
22 de agosto de 2017

the return of Christ and the call of Mary.

Metatron May 7, 2017

Ehieh Ehieh Asher.

Vehuiah, Vehuiah, Vehuiah.

... Silence ...

I am Metatron. Let me first say hello to your place called Eternity.

... Silence ...

I am with you today. Instalémonos a moment in communion heart

... Silence ...

I come to you this day children of the Law of One in you to celebrate the return of Christ and the call of Mary. Accompany the deployment of Light on Earth in the last density that is yours and soon before your physical eyes. Sounds of Heaven and Earth accompanied by the fires of Earth and Heaven, will light up one by one to support and celebrate the Ascension of Earth and your liberation.

As you know nobody knows the date; However, what we see from where we are located near you, it shows that sufficient Sons of the Law of One who have awakened in them the Heart Ascension and received the inner revelation of Christ, have signed for us and for you the passage the last stage that reveals the primacy of truth and eternity of Light in your world, which has been deprived for so long.

All before the last scene of the play elements are in place. As I have indicated the Archangel Michael, Christ and Mary, now everything is finished and everything is prepared in the most thorough way to what is happening on Earth today. No one knows the date; However, all the signs that you expected to have arrived. That means every one of you the same as you play the entire collective of humanity.

The intimate and revealing inside of Mary so many of you, and recently Christ, makes us consider closeness of the events described in the Apocalypse of St. John of the facts of the vibration - -not on the stage of this world.

I often has spoken of "fear" or "Love". That can now be replaced by the equivalent of what I would call "inside" or "outside".Where Turn then your gaze, while not come back into your heart, you will cause surprise and concern about events on Earth, but do not forget that from the moment when your eyes really turn to your Heart Heart, inward, you will understand that the outside is nothing next to your interior.

In this interior called "Heart of the Heart" in your dwelling as Christ has said is the truth and not elsewhere and especially not in what is now visible to your physical eyes. From this moment beyond the adamantine particles and peoples of nature, beyond the dimensional vortices of the Fifth Dimension, the deployment of Light in more remote areas in relation to the light -in your great cities within certain structures called estatales-, appears (I speak of "appearance", ie direct visibility of Light), not just the privileged areas who have lived, not only at night, or in your alignments, or your Theophanies or the Archangelic Radiations, but also in unusual and unusual places,

As I said Mikaël this is not to destroy anything, but to inform those who have strayed from the Truth, the return of Truth. 

By my presence as I announced Christ and the Archangel Michael, the Metatronic drive -different the first stream of light that opened between KI-RIS-TI and your heart-, will appear again spontaneously, regardless of schedules of Theophanies and I remember concerning times ranging from 17:00 to 24:00 the place of which I speak. (French time).

Transfixion heart, pericardium piercing, the opening of the heart chakra and Puerta KI-RIS-TI and Gate ER, will be effective. It will not change anything if Christ is accepted or not. This transfixion or perforation of the heart has reached such a level that can perceive and experience during irradiation and during Theophanies. 

This drive Metatronic opens a path to the completion of the liberation of humanity - that is now. That also means not to seek a later date on the call of Mary. I just feel the imminence of this event to you again even more to the Heart of the Heart to the ability to disappear from Illusion.

Fire Hayot Ha Kodesh of springs into action this afternoon in various parts of the world and gradually or abruptly according to the imminence in all regions of the Earth will grow. This current, visible as pillars of white light, will appear clearly without making any call to any subtle sense, but clearly before your eyes, in your perception. Light pillars, some of which have already been observed, but very rarely generalize allowing direct access to the adamantine light much more intense and profound than it has been so far.

The representation of this pillar of light in you is between the sacrum and the top of your head. That light upholstered structure than before , "Sushumna" is called, it is now the "Canal Aether" perfectly permeable, between the sacrum and head. It matters little that you have lived the previous stages (Life Wave, radiant crowns). 

A pillar of Light will be available for each of you. This corresponds to the start collective operation of personal interdimensional MerKaBah, regardless of your destination, you can tell.

Apart from the visual aspect of these pillars of light in some growing number of places, there will be a clear perception of what is happening in your back between the sacrum and head. In addition, since the beginning of the Archangelic Radiations, many of you as we have seen and observed, have experienced the awakening of the fire Ether, not only in different areas precise alchemy of Light called "Fire vibrato" about the Gates or stars but now directly to the sacrum, promoting the return of matter to Spirit and boosting transubstanciación your physical body in eternity -OS body again, whatever your destination.

