
21 de enero de 2018

The federal government has closed. What's open, what is closed, which is different

Updated 8 hours ago

A government shutdown Could have an impact on everything from your passport application to Those beloved Panda cams.

WASHINGTON - The federal government ran out of funds at midnight, but it may have been not noticed.
In fact, it may take several days before the public perceive completely the full impact of the closure.

The facade of the Capitol building in Washington, DC
Government agencies began the process of closing at midnight on Friday after Congress failed to pass a spending bill to keep them running. But not all government employees were sent home.

Federal workers who are considered "essential" are still at work, and key government functions such as national security operations and the work of law enforcement, continue to operate.

Other agencies have residual funds that remain operational for several days. But if the closure continues, they too could run out of money and close their doors.
Here is a look at what you can expect during the government shutdown of 2018:
What is open?

Mail still being delivered, Social Security checks are still being processed, programs Medicare and Medicaid are still in operation, and veterans hospitals are still running.

National monuments remain accessible as portions of many national parks. The museums of the Smithsonian Institution and the National Zoo are open at the moment, but could close as early as Monday.

Airports are still in operation, and air traffic controllers and officials Transportation Security Administration are still at work. But you might have some delays if traveling because the "non - essential" employees will be laid off.

You can also travel by train. Although Amtrak depends on federal subsidies, also has income from ticket sales and has managed to stay open during previous closures.

What it is closed?
Only "essential" government employees will report to work, so most federal agencies and departments are closed for now.

It is expected that the IRS, for example, release 87% of their workers, which means that most agency programs are closed. That includes helplines agency, which during closing off a potential for taxpayers seeking guidance on massive changes this year problem.

Most employees of other departments and agencies such as the Department of Education, the National Board of Transportation Safety and Safety Commission Consumer Product, are suspended, which means that investigations and ongoing programs be suspended temporarily.

The Environmental Protection Agency is open, but only for a limited time. EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt, advised all employees to return to work next week, but said more guidelines will be issued for the closure extends beyond 26 January.

What is different?
The big difference this time is that the monuments and parts of most national parks remain open during the closure.

During the last closing in 2013, the Obama administration closed the entrances to the park and raised barriers around national monuments. The policy sparked a public outcry when veterans were refused the Monument to World War II in Washington.

Trump and his team do not want to repeat that fiasco. Most roads and monuments of national parks and private concessions that serve them are open this time.

Services that require staff and maintenance, such as camps, full-service bathrooms and concessions that require personal or assistance park will not work, said the Interior Department.

The US government shut down at midnight after Congress failed to resolve a standoff over immigration and partisan spending. In a late-night vote, Senate Democrats ... Show more
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More: The Ghost of Shutdowns Past haunts the latest talks to keep the federal government open

Originally posted 6:54 a.m. GMT + 1 January 20, 2018

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