
22 de enero de 2018

Another RECORD for Spain: The country with the most underutilized AVE network in the world

Spain is the country with the least used AVE in the world. 
And also the one that owns the train with less intensity of use of its infrastructure worldwide, composed of more than 3,000 kilometers. 
According to the updated data of the International Union of Railways (UIC, of ​​English) corresponding to 2016, the national AVE has less than 15 travelers per kilometer. A long way from its European rivals France and Germany and light years ahead of railway technology powers such as Taiwan, South Korea and, above all, Japan.

Spain is the second country in the world in number of kilometers of network, only behind the unbeatable China whose network exceeds 20,000 kilometers.However, Spanish AVE users are the least distance traveled: totaling all trips, 15,059 million kilometers in 2016. The intensity of the use of the network comes from dividing the total kilometers of the network between kilometers traveled.Each kilometer of high speed in Japan has more than 166 passengers on average, more than 161 in the Taiwanese case and almost 100 in South Korea. 

Japan has eleven times more passengers per kilometer of AVE than Spain
With almost 84 passengers per kilometer, the revenue obtained by the German ICE (for a network that does not exceed 1,000 kilometers for a population of 80 million) is exceptional: Germany, European power in freight traffic by train with more than 25% of the quota, takes much advantage of its high speed. Spain on the other hand has a railway freight service that languishes even more than the AVE. 

Germany exceeds China (63 passenger-kilometers), the worst ratio of all Asian tigers. But the longest and most used in absolute terms: for 2020 President Xi Jinping wants to have a network of 30,000 kilometers. The Chinese AVE is neither touched nor questioned: in 2016 it was used by more than 1.2 billion users.

The record holder of Southeast Asia is the country that brought the world to high speed in 1964, on the occasion of the Olympic Games in Tokyo: almost 475 million for a network slightly inferior to that managed by Adif; a ratio of 166 travelers per kilometer. Eleven times more users than in Spain. 

The Japanese country is on the heels of Taiwan, which brushes the 162 travelers for every thousand meters of fast train.The intensity of use of the Taipei regime is incredible: the entire network has only 350 kilometers (that is, a route similar to the Madrid-Valencia line) and the Taiwanese Renfe, the THSRC, transports 56 million passengers. It is more than twice the population of the island (23 million).Finally there is South Korea, with the third best ratio, 100 passengers per kilometer (the South Korean high speed has 657 kilometers).


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