
10 de enero de 2018

WE ARE SURROUNDED Reptilian, BUT ... we realize

"... These legends of lizards, reptilians, chitauris, dragons, nagas, baktis circulate around the world and all cultures. These reptilíneos beings have always been connected with the real classes and iconography of the demons that live underground or hell, as the Nagas of India. Africa is said to be high reptilians came from the sky, created civilization and married the daughters of kings.
These reptilians vampires take thousands of millions of years on Earth. Many abductees have counted stories then when they were hypnotized. Fortunato Franzetta the guard was kidnapped in the 70s in Italy for one hour three reptilians 3 meters scaly red veins and undulating body type michelín man. He revealed that he put a helmet of mind control to experiment. Gray aliens are slaves of the reptilians.
David Icke and many sex slaves programs MKULTRA CIA mind control, like Arizona Wilder, Bryce Taylor, Duncan O'Finionan, Andy But, "Svali" Cisco Wheeler, Leo Zagami etc ... or Cathy O'brien reported that Mafia elites X and illuminati create zombies murderers dominated by mind control and make satanic rituals killing children and drinking their blood and offering it to their Gods Reptiles.These bastards have to put in Torres Satanic mountains in the world by sending negative vibrations entire Earth, also HAARP and chemtrails Using technology, or chemtrails released by aircraft, with which we poison without us noticing.
Some of these authors cited US presidents Sunk like Clinton, Bush, Carter and Gerald Ford or magnates like Kissinger, Dick Cheney, Robama or the Rothschilds would be connected with these beings. In fact, they have sold humanity, agreed with them and demons to control the world. The famous spy Bill Cooper revealed that Eisenhower agreed with gray reptilian aliens in the 50 and possessing secret bases with UFOs and the presence of reptilians.
JAMES Casbolt, Litvinenko MI6, reptilian CONSPIRACY REVEALED ALL
Illuminati family, from small was prepared by his mental powers as a slave mkultra and hit man for MI6, was the first to show photos of metamorphic Reptilian.
The MSc in Engineering Phil Schneider revealed that he saw a group of reptilians when they made excavations in the secret Dulce base in New Mexico and his colleagues were killed and he then wounded when he was shot with an alien weapon and burned the hand and foot. In 1995 he was assassinated, like Thomas Castello and journalist Dany Casolaro and all those who discovered the great secret of the hidden reptilíneos.
These reptilians are the vampires of all life. They can take the form earthling, eat human flesh lives of children and drink blood in rituals, overwinter and feed on negative psychic energy of humanity. Many other authors have confirmed these facts, as former MI6 spy James Caslbot, son of illuminati family and subjected to a mind control program since childhood. Barry King, security guard of the underground secret base of Berkshire in England Al-499, said he saw a reptile man there. Preston B. Nichols, involved in the secret Montauk Project had also seen real lizards, appeared to be the dome of command in these secret bases.

