
12 de octubre de 2017

Positive Energy: How to learn to use it to help heal the world

20161223 kikio327154 id119943 Negative energy -
Negative energies seem to be gaining more and more ground to the energies of light. It is in your hands to reverse this process.
The world had never been such a complicated place. Chaos around us everywhere. Pain, frustration and anger are our daily bread. Simply pay attention around us. Look with the heart, to realize that it truly is a daily battle in which the  positive energy  seems to lose more and more ground against the  harmful energies . Who are unemployed suffers from tremendous hardships. Who has a job is subjected every day to pressures that undermine their being gradually. Who go out do so with fear. those who stay at home afraid too.

What is happening to the world? How to help stop this maelstrom of suffering?

 We are all part of the  energy in the world . We all have access to it and we can do something from within to change the energy flow of humanity. If you're here, it is because from your light sensitivity know that something is not right, and because you're willing to put your bit. But sometimes it's so hard not to give in to the toxic stream! 
There are days when everything seems to go wrong. We draw attention at work because of a mistake that maybe we did not commit. It frustrates us tremendous gridlock afternoon plans. we got home and decided to decompose the washing machine. We discuss with our partners ... sometimes feel sure that  negative energy  seems to be  building up  in your life. And indeed you're right, sometimes so it happens. But here's the big secret, this is also a great  opportunity .

Negative energy and came into your life, now fight it. Turn it into light energy to continue their way around the world as an agent of positive change.

You must know that the battle never ends, to make the decision to be a bulwark of positivity is very difficult. There will be no applause for these small actions of  universal love  will be lost among the everyday, and will fail again and again. But you must also know that you will receive the best reward of all: the certainty that you are doing the right thing and that you were part of the change.
Are you ready to be an unsung hero of light? We know that yes, the potential is in you, and you know what? You're not alone. We are many and so how you 'll support from your heart all your brothers of  positive energy , they will hold you with their energetic force in the most difficult moments.

20161223 Red kikio327154 id119943 positive energy -
Positive energy flow through the world in the form of mantras beautiful light.

The world is beautiful for those who decide to do so with positive energy instead.

It can be confusing especially at first learn to handle the  positive energy ,  what should I do?  Here are some basic tips to start, repeat them like a mantra action in your day to day and feel great peace that will leave in your being:
1: First of all Breathe !:  Fight the negative energy in your body with a good dose of oxygen. Feel the air entering your body is moving slowly to negative feelings.
Same repeat to you: 2 "I can handle this!":  If you've gotten this far, you can go much further. The path will always be difficult, but you have the best partner of you; the unfailing power of force of light. Invoke it with faith and you'll never fail you, which will immediately present to comfort you and to clear the mental darkness.
3: Give up selfishness : Remember that when you are faced with a problem, not only you're fighting it. If you take a direction thinking only of yourself, only you'll be standing in the way of the light energy that other people have in the world. Flowing with them and do invincible.

great courage is needed to give up selfishness

4: Be brave:  The first step to be brave is to accept that we are afraid. Therefore it is imperative that you embrace your own fears and to become your momentum. Sometimes gives dread make the right decision is not immediately useful for our personal, but remember, when you're an agent of light, you must see for everyone, and if you face difficulties, never be alone, and if you caes, there will be the energy of love to get up.  
5: Amate:  This is the hardest step. But love yourself, if vanity or egotism, is to open the door wide to light our soul. Delo not care that others THINK, you want to wait. If you love yourself, nothing can hurt you.
20161223 kikio327154 id119943 as you learn to use your hidden powers to help heal the world's energy Hero Light - How can you learn to use your hidden powers to help heal the world's energy?  -
Be an unsung hero of light is not easy, but it is right.
AUTHOR: kikio, editor in the great family
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