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Sananda new scripts, Chapter 8

I am Sananda / Jesus. 
This will upset some people, others confused, and others will be ecstatic. 

The things I'm 'talking-telling' in these new Scriptures are very different from the scriptures that were written for compilation and became the New Testament of the Bible. 

Of course, I have not written any of those chapters personally. Some of them were written by people who were close to me - my disciples, as they were called, but many were written long after I left, and therefore were not my words, and sometimes were not my thoughts . Those who have studied the Bible must be able to identify what I mean. 

Teachings that are not based on love are not mine, or God.

There is another problem with the Bible, however, it is that many of the most important writings were deliberately excluded. My beloved wife Mary Magdalene taught the right way to me, in harmony with the ideas I had come to offer the world. 

She was the writer of the family, with my enthusiastic approval and documented some of the most important lessons, and we expected to remain for posterity. Unfortunately, they were hidden at the time the emperor Constantine commissioned the volume that would become the Bible. 

These writings will soon find, and when we return to walk among you, again her voice as gentle and loving bright light that always has been will be heard.

We had hoped that his presence would be an influence for change in cultural attitudes towards women, but would not be in so broadly as we had expected. 

The group of men who decided to discredit to place the question of his moral character did with the clear intention: they deliberately created a story that would damage their credibility and therefore their power to reach a large number of people with his teachings. 

Think how different it might have been the attitude towards women in countries that "Christians" callthemselves, if their true identity and personal power would have been recognized. She was my equal, companion and collaborator. His strength sustained me through difficult times, like my dear Mother Mary.

Together, they were the strength of love and understanding that smoothed the way of my I traveled during those difficult years. I could not have done it alone. 

The emphasis on male domination and exclusivity that the Bible presents could not be further from the true story of my life and that of my closest disciples. We were raised in the Jewish tradition of close and lasting ties of family, one that values the association of parents and highlighted the precious gift that children are.

We still think the same about the sacred bond between a man and a woman and the great need that all children have a stable home and support. However, we do not condemn anyone who is able to create an alternative version of this relationship. In a family home, it is the atmosphere of love that matters, not the individual identity, gender or age of the participating members. 

Human beings are social beings, and they all need a good company and comfort when we come home from our trip, either on a day doing paperwork in an office, or plowing a field. 

We all need the love of a family, to embrace in the nutrient - lit atmosphere.

Unfortunately, generations of human children have survived with minimal comfort, without a source of love given with all my heart. This is changing. Children are now truly regarded as the promise of the future and hope of a better world than their parents have lived, and that will happen. 

Many have heard of crystal or indigo children. They seem to be of a different race, a more advanced version of humanity that had not been seen on Earth before.

True , they are literally creations base - crystalline; their DNA is different from their parents and which have already been activated latent DNA strands in its composition. All of you every day will feel themselves increasingly as these children. As your own DNA is being activated, it will expand their creativity, and their ability to feel Endless Love is increasing. Like these new kids, You are becoming more gods and goddesses who were born to be. 

You see, these children are not a new creation at all. It is a revival of the true identity of mankind, bright restoration 'project-model' intelligence and power, which was part of the plan of the ascension of humanity.

The ascent is preparing for him now is actually a return to the glory of the original Earth was "Eden" - a glorious place of peace, harmony and joy. 

However, the gift of a beautiful and nutritious paradise was not enough for the development of a soul eager, curious, creative and aggressive as they have been hoarding species. 

This was why we decided all together in our planning advice that Earth should descend to a 3 - dimensional state for a temporary test of courage, integrity and honor. 

And now, here they are, after completing many lives here on the earth plane.

They have been beaten and mistreated in their bodies and their souls. It's time for healing, because they have already left behind the lower vibrations of life 3-D. 

They are slowly waking up to the truth that everything has changed, and so have no choice but to change. 

They found themselves clinging to old patterns, the old ideas, and many are hard pressed to relinquish control over the old ways of life, even when filled with pain, resentment and suffering. 

What holds them , Beloved, traditions that have enslaved their minds and their bodies punished? 

What are still so precious that they can not bear to be separated from it, even though they complain so bitterly about stress in your daily life?

