
15 de enero de 2019

The Deleted History of Humanity, Hidden Origins Revealed

At first there was the universe. There was no time nor matter. It was what is known as the INFINITE LOVE. All spirits were connected together to form one. Each spirit had its own individual conscience and the fact of being connected, gave them the ability to have infinite possibilities.
In many cultures and religions it is known to the infinite love as "God", "the All" and "Universal Energy" among others. (1)
The spirits in the infinite love exist as energy. A group of these spirits decided to experiment matter. They wanted to experience being separated from each other. They did this by creating a material universe in which embody individual beings made of matter. To sustain the universe, the Infinite created an energy that is known as the Matrix, which is contrary to what represents spiritual energy.
If spiritual energy is positive energy of love, then the energy of the matrix it represents negativity. The Infinite Matrix created the self-conscious and gave instructions to determine how would be the material universe where spirits were to embody. Matrix forged the universe in a manner contrary to what they represent spirits. Infinite love is the spiritual union that forms one.
Matrix created the material universe based differences and separation. He forged polar opposites, such as the feminine and masculine, light and darkness among other things. Matrix was who determined that living beings would live in isolated planets. LOVE INFINITE allowed and wanted to experience all this matter to the extreme levels of negativity and separation. (2)
The spirits that were disconnected from the Infinite Universe entered without remembering those who were before you get there.
The Matrix was given instructions to do everything possible so that the spirits would not recognize that they are one and not return to the Infinite. This is the basic foundation of what is called "The Universal Spiritual Game".When the spirits that are within the universe recognize that they are one then they will return to the Infinite. The experiences we live in the material world are part of a game. (3)
To reach the Infinite, the spirits must evolve spiritually through unconditional love. The more love and acceptance exists between living beings regardless of differences, then more is spiritually evolved. Spirits should reincarnate in different bodies to thereby experience different experiences that lead to greater unconditional love.
The material universe is divided into several dimensions. There are about 9 dimensions where spirits reincarnate, the third lowest dimension. The more unconditional love achieve the spirits then they rise to other dimensions that are closer to the Infinite. (4)
Spiritual evolution is also achieved when we integrate opposites. When we do not identify with ideas that are opposite each other. A good example is in relation to the masculine and feminine. These are concepts that have established themselves as socially different.When we stop identifying with both concepts and then we managed to integrate spiritual evolution.
Spirits are the only eternal energy in the universe.
Energy Matrix, on the other hand, needs to feed on other energy to stay alive. The main energy needed Matrix negative energy is related to fear. When living things feel fear or hatred produce a negative energy which feeds the Matrix. For the energy of fear, Matrix created beings of negative energy self-conscious.
Like spirits, the beings created by the Matrix reincarnate in bodies within the material universe.
A negative energy beings they are commonly known as "The Lords of Darkness." The aim of these beings is to provoke conflicts and wars in societies where embody to create fear and hatred. They absorb negative energies created by the spirits and then pass it to the matrix so that it is fed. (5)
Initially, the method used to feed the Matrix was beneficial because the conflicts created by the Lords of Darkness forced the living to become aware beings and so spiritually evolved. The conflict was a good way for spiritual evolution. The problem is that over time, the Matrix became stronger and began to take more control of the universe.
Conflicts created by negative energy are so many spirits have engaged in a pitched battle against the Lords of Darkness around the universe.
Under this framework it is that the Milky Way begins to develop. In this part of the universe there are many intelligent races, but nevertheless, there are two in particular that are more reputable. These two races are humans and reptiles.
The human race originated in the constellation Lyra, specifically on the planet Avyon. The first humans to develop in this world were what is known as the Nordic race. They were white human blond with blue eyes. The reptiles are original Aln planet in the constellation of Orion and Alpha Draconis planet in the constellation Draco.
Orion reptiles have similar physical appearance of snakes and reptiles have Draco physical appearance of dinosaurs and dragons. The reptiles of both constellations were gathered in an organization known as "The Alliance". (6)
Humans and reptiles developed in isolation.Culturally, both races are practically opposite each other. Humans had as ideals of justice and equality among all races in the galaxy.Reptiles understood that they were the first intelligent race in this part of the universe and therefore had the right to conquer the entire Milky Way and eliminate or enslaving other races that stand in their way. Humans were organized communally and were polarized on the feminine side.
The women owned the leadership positions.Instead, the society was patriarchal and reptiles were organized in an authoritarian and hierarchical. In spiritual matters, human represented the positive energy of light and reptiles represented the negative energy of darkness.
Within the Milky Way, The Lords of Darkness reincarnated mainly on reptiles societies. This was the initial field to create conflicts and wars in this part of the universe and thus obtain the energy of fear which they feed.
When humans and reptiles were found for the first time, it did not take long to occur conflicts between them. For many of the reptiles, human ideals of justice and equality were synonymous with weakness. For humans, the ideals reptiles were synonymous with evil. a good understanding between the two groups failed and ended up poring into a pitched war that has lasted for millions of years and has been in various dimensions.
The first unfortunate event in this war was the destruction of the planet Avyon by the reptiles.Avyon destruction of human groups forced to move to different constellations to find other planets to live. In the new planets that humans lived there were other atmospheres and environment. Humans evolved physically according to the atmosphere of planets lived.
From that moment he began to create racial diversity among humans. Skin color and physical characteristics varied according to the atmosphere of the planets.
Later, a group of humans and reptiles decided to organize to seek a solution to the war between the two races. They created an organization which is known as "The Intergalactic Federation". Members of this organization were identified mostly with the spiritual side of light. (7)
