
16 de enero de 2019

Facts in 3D

(1) Everyone who has a good amount of currency will become either wealthy or super-wealthy, especially when diversifying their purchases such as to include Zim notes/bonds. As such, they will not need to work after the RV at their old jobs, unless it is by choice. This fact along will free up many millions of jobs in America and reduce unemployment noticeably, almost overnight. Good workers who are well-trained will be much in demand by employers.

(2) Most currency holders, because they are human beings who care about others, have gifted currency to others. While those others may not have as much currency as the original donor, there is likely to be enough exchange value there to pay off debts, pay off mortgages, buy a new car, move up to a better home or apartment, send the children to college and keep some for a rainy day. This is a good start to wealth building. If there is a sound basis for statements that the Zim notes are valuable bonds with an extremely high exchange rate relative to the other currencies, many of those gifted will also find themselves in the highly wealthy slot. They themselves will be in a strong economic position and will likely no longer need to work at their old jobs.

(3) Most currency holders, after the RV, will formulate some sort of humanitarian group, foundation or company or heavily support someone else. This means that there will be an employment opportunity for new people who can offer their services in this endeavor. The jobs produced further reduce unemployment, especially in the West. The humanitarian result will benefit many thousands in dire need of rescue today and work them up the ladder to a more stable life-style. This will have untold benefits to the mood and spirit of the nation. Instead of talking about being brothers and sisters, we will actually be able to HELP our brothers and sisters tangibly and directly and immediately.

(4) Some currency holders, after the RV, will create companies or lend financial support to companies that are directed to new technologies and new infrastructure. This will also create jobs and in some cases he next Apple, Microsoft, Tesla, PayPal, etc. This produces many jobs. Many of the infrastructure jobs will initially involve blue-collar workers and basic resource industries. Minimal training needed (at least at first).

(5) Some currency holders will scan bona fide and heavily qualified lists of companies, humanitarian groups and new projects designed to help humanity and select from 1 to 100 to support financially, never leaving the comfort of their recliner. This will help many people in many different directions, including international. Discernment will be used at all times to confirm the truthfulness and the character of the receiver. There are many good groups out there now and they do amazing things. In some cases we don't have to re-invent the wheel, just expand the size and scope of the wheel.

(6) Many currency holders will take special measures to usher in a new Golden Age for one or more cities and towns of their choice. Once they are sure sufficient emergency centers and safe havens are in place for those at risk, they can coordinate with city leaders to rebuild neighborhoods, help fund parks and recreation centers, replace and repair aging equipment, sponsor tourism-worthy events, contribute to the arts, modernize airports, expand emergency services, enhance public housing, replenish exhausted city coffers, upgrade schools, build new schools, attract new industry and so on. There is almost no limit to how nice we can make our urban areas, tempering all plans with careful attention to planning, architecture, engineering and quality of life. This is life and health enhancing.

(7) Some currency holders will take a special interest in the enhancement of medical facilities, emergency services and hospitals. They will take an interest in medical training facilities and special programs for universities and colleges. They will make sure than smaller towns and rural areas will have just as good of emergency service as urban centers and reasonable access to hospitals including helicopter transport. This can done locally, state-wide, regionally and nationally. It can be done internationally.

(8) Some currency holders will take a special interest in providing "angel investor" funding for new inventors and aspiring entrepreneurs. For those special people, the dreamers who have real vision and an ability to see where the world will be in 10, 15, 20 years from now, obtaining that early stage funding and also backing for longer terms as well can make all the difference. They can scan the crowd funding sites for concepts they think will help the most people or just to help out an entrepreneur with a boost of a chance. This creates at atmosphere of positive change and the impetus for finding new geniuses living among us. Success can lead to amazing new companies.

(9) the prospects for debt reduction and debt elimination not only for countries, but also for individuals and families, form one of the most fruitful results of the RV. The scarcity model makes us think that heavy debt is normal. Small debts are probably something people will always use, but the elimination of major debt in the daily lives of people is a direct way to immediately help people who are drowning. Over time, as wealth proliferation increases, the old usurious banking models will break down and banks will be primarily service organizations. Usury laws were used throughout olden times and were enforced. Leave it to the cabal to break the law by having the power to change the law. If you take away most of the need for debt, a major money-making machine of the cabal system can be circumvented. Their power is reduced in the new economic system.

Source Philip Tilton

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