What you really have to lose their fear, their pain and sorrow? 

Life in the higher vibrations is not new to you, you have experienced behind the veil between each life. 

They have lived in Paradise in the company of heaven. 

They have drunk from the cup of eternal life and have felt the infinite love of the Father / Mother God. 

The memories are there in your heart / mind - that place in your heart when you think with your feelings, and where they connect with your Higher Self. 

Your Higher Self is your soul connection to the higher dimensions. 

At this time, your Higher Self resides just above his head, just across the Veil in 5ªdimensión.

Listen, Beloved, and listen to the impulses of his soul as clearly as they hear the alarm clock in the morning or car horns on his way to work. 

Awaken to the voice within that speaks of Love, of Truth and Hope. 

They called intuition or hunches, or what they know in their bones. 

It is the voice of God within you, around you, urging you to stand up and take your place in the wonderful adventure that is 'saved-stored' for you. 

The next time you wonder if you should trust your intuition or try to work things out in your head, stop and reconsider.

What is the best way to solve a problem: trust the wisdom of God and the wisdom of the Cosmos, or add and subtract in the brain, where they only have the information they have been taught by those around them? 

The answer should be clear. His brain, which we refer to as the "warehouse-store" -of knowledge, is like your computer. It is able to store, search and retrieve. You can not make decisions, but can only inform them of what others have said about their decisions. This is not an effective way to direct your life. 

His inner voice, the voice of your heart / mind is connected to your subconscious mind, and that is not in your brain, but continues eternally with or without your body.

It is a complex resource, supervised by your Higher Self, who has access to all the memories of his many lives and can make available the skills and knowledge that has accumulated in other lives. 

So they can be "natural" when it comes to certain skills. 

You have probably practiced these skills before somehow. 

For example, certain facility with languages is probably the result of these languages spoken in other lives, an interest in healing or medicine is probably a long-time interest, and so on. 

You are multifaceted, much more complex and wise in the reservoir of knowledge (knowledge) of what you imagine beings.

After the ascension, all of you finally have access to the memory of all these things in their own lives, and be able to study the Akashic record of others as well. 

They will learn the truth of their history and the history of your planet, and discover how little they have discovered in history scientists and experts. 

There are new discoveries every day, many of them so rare that anthropologists have no idea how to classify them or understand them , and many dramatic pieces of evidence are placed in a drawer or archived for later. 

What it is really known about the planet Earth and its inhabitants? 

Perhaps humanity and other species "evolved" by trial and error under the influence of external forces?. It is known only slightly.

There have been some minor adjustments that occurred due to external conditions, but have been minimal. 

Generally, the changes are made under the supervision of Prime Creator, conducted by Mother / Father God and other high - level Masters. 

You were created, Beloved, in a collaborative effort spanning millions of years of Earth time. 

There have been several previous civilizations, and they have learned in the writings of Mother / Father God in recent years, and those civilizations have had a direct effect on the development of humanity.

You will learn about the true anthropology and political history of his beloved planet when the 'disclosure-disclosure' is complete, of course, the moment where they are now bottom of why Star Brothers and Sisters are here is relevant. 

They have fascinating stories to tell that will keep you enthralled for many "stories - events". 

You see, they have much more to offer than just advanced technology that will immediately improve your life, your health, the health of the planet. 

They help restore the deep unconscious connections to fascinating events that are now out of reach.

They are eager and excited about the opportunity to help them learn more of the things that helped them in their own planetary ascensions. 

Who are these brothers and sisters who are so eager to help? 

They come from far and near, in relative terms. 

Many of them are their own galaxy, from Sirius, the Pleiades, Sagittarius, and others, totaling nine planets in the galaxy and the Milky Way, which are all inhabited by humanoids. 

There are also countless visitors from other galaxies, some of the systems of distant stars that its scientists are not aware. 

All they come in their ships to help in any way they can.

Let me tell you a recent event involving these visitors. Many of you have heard of the Arcturians. 

They are a highly evolved civilization has reached a level of identity cooperative group, prefer to work in unity with each other to be known as unique individuals. 