The advice given by Christ in regard to "watch and pray" is of course valid today. By generalizing this Fire Igneous and Mikaël as he has said in its recommendations, you need to relax to integrate what will happen or is already happening in some of you. This integration of Fire Igneous in the sacrum and between the sacrum and the head is possible in places of nature, far from any electromagnetic source related to the organization of your cities. It is in the nature and for some of you in your bed where this perception and this activation of the column of Light will take place.

This column of light extends between the head and the sacrum, thus completing the first Metatronic drive that took place a few years ago, starting with KI-RIS-TI and joining the heart chakra ahead. Therefore, it has been made in your body, the Cross Christ.Cross Christ which lies in the sagittal plane, between up and down, between front and rear.

As soon as this column of Light is installed and perceived in you, it will be the time when intervene Archangel Uriel, this time, to favor the last reversal: from outside to inside, from left to right, right to left, front to back and back to front. That may lead not constantly, but fairly regular basis, to take quite a number of human ingrown, a tilting of consciousness will be done with full consciousness and will have the impression-not be more than an impression - of giraros into yourselves. That return is 90 degrees inward or 180 degrees to the right or left of your consciousness that will fully active MerKaBah your staff interdimensional.

Notice that the movement of energy, consciousness and vibration, does not correspond, for most of you, anything that you have been experienced so far. However, the density threshold adamantine light, present on Earth now allows my last work through the pillars of light both between Heaven and Earth, as between the sacrum and head, allowing adjustment of Earth axis which occur after stopping its rotation. 

I invite you, when it occurs to you who let your conscience swiveled before disappearing inside yourselves. And it will be completed on this time of collective interdimensional MerKaBah that will become visible after Mary's call or during the call.

The multiplication of the pillars of Light, both you and the Earth, also displayed on the screen of this world and what you have to do and live events prophesied for some time and not only in the Apocalypse of St. John but in all prophecies from anywhere and from any culture on the planet.

Drive Metatronic establishment of the pillars of Light, will be certainly on May 8 at 8:00 am, where I speak (French time). You do not expect to live all this last reversal of consciousness in your body. Those of you who, however, begin to live it, on that day, on successive days or in the next few weeks, should take care to hydrate properly, bathing and showering frequently and increase the proportion of liquid absorbéis daily, at least one 50% to facilitate the process linked to my drive, but of course, the Fire Igneous and the presence of Christ.

I therefore invite each, to be aware of your body signals. The most important sign of installing this pillar of Light will be a sensation at the level of the rear doors at the level of the sacrum, the level of KI-RIS-TI and also at the level of the OD Estrella and central ER point head. When sintáis or percibáis, regardless of the type of perception, sacrum, Door KI-RIS-TI, OD Star or ER Star, you will know then that your energy, your consciousness, is ready to turn definitively to act on the interdimensional, not personal but collective MerKaBah. 

Through the joint process, which he has called Mary and has called Theophany or Communion heart to heart, will allow somehow interconnect Earth with multidimensional lines of Liberty, as I explained in regard the sacred lines connecting the elven peoples.That will be done not only from one another Elvish people, but directly between you, or at least among some of you, but also directly with the pillars of Light between Heaven and Earth. At that time the division of consciousness will fly into pieces. There will be no limit to the perception, there will be no closure, whatever the time of Mary's call regarding this process.

So, you will experience, those who live a call before the call of Mary, and see for yourselves that everything is one and that you are connected, in Love and Freedom, with each other, and that nothing can be separated by those who may live before Mary's call.

I repeat, once again, from the time-not your sacrum and upper and lower sides or doors of the sacrum, which have already been activated for many weeks in many of you, but the same sacrum, the central part of the sacrum - it is activated, will lead to different perceptions in each and will be the testimony of the imminence of your final tilting of consciousness. I do not talk about the disappearance of this plane, but visible installation, your eyes and the eyes of all, of your body Êtreté, manifesting a form for which sees it as a disappearance within the White Light, erasing the contours of your way and diluting your happiness expressions that may cause.