Or moth Mothman man who has seen disaster, 11 S or the beginning of the false pandemic flu sow would be a winged reptilian evil: it would be a case of black magic alien. Costello said that these bases were experimenting with genetically adults and children abductees and gray were sort of slave for the reptilians race. References to rituals of reptilians Gods who came from Heaven in UFOs and vampirize blood and vital energy to human beings are universal and repetitive, from the Hopis of Arizona of Bakti or "come from heaven" to the legends of Indian nagas, the Lilith or Anunnakis of Sumeria, Pre-Columbian gods of feathered serpents or reptiles African chitauris.
Anunnaki means "those who came from Heaven to Earth". The Annunaki are buried in the Middle East, hence the area is a place of blood and terror and there is the greatest dimensional portal from Earth, more than two miles, where many evil aliens enter races. Vamps are these beings who now live in the astral low and sometimes can materialize or are longevos reptoids can overwinter and feed on blood and / or human flesh, preferably children.
Former security officer of the Dulce base, Thomas Edwin Castello, said he saw reptilians high at that base in New Mexico, USA. Said natural caves originally were occupied and expanded by reptilians for centuries and later by technicians illuminati Rand Corporation think tank, working in cooperation or partnership with them. The area is known for the steady disappearance of children and adults. Costello saw children, small and gray embryos bases was killed by disseminating this information.
Many authors warn of this unusual story of science fiction as Tal Levesque, Norio Hayakowal, Bob Lazar or abductees and contactees Maurice Doreal, Alex Collier, Barbara Marciniak, Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Ray Keller, Lisa Royal, Patricia Cori, Barbara Hand Clow and Stan Johnson. Channelers say that there is an age-old war between these evil reptilian species and other benefactors as the Andromedans or Pleiadians. This war between good and evil, humanity would have lost in the past, in Atlantis, it would produce in this era, leading to a shift towards a more advanced and perfect New World. A new leap in civilization. A man who worked at one of those bases, terrorized the program called Art Bell Coast to Coast in the US, reptilíneos reporting that a global invasion plan. And the call was cut at the time. YouTube video exists.
The list of killed for saying this: that some alien vampires reptilians rule the world in secret bases connected with the CIA-MI6 and Mossad, is endless: Badwey, Paul Bennewitz, James Black, Dr. Eugene Blass, Ron Bonds, Mae Brussell, Danny Casolaro, Dr. J. Clayton, Gary Webb, William Cooper, Dr. Cooperson, Arie De Geus, Ruth Drown, Frank Edwards, Don Elkins, James V. Forrestal, Dr. Max Gerson, John Hadley, Harry Hoxsey, Morris K. Jessup, Dr. Milbank Johnson, Todd Kauppila, Jim Keith, Dr. David Kelly, John F. Kennedy, Dorothy Kilgallen, Dr. William Koch, George Lakhovsky, Ann Livingston, Brian Lynch, Dr. John Mack, Dr. Eugene Mallote, Dr. James McDonald, Thomas Castello, Stanley Meyer, Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Royal Rife etc ... etc ...
This is the great secret revealed in the book David Icke The Biggest Secret (click to download), written in 1998, where no one predicted before the illuminati would cause economic collapse and laboratory pandemics. These beings want to create a New World Order and that started the destruction or symbolic Ritual Sacrifice of the destruction of the Second Temple of Solomon or Twin Towers in 2001 to start the New World Order. Its purpose is to build the Third Temple of Solomon. They are connected with the Zionist lobby of the Rothschilds who created Israel to the Holocaust, when Nazis then went all the CIA in Operation Paperclip. Red Cross left 300,000 dead in Nazi camps and the figure of 6 million is unprovable already cited before the Holocaust and there are plates with 1 million, four million,

