We recently completed the first part of our Cintamani mission . This mission was given directly to us by the forces of Light on the surface of the Earth, in order to strengthen the network of Light in southeastern Mexico.
Given the delicate nature of this operation, many details must remain classified for the moment, but we will describe our experience in this article.
Most of the caves, cenotes, gutras, estuos, lagoons and gullies in the Mexican southeast have already been discovered by civilization, which greatly facilitated this task. Many of these spaces are connected through the subsoil by underground rivers and bodies of water that are connected to each other. Some of these are also directly connected to the Agartha network.
Despite being only a few kilometers from the nearest town, the place was in complete peace and calm. On this day the members who participated in this mission were the only visitors to this sacred place. After traveling a few hours on the road, we came to a paved road that seemed to be half of the rainforest:
The place was being guarded by locals of Mayan origin. After a few minutes talking with them, one realized the ancestral wisdom running through their veins, and the connection with the Earth that they had, something that they do not find in the humans who now live in the big cities.
Although it was officially discovered in the middle of the last century, the cave we visited already had an infrastructure (or at least the first few hundred meters of it), but the lack of oxygen and ventilation made the trip slow and tired. Within this one could still be seen small mammals of earth, as well as a multitude of bats and peculiar insects.
The first few meters of the cave were illuminated in an artificial way, which allowed us to take good photographs:
Inside the cavern were still dozens of Mayan offerings. This was a sacred place dedicated to a certain deity of the Mesoamerican cultures.
The entire cavern was made of limestone, except for a small space (no more than 5 square meters) consisting of fine white sand.
After hundreds of years, the roots of the trees had managed to penetrate the top layer of limestone, becoming a natural filter that allowed us to drink the cleanest and cleanest water we have ever tasted on the surface.
After walking ~ 20 minutes we arrived at the main altar of the cave. This consisted of a huge column formed by the union between the stalactites and stalagmites that have been forming over millions of years. It was here that most of the Mayan offerings were found.
A few meters later the road was closed to the general public. However we succeeded in burying the Cintamani successfully. Now this sacred stone is more than 30 meters underground, protected and ready to channel the energies of the Compression of Progress.
This is the first of 8 stones that will be placed in this region of the country to assist in the completion in the network of light that is needed to harmonize incoming energies from the Central Galactic Sun, which will reach its climax at the time of the Event.
Once buried we quickly left the cave (we were short of air!), Knowing that the mission had been a success. We noted the coordinates in which the stone was found, and left the cave.
During the next months we will continue reporting on the rest of the Cintamani mission in this same blog.
Victory of the Light!