
13 de noviembre de 2018

Note from Colleen. . .


When I first woke up, I was shown how to identify galactic ships in the night sky. They were high in the sky so they can look like stars. However, they twinkle more colors and the cool thing is you can communicate with the ship asking it to signal you with a sequence of colors. Green, red, yellow, green red yellow please. And when it responds my heart leaps for joy.
I haven't done this communicating with a ship for a few years. About a month ago I was looking out my bedroom window before turning out the lights. I saw a ship. I was feeling down and out so I asked the ship to signal me ~ red, red, red, green. Sure enough, I received confirmation that they were connecting with me. This event buoyed my heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
The next night I did the same ritual. And they signaled me immediately. I heard them (inner hearing) say, "We honor you, consider yourself fully saluted." My enthusiasm for life grew. The next night, same ritual, I asked them if they were a Sirian ship since I consider myself to be a Sirian Starseed. Their reply: "No, we are a Pleiadean ship. We have several other star nation representatives on board and a few are Sirian however we are a Pleiadean ship." I was ecstatic.
I continue to connect with the ship nightly but so far I haven't been able to have more than a short communication with them. I long for a lengthy chat. In time it will come I am reassured. So keep your eyes to the sky. Reach out with your hearts and ask for communication.
We are the Starseeds strong and proud!
Selamat Ja!

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