
6 de agosto de 2017

"Notification outside the Federal Reserve Banks" by Reallucky1 - 8.6.17

Ticket Presented by Reallucky1 at 03:08 AM EDT on August 6, 2017

Presentation to the jurisdiction and venue of this court.

Withdrawal and compensation To the extent permitted by law, you waive any claim against the Federal Reserve banks and their agents, executives, employees and agents for claims, losses, damages (whether real or consequential), costs And expenses (including the costs of litigation and reasonable attorneys' fees) derived or in any way related to the use of this website.

Through the use of this website, indemnify and hold harmless Federal Reserve banks and their agents, executives, employees and agents from and against any liability for claims, losses, damages (real or consequential), costs , And expenses (including costs of litigation and reasonable attorneys' fees) derived or in any way related to the use of this website, including all the material that you submit and that includes any violation of these conditions of use.

Hello in search of families through the Federal Reserve site, many new sections arrive daily, I discovered this small release and compensation against the banks of the Federal Reserve for the fraud they have perpetuated. Indicates if you use the money from the Federal Reserve Banks, keep them inoffensive. However, we have received the pardon table one and the other. To keep them harmless for our whole life, enslave and work our legs,

Are we now releasing them from offenses as compensation so that we have the accounts that we should have had in no way? Huh I have used them, they freely admit it, they are written as law HR 192, and since then we were born, most of us anyway, so that only by use constitutes my agreement. Once again, this was not revealed to me, nor was it known. Then, until they announce, we can control the result of these calls Liberation and compensation. What happens if we demand them personally? For September 11 Bush and Dick Cheney and Susan Rice.

The entire Board and the members of the Federal Reserve Reserve Bank, as well as all the politicians or media consultants who have lied to us for years, are guilty of hell and do not have words that they can use, which will have the same reverence. Hello they graze before us and give up years of crimes,

The new law does NOT hurt.

How does this not constitute a crime in which almost 7,000 million people are buried all their lives while being under the appearance of a federal agency? If this is not enough for you, what happens to people who know that they have committed a murder or who caused wars and even killed Americans to change the results through false banners. When do I start? This is a farce of justice since I know the law. Let's say that the same Federal Reserve banks dictate the law of our money. You're crazy Let thieves control the release rules.

I have been very upset that money is distributed through the Fed banks, as they say they are no longer, the same accounts continue to exist and their teeth are spreading. I have all the test and the codes that link. I made screen photos a long time ago,

Before seeing that people would investigate the routing codes to see where they were linked. I got tired of trying to tell people, this is a mistake and the more I fight for justice, the more plea that these accounts will just open before they end up with chaos and riots of the last and absolute they want.

The lie must end and the reveal must come, we trust too much in the army to take over these actions, while the most malignant is free to never use a day in prison for so many crimes that are too innumerable to make a list. I remain with the struggle for justice asking that all the actions that I take are in the interest of all humanity.

I ask myself every day when these so-called arrests will arrive. I want to see that George HW Bush is responsible not only for the death of JFK, the false flag of September 11, but also to bring so many medicines to this nation. George HW Bush took care of all drug operations for the Industrial Military Complex. Clinton, who led the Mena Arkansas drug operation, and the Mossad Bush / Clinton gang must take to justice and will send every penny to the Fed Banks site to see that this justice is done. The NO HARM will not be applied to these wildcards, which will no longer have diplomatic immunity.

How much death and chaos we must endure so that they are brought to justice for all. There is no excuse, we have heard the reasons and we continue the money. We know all about Silverstein and its double compensation Insurance for the Trade Towers and the demolitions that took place.

We must have justice and I am tired of hearing the forgiveness of the mantras when I know they have done harm. I know they are guilty because nothing has been done about it. If the army is in charge, why are not these arrests reduced, why is the complete and complete revelation that has not been made to the public, the apologies we deserve, the changes of all those who have played their roles. I do not care if they are on their death beds, we deserve to see them shut, we deserve to see their crimes exposed.

We are tired of lying and have no responsibility for any of the politicians or the media. The government is bankrupt and it has been done, moves them all, lets people and the secret military take control of what is prepared to serve the true white guys and the banner officers who have worked together to get it.