Depending on the approach of Nibiru and the resonance of the Earth, called the song of Heaven and the song of the Earth, you will realize that you will be increasingly those of you connected by Love and Freedom, with each other, and wheresoever you stand on this planet. That may reflect, at first, by a feeling of oppression, information, information overload coming to you from brothers and sisters or galactic peoples who so far could not be lived. That translates well beyond the final significance for the whole human community, an ever greater capacity for you individually to live with Mary, with Christ, with Mikaël and the Light, so that ye be not a privileged interlocutor, in any way,

Of course it will reflect, while the physical body is present in these human beings, totally unknown physiological mechanisms involving significant changes or extremely important of all psychological physio-your presence in the ephemeral functions;your gaze will be new, your vital energy will be magnified and sublimated by the Fire vibrato. At that time, you may return almost radioactive. Irradiation of light that will emanate from your new presence in Eternity, in spite or consciousness-and through this physical body, to perform the same objective as of the pillars of Light between Heaven and Earth, ie fusion Heaven and Earth celebrate the Ascension of the Earth and your liberation.

That, of course, will not happen only during call Mary but after last during the final period of transition, wherever you are. That will allow you, if you remain in the atmosphere of Earth, work to help, serve and heal those who somehow walk between two worlds, between illusion and truth.

The changes happening right now in your physiology as well as in your psychology, leave no doubt concerning what is experienced, regardless of disorders resulting therefrom, if any. Remember that in those moments, nature, night, Theophanies, you will be offered hundreds, which will allow somehow digest and radiate this new intensity of light. Radiant ye return, you do what you do, whatever you want what you want, and that radiation will take precedence over your existing normal operation before this time. It will seem perhaps, at times, even the words coming out of your mouth are not your words but the breath of the Spirit. And it will seem to touch a human being, a plant, an animal, there is an outpouring of energy-of Fire,

So, you enjambraréis Light on Earth, you will radiate the fire of the Spirit, you will radiate the Choir of Angels and your dimension of eternity to those who want to receive it , who want to recognize, without effort, without questions and without intention, simply by your presence and your welcome. 

This process of pillars of light, which may be accompanied or not Christ in you, no matter, although there is a conjunction of the revelation of Christ within this light radiation and therefore this pillar of Light.

Anyway, whatever your questions at that time, because you will think that many human brothers and brothers are not aware of anything and that will be the last living processes, they have no need for explanations or reference points for understanding what they are living, because the joy, peace and feeling of strangeness and wonder prevail over the rest of their lives. 

Do not forget that the best way to encourage it , if that affects the pillars of Light, your gaze is back inside, watch and pray, and bring your awareness to the Heart of the Heart, to your dwelling, as Christ said.

There will be a number of pillars of light. I will not give you the number that would lead to a number of assumptions issued and quoted in the Bible that do not correspond exactly to what they have understood exegetes and theologians. 

When the number of pillars reaches a certain amount and a certain density, whatever it is in relation to that, whether before or after Mary's call, it will enable you to see for yourselves that you are freed regardless of your destination or your survival or no, in the after call Mary period.

All -corresponding vibrales structures to your body as you know Êtreté, in particular as tetrakis hexahedron level of the heart to all doors and Stars of your body- then live with all lucidity allow your body Êtreté whether your body is present physical as if it has been transubstantiated into the Light. ye may or not present on the surface of the Earth, there will be no difference.

Many of you will be called to join certain galactic peoples, either to stay here and work in the sense of service after call Mary or to be released without having to go through the circles of Fire and on the atmosphere of this land regeneration, I remember, going from the Third Dimension to the Fifth Dimension, ending the carbon existence. 

Light pillars of your body, when properly installed, will allow you all that and more still. The story of your character, your life, of your past experiences in this life, gradually fade away in you and leave space for your true Eternity, has physical body or not.

If you have to go through that, remember some of my tips: nature, water, hydration, washing hands and feet somehow facilitate the transition. Remember also that not everyone, even those living liberated, you have to live this process affecting certain human brothers and sisters, in this period. 

When the amount of density, both pillars of Light between Heaven and Earth or in you, is reached, then constataréis the appearance in your sky, Nibiru and therefore Mary's call will be experienced shortly before , during or after Nibiru visibility. No one knows the date, but that is inscribed in the near future.

The notion of time will become elastic, really. Some of you will have the impression of living thirty-hour days and others, ten-hour days while you are subject to the same exits and sunsets. Your conscience will then become eternal and therefore independent of the day-night cycles. That is certainly reflect, beyond disappearances, as many of you will be carriers of this process, a decrease or disappearance by its uselessness in those beings, of what you call sleep and physiological needs such as food, normal usual needs of any organism that lives in this world will be profoundly limited. That does not mean that your metabolism will slow down, but your life does not need to feed this metabolism because the Light deals with it. 