The first action that made the federation was to create a military ship if necessary involved in armed conflicts. For this they took a piece of the planet Avyon destroyed and rebuilt as if it were a ship. A military ship this planet it is commonly known as Nibiru.
This planet belongs to the Intergalactic Federation of the constellation Pleiades. Nibiru has an extensive orbit a single solar system is not restricted and the crew can change their route if they wish. (8)
The Federation members understood that the war between humans and reptiles should be for two main reasons.
* First, because the ideologies of both races were opposed. * Second, because the cultures of the two races there was no free will.
Both humans and reptiles sacrificed individual thinking people the benefit of the group. Both had rigid ways of thinking which made it difficult to find new ideas to improve understanding between the two races.
Members of the Federation concluded that to end the war should create a new society where they can integrate ideologies found in humans and reptiles. Many understood that was to create a race that had the genetics of both groups. Thus the new hybrid beings not be identified with any of the two races in particular. They concluded that the right to carry out this experiment planet was nothing less than the planet Earth.
million years ago, the Earth was different to what it is now. Our planet was twice as large and was known by the name of Tiamat.
Many intelligent races formed civilizations here. On several occasions our planet has suffered catastrophes that have led to the brink of destruction. Some natural reasons and because of the wars caused by the races that have abitado this planet.
The first intelligent race in Abitar Tiamat were reptiles. For being the first inhabitants, Tiamat they claimed as their property. In the age of the dinosaurs they existed many wild reptiles but also intelligent civilizations there were reptiles. The sky was completely covered by a thick cloud which was known as the Firmament. Thanks to this cloud there were no seasons. The entire planet was ruled by a subtropical climate.
The rain and wind were scarce and at night the stars were not visible in the sky. (9)
about a million years ago they came to Tiamat Intergalactic Federation members aboard the planet Nibiru. The expedition was led by Anu who was commander of Nibiru. Anu was a descendant of the original humans on the planet Avyon. The nibirianos decided to conduct his experiment in Tiamat because they discovered that on this planet there was a primitive human race which felt perfect for your experiment.
These early humans were those we know today as Neanderthals.
The Federation members gathered a group of Neanderthals and altered its organizational form. The Federation would ensure that early humans evolved in a way that might develop individual thought and free will. The problem faced is that Tiamat was already abitado by civilizations of reptiles.
Initially, the reptiles were not involved in the project of the Federation and stood aside. The conflict began when members of the Alliance reptile of the constellations Orion and Draco learned about the projects of the Federation on the planet Tiamat. The Alliance members disagreed with what was going on and pressured the reptiles of Tiamat to kill all the primitive humans.
Initially Tiamat reptiles refused but eventually ended up accessing the pressures of the Alliance.
When members of the Federation learned of the plans to kill reptiles primitive humans, they decided to take drastic measures. They understood that they would not be able to carry out their experiment in Tiamat while the civilizations of reptiles were kept on the planet. First they evacuated the primitive humans and brought them in ships to the constellation of Pegasus.
Then they organized a plan to eliminate reptiles civilizations of Tiamat.
To achieve this, they winched one of the moons of the planet Neptune and headed at high speed toward Tiamat. The impact between the two celestial bodies caused Tiamat split in two. One of the pieces is the planet Earth we inhabit today and the other piece became the asteroid belt. Neptune's moon took its own orbit around the Sun and became the planet we know today as Pluto. (10)
This catastrophic event was the one that ended the age of dinosaurs. 98% of life on the planet was destroyed. A small group of reptiles survived by hiding in underground bases. This event angered members of the Alliance who ended up declaring war on the Intergalactic Federation.
In our solar system, the reptiles of the Alliance militarily armed a planet called Maldek in order to combat the Federation.
The conflict between the Federation and the Alliance became a major war involving the entire Milky Way. To end the war, the Federation first sent to the planet Nibiru commanded by Anu to destroy the planet Aln in the Orion constellation. Then they sent Nibiru to our solar system to destroy the planet Maldek. The remains of Maldek now part of the asteroid belt.
The destruction of Aln and planets Maldek was hard for reptiles of the Alliance who decided not to continue the war hit. At that time the Federation sent Nibiru to our solar system to continue with their plans. The problem they faced was that Nibiru was severely damaged during the war.
Said planet has a layer in the atmosphere composed of monoatomic gold maintaining the internal heat. The gold layer was quite destroyed by bombs dropped against Nibiru.The internal temperature became unstable and as a result many were dying nibirianos.
The nibirianos discovered that gold needed to restore the atmosphere of Nibiru was abundant on Earth.
Anu sent to our planet to a group of astronauts to work in mines to extract gold and then send him to Nibiru. The astronauts arrived on Earth about 700,000 years ago and were commanded by the son of Anu known as Enlil. (eleven)
By now, much of nature on Earth had been restored. They had also proliferated civilizations descendants of survivors of the destruction of Tiamat reptiles. Anu concluded that they would not be able to extract gold without reaching an agreement with the reptiles inhabitants of Earth. They resolved to make a symbolic marriage between Queen of reptiles with Anu.
They combined the genetics of both to create a hybrid which would be an intermediary between nibirianos and terrestrial reptiles.This hybrid creature, half human and half reptile is known by the name of Enki. The latter was raised on the planet Nibiru and was noted for being a great scientist. Enki used as the serpent symbol and for this reason many know it as The Serpent of Wisdom.
The nibirianos astronauts began working in gold mining in the mines and then transport it to Nibiru. The problem they faced was that workers could bring very few according to the amount of gold they needed. The astronauts began to be revealed by Overwork mines.
The nibirianos were in a difficult situation because many inhabitants of Nibiru were dying. Enki proposed a solution to this problem. He suggested that Neanderthals take several Earth and its genetics are altered to create intelligent human beings. These new beings would work in the mines to extract gold and the beings that would shape the plan of spiritual evolution. That way Nibiru is saved and at the same time continued the spiritual agenda.
