, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : Do not resist anything that you experience as you move to a higher place



Do not resist anything that you experience as you move to a higher place

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, Illuminating Light Beings!
We are pleased to have this time to speak with you today.
And we see that many are struggling with the loss of life that has occurred from disasters of one sort or another, whether natural or human-created.
We wish to say, that you do not experience or create (on a higher level) any challenge for the struggle of it, nor even the wisdom it would bring you on the mental/emotional plane.
You are in part allowing to come forth on your Earth timeline certain events for more than the learning, wisdom, or experience that can result from them.
They are there for the far greater vibration that you would take on, after the shock of the events broke your energies away from your current vibration.
This sounds of course, to be too great a jolt to be helpful or positive.
Yet we assure you, that Ascension has moments of pleasant forward flow, and moments that are great leaps, even the great shaking of a flood or an earthquake.
Even in the wake of some sudden outbreak of violence, lie the beginnings of an entirely new and higher vibrational reality.
You have seen how some people will suffer through an illness or injury, and come out of it changed in positive ways they could not have experienced or journeyed through otherwise.
Or perhaps, you yourself have required of yourself some great challenge or adventure which you knew would call upon the depths of your current strength, and require a whole new level of strength and inner resources that would not be called upon otherwise.
This is why, when you ask to Ascend, and when you require the enactment of NESARA law and the Full Disclosure of the Galactic presence, and require that it happen Now, things will occur to move the wheels of these great moments and processes far more quickly on your current timeline.
They can in fact shift your Earth timeline to a whole higher vibrational expression, so that it becomes more fully a fifth dimensional demonstration of intent and experience.
You may have heard it said that all is Energy, meaning that in a sense, all is Experience.
For your journey is your defining presence in this Universe, the thing that reveals to you that which you call reality, but which is in fact not independent of you, but self-created and self-propelled on every level.
And so we encourage you to find your own individual ways to remain in your center when you hear of a shooting that has taken many lives and wounded or traumatized many others.
We encourage you to find a way to honor the loss of the life of an artist, scientist, musician or anyone who has gifted the Earth with a higher frequency through the consciousness that permeated their work.
That insistence on calm from the immediate, trained responses of mind/emotion, and that honoring of another’s pat—and your own—wherever it may lead, lifts you not to no longer fall into feelings of sadness or alienation, as if the Earth were not a safe place to be.
That intention to move to the higher vibration that the event is birthing in you honors your own path in ways that slow your reactions, quiet your mind and emotions, and lead you to ask your Spirit team of guides, Angels and higher self, “What has happened here?
“What am I being shown and led to?

“What higher frequency and new strength am I being empowered with? And how may I help others experiencing this, when I am ready?”
We speak often of working with your life blueprint and DNA to change those patterns—ancestral, emotional, biological—which you feel are holding you back, and to require that your soul and higher self bring you the higher vibration, the higher expression of wisdom and understanding that the challenges, were meant to bring you, without drama, pain, and struggle.
This is always available to you, even these Ascension times, as you move out the need for dense emotional patterns that tie you to narrow, third dimensional visions of what is possible for your Earth.
And we have a moment of bowing in sincere and soul-led thanks and respect, as those souls whose moment has come to move on to the higher realms release this Earth life and go to where they will serve in even greater capacity than they have on Earth.
We are aware of your discomfort, with the higher vibration you now carry, at the scenes around you, so incongruent with what you envision for your world now, as “dark gets darker and Light gets Lighter.” And we feel with you your refusal to accept that thousands should be abandoned to the after-effects of a terrible storm or earthquake.
We feel with you the refusal to believe that human beings cannot have participatory governments in which representation is equal, fair, just, and motivated by Service to Others, as well as water and air and soil that are clean, food that is pure and nourishing, and respect expressed and maintained for all life.
And so we would say that these events, though they may provoke an initial shock or sadness, are not steps back, but steps forward, however dark some moments may appear.
For you cannot lose anything—not a friend of loved one, not an aspect of yourself or community.
All is intact, and merely experiencing a new and higher form.
Respect the evolvement you came to experience.
Release your grip on the banks of the river, and move into the center where the current will carry you.
Resist nothing you experience, while moving to a higher place vibrationally that will increasingly bring you to places of Peace, increasing fulfillment, Joy, Abundance, creativity, and higher forms of Love, including the power of Divine Light itself.
We never doubt your ability to do this. For this you came, co-Creators!
Namaste, Light Warriors!
You are moving out of the shadows of the past. And however much they may try to cling to the present, they cannot—the Light is too great for that now.
And we are with you, at every moment.

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