Mystics processes, diverse and varied charisms, will be increasingly present on the surface of the Earth, not only in carriers of these columns of light, but in many brothers and sisters of humanity.Look and stay tuned, if you have the opportunity to hear what they say children before the age of fourteen and, above all, before seven; Look at what they manifest during this period because they are much more permeable, even more than a Liberated Living, not having the blocking structures that exist in the third dimension, because mental structure is undeveloped below that age. 

Take heed animals. When I say animals, I talk about everything at first the people of the birds that will be more sensitive, say, to respond to the good news . The movements of birds, birdsong, then reach a profoundly different hue.The behavior of birds also will seem completely unusual. Messengers of Light represented by certain birds, you go towards or before you. They are closer to nature. Do not be surprised, take advantage of the moments of Theophany and you will realize that Theophany not only affects human consciences consciences but also animals and, above all, at first, the people of birds.

You are invited, in this period, whether you albergáis a pillar of light in you or not for the moment, that I aligeréis. I do not talk about your burdens, simply speak your conscience. Lightening is not a job or an effort or an understanding but simply a permanent will, a tension to your heart and to nothing else. Put the front Love, said the Commendatore, put the love back, put love inside, outside, right, left, up, down. So you facilitaréis the last return , or tilt, more exactly - your consciousness into Eternity. 

Very often, for those who are carriers of the column of light, the tilting of consciousness will be clockwise, 90 or 180 degrees, as if you volvierais within yourselves.Remember that means your connection not only your MerKaBah staff interdimensional, but the collective interdimensional MerKaBah that will give access, as I said, the entire Intergalactic Confederation of Free Worlds, bringing you to exchange, to enter into a relationship, communicate with those towns with ease. 

That also means that diverse voices will rise in the world among those carriers of light, while mediators Source, calling the Redemption. It is not false prophets, it is simply alarm clocks, witnesses of the last days. I will call sometimes with different words depending on their culture and their origin, to repentance, redemption and recognition of Light and Love. We hope this move and we know already, in advance, will be like an epidemic or a pandemic that affects gradually more and more consciences;all in a span of time between now and the appearance of the edges of Heaven and Earth, the visibility of Nibiru and call Mary. 

I can not give you the time , I can only give you the beginning of the process, as I said it on May 8 at 8:00 am in the morning, between the hours of place from which I speak (French time). 

Nevertheless. And some of you may have thought that has been announced, the Archangelic radiation - not the Teofanías- end at the tenth session, at the latest.That leaves you a period of time corresponding to the remaining three weeks of May and the first week of June to your profile and adjust what you have to adjust a priority. I remember that a job does not require understanding or clarification mental, but only a way out precisely the will to understanding, explanation or questioning.

Interiority or if you prefer, changing polarity of your personality you might call, introversion, will become much more important than extroversion. Ye you return, even the most externalized of you internalized beings. That will allow you to observe within yourself, that final alchemy that is developed to be as efficient as possible if you are carriers of this pillar of Light to radiate love and turn you yourselves pillar of light radiating Love, concerned only that joy and the happiness.

You will realize that if you accept what is proposed to you, and none of the material contingencies, both physical order as social or family order may affect you. Then you will understand easily that all solutions are in you, as always told you and making you not only free but fully autonomous.

Rests, then, on your shoulders, a responsibility: the responsibility of Love, Truth responsibility and accountability of the announcement to the world. This announcement should not be done in an abusive manner on the end of this world and of this dimension, but only on the aspect of love. Dare to proclaim and recite Love, Manifest your love before everything, before each object, each situation as well as to each person with the same intensity and the same regularity. Either way, it will be very difficult to resist this. The impulse of Love and Metatronic drive will make just love everything with which you cross you, everything that you meet, ignoring all personal contingency or any reluctance linked to the person or history.

I will recommend other things, I think in particular as Hildegard of Bingen will communicate on a potion that allows easy installation both Pillar of Light, as Christ in your heart, in your abode. There will be other recommendations made I think by the Commander of the Elderly at the time you experience. Most importantly, regardless of the aid that will be unveiled, will of course, the movement of your awareness and acceptance of your consciousness that comes before everything else. 

... Silence ... 

I've finished what I had to give over. Let me turn, installed with you a Theophany , with my features- at this moment you wherever you are, whatever the time you read or shall hear my words and my presence.

Ehieh Ehieh Asher. 

... Silence ... 

I am Lord Metatron. One in Love, I greet you . Bye.


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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...