Intergalactic Federation approved the proposal of Enki and the latter would be responsible for carrying out such a plan.
On Earth, Enki settled with his wife Ninursag in the area we now know as the Middle East.Ninursag was also a leading scientist. The nibirianos built a city known as E.DIN between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. There, Enki and his wife created the first terrestrial human being by combining the genetics of Neanderthals with the genetics of human nibirianos and reptiles.
The first human on Earth called him Adam.Ninursag him up on his belly for 9 months through artificial insemination. Then they took the genetics of Adam and created the first Earth woman they called Lilith.
Earth humans first, Adam and Lilith E.DIN grew under the tutelage of nibirianos. Enki decided to educate teaching science and universal laws. The latter bothered to Enlil and Enki intervened to desist from Adam and Lilith educate. Enlil understood that knowledge, humans must discover Earth on your own. Enlil thought to evolve spiritually, people should acquire knowledge for themselves.
In the end, nibirianos stood for Enlil and decided that Adam and Lilith E.DIN had to leave and move to another area where they have to live on their own. (12)
Enki and other Ninursag created humans in their laboratories. The nibirianos called the Earth humans as Lulus. For them, the word meant "primitive worker". Many of the Lulus They were put to work in gold mining.Eventually, the atmosphere of Nibiru Lulus was restored and began to create their own independent communities. The development of the lulus depended on themselves.
Members of the Federation made many of the spirits involved in the intergalactic war between humans and reptiles came voluntarily to Earth. These spirits reincarnated in the bodies of terrestrial humans. It was determined that the spirits of the Lulus would not remember their past lives. This was a way to erase the past and start again.
Reincarnated spirits in the Lulus could express both human personalities intergalactic like reptiles. The bodies of the Lulus possessed the genetics of both races of space. In concordance with the Federation, if the spirits on Earth could manifest both consciences on the same planet would make it easier to integrate and create a new kind of consciousness.
This would help greatly to spiritual evolution.(13)
Nibirianos were groups who wanted to take advantage of Lulus. The nibirianos who had greater spiritual evolution, the Lulus respected and ensured them. There were other groups nibirianos and reptiles who preyed on earth humans.
In certain areas of the Earth, the Lulus used as slaves or manipulated their convincing them that the nibirianos and reptiles were gods consciousness. Many humans began using terms to refer to nibirianos as Anunnaki. This word means "The gods of heaven down to earth."
Nibirianos existed between conflict regarding the Lulus. They were divided mainly between those seeking spiritual evolution of humans from Earth and those who wanted to manipulate them. (14)
The time on the planet Nibiru and Earth run in different ways. What are 3.600 Earth for years, Nibiru is one year. Physical constitution and metabolism of the Anunnaki are different from humans.
When traveling to Earth nibirianos metabolism continues to function as if they were on the planet Nibiru. This allows them to live for thousands of years on this planet without older. The 3.600 nibirianos can spend years on Earth and have one year aging. That they helped create the reputation of being immortal gods. (fifteen)
approximately 60,000 years ago, it was Enki who was in charge of the Earth at that time.He invited various human races of the universe to form colonies on Earth. Many human civilizations in the Milky Way attended the call and came to settle on our planet.
These were mainly constellations Lyra, Pleiades, Sirius and Andromeda among others.
Shortly thereafter, extraterrestrial human colonies on Earth came into conflict with certain groups of nibirianos. a war in which human aliens were forced to leave the planet was created. Those who stayed ended up mixing up with the lulus.
The mixture between the two groups created racial diversity among humans on our planet.Before that, all Lulus belonged to the same race. Earth is characterized by being the only planet in the universe where all human races coexist. (16)
Eventually, the societies of the Lulus were developed. The first great human civilization on Earth was Lemuria. This civilization was in the area of ​​the Pacific Ocean. Lemurios were polarized on the female side. Their culture revolved around spiritual evolution. They were organized in a communal way. In a way, the Lemurians had a similar kind of intergalactic human consciousness.
Soon after, he came another great civilization known as Atlantis. This civilization was in the area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. Atlantis was polarized male side. Its government was hierarchical and had a technological orientation. Atlantic mostly possessed the kind of consciousness of reptiles. (17)
Cultural differences between Atlantis and Lemuria were intentionally created by the nibirianos and members of the Federation.
The goal was to emulate human consciousness and reptiles on the same planet to achieve integration. Initially, Lemuria and Atlantis maintained good relations. The problems started when entering scene the son of Enki known as Marduk.
The latter grew on the planet Nibiru, and like his father, he had both human and reptilian genetics. When Marduk became involved in land issues he was identified with the reptiles.Spiritually it was polarized from the dark side.He was not in accordance with the creation of the Lulus and advocated for reptiles again take control of the Earth.
Marduk devised a plan to meet his goals. First the trust of the leaders of Atlantis won. He persuaded their governments to conquer other countries and thus Atlantis have the glory of being the country that ruled the world.Marduk secretly intended to create wars between the societies of the Lulus to one another is destroyed (as happens in times © actualeså and thus the reptiles would return to take control of Earth.
To ensure greater destruction, Marduk gave him advanced military technology to Atlantic knowing that their rulers were going to abuse it. Soon, Atlantis became a highly technological country.
Lemurians, being a spiritual culture, showed disagreement with the new twist that was taking Atlantis. With Marduk instigating the Atlantic leaders create wars against the Lemurian, I did not take long to occur conflicts between the two countries. In the end, the leaders decided to destroy Lemuria Atlantis.
In those days, there were two moons revolving around the world. about 25,000 years ago, the Atlantic bombed a moon turning it into pieces.Then with a tractor mobilized for the pieces they landed above the Lemurians. This act completely destroyed Lemuria leaving all that country in ruins. A group of Lemurian managed to survive moving underground cities which still live since.
