
21 de agosto de 2017

lamination process of the welfare state and social rights, swindling called austerity


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We know what's going on. But it's time to act

Carlos Martínez -  Scientific Council of ATTAC Spain
The situation of inequality and impoverishment of very broad strata of the population is becoming unbearable. 
It is establishing a, trade union and labor and even political social model that has nothing to do with the achievements of the Spanish working class at the end of the Franco dictatorship, the pre-transition and transition. 
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All workers' gains since the late sixties to the eighties are not only being taken away, but the grandchildren and children of those men and women fighters live and work in worse conditions. They have fewer rights. 
It is paradoxical to claim the transition, so many political issues left unresolved and that did not end the Franco regime, which remains embedded in power and economic lospoderes. 
But nevertheless the late Franco could not help because thousands of strikes and demonstrations, labor rights and wages improve substantially. Thousands of collective agreements signed by between 20 and 30% increase after heavy fighting attest. Also legal advances achieved these social struggles.
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A constitution negotiated under saber rattling and chains of tanks, failed to change the form of head of inherited status Franco and move towards federalism and recognition of the national rights of peoples, but nevertheless contemplate advanced social rights neither then nor now, are met.
But the truth is we move on socio-economic aspects enough. Although they gave us nothing.
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But I wonder if what is happening in Spain is an isolated and alone Rajoy fact guilty. None of that, Rajoy is just an enthusiastic executor, a conservative authoritarian. 
The counterrevolution conservative (Reagan / Thatcher) designed in the nineties and the social model we now live. 
The third way and Felipismo advanced in this way and recognized the triumph of "market" that is capitalism. Nothing could be changed and orthodox economics was irrefutable science, the new theology, it was the neoliberal dogma.
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The lamination process of the welfare state and social rights, as well as the privatization of the public began over twenty years ago. 
It was and is a perfectahmente all planned and executed strategy.
Susan George among others, but being a well-known and since a broad consensus awake I quote, already denounced the situation in several books. 
In our state Juan Torres did well. There are articles, books and political and trade union documents. Then we know what needs. Worse, we knew what was going to happen, but we have been unable to prevent the forces of progress and advanced. 
In addition to the many union and political lameness. Susan George has already warned that the most conservative American capitalism did not believe in climate change and / or he did not care that the planet will burst even for religious reasons, as a result of more Taliban, sectarian and reactionary Protestantism.
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Therefore what we are suffering is part of the plan of capitalism, the action of the "think tank" or centers of study and influence, financed by large companies, employers and economic sectors multinationals are mostly ultra-liberal and ultra- conservative versus progressive and a few other "progressive" ie with advanced varnish but defenders of capitalism without more, of forming political party claiming to be leftist. 
These ideas have centers funded universities, teachers; Politicians of all parties, trade unionists and journalists, have been scientifically designed inequality and how to impose and have reached the magic formula of "austerity" in order to overcome the financial and economic crisis of 2008, whose appearance was also previously reported, the It is indicating that it was the opportunity to impose neoliberal ideas.
Therefore nothing new under the sun.
Now it is important and begin to overcome the situation and clearly face the biggest scam and redistribution of income from poor and working classes in favor of wealthy and large corporations and financial funds. 
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The scam called austerity. 
Transfer schemes and Keynesianism for the rich, because the state contributes large sums for private gain, they were already implemented by the IMF in the sixties and seventies of last century. Taxes in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Which it is the same as now prevails in the US, EU and other Europe North America.
We're therefore on austerity. 
We have returned to the sixties of the last century in many ways. Well, now it's come back and it will not be from the hot cloths, as we will be able to.
They are emerging workers 'resistance, workers' struggles and there are very recent examples such as the strike of dockers and stevedores, strikes tele-operators, the strike by security guards from El Prat airport or resistance and strikes by taxi drivers against the new forms of business organization defraud, evade taxes, regulated destroy jobs and install a new virtual capitalism as cruel and exploitative as the "old".
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Also political resistance, and Sanders and Corbyn are shining examples of this and precisely in advanced capitalist countries and supporters of austerity and world leaders in the most savage capitalism. So his message and action is so enriching.
So I think, I propose, first we have to return to internationalism, there is no national solution, that is a lie and harms the working classes, we have to join forces to the working classes of other states and continents.
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Secondly the "old" democratic socialism, located between the working class and the poor and now among young new poor and young women, is the political weapon with further, because against a neoliberal design ideas and studies must be counterpose socialism organized with strong ideas, history and will to change the future by organized action of the working class and people who are not satisfied.
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We have to go back to being fighters and fighters and remember people, many of them in the world, most live worse than dogs or turtles middle-class urbanites and less well fed. 
But it is that in our western happy with queues at airports for a well deserved holiday favoring passing climate change, there are millions of poor. cheap vacation because tourism and hotel chains pay their workers misery and enslaves on many occasions. 
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But the worst is that if this does not change, lots and lots of girls waiting at the airport tail, happy holidays that their parents can provide them, will live much worse, be poorer, never have a decent job and never enjoy of a retirement pension.
For all this the action of the workers of security controls Prat are doing a great job for our future. Taxi drivers oppose the "uberización" of the economy or the Kellys denouncing the semi-slavery and black hand over the precariat, we are doing a great favor. It is not only a vindication yours. It is our future.
So you have to generalize the resistance workers, union struggles and provide them with a political content, as we face another political content, austerity.
Carlos Martínez is a political scientist, co-first secretary of Socialist Alternative and SOCIALISTS
ATTAC Spain  does not necessarily identify with the contents published, except when they are signed by the organization itself.

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