The symbol of the reptiles is the illuminati pyramid, which already existed in Atlantis. In the Cave of the Tayos in the jungle of Ecuador equal to a preColumbian's on the dollar bill (which is a snake and two Masons columns) with 13 degrees and 33 steps it was found in 1984. There were still Bavarian Illuminati, which are the eighteenth century and its symbol already existed in Atlantis-Lemuria. Also existed in Egypt and their descendants were the Templars.
In the early twentieth century they continued their calculated conspiracy, who aspired to the New World Order or Novus Ordo Seclorum their "company" or "mafia" or anuit coeptis (= literally our company), which appear in the Yankee dollar. Almost all wars are planned for us to kill each other, as revealed letters Mason Albert Pike or the cult documentary Loose Change.
These psychopaths have created a oligarco-plutocratic psicopatocracia on Earth. Abduct children with mind control programs CIA mk-ultra, have teleportation and UFOs with traveling in space and sex slaves and zombies and continually create wars, chaos and terrorism, following the agenda of a book of early twentieth known as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and a similar text called the Reptilian Pact that MI6 spies sent anonymously to a US financial center. These vampires control the world with television and capitalism. These are the manipulators illuminati creators of religions and isms, like communism, feminism, et .... Hollywood, the Vatican. Vampires are therefore real. They are this rabble.
Caslbot young spy has such incredible things like the following (hold the chair, because this is real):
- De illuminati family, and son of a spy MI6 dealing drugs for this English spy agency, was trained from childhood as a hit man with psychic powers within the dummy project with a system mk-ultra mind control. 
-confirms who have planned martial law for the New World Order.
-Denuncia that only 250,000 Chinese have Illuminatis murderers.
gray-beings and reptiles will now appear in your room many nights.
He says that planes 11 S were missiles (completely true).
-Report the Grays and Reptilians feed glandular secretions and hormones through a type of osmosis.
Matrixmedia-Hollywood and hide and distract the alien agenda.
-The Illuminati have machines that excite and provoke orgasms with Proteus program.
-confirms the black magician Aleister Crowley criminal working for the illuminati (incidentally, Crowley saw two little men alien in the Swiss Alps in 1896, then funneled into a gray sacrifices called "LAM")
Grays and Reptilians -The work together with the military in the underground bases called IMCS (military-industrial complex alien).
-In Aztec (New Mexico) on 13 February 1948 a flying saucer crashed and was recovered by the military of the United Kingdom. And in Cambodia aliens they were found in 1972.
-confirms the story of the murdered Phil Schneider attacked by reptilians in Dulce Base, Arizona, is real.
- confirms the allegations of the murdered Bill Cooper that have made several pacts with aliens since 1934, with the treaty with gray Orion. They were allowed human kidnapping in exchange for technology. It is renewed every ten, as if it were a simple lease.
He speaks of the existence of dimensional portals where they enter aliens and other entities. One is the Portal of Gerona, supposedly in France by mistake, but actually refers to the Spanish Gerona.
-The illuminati seek the descendants of the tribe of Dan (illuminati ancestors of the 13 lineages), which have certain psychic powers. They worship the Goddess Inanna Ishtar Lilith, represented by an owl. Merovingian are their descendants, as Bush and Al Coprone.
He says that spy agencies Mafia X, working with extredimensionales beings and reptilians so terrifying that could cause madness just to see them. (Note: No appointment or includes ZPedo).
- It says that angels are aliens.
-Ponen cranial implants to MKULTRA mind control spies. (Also the implants put drugs that are connected to bodies to have absolute dependence)
'I left an implant through the nose blowing. Sometimes receives commands, you can not control, through the implant and MKULTRA mind control.
It was abducted 4 times in small UFOs MI6 calls "Fireflies". Abduction runs through orders to his cranial implants.
-The NSA 5A group connected with the UN emits vibrations through waves of children killed and TV with brain implants to increase the number of crimes and anxiety in the world. (Some programs Big Brother and Telediarreos Ana White RTVE1 still have a lower-rotten vibration)
-the psychic sexual energy and is the same (incidentally, this is completely true)
-have weapons that are transmitted through the air with chemtrails. They experiment with beggars.
-under Westminster Abbey there is an underground, very importantly, CLC1 secret military base.
-have misshapen soldiers like the elephant man, who are psychic soldiers supramental powers, for when you start the chaos the New World Order. (The story goes that two of these types (higher than two meters and one Asian) who, to the astonishment and terror of the neighborhood, went up and down for minutes metallic people from a jewelry Southampton and then put a hologram of four mummies dancing).
- note that private security companies are being installed in the UK, conducted by operating scheduled and organized crime members, prepared to control the country when the police could not contain the chaos and to implement the New World Order Orwellian.
The Mafia X is controlled by London City Anglo-British or Israeli Corporation. Israel and the Vatican are sinómimos, born mobsters countries with the excuse of religious causes. Below Westminster exists an underground base called CLC1. Sunk states is only a branch of yours Israel. USA is the former company of Virginia. The English royal family controls the world through its reptilian aristocracy eugenicist. And behind all this conglomeration of psychopaths in the shade there are satanic reptiles.
Proof that all this which I speak is real are cases like the scandal Irangate, the Bilderbergers, the Report Iron Mountain, the illuminati cards INWO Steve Jackson 1995 (describing and then 11-S, the arrival of Bush or sow) pandemic killing Kennedy, the inside job of 11-S, 11-M and 7-J and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. All these elements reveal that a global mafia of psychopathic reptiles govern us occupy senior positions in the UN and CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), create wars, fashions and control history, health, education and the global economy. 
Frank Hatem, is a ontologist and logical French, author of political issues, denounces and proposals gory fighting the illuminati conspiracy of elites to establish the New World Order.
Hatem reports that the Anunnaki Psychopaths use three phases for the management of human cattle, big culprits for not joining and although they refuse to wake you show evidence of Carnage Mafia X or hidden elites who dominate the world. These phases are:
1. Disinformation to create dependency (MDM, Mass Media Defecation).
2. Weaken physically and mentally (HAARP, Chemtrails, TV, wars, pandemics, WHO, Farmafia, bureaucracy, NGOs, politics, etc .. corporocracia)
3. Divide to achieve self-monitoring.
Hatem writes on page 12:
"Our emotions are his food, because they live mainly in the astral (emotional world), just as we feed ourselves, because we live in the physical world". 
Behind these beings are their masters: Annunaki Reptiles Millennials. They are actually vampires because they feed on emotions, negative vibrations. They keep the world divided into low frequencies from 300,000 years ago. And the war against them will be accentuated as we get to 2012, as the new cosmic vibration of Love and Schumann waves will make Earth a different place they have created

Taken from: / the-awful ...

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