With Lemuria out of the way, the Atlantic were given the task of conquering the world. This was a time of constant wars where different civilizations on Earth resisted the imperialism of Atlantis. When countries opposed to its control, the Atlantic hauled space comets and did land at the places of resistance.
Atlantis imperialism created division between different groups in that country. Atlantic were citizens who were against repression and for spiritual evolution. Many of them left Atlantis and migrated to different parts of the world.
At one point, the Atlantic winched a comet to destroy a resistance movement in the area we now know as Europe. The nibirianos decided to intervene in the conflict by changing the course of the comet. They managed to get the kite up Atlantis landed this country completely devastated.
After the destruction of Atlantis, Marduk understood that plans to exterminate the Lulus had failed. Then he had another plan to destroy humanity. Marduk, with his henchmen, made the Firmament collapse that covered the Earth. As a result, rain fell steadily throughout the world for more than a month.
Floods clothed continents ending civilizations on Earth. Only small groups of humans managed to survive the catastrophe. This event is what is known in the Bible as the Flood.
The destruction of the Firmament created many changes on the planet. One of these changes is the division of the continent's oceans. Before the flood there was more solid ground than seas. The ruins of the cities of Lemuria and Atlantis are buried beneath the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Flood survivors lost their technology and back to the time of hunters and gatherers or reorganized into tribes.
Several centuries later, the nibirianos decided to rebuild the Lulus civilizations on Earth with human survivors. The first civilization was the Sumerian Empire revival. Many of the ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Libya and Maya existed before the flood. The stories of Lemuria and Atlantis are many of the stories told in the ancient scriptures.
Time after reconstruction, Marduk decided to return to Earth again to continue with their handlers plans. This time it was established in the Middle East area where he founded the city of Babylon. Worship in that city settled the snake. The latter is a religion which worships the reptiles as if they were gods. (18)
Far from surveillance of Enki and Enlil, Marduk's first step was to create a military base. Marduk humans used the area to build what became known as the Tower of Babel.The plan was to use the Lulus as soldiers to fight the nibirianos and drive the planet. This time the main goal of Marduk was to conquer the world and then invade and destroy the Pleiades constellation.
Such a constellation is an important military center space that humans used to resist the offensive of the reptiles. Marduk understood that the Pleiades out of the way, he could conquer the rest of the Milky Way for the benefit of reptiles. (19)
As soon as the nibirianos learned of the existence of the Tower of Babel, they decided to stop its construction. They bombarded that tower, leaving it in ruins.
The nibirianos took steps to Marduk could not use the Lulus again against them. They commissioned Enki to create different languages ​​for human civilizations. Linguistic diversity hinder communication between Lulus and thus Marduk could not gather to fight the nibirianos. Before this event, most humans on Earth spoke the same language.
After the destruction of Babel, he was not heard of Marduk for a while. This was a period of harmony on Earth which allowed civilizations of Lulus were developed. The nibirianos saw that the Earth humans were ready to govern themselves. In this period it was that the calendars were founded in ancient cultures.
Marduk later reappears with his other tricks.This time, aided by reptiles, an army which declared war on the armed nibirianos. Both groups fought a fierce battle Marduk as being victorious. The nibirianos were expelled from the planet leaving the Lulus exposed to control Marduk and reptiles.
The expulsion of the nibirianos occurred about 5,000 years ago. From this moment Marduk was proclaimed as the supreme ruler of the Earth. This was the beginning of a new era of manipulation against the Lulus. Here begins the Anunnaki gods term used to refer mostly to the family of Marduk. As mentioned above, these were human hybrid beings and reptiles from the planet Nibiru.
The Anunnaki decided to abruptly change the culture of the Lulus to benefit them and reptiles. They altered the historical documents misrepresenting the true history of the Earth.The stories of nibirianos turned them into myths and legends. Many of the expelled nibirianos put in the category of gods so that they surrender cult.
That depart the Lulus to know the real reasons why nibirianos came to our planet.
Control of the Anunnaki opened the way for extraterrestrial beings polarized on the negative side came to Earth to play God with humans. These beings are mostly reptiles Alliance members from the constellations of Orion and Draco.
Many of these groups came with their own agendas to manipulate humanity. At this time they proliferated around the world religions, where he worships reptilian beings. The main symbols of this religion are intertwined serpent on the pole and the eye in the pyramid.
In ancient times it was known reptiles with the name of demons. Underground cities where the reptiles lived was known as "Hell".(twenty)
Communal forms of government Lulus were changed to hierarchical structures. All around the Earth forms of organization of the reptiles were established. Societies that were polarized female hand, altered the male side.Civilizations where leadership positions were held by women were dismantled and positions of power strictly passed to men.
One reason why a patriarchal hierarchical system is established to create an atmosphere of violence and hatred. Reptiles understood that a society that only manifests the masculine side is easier to manipulate to create wars and conflicts. Many of the draconios and reptiles who came to Earth are actually Darklords that feed on the negative energies of fear and hatred.
Our planet reptiles isolated from the rest of the universe. Many of space beings lost contact with Earth. Reptiles made people only have contact with the negative energies.
To counter reptiles manipulations, the Federation and other positive groups sent to Earth reincarnated spirits among humans with the mission of improving the consciousness of humanity. Usually they preached love and compassion in places where war and hatred was the order of the day.
Control of the planet by the reptiles began mainly from the city of Babylon. Families who ruled Babylon in the name of the reptiles are commonly known by the name Illuminati.Reptiles use human bodies Illuminati families as a means to manifest from other dimensions to the third dimension.
Reptiles from other dimensions are introduced as spirits in human bodies of these families.Then seek to settle in a position of power within society to create secret manipulations for the benefit of reptiles agendas. The process of possession of bodies is commonly known as "being possessed by the devil"