We have promised for years, the complete and complete disclosure. When this part comes, why the media have not taken on completely, in the interests of justice. No alphabet agency should not have any type of business in our media, this is so important.

Why has not this happened? More than a year ago we were told that we were waiting for 16 years, there is no time like this. I ask the interests of justice that this happen now, it is for Americans who have lost faith even in those who say they are the good ones. Where it is now, we need this to manifest. When we see the green screens, or polis that change clothes and people think they are so bust, or even the parody of so many of those false flags. Keep in mind that you have never heard of any follow-up on any of the stupid stunts that the government tried to divide us once more.

Always with ridiculous schemes just to trigger a reaction. The only reaction I have is the nonsense these idiots think we are. Seriously, even with the situation in Heather, are you kidding me? She stayed at Torre Trump, then, the next day, at the White House where she was arrested. I was old, but when UCC-1 world trusts were taken to the federal courts in DC last Tuesday, it was the game for admiration courts. That's how they are introducing the big changes.

I imagine that Heather drinks champagne looking to take the actions that would be proud of us, we hope. The rooms at Trump Tower in Pennsylvania Avenue are so expensive that a full masquerade, while the whole world follows the story of Heather. I call BS. Right, enjoy the girl service in the rooms, you deserve it! Regardless Reallucky1The only reaction I have is the nonsense these idiots think we are. Seriously, even with the situation in Heather, are you kidding me? She stayed at Torre Trump, then, the next day, at the White House where I was arrested. I get older, but when UCC-1 world trusts were taken to the federal courts in DC last Tuesday, it was the court game Of admiration That's how they are introducing the big changes. I guess Heather drinks champagne looking to take the actions that would be proud of us, we hope.

The rooms at Trump Tower in Pennsylvania Avenue are so expensive that a full masquerade, while the whole world follows the story of Heather. I call BS.Dret, enjoy the service girl in the rooms, you deserve it! Regardless Reallucky1 The only reaction I have is the nonsense these idiots think we are. Seriously, even with the situation in Heather, are you kidding me? She stayed at Torre Trump, then, the next day, at the White House where she was arrested. I was old, but when UCC-1 world trusts were taken to the federal courts in DC last Tuesday, it was the game for admiration courts. That's how they are introducing the big changes.

I imagine that Heather drinks champagne looking to take the actions that would be proud of us, we hope. The rooms at Trump Tower in Pennsylvania Avenue are so expensive that a full masquerade, while the whole world follows the story of Heather. I call BS. Right, enjoy the girl service in the rooms, you deserve it! Sincerely Reallucky1 Are you taking my hair? She stayed at Torre Trump, then, the next day, at the White House where she was arrested.

I was old, but when UCC-1 world trusts were taken to the federal courts in DC last Tuesday, it was the game for admiration courts. That's how they are introducing the big changes. I imagine that Heather drinks champagne looking to take the actions that would be proud of us, we hope. The rooms at Trump Tower in Pennsylvania Avenue are so expensive that a full masquerade, while the whole world follows the story of Heather.

Resultat d'imatges de DOLAR

I call BS. Right, enjoy the girl service in the rooms, you deserve it! Sincerely Reallucky1, are you taking your hair? She stayed at Torre Trump, then, the next day, at the White House where she was arrested. I was old, but when UCC-1 world trusts were taken to the federal courts in DC last Tuesday, it was the game for admiration courts. That's how they are introducing the big changes. I imagine that Heather drinks champagne looking to take the actions that would be proud of us, we hope.

The rooms at Trump Tower in Pennsylvania Avenue are so expensive that a full masquerade, while the whole world follows the story of Heather. I call BS. Right, enjoy the girl service in the rooms, you deserve it! Sincerely Reallucky1 But when the UCC-1 world trusts were presented to the federal courts in DC last Tuesday, this was the game of admiration courts. That's how they are introducing the big changes. I guess Heather drinks champagne looking to take the actions that would be proud of us, we hope. The rooms at Trump Tower in Pennsylvania Avenue are so expensive that a full masquerade, while the whole world follows the story of Heather.

I call BS.Dret, enjoy the service girl in the rooms, you deserve it!

Sincerely Reallucky1

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