Although they can be separated and communicate with you they prefer to remain as the identity of the group in which they work very comfortably and efficiently. 

They are very advanced healers and have devoted much effort in the study of humanity.

They are very interested in the powerful combination of thoughts and feelings that you have, and have developed very effective for healing of diseases resulting from the interaction between psychosomatic beings (emotion / body) tools. 

Recently, our Lady Portia has begun to healing sessions in, at our request, and hundreds of volunteers - about 1,000 - have registered to be available and direct healing energies to people who have applied for healing. 

We in the higher dimensions we have joined this cooperation initiative, and the results have been magnificent.

When the Arcturians were invited to join the Masters of healing, along with Mother / Father God, Archangel Michael, St. Germain, and many others, they responded by bringing their ships to help healing the whole planet. 

First, two large ships-Nodrizas parked in high orbit over the North and South Pole, and then four other smaller ships were positioned at four points along the Ecuador. 

Because they were called, they have come. 

This is an example of the kind of "materializing - the creation" of what pide- is now possible. 

Now they will help in healing of the entire planet. 

You can all expect to experience "miraculous" healings, as many participants in the Internet healing sessions obtained.

As the number of Healers grows, the power of intention becomes such an irresistible force that no condition or disease can survive in their presence. 

This healing effort has also attracted thousands of dark entities, they are trying to adhere to the 'carriers' Lightworkers who see them as their last hope for their existence. 

As you all know, Lucifer has returned home to the welcoming arms of his 

Mother / Father God, Archangel Gabrielle his twin flame, and his brothers and sisters worshiped. 

He was given a hero 's welcome, to his great surprise, because he thought that his long journey to Earth leaving had failed to bring the Light and the highest vibration for the planet, which was his plan.

The "form-energy '' dark 'was intentionally created" Satan "was captured and brought to light. 

Dark entities have heard the story, and in the confusion and chaos as they had been manipulated to think that Lucifer was the Devil, the representative of all evil, and its powerful leader. 

Now they are surprised to discover that the name "Lucifer" is really the essence of Light and Love, and are beginning to emerge from their dark hiding, fearful, confused, disillusioned and desperate. 

Many are adhering to unsuspecting Light workers, in an effort to find a way to be saved. Most are willing now to return to the Light, to be forgiven and restored in Love.

They are joining themselves (in thousands) Protection Pillar of Light that is surrounding Gabrielle. 

As a team, Lucifer, Archangel Michael, St. Germain and I, along with Shatoose Mother Love, God the Father, the Arcturians and many others, advise and reassure. 

They are wrapped in a cocoon of light, and most of them are choosing to return to the source to be restored to the Light. 

This is truly a monumental task. 

Gabrielle has been offered with joy being in this service, offering herself as the Light that attracts thousands of dark entities, who are terrified to return because of what they have done. 

They (you) fear punishment, but what they get is 'kindly goodness', forgiveness and love without end.

They are escorted by us, every one, accompanying light to meet God. 

The planet is finally clear of these Dark Ones, most of whom were followers misdirected. It truly is a triumph of light over darkness. 

We are very grateful to our healing teams on the ground, workers of Light who have learned to remove these dark entities, and the growing team of healing 'Vía- internet' whose energies have inspired such positive action. 

This is an example of the synergy that occurs when hundreds of people come together to focus their energy toward a single positive result: Healing and Ascension of Planet Earth.

It is working hard and will continue to raise awareness and thus the vibration level of the entire planet. 

When sending love and light to all who need physical healing, have created a wave of awareness of the interaction between the Dark thought and ailments, including anxiety, despair, disease and Darkness. 

As healing progresses, the perfect health becomes a dream in the minds of all, the darkness disappears into the ether, and despair replaced by joy. 

These "miracles" will become commonplace as more and more people begin to ride the wave of joy and love directly into the 5th dimension and the Dream of Ascension and everything we have shared for millennia.

I am Sananda / Jesus, and I am here to serve. 

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, PsyD 

© can always share that do not alter or modify their content or form or the order in which they are established, respecting the sources and their translator. 

* The Sananda / Jesus himself asked to be respected. Thank you

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