In an effort to control the world, the Illuminati families moved from Babylon to different parts of the Earth. The serpent cult moved its headquarters from Babylon to Egypt. In this country, he was known to Marduk with the name of Ra. about 2,500 years ago, the Illuminati moved from Egypt to Rome.
At this time, Marduk decided to organize an army to invade Nibiru. In a strong war Marduk managed to expel Anu of Nibiru became the supreme commander of the planet.From this moment Marduk was proclaimed as the supreme god of the earth and contrived to surrender all religions worship him.
Around this same time it appears in Rome the figure of Jesus. This was one of the spirits that reincarnated on Earth in order to help humanity. In an age where Roman rule promoted violence and hatred, Jesus promoted love and compassion as a way to improve society. The masses of people began to support the preaching of Jesus.
This affected mainly the Darklords that feed on fear and hatred. If people love each other and commiserate then there are no negative feelings. If there is fear and hatred, then the reptiles can not feed. Beliefs in love and compassion affect control of the Roman Church in the minds of people.
To counter the preaching of Jesus, Marduk ordered the creation of the Catholic Church.Here, the Illuminati founders of Catholicism applied an old trick used by the Anunnaki to manipulate humanity. They raised Jesus to the category of God so that people would surrender cult leaving their preachings of love and compassion to the background. The story of Jesus in the New Testament is a travesty of the life and teachings of the prophet.
In ancient times it was believed that spiritual evolution is achieved by looking within ourselves. Introspection is the most effective way to achieve better spirituality. Belief in Jesus as Savior applied the Illuminati for people to think that spiritual evolution is dependent on something external to them.
With that seeking people to look outward and not inward when meditating on spirituality.(twenty-one)
Belief in Jesus as messiah is another way that the Illuminati have used to manipulate humanity. With that look for people to live waiting for a savior and not try to solve their problems and take control of their lives.
The same applies to other cultures and religions who live expecting a Messiah. Such as Quetzalcoalt, Ashtar, Maitreya Massau and many others. No one will come to save mankind. The problems that we humans have to solve ourselves.
At the time of Rome, many of the old religious standards with which the Illuminati manipulated humanity were no longer being effective. The Catholic Church is the way they found the Illuminati to completely erase the true history of the Earth. From this moment the control of humanity by the reptiles became a hidden way. Many of the institutions that have power within societies moved to secret organizations.
Only certain people would have access to advanced knowledge of the universe and the true history of the Earth.
The main religious concepts of Catholicism are the same as the Church of Babylon. The Illuminati saw Catholicism as a way of bringing the Church of Babylon the rest of the world. (22) The Emperor Constantine who established the Catholic Church as the official religion of Rome was a descendant of the ruling families in ancient Babylon.
Only the hierarchy of the church knows the true meaning of Catholicism.
In ancient Babylon was a senior leader within the church hierarchy who was the representative of Marduk in society. Likewise, within the Catholic Church, the pope is the representative of Marduk on Earth.
The Bible itself is a set of many of the beliefs of various ancient religions. They tried to gather most of the beliefs of religions of the world into one religion. The Old Testament is the combination of the stories of the nibirianos presented as if it were a single god. The story of the life of Jesus is a copy of other much older stories. (2. 3)
The Illuminati used Christianity to continue the old belief in gods but this time reduced to one. Since Christianity claims that humans are part of a creation invented by a superior god.This position is contrary to a much older belief which affirms that the material universe created the spirits that dwell in it. In addition, Christianity seeks to contradict the old idea which states that reality is created by the people themselves.
People are not a consequence of Creation, people who create reality with thought. Life in the material world is a product of the thinking of people. This is an affirmation that Christian philosophy has erased from human consciousness, especially in Western cultures.(24)
After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Illuminati moved their operations centers to Holland during the Middle Ages. At this time, the Illuminati tried to keep humanity in ignorance and technologically backward. But humans as thinking beings, experienced and made new scientific discoveries.
For humans not discover his true identity, the Illuminati manipulated science and invented the theory of evolution. Among many things, they said that humans are the product of evolution from ape and are the only intelligent race on earth. Other scientists and historians investigating the past following the basis of this theory.
According to traditional science, humans are the result of a universe that operates strictly under the laws of physics. Always provide materials to explain the material world omitting spiritual matter and influence our thoughts on the subject answers.
Postures of traditional science of the origin of the universe and humanity are very similar to Christian positions on these issues. Both promote the idea that the material universe exists so alien to people. Christianity claims that are the result of God's creation and traditional science claims that are the result of evolution.
Everything to make people believe that the world works alone and that our thinking has no influence on what happens on our planet.The world in which we live is the result of our thoughts. The Illuminati seek to manipulate the conscience of humanity to forge with our thoughts a reality that benefits to them.
The cultures that emerged after Christianity, and Muslims are the only ones who ignored the alien influence on Earth's history. All ancient cultures that survive today hold the story based on beings from other planets who came to ours.
In the late Middle Ages, the Illuminati moved their operations centers to Spain.
At this time they allegedly discovered the New World themselves away in the past. Spain, the Illuminati moved to England. From the latter, moving part of its operations to the United States. The American nation was originally created in the image of the Illuminati by high-ranking Masons.
The Deleted History of Humanity, Hidden Origins Revealed
At first there was the universe. There was no time nor matter. It was what is known as the INFINITE LOVE. All spirits were connected together to form one. Each spirit had its own individual conscience and the fact of being connected, gave them the ability to have infinite possibilities.

