
13 de agosto de 2017

All global banking reform back-of-the-bank structurally completed long and all bases of redemption and off-site centers are simply waiting authorization instruction final release.

"Paper Lion" - GCR / RV Intel SITREP - Sunday August 13, 2017

Received by email at 8:13 AM EDT for publication. ~ Chronicles Dinar

Very difficult to accuse a US president sitting for a possible time of war?
Even harder to RV yet 🙁
Is not it interesting how suddenly emerged two 'potential wars "in both North Korea and Venezuela at exactly the same time as the Special Prosecutor Bob Mueller is closing its investigation loop around the closest confidants of President Trump?
RV difficult without global flash of the Republic ... interesting strategy by the cabal to stay relevant by destroying their perceived legitimacy remaining faster.
Remember that the most chaotic political events in the US are in the news, we are closer to the global financial reforms unleashed his philanthropic fury.
Trump political madness to which we all submit daily is the old strategy of "breaking glass" cabal to start World War 3 - somewhere, anywhere and yesterday.
Also, keep in mind that all global banking reform back-of-the-bank structurally completed long and all bases of redemption and off-site centers are simply waiting authorization instruction final release.
So there is no longer a legitimate monetary drama, and there is no legitimate military drama in terms of going to war because Trump has no nuclear codes because it is not President of Republic and military sources.
This makes Donna Primma paper is a lion in the best. Dig his own grave tweet by tweet, radical comment by radical comment.
And because China has long disabled the nuclear program of North Korea in exchange for keeping financially solvent country, where does this madness?
Answer: despair. Forcing the Pentagon to launch a preemptive strike first "to protect an ally" is the last chance, the best chance to avoid chaotic RV.
But Dunford is not having any of that-and why today it is physically "in the hot zone , " to reassure the world, there is a legitimate threat posed by the US military (for the guy who has the nuclear launch codes) against the Korean Peninsula.
Which it means that the other henchmen of the cabal are taking their last collective breath before dying, including hard agents that create unnecessary seeing false "hatred of white supremacy" in Virginia yesterday 's violence.
Absolutely anything gin enough chaos to stop the RV. Can you imagine a world without this man-made hell on earth?
The cabin can, and why are throwing the kitchen sink the good guys here at the bitter end.
So stay strong, seers. Light at end of tunnel GCR / RV is both dazzling and growing every hour and directly on our third eye tired but strong.
God is with us

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