
9 de octubre de 2017

It was expected that the USN was activated and announced by those in Reno on Monday. October 9th or Tuesday. October 10th .

Republic restored through a special update GCR Oct. 9 2017  Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse Recovery ; Author, "twenty - two faces"  Source:  Chronicles of Dinar  Judy Note:

 In 1868, the Jesuits of the Vatican, with the help of the British monarch, created a global system of debt - based central banking system that printed fiat bills. To legitimize non - Catholic regions, they invented capitalism, communism and Nazism using secret societies like the Freemasons, Knights of Columbus, Rotary and Lions clubs. They controlled financially Britain and until the fall of 2013, owned by the United States. In the process, they instigated all the great wars of the planet, killing millions of Jews, Protestants and Muslims. 

To understand this worship of Satan Cabal based child exploitation, rape and slaughter, check my articles on Before It's News:
  Oct. 9 2017 24:53 EDT Compiling Intel, Mr. Ed:

 "Intel Compilation" - Intel Update (Real News) by Mr. Ed 08/17/10 

1. From 1871 USA Inc. has been owned by British, Vatican and foreign sources. They have deceived Americans in wars for profit in a plan to achieve a renewed Roman Empire to the Vatican Jesuits are the instigators behind the screen.

 2. His attacks on people through food poisoning, Chemtrails, electromagnetic injuries, illnesses sugar, GMO's, Modification of Wheat, Vaccines, Morgellons Nanotech, Aids, Fluoridation and murder of Medical Holistic by Big Pharma are part of a " Soft Kill "scheme to control the world 's population. 

 3. There has been a war going on between these agents Cabal in Langley lettered agencies, Pentagon, Homeland Security, FBI and others.

4. Everything went well in the fight against Cabal. Just we are in a blackout Intel. 

5.   Sunday. On September 24   the USN was moved to Reno. 

6.  Monday. September 25  Trump signed Executive Order to convert the USN in an official asset, backed by gold. 

7. From  1  as  October   entire IRS debt was wiped out (forgiven). 

8. Last week Kabbalists were offered a "free jail card" to live their lives outside society until they expire. They rejected. 

9. You will see more unpleasant events like the Cabal was dying and detained in large numbers worldwide. All traces of the Cabal were being taken.

10. Things are going downhill for Kabbalah as go bankrupt, having to create false flags to achieve their agenda (which was failing as people perceived their intentions). 

11. The members of the cabal fought each other through fear, as the recent spate of hurricanes, two of which hit key areas of patriotism in Texas and Florida. Joseph was redirected away from the coast of New England (a result of the guys up?)  

12.  Saturday  last   On October 7   information received  from intelligence that gun battles begin soon as the Cabal fought each other for the last chair in the room. Vegas was an MK Ultra Proxy attack Trump supporters who were in country music. 

13. The old structure was changing. The arrests backed by the military, were being made from  8  as  October 2017 as  .

14. The Continental Army, the militia, the Special Operations Units and National Guard would arrest Kabbalah for treason felony, no matter where theyreside. Failure to comply could result in execution. 

15. These arrests wouldaffect all facets of American life. Large cities would be greatly affected. 

16. The Kabbalists were being taken to FEMA camps, prisons and secret military base Black Ops sites, but the figures were kept secret to protect the operations that have spent months running. 

17. During the past 6 months, more than 46,000 have been detained in silence for two groups. 5100 government officials in 78 countries have been laid off and another 600 have been arrested or killed. 

18. All Rothschild and his corrupt employees were being treated worldwide.

19. It has abolished a secret trust that the elites utlizaron to pay criminals. The Clintons were big in this arena 

20. These scammers had financed his empire on the backs of people through a scheme called Trust Ces Vie Vie or Birth Certificate based on the work of village life. 

21. The restored Republic recently held a Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. 22. People of America was the primary creditor and now has almost all franchises and corporations worldwide. 

23. It was expected that the USN was activated and announced by those in Reno on  Monday. October 9th   or   Tuesday. Oct. 10  . 

 24. Dunford would then give the order to release the GCR / RV and begin public mass arrests.

25. Exchanges would begin on  Tuesday. Oct. 10   if everything went as planned. 

26. This week should have their SKRS Paymasters in liquidation. 

27. All exchanges of RV must be removed before   October 15  . 

28. rate RV screen (no zeros removed without NDA)  Din $ 30. Dong $ 25 Zim $ 4.  (perhaps $ 5 for the time you change)  Rial $ 25.

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