In many cultures and religions it is known to the infinite love as "God", "the All" and "Universal Energy" among others. (1)

The spirits in the infinite love exist as energy. A group of these spirits decided to experiment matter. They wanted to experience being separated from each other. They did this by creating a material universe in which embody individual beings made of matter. To sustain the universe, the Infinite created an energy that is known as the Matrix, which is contrary to what represents spiritual energy.

If spiritual energy is positive energy of love, then the energy of the matrix it represents negativity. The Infinite Matrix created the self-conscious and gave instructions to determine how would be the material universe where spirits were to embody. Matrix forged the universe in a manner contrary to what they represent spirits. Infinite love is the spiritual union that forms one.

Matrix created the material universe based differences and separation. He forged polar opposites, such as the feminine and masculine, light and darkness among other things. Matrix was who determined that living beings would live in isolated planets. LOVE INFINITE allowed and wanted to experience all this matter to the extreme levels of negativity and separation. (2)

The spirits that were disconnected from the Infinite Universe entered without remembering those who were before you get there.

The Matrix was given instructions to do everything possible so that the spirits would not recognize that they are one and not return to the Infinite. This is the basic foundation of what is called "The Universal Spiritual Game".When the spirits that are within the universe recognize that they are one then they will return to the Infinite. The experiences we live in the material world are part of a game. (3)

To reach the Infinite, the spirits must evolve spiritually through unconditional love. The more love and acceptance exists between living beings regardless of differences, then more is spiritually evolved. Spirits should reincarnate in different bodies to thereby experience different experiences that lead to greater unconditional love.

The material universe is divided into several dimensions. There are about 9 dimensions where spirits reincarnate, the third lowest dimension. The more unconditional love achieve the spirits then they rise to other dimensions that are closer to the Infinite. (4)

Spiritual evolution is also achieved when we integrate opposites. When we do not identify with ideas that are opposite each other. A good example is in relation to the masculine and feminine. These are concepts that have established themselves as socially different.When we stop identifying with both concepts and then we managed to integrate spiritual evolution.

Spirits are the only eternal energy in the universe.

Energy Matrix, on the other hand, needs to feed on other energy to stay alive. The main energy needed Matrix negative energy is related to fear. When living things feel fear or hatred produce a negative energy which feeds the Matrix. For the energy of fear, Matrix created beings of negative energy self-conscious.

Like spirits, the beings created by the Matrix reincarnate in bodies within the material universe.

A negative energy beings they are commonly known as "The Lords of Darkness." The aim of these beings is to provoke conflicts and wars in societies where embody to create fear and hatred. They absorb negative energies created by the spirits and then pass it to the matrix so that it is fed. (5)

Initially, the method used to feed the Matrix was beneficial because the conflicts created by the Lords of Darkness forced the living to become aware beings and so spiritually evolved. The conflict was a good way for spiritual evolution. The problem is that over time, the Matrix became stronger and began to take more control of the universe.

Conflicts created by negative energy are so many spirits have engaged in a pitched battle against the Lords of Darkness around the universe.

Under this framework it is that the Milky Way begins to develop. In this part of the universe there are many intelligent races, but nevertheless, there are two in particular that are more reputable. These two races are humans and reptiles.

The human race originated in the constellation Lyra, specifically on the planet Avyon. The first humans to develop in this world were what is known as the Nordic race. They were white human blond with blue eyes. The reptiles are original Aln planet in the constellation of Orion and Alpha Draconis planet in the constellation Draco.

Orion reptiles have similar physical appearance of snakes and reptiles have Draco physical appearance of dinosaurs and dragons. The reptiles of both constellations were gathered in an organization known as "The Alliance". (6)

Humans and reptiles developed in isolation.Culturally, both races are practically opposite each other. Humans had as ideals of justice and equality among all races in the galaxy.Reptiles understood that they were the first intelligent race in this part of the universe and therefore had the right to conquer the entire Milky Way and eliminate or enslaving other races that stand in their way. Humans were organized communally and were polarized on the feminine side.

The women owned the leadership positions.Instead, the society was patriarchal and reptiles were organized in an authoritarian and hierarchical. In spiritual matters, human represented the positive energy of light and reptiles represented the negative energy of darkness.

Within the Milky Way, The Lords of Darkness reincarnated mainly on reptiles societies. This was the initial field to create conflicts and wars in this part of the universe and thus obtain the energy of fear which they feed.

When humans and reptiles were found for the first time, it did not take long to occur conflicts between them. For many of the reptiles, human ideals of justice and equality were synonymous with weakness. For humans, the ideals reptiles were synonymous with evil. a good understanding between the two groups failed and ended up poring into a pitched war that has lasted for millions of years and has been in various dimensions.

The first unfortunate event in this war was the destruction of the planet Avyon by the reptiles.Avyon destruction of human groups forced to move to different constellations to find other planets to live. In the new planets that humans lived there were other atmospheres and environment. Humans evolved physically according to the atmosphere of planets lived.

From that moment he began to create racial diversity among humans. Skin color and physical characteristics varied according to the atmosphere of the planets.

Later, a group of humans and reptiles decided to organize to seek a solution to the war between the two races. They created an organization which is known as "The Intergalactic Federation". Members of this organization were identified mostly with the spiritual side of light. (7)

The first action that made the federation was to create a military ship if necessary involved in armed conflicts. For this they took a piece of the planet Avyon destroyed and rebuilt as if it were a ship. A military ship this planet it is commonly known as Nibiru.

This planet belongs to the Intergalactic Federation of the constellation Pleiades. Nibiru has an extensive orbit a single solar system is not restricted and the crew can change their route if they wish. (8)

The Federation members understood that the war between humans and reptiles should be for two main reasons.

* First, because the ideologies of both races were opposed. * Second, because the cultures of the two races there was no free will.

Both humans and reptiles sacrificed individual thinking people the benefit of the group. Both had rigid ways of thinking which made it difficult to find new ideas to improve understanding between the two races.

Members of the Federation concluded that to end the war should create a new society where they can integrate ideologies found in humans and reptiles. Many understood that was to create a race that had the genetics of both groups. Thus the new hybrid beings not be identified with any of the two races in particular. They concluded that the right to carry out this experiment planet was nothing less than the planet Earth.

million years ago, the Earth was different to what it is now. Our planet was twice as large and was known by the name of Tiamat.

Many intelligent races formed civilizations here. On several occasions our planet has suffered catastrophes that have led to the brink of destruction. Some natural reasons and because of the wars caused by the races that have abitado this planet.

The first intelligent race in Abitar Tiamat were reptiles. For being the first inhabitants, Tiamat they claimed as their property. In the age of the dinosaurs they existed many wild reptiles but also intelligent civilizations there were reptiles. The sky was completely covered by a thick cloud which was known as the Firmament. Thanks to this cloud there were no seasons. The entire planet was ruled by a subtropical climate.

The rain and wind were scarce and at night the stars were not visible in the sky. (9)

about a million years ago they came to Tiamat Intergalactic Federation members aboard the planet Nibiru. The expedition was led by Anu who was commander of Nibiru. Anu was a descendant of the original humans on the planet Avyon. The nibirianos decided to conduct his experiment in Tiamat because they discovered that on this planet there was a primitive human race which felt perfect for your experiment.

