .

One of the reasons for confrontation Brexit is that the EU asks the United Kingdom thousands of millions to pay pensions for MEPs and British officials ...

The European Union is dead and Catalonia have the opportunity to not be tied or Spain or the EU.

Look to the future, look at the world.

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