
17 de noviembre de 2018


We are in a period of intense energies, asking us to express ourselves in our greater authenticity, we act following the path of our inner fire, in this cycle completions and big changes for the renewal of beliefs, attitudes and habits. 

• The old wings, simultaneously with our illusions, time is for honesty to themselves and others. 

• We are asked to affirm us in our own truth, even if this may lead to disturbances or cause misunderstandings with those around us. 

• The message of the universe at this time, is to let the inner fire shine freely.

• We can no longer hide and act as if we were ourselves, expressing our Light as we feel, without fear show in the eyes of the world. 

• You need this light shine in our inner and outer, freed from the questions of what and who we are, what we have to do or what our 'Mission', but acting with the echo of what resonates in our hearts. 
Relax from the stress of wanting to know what is or isnot aligned to assert itself in this Truth. 

• There are a multitude of truths that arise in our lives, the only real, it is the resonance of our actions and thoughts at the time they occur. 

- Are they aligned or not? 

- Are in accordance with their values and their deepest desires?

- Is this the life you really want to live, or not? 

The Universe also reminds us, we do not have to be perfect, just be ourselves, to accept the transformation. 

• This cycle of change also makes us see our surroundings, family, friends and relationships. 

- Are you in relationships that are healthy and thrive? 

- Your entourage is there for your highest good? 

- Do people around you, love you for who you really are, or the wrong image they have of you? 

- Are you evolve into relationships that take you and envelop you in love? 

- Or are you entangled in toxic relationships that prevent you from moving forward, who take all your energy and prevent your personal evolution?

Energies leave no room for illusion, simulation, or any toxic thing. 

• If this is the case in their current lives, ask yourself what is best for you. 

- Ask yourself, do you want to create deep and what life you want to live. 

- Have the courage to embrace this transformation offers and browse these energies of change. 

Before starting a new cycle, it is important to close the previous, separating what is no longer appropriate, so the wheel turns and pass the new, which is in harmony with the true Self. 
• This time is for renewal, to lay the foundations of future we want to experience in this life, but that does not happen overnight.
• We are asked that we take the time to enter what we really sincerely. 
• So do intentions, act when they feel the time is right, be indulgent with themselves and their surroundings, take time to integrate all these changes and make the necessary adjustments. 

- Take time to address these changes with confidence. 

- Nothing pressed only do the energies. 

- Follow your intuitions and ideas, reconnect with what could have buried, do things when they feel the time has come, do not force anything.

This is the way forward with energy, if they feel they are stuck, it does not work, that nothing be placed, do not force anything, because the moment can not be right, just surf in the wave. 

• We are nearing the end of the year, which means a period of culmination . 

• The energies are strong and move with force to push us to close our old files and lay the foundation for renewal. 

• Cease which is no longer adequate and move serenely into the new year.

In short, the universe leads them to wonder what is best for themselves and for their greater satisfaction, to understand the changes in stride, accepting and complete everything that needs to be, to set up a reality fully aligned with your inner Light and allowed to fully express his inner fire, and enter completely, the new cycle ahead. 

Blessings, Olivia Kocinski. 
In love, peace and light, I bless

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, full credit is given to author and included this URL https: //misteri1963.blogspot. 

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