
5 de octubre de 2017

It is not only feasible, it's done, the only reality is the NEW EARTH NOW.

skip this article. Thank you It is not only feasible, it's done. It will not be an easy task because you have to solve every aspect of yourself that is not your appearance Ascended Christ Consciousness, Consciousness of God-Source-Creator, purity conscience-love, solve and finally decide that the only reality in you are willing to participate / create / allow is the NEW EARTH NOW. This is your experience, how they treat each other, how much you care really, how much still perpetuating old through your own separation-needs-beliefs and how you recognize that external reality you are REFLECTING BACK multiple dimensional experience to show you still have within you, your own consciousness or unconsciousness ... You'll have to choose (choice point), at every moment (zero point), you are willing to accept, what you're willing to do to intentionally anchor your highest reality / line dimensional time in this physical here. Nobody can do this for you, only you can. This world out there, your universe, your reality ... and every experience will show you exactly what you need to see to understand / accept your responsibilities as a being of light and love PURO here. Each exchange will show how physical dimension is your body (and consciousness). Each experience will provide an opportunity to choose how they want to make this experience here. Your human will drama, chaos, conflict and excuses, trying to cling, with stories of duty / guilt and who did what to whom or who is doing what ... when none of that matters ... because it's your excuse that you keep talking / telling yourself, it's your story that you have convinced yourself that keeps you in an old unconscious reality (which eventually manifest as heaven or hell) ... first energy, then the physical ... as you you dedicate SERVICE, you dedicate yourself to anchor the Light, you dedicate yourself to ONLY bE LOVE and transmit the higher vibrational reality, you will begin to understand what is not pure / LOVE / UNIT ... and then you have to choose ... if you're going to continue that old version of you / reality or "take the higher road"hold the vision of the highest timelines available and do what you see / your Universe shows you that you do / contribute to achieving that reality in this physical here. Multidimensional realities are a compilation of many things. It is opened fully to the possibilities, opportunities, visions / dreams and realize that these realities will only occur when you manage the overall vibration within yourself, with all of you and all you have access too. You begin aq seeing the bigger picture, in fact'm looking you can actually help to make a difference and doing things your little man did not want to, you considered insignificant or take you to drive awareness as part of the whole. Overcome your own discomfort, stop sit and wait for things to be easy ... and they are easy when / after you've done the job. Internal work / external work, both are important here. The external work is as a result of what you hear / you see / feel inside, is that "help" to make things easier for all things, but not in the old sense of trying to fix / save, but in the sense that they really they care for each other as well souls and unite. The opportunity presented itself, and you have to be ready to jump, you must be ready to embrace these heavenly realities underpinning, becoming you in supporting / supported. You have to be ready to assume the role of Wayshower to see how you can contribute and do what you see instead of seeing the first thing you take out of that ... begin to realize that you will receive according to your contribution as love. Your CYCLE ON EARTH materialize for you, when the sky INSIDE matter where you live, when / as HAGAS QUIT YOUR YO Almico from within, As you share and keep your own Christic State, being an angel, being your Arcturian, Siriano, Lyrano, Lemurian (and more) --- PURE ASPECTS without distortion of your human ego, This is not only possible, it is REAL ... Heaven is a physical dimension (hell it is). Before 2012, these were only "etheric realms" however Ascension d Earth to the multidimensionality change all this ... starting the Physical Body Ascension for everyone to experience Heaven or Hell by increasing POLARITY for everyone wakes up "faster" by any means necessary, to withdraw

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