These early humans were those we know today as Neanderthals.

The Federation members gathered a group of Neanderthals and altered its organizational form. The Federation would ensure that early humans evolved in a way that might develop individual thought and free will. The problem faced is that Tiamat was already abitado by civilizations of reptiles.

Initially, the reptiles were not involved in the project of the Federation and stood aside. The conflict began when members of the Alliance reptile of the constellations Orion and Draco learned about the projects of the Federation on the planet Tiamat. The Alliance members disagreed with what was going on and pressured the reptiles of Tiamat to kill all the primitive humans.

Initially Tiamat reptiles refused but eventually ended up accessing the pressures of the Alliance.

When members of the Federation learned of the plans to kill reptiles primitive humans, they decided to take drastic measures. They understood that they would not be able to carry out their experiment in Tiamat while the civilizations of reptiles were kept on the planet. First they evacuated the primitive humans and brought them in ships to the constellation of Pegasus.

Then they organized a plan to eliminate reptiles civilizations of Tiamat.

To achieve this, they winched one of the moons of the planet Neptune and headed at high speed toward Tiamat. The impact between the two celestial bodies caused Tiamat split in two. One of the pieces is the planet Earth we inhabit today and the other piece became the asteroid belt. Neptune's moon took its own orbit around the Sun and became the planet we know today as Pluto. (10)

This catastrophic event was the one that ended the age of dinosaurs. 98% of life on the planet was destroyed. A small group of reptiles survived by hiding in underground bases. This event angered members of the Alliance who ended up declaring war on the Intergalactic Federation.

In our solar system, the reptiles of the Alliance militarily armed a planet called Maldek in order to combat the Federation.

The conflict between the Federation and the Alliance became a major war involving the entire Milky Way. To end the war, the Federation first sent to the planet Nibiru commanded by Anu to destroy the planet Aln in the Orion constellation. Then they sent Nibiru to our solar system to destroy the planet Maldek. The remains of Maldek now part of the asteroid belt.

The destruction of Aln and planets Maldek was hard for reptiles of the Alliance who decided not to continue the war hit. At that time the Federation sent Nibiru to our solar system to continue with their plans. The problem they faced was that Nibiru was severely damaged during the war.

Said planet has a layer in the atmosphere composed of monoatomic gold maintaining the internal heat. The gold layer was quite destroyed by bombs dropped against Nibiru.The internal temperature became unstable and as a result many were dying nibirianos.

The nibirianos discovered that gold needed to restore the atmosphere of Nibiru was abundant on Earth.

Anu sent to our planet to a group of astronauts to work in mines to extract gold and then send him to Nibiru. The astronauts arrived on Earth about 700,000 years ago and were commanded by the son of Anu known as Enlil. (eleven)

By now, much of nature on Earth had been restored. They had also proliferated civilizations descendants of survivors of the destruction of Tiamat reptiles. Anu concluded that they would not be able to extract gold without reaching an agreement with the reptiles inhabitants of Earth. They resolved to make a symbolic marriage between Queen of reptiles with Anu.

They combined the genetics of both to create a hybrid which would be an intermediary between nibirianos and terrestrial reptiles.This hybrid creature, half human and half reptile is known by the name of Enki. The latter was raised on the planet Nibiru and was noted for being a great scientist. Enki used as the serpent symbol and for this reason many know it as The Serpent of Wisdom.

The nibirianos astronauts began working in gold mining in the mines and then transport it to Nibiru. The problem they faced was that workers could bring very few according to the amount of gold they needed. The astronauts began to be revealed by Overwork mines.

The nibirianos were in a difficult situation because many inhabitants of Nibiru were dying. Enki proposed a solution to this problem. He suggested that Neanderthals take several Earth and its genetics are altered to create intelligent human beings. These new beings would work in the mines to extract gold and the beings that would shape the plan of spiritual evolution. That way Nibiru is saved and at the same time continued the spiritual agenda.

Intergalactic Federation approved the proposal of Enki and the latter would be responsible for carrying out such a plan.

On Earth, Enki settled with his wife Ninursag in the area we now know as the Middle East.Ninursag was also a leading scientist. The nibirianos built a city known as E.DIN between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. There, Enki and his wife created the first terrestrial human being by combining the genetics of Neanderthals with the genetics of human nibirianos and reptiles.

The first human on Earth called him Adam.Ninursag him up on his belly for 9 months through artificial insemination. Then they took the genetics of Adam and created the first Earth woman they called Lilith.

Earth humans first, Adam and Lilith E.DIN grew under the tutelage of nibirianos. Enki decided to educate teaching science and universal laws. The latter bothered to Enlil and Enki intervened to desist from Adam and Lilith educate. Enlil understood that knowledge, humans must discover Earth on your own. Enlil thought to evolve spiritually, people should acquire knowledge for themselves.

In the end, nibirianos stood for Enlil and decided that Adam and Lilith E.DIN had to leave and move to another area where they have to live on their own. (12)

Enki and other Ninursag created humans in their laboratories. The nibirianos called the Earth humans as Lulus. For them, the word meant "primitive worker". Many of the Lulus They were put to work in gold mining.Eventually, the atmosphere of Nibiru Lulus was restored and began to create their own independent communities. The development of the lulus depended on themselves.

Members of the Federation made many of the spirits involved in the intergalactic war between humans and reptiles came voluntarily to Earth. These spirits reincarnated in the bodies of terrestrial humans. It was determined that the spirits of the Lulus would not remember their past lives. This was a way to erase the past and start again.

Reincarnated spirits in the Lulus could express both human personalities intergalactic like reptiles. The bodies of the Lulus possessed the genetics of both races of space. In concordance with the Federation, if the spirits on Earth could manifest both consciences on the same planet would make it easier to integrate and create a new kind of consciousness.

This would help greatly to spiritual evolution.(13)

Nibirianos were groups who wanted to take advantage of Lulus. The nibirianos who had greater spiritual evolution, the Lulus respected and ensured them. There were other groups nibirianos and reptiles who preyed on earth humans.

In certain areas of the Earth, the Lulus used as slaves or manipulated their convincing them that the nibirianos and reptiles were gods consciousness. Many humans began using terms to refer to nibirianos as Anunnaki. This word means "The gods of heaven down to earth."

Nibirianos existed between conflict regarding the Lulus. They were divided mainly between those seeking spiritual evolution of humans from Earth and those who wanted to manipulate them. (14)

The time on the planet Nibiru and Earth run in different ways. What are 3.600 Earth for years, Nibiru is one year. Physical constitution and metabolism of the Anunnaki are different from humans.

When traveling to Earth nibirianos metabolism continues to function as if they were on the planet Nibiru. This allows them to live for thousands of years on this planet without older. The 3.600 nibirianos can spend years on Earth and have one year aging. That they helped create the reputation of being immortal gods. (fifteen)

approximately 60,000 years ago, it was Enki who was in charge of the Earth at that time.He invited various human races of the universe to form colonies on Earth. Many human civilizations in the Milky Way attended the call and came to settle on our planet.

These were mainly constellations Lyra, Pleiades, Sirius and Andromeda among others.

Shortly thereafter, extraterrestrial human colonies on Earth came into conflict with certain groups of nibirianos. a war in which human aliens were forced to leave the planet was created. Those who stayed ended up mixing up with the lulus.

The mixture between the two groups created racial diversity among humans on our planet.Before that, all Lulus belonged to the same race. Earth is characterized by being the only planet in the universe where all human races coexist. (16)

Eventually, the societies of the Lulus were developed. The first great human civilization on Earth was Lemuria. This civilization was in the area of ​​the Pacific Ocean. Lemurios were polarized on the female side. Their culture revolved around spiritual evolution. They were organized in a communal way. In a way, the Lemurians had a similar kind of intergalactic human consciousness.

Soon after, he came another great civilization known as Atlantis. This civilization was in the area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. Atlantis was polarized male side. Its government was hierarchical and had a technological orientation. Atlantic mostly possessed the kind of consciousness of reptiles. (17)

Cultural differences between Atlantis and Lemuria were intentionally created by the nibirianos and members of the Federation.

The goal was to emulate human consciousness and reptiles on the same planet to achieve integration. Initially, Lemuria and Atlantis maintained good relations. The problems started when entering scene the son of Enki known as Marduk.

The latter grew on the planet Nibiru, and like his father, he had both human and reptilian genetics. When Marduk became involved in land issues he was identified with the reptiles.Spiritually it was polarized from the dark side.He was not in accordance with the creation of the Lulus and advocated for reptiles again take control of the Earth.

Marduk devised a plan to meet his goals. First the trust of the leaders of Atlantis won. He persuaded their governments to conquer other countries and thus Atlantis have the glory of being the country that ruled the world.Marduk secretly intended to create wars between the societies of the Lulus to one another is destroyed (as happens in times © actualeså and thus the reptiles would return to take control of Earth.

To ensure greater destruction, Marduk gave him advanced military technology to Atlantic knowing that their rulers were going to abuse it. Soon, Atlantis became a highly technological country.

Lemurians, being a spiritual culture, showed disagreement with the new twist that was taking Atlantis. With Marduk instigating the Atlantic leaders create wars against the Lemurian, I did not take long to occur conflicts between the two countries. In the end, the leaders decided to destroy Lemuria Atlantis.

In those days, there were two moons revolving around the world. about 25,000 years ago, the Atlantic bombed a moon turning it into pieces.Then with a tractor mobilized for the pieces they landed above the Lemurians. This act completely destroyed Lemuria leaving all that country in ruins. A group of Lemurian managed to survive moving underground cities which still live since.

With Lemuria out of the way, the Atlantic were given the task of conquering the world. This was a time of constant wars where different civilizations on Earth resisted the imperialism of Atlantis. When countries opposed to its control, the Atlantic hauled space comets and did land at the places of resistance.

Atlantis imperialism created division between different groups in that country. Atlantic were citizens who were against repression and for spiritual evolution. Many of them left Atlantis and migrated to different parts of the world.

At one point, the Atlantic winched a comet to destroy a resistance movement in the area we now know as Europe. The nibirianos decided to intervene in the conflict by changing the course of the comet. They managed to get the kite up Atlantis landed this country completely devastated.

After the destruction of Atlantis, Marduk understood that plans to exterminate the Lulus had failed. Then he had another plan to destroy humanity. Marduk, with his henchmen, made the Firmament collapse that covered the Earth. As a result, rain fell steadily throughout the world for more than a month.

Floods clothed continents ending civilizations on Earth. Only small groups of humans managed to survive the catastrophe. This event is what is known in the Bible as the Flood.

The destruction of the Firmament created many changes on the planet. One of these changes is the division of the continent's oceans. Before the flood there was more solid ground than seas. The ruins of the cities of Lemuria and Atlantis are buried beneath the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Flood survivors lost their technology and back to the time of hunters and gatherers or reorganized into tribes.

Several centuries later, the nibirianos decided to rebuild the Lulus civilizations on Earth with human survivors. The first civilization was the Sumerian Empire revival. Many of the ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Libya and Maya existed before the flood. The stories of Lemuria and Atlantis are many of the stories told in the ancient scriptures.

Time after reconstruction, Marduk decided to return to Earth again to continue with their handlers plans. This time it was established in the Middle East area where he founded the city of Babylon. Worship in that city settled the snake. The latter is a religion which worships the reptiles as if they were gods. (18)

Far from surveillance of Enki and Enlil, Marduk's first step was to create a military base. Marduk humans used the area to build what became known as the Tower of Babel.The plan was to use the Lulus as soldiers to fight the nibirianos and drive the planet. This time the main goal of Marduk was to conquer the world and then invade and destroy the Pleiades constellation.

Such