
1 de enero de 2019

KejRaj: All portals of light are already open, restarting the system

All the light portals are now open;

Restoring system greetings for you! From heart to heart at this moment we speak, I AM KejRaj (KayRy).

The information expressed here is from my point of view from my perspective. Because the whole truth awaits you in your heart.

Tune the light inside you.

Are you tired of waiting yet?

Are you excited at the same time?

Do you feel the energy, the imminence that something big is about to manifest itself?

If yes to any or all of the above, then rightly so. But your wait, your patience has not been in vain.

I am very excited and I am also waiting for the same thing that is waiting for, for example, the global currency reset and much more. Now we will say that the celebrations will begin very, very soon. Understand that here we are not even talking in terms of months.

All the obstacles that have prevented the fall of important dominoes have been dissolved.

Many entities on top of the latter, in particular, received ultimatums, who rejected them all. 

So now they have nothing. But just to experience their own demise, which is complete. 

Now they have zero power. Governments, banks, military, now in the hands of the Alliance.

The alliance's technology will also quickly take over the mainstream media. You will notice this through the change in your TV reports.

Our magnificent Mother Earth is being flooded by the upper light of the Great Central Sun.

All the light portals are now open.

Which means that the light that reaches Earth at this time is NO longer being controlled or diminished by anyone. That was the case in the past so that everyone could adapt to the upper light and feel more comfortable. No more.

It is completely up to each individual how they deal with the continually increasing powers.

A certain quota of light must be fulfilled so that the main events take place, and without causing damage to the body of the Earth and its inhabitants.

We understand that this level is ready. We are really on the cusp of restarting the entire system.

The new year will announce great surprises.

Wonderful news and celebrations for many, while shocks and disbelief for others.

We are moving at the speed of light, the new dawn is here.

From heart to heart, I am Kejraj!

Source: Era of Light

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