
29 de agosto de 2017

The gifts God gave EACH astrological signs

.... So that morning God appeared before his 12 creatures and each of them planted the seed of human life.

One by one, stepped forward to receive the gift and the appropriate role.

Resultat d'imatges Aries

ARIES, Come here .... "To you, Aries, I give the first seed, so you have the honor planting. For every seed you plant, one million more will multiply seeds in your hands. You will not have time to see the seed grow, for all you plant will create others to be planted, more and more. You'll be the first to enter the field of the human mind carrying my idea. But do not for feed and care for this idea, or question it. Your life is action and the only action I give you is to take the initial step to return to the conscious creation of men. For this work, I grant you the power of personal respect "and Aries quietly he returned to his place Main Feature: Individuality, Action Quality: Courage, Sincerity Default: Impulsiveness and excessive Franqueza".

Resultat d'imatges Taurus
TAURUS, ... Come here Taurus, I give the power to transform the seed into substance. Great is your task, requires patience; because you have to finish everything was started, so that no seeds are dispersed by wind. You should not change your mind halfway, or depend on others to implement what I ask. For that, I grant you the gift of the Force. Try to use it wisely "And Taurus returned to his place Main Feature:. Stability Quality: Loyalty, Default Persistence: Stubbornness, Conservatism"!

Resultat d'imatges Gemini
GEMINI, Come here ... "To you, Gemini. I give the questions without answers, so you can bring all understanding of what man sees around him. You never know why men speak or listen, but in your search for the answer you will find my gift reserved for you. Knowledge " And Gemini returned to his place. Main Feature: Adaptability, Versatility Default: Quality Movement excessive rationality, Lack of Commitment "

Resultat d'imatges sign cancer
CANCER, come here .... To you Cancer grant you the task of teaching men emotion. My idea is to provoke them laughter and tears so that all they see and feel unwrap the Fullness from within. For this, I give you the gift of Family, that your fullness can be multiplied "And Cancer returned to his place Main Feature:. Feeling Quality: Empathy, Sensitivity Default: possessiveness, attachment to the past, Fluctuabilidad".

Resultat d'imatges leo
LEO, Come here ... you Leo, I give you the task to show the world My Creation in all its glory. But you must be careful with pride and always remember that it is My Creation, not yours. If you forget, you will be despised by men. There is much joy in your work; just do it right. For this I grant you the gift of Honor "And Leo returned to his place Main Feature:. Joy Quality: Dignity, Kindness, extroversion Default: Egocentrismo, Authoritarianism, obstinacy".

Resultat d'imatges Scorpio
SCORPIO, Come here ... you Scorpio, I give a very difficult task. You have the ability to know the minds of men, but will not give you permission to speak about what you learn. Many times you will feel hurt by what you see in your pain you will become against me, forgetting that I am not but be the perversion of My Idea, which will make you suffer. You see so much and so much of man as animal, and fight hard against the instincts in yourself, you will lose your way; but when you finally come back, I'll have for you the supreme gift of Purpose "and Scorpio returned to his place Main Feature:. Depth Quality: human knowledge Default: excessive intensity."

Resultat d'imatges Virgo
VIRGO, Come here ... you Virgo, I ask that you undertake an examination of all men to do with my creation. You'll have to observe insightfully traveling on the roads, and remind them of their errors, so that through you My Creation can be perfected. So that you do, I grant you the gift of Purity "And Virgo returned to his place Main Feature:.. The will to always do the best Quality: Capricho, Humility, Advanced Constant Default: Too Critical Excessive Meticulousness, Craze Perfection "

Resultat d'imatges Pound
LIBRA, Come here ... you Libra I give the mission of service, that man is aware of his duties to others; so that he may learn cooperation, as well as the ability to reflect the other side of his actions. And to take you wherever there is discord, and for your efforts I will give you the gift of love "And Pound returned to his place Main Feature:.. The search for the other, sociality Quality: Diplomacy Elegance Sympathy, Common Sense Default : Excitation, need to please, difficulty with Conflicts "

Resultat d'imatges Sagittarius
SAGITTARIUS, Come here ... you Sagittarius, I ask you to make men laugh, because between the distortions of my idea they will become bitter. Through laughter you give man hope, and her eyes return again to Me. You get to have many lives, if only momentary; and in every life you reach, you will know the restlessness. To you Sagittarius, give the gift of Infinite Abundance, that you can expand enough to reach every corner where there is darkness, and out there the light "and Sagittarius returned to his place Main Feature:.. The quality expansiveness: Optimism default: Arrogance "

Resultat d'imatges of capricornio
CAPRICORN, Come here ... Of you Capricorn, I want the sweat of your brow, so you can teach men work. Your task is not easy, because you will feel all the effort of men on your shoulders; but the yoke of your burden, I grant you the gift of responsibility "and returned to his place Capricorn Main Feature:. Persistence, Quality: Discipline, Default: Rigidity"..

Resultat d'imatges aquarium
AQUARIUS Come here ... you Aquarius, I give you the concept of the future, so that through you the man can see other possibilities. Have the pain of loneliness, for I do not allow personalize my love. To be able to turn the eyes of humans toward new possibilities, I grant you the gift of freedom, so that free, you can continue serving humanity. Wherever she is "and returned to his place Aquarius main feature. Originality, Quality: Humanism, Default: Radicalism"..

Resultat d'imatges Pisces
PISCES, Come here ... "To you Pisces, was not in vain I left you last, because I give the most difficult of all tasks. I ask you to collect all the sorrows of men and bring back to Me. Your tears will, in the end, my tears. sorrow and suffering you have to absorb will be the effects of the distortions imposed by man to my idea, it will be carried to the compassion, so you can try again. it will be your mission the safeguard and encourage all your brothers, causing them to trust their abilities, and whenever they can try again for this task, I grant you the highest gift of all.. you'll be the only one of my twelve children to understand me But this gift of Understanding is for you, Pisces;For when you try to spread it among men they will not stop and few will listen. "And together, Pisces, was the only one who returned to his place affectionately smiling at each of his eleven brothers, knowing that each of them now habíase back part of his life.

At that time he loved each of them deeply. He thanked God for the honor of the mission so difficult ... Main Feature: Sensitivity. Quality: The Bestow Friendship in the presence of the defect life: Tendency to flee when they suffer "Then God concluded." Each one of you is perfect, but will not understand this until you twelve ye ONE Now go and twelve creatures were to perform their task in the best way ...

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...