
5 de octubre de 2017

there was an increase in military movement across the country. The military were moving into position in preparation for the restoration of the Republic.

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of Oct. 5 2017

Compiled 12:06 am EDT 5 Oct. 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse; Author, "Twenty Two Faces,"

A. Oct. 4 2017 10:52 am EDT Intel Alert Operation Disclosure:Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for October 4, 2017

1. Today Oct. 4 there was an increase in military movement across the country. The military were moving into position in preparation for the restoration of the Republic.

2. All Cabal members within the US government would be rounded up and escorted out in trucks by the military.

3. Yesterday Oct. 3 Trump signed an Executive Order releasing the USN while he was on his way to Puerto Rico.

4. Trump and Pence would resign as told to make way for the interim President and Vice President.

5. The final showdown would begin once Dunford gave the order.

6. The GCR/RV was imminent.

B. Oct. 4 2017 10:04 pm EDT Zap Report: ZAP's Mid-Week Report - The Office of POOFness - 10.4.17

1. The lawyers have confirmed our release.

2. If we get the funds by the weekendOct 6-8, we will be doing very well.

3. Today Oct. 4 one of the currency intakes said they were processing hundreds of contracts that are being let out for the currency exchanges.

4. A lot of you will be very happy shortly.

C. Oct. 4 2017 8:48 pm EDT TNT Call RayRen98: TNT Showtime CC w/ RayRen98 Notes by Adept1 10-4-17641.715.0623, PIN CODE 409029#

1. Rate changes are in effect and moving ever upwards. In at least two states there were visible rates on the screen.

2. Yesterday Oct. 3 Call Centers in special locations were put on call.

3. The banking industry was now leaning towards Tues. or Wed. for things to happen, so if it’s not todayOct. 4, then possibly next Tues. Oct. 10-Wed. Oct. 11.

4. Today Oct. 4 the banks were on standby – on call – to be available at a moment’s notice.

5. Today Oct. 4 Exchange Centers were on call.

D. Oct. 3 2017 11:53 pm EDT Intel, Benny: Benny: Things Seems to Go as Planned + Intel

1. Today Oct. 3 Bankers told Benny that the Dinar rate would change in 48 hours (by Thurs. Oct. 5). 

2. All currencies will RV at the same time.

3. There is a limit of cash you can take from your exchange.

E. Oct. 3 2017 1:44 pm EDT Intel 48 hours: "Intel: 48 Hours" by Ruby - 10.3.17

1. Beny says it’s in 48 hours. He had a live show on Facebook.

2. I was chatting with Kent Dunn at the time who confirmed the 48 hours news because Iraq has started trading their dinar on their stock exchange for the first time in 25 years.

3. Kent also said he could see them using the FALSE FLAG as the distraction rather than the persecution of Trump in the news as our cover.

F. Oct. 3 2017 11:47 pm EDT Intel Situation Report, Deep Source: Intel Situation Report (SITREP) from Deep Source(s) 10-3-17

1. On Oct. 3 Trump was to sign an executive order to release the USN's before arriving in Puerto Rico - thus releasing funds and the GCR/RV.

2. Deep Source (Resistance): "Several Cabal Deep Underground Military Bases were destroyed last month. The search for more of these tirelessly continues until no more remain. Republic military assets were targeted by the Military Industrial Complex under the cover of the hurricanes last month. Attempts to destroy Republic military assets were avoided and dealt with thanks to Alliance intelligence."

3. Deep Source (The Alliance): "Alliance forces aided in reducing the effects of the hurricanes last month. The Cabal intended to create several super hurricanes in order to cause massive destruction. This was a desperate Cabal attempt to bring as many of us down with them as they can."

G. Oct. 3 2017 8:49 pm EDT Situation Report, Anna: "As We Enter the Home Stretch, Anna’s Situation Report" by Suzi - 10.3.17

H. Oct. 3 2017 10:50 pm EDT: More False Flag Operations as Deep State Loses on Every Battlefront

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