
1 de julio de 2017

The strange case of the Unionists that only manifest at the end of the writings SPANISH ask the government to seek solutions ...

Since started  procés  not know how many manifestos and editorials I will read which begins by saying that the Government has entered into a drift, that if the referendum is unconstitutional, outside the law (national and international) ... 

That if it is a coup ... 
that if they only represent half ... 
that if you cause a fracture ... and after 20 lines, remembering what is illegal and harmful to all, is at the end when they add that that " and urge the Spanish government to seek solutions "... Okay, so why not start the other way around? Since the Spanish government never listens to them it would not hurt that the next show began addressing the central executive. The signatories warn that if Rajoy does not, nor propose anything, They will be placed alongside the separatists. The separatists also represent half. And it can also cause a fracture if finally and independence is not achieved, or anything in return ... really, kindly send a manifesto to the Spanish government. False starts to smell Puigdemont always asked to remove all  procés  and in return we offer only the supposed willingness of Spain (which so far has been nil). Who would buy that shit? Go to Madrid, ladies and gentlemen "personalities" and ask average economic concert and airport management ... and come to Catalonia with signed documents (although that also useless with Spain) and perhaps someone do to them, be fooled and become unionist. It is that, by doing, Spain does not false promises ... By the way, among the "eminent persons" who have signed the manifesto is the lord of the Palace , the Mayor of Barcelona who lost a referendum to reform the Diagonal, Eugenio gay, Gasòliba, the Christian Tertullian COPE Josep Miró, the writer of El Confidencial Joan Tapia, a Spanish ambassador, director of TVE, and much Christian PSC and much ...

Por este equipo de sesentones (media) me haré unionista y dejaré que España me robe 16.000 millones de euros al año...
Vais listos...

You know what ?, I would be concerned if 'castellanoparlantes foot' is manifest against. The only ones who have made noise against  procés  it are the extreme right, journalists and businessmen Airlift ... 
who immigrated to Catalunya to work hard you may vote C's or PSC, but the day of independence will tell your woman:  Paqui, we are now catalalanes.  To which she responds:  Are we removed the pay? 
No, my life, even us rise  -responderá him. 
Visca Catalunya!  -exclamará it. And all this Patulea of signatories will have to endure the rest of their lives they were traitors and some sold.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...