7-Chapter Seven ★ "The New Scriptures" written by Sananda / Jesus by Kathryn E. May, PsyD-16 August 2013-Edited and translated by Tony Paul
I am Sananda.
There are many things people believe, because they have been told to believe by someone in a position of greater power than them.
We should probably say more power of perception, since power over another person is always an illusion.Actually, no one today can make you believe anything unless you decide, no matter how they might torture or prick.
Of course, it is easier to convince children to believe what they are told, why religions of all kinds try to enlist children from birth, even threatening that a child is not baptized or initiated in the church not you can go to heaven.
Why would anyone want to join a church that makes them feel scared as long aspossible?
Why would anyone want to give their children a group of people who use fear to control them ?
Simply threatening dire consequences in the future would not be enough to turn most people living in the moment, without worrying about the distant future too, especially the uncertain future after death.
They had to be much more powerful control strategies mind working.
To become a pawn to the ideas of others, we must fear for survival this one.
The most primitive fears dates back to the days of the caves (home) under difficult conditions, is the fear of death by starvation. I will explain how fear is used to control the entire planet.
In areas where resources are limited or can be assumed and controlled by bribing the leaders of an area or country, the Black Hats have purchased and placed under their control vast areas of the world and its precious resources.
This includes food, water and energy products.
Those who could not be controlled completely in this way as the smaller countries of Europe, they were persuaded to join the European Union, which would be even more relentless and at the mercy of creditors (the same black hats) that eventually They gain mastery by manipulating markets, encouraging debt and then squeezing them financially.
The owners of the debts become "masters" once enslaved country can no longer pay their debts due to market manipulations that make it impossible forfinancial stability.
In a world where prosperity is supposedly based on economic growth, the population has been led to believe that a job that gives us (bring) money is the key to success and security.
This is the big lie.
That job loss leaves the vulnerable person to financial difficulties.
In the most extreme cases, it can mean hunger or homelessness, a small population of people with disabilities or mentally ill minority, even then, social programs in the most advanced countries provide a social network, minimally effective so nobody really needs to go hungry.
Homeless - having to sleep in the cold - is avoided by providing shelters and soup kitchens.
This is not particularly desirable properties, but it does mean that the hunger of most (but not all) of people in the world is a thing of the past.
In places where hunger is widespread it can be traced directly back to cruelty and greed of the powerful.
You see, Mother Earth is generous in its provision for their children. Not the lack of food to feed everyone, there is an unwillingness to serve all.
This is the darkness that now ask you to banish the planet. The era in which "look out for number one" and that it was not seen as a terribly immoral attitude is over.
You are the guardians of his brothers, and they / them yours.
No one really gets the material success without the help of the whole society.
There is no such thing as a self - made man.
All citizens benefit from the stability of their governments, infrastructure and service of their fellow citizens who are preparing themselves as teachers, ambulance drivers, firefighters, farmers and poets.
Yes, I said poets. The Philistines invented the idea that every artist should be able to create a profitable product, and if they can not do it, not worth paying attention.
How could they have survived the brightest minds in history had it not been for mentors, kings and sponsors who fed and clothed so they could do their real job, which was to create inspiring to lift their fellowmen works. ?
As their populations have grown, and funds have helped to establish their own infrastructure, schools and security services have grown exponentially, it has been a simple task for greed and selfishness infiltrate all debates political and moral. Instead of providing emotional security for all, the contribution of many has been used to redistribute wealth, resources and security promises the very few at the top (the elites).
This is not democracy, nor is the true path. As everyone knows, the golden rule has been the cornerstone of spiritual teachings from around the world throughout history.
There are many variations of this basic education, but for our purposes, let's start with the English family version: "Treat others as you would have them do unto you." This captures the spirit of thought.
I would like to extend this information to provide a slogan for Ascension - and increased its electromagnetic vibration to the high 5ªdimensión: "Do unto others
Now, for those who are mired in a habit of self-loathing and self-criticism, this slogan does not give the right impetus for change.
We must expand the meaning to include "Love yourself" something that many peopleignore when they are building their moral / philosophical basis.
We need to start with: "Become (or try) to yourself as you would have others will (try) do to you"
"You see, this lack of basics for themselves love is the source of all the unpleasant relations, and personal conflicts in progress, depression and pain. you have chosen people who treat them like you.
treated themselves, and they see them with the same jaundiced you throw yourself, and you're at war with them as you are with yourself. it's time to end the "self-hatred" and despair that has been taught by all the great religions in some form.
the flagellation and self -denial of the presence of abundance is not an indication of the superiority or goodness, it's not great wealt
Religious practices based on the expansion of self-importance are driven by feelings of inadequacy.
Feelings of insecurity and inadequacy are neither more nor less than the lack of faith and a misunderstanding of the I AM Presence, which is God.God loves everyone equally, no exceptions, not even for you.
By insisting that they are less worthy or more deserving than others, you are putting yourself above God, who does not agree with you.
God is love, God is light.
Love is Light.
Love is peace, joy, harmony, laughter, compassion, forgiveness and kindness.
God is all these things, therefore, God is pure love.
There is no revenge, no punishment, nor any threat of disapproval or any other dark judgment in the Love of God.
This is the mythology of the past, and it is a misinterpretation of what God feels toward their sons / daughters.
Some of you have understood the reason why I came to earth was to teach the love - love of God, love, and love one another.
I am Love, because I am God, as you are. Just discover the power of love that you carry in your soul, and willshine with 'Uplifting-inspiring' energy of Light.
This light comes from the Central Sun of our Prime Creator, who is the Creator of all creators, and therefore is the power of ONE.
They are made in the image (not the physical image, but the image of the soul) of his Creator, therefore,
You are One, the power of creation.
These are not just words designed to comfort or ease your low self -esteem.
They are the truth.
All human beings have the power of creation within them, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, IQ or social position.
Everyone can express the dream of their hearts if they only have faith in their own power.
Only faith gives them the power to create, a faith based on knowing you are one with God as you are one with all sentient beings in the entire cosmos
When coupled with his own power - the power of all creation - have at their disposal all the Legions of Heaven and all the resources of the Cosmos, because all sentient in 5ªdimensión and beyond beings live by the Universal Law and they understand the meaning of being one with you, even when you do not understand themselves.
They are here to serve, by their own will, and revel in the joy of helping them lift themselves upwards to the Light.
There are no dark beings anywhere in the Cosmos above the sixth level of the 5ªdimensión.
Darkness can not survive in the electromagnetic environment Illuminated higher dimensions.
Beings in Heaven are Lightworkers, as spiritual and dedicated-lifting among you are calling themselves.
This does not mean that the Dark not exist in the cosmos, of course there are.
They have been creating the current imbalanced conditions that lurked in the 4ªdimensión levels through its long history of Darkness on Earth.
They were attracted by chaos and damage created by the traumatic fall of Atlantis, and have been spreading their misery quickly for thousands of years.
That was our job, Beloved, defeat the darkness and restore Paradise on Earth that has been our shared vision since the beginning of this Project Earth.
We have chosen to descend into dangerous territory, where darkness prospered and bring back the light with the dedicated efforts of our own hearts.
That we have done.
We're on the right track to achieve ascension of humanity. It remains only to awaken those who are still asleep, lulled by the teachings promising 3 - dimensional satiety instead of fulfilling their spiritual path.
Now you can see the image full circle, oh is not it? Humanity is not exhausted by waiting for God to show up and fix the misery on the planet.
They are exhausted by fear, anxiety, hatred of themselves and each other, and worst of all, deprivation and separation from his own soul connection with God.
We must show by our example that Love is all you need, as the song says. I bring this message at this time because change is upon you.
We understand their resistance to change his ways, and leave behind what is familiar (known), even if those circumstances known often bring us despair and frustration.
I assure you that when making the transition to a higher level of vibration, have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Those who have loved and cared for will be cared for in their path to Ascension.
They will be provided with loving and compassionate teachings support until they are calm and satisfied, and rising and rising themselves from their present gray shadows, they bring them joy and jubilation as they had never imagined.
They will not lose to people who are important to you;quite the opposite.
You will find each, a new identity in the Light and Love, and you will experience when opening their hearts and minds to fulfill the destiny of the agreements in common that brought them here for this life.
This is why we have lived and died in many past lives, Beloved.
You are indeed on the threshold of the Promised Land. Are you going to take the step into the light? Will they spread their wings and take flight?
They will find fuel for your engine right there in the heart.
And it is in turn fed by the love of your Higher Self, God. I AM an individualized reflection of one, but that does not mean I'm separated. No one can ever be alone or separately.
This is a trick taught by the Dark to instill fear. No need their other half, or a partner (partner) for support, or approval of his colleagues to find ecstatic bliss (ecstasy).
They just have to accept the conduit (route) that connects more fully the umbilical cord of a baby is connected to the source of life that is the mother.
Let the presence of God, who is Love and Light to flow through you, to heal and nourish every wound, every painful experience, every expression of disease, life and everything else.
Allow yourself to expand, to fill your body and aura that surrounds them with love and light.
It will shine out from you into the atmosphere and around, raising the spirits of all who come into his presence.
Not turn your back on this brilliant destination. Accept the mantle of goodness and light that is your birthright.
Come with me, dear friends. It 's our time now. I am Sananda / Jesus, who lives for Love. He returned to show them the way Home.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May,
August 14, 2013, 14:00.
Listen Healing Groups Sananda, Father God, the Arcturians, and others in ChannelPanel BlogTalkRadio.com /.
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* The Sananda / Jesus himself asked to be respected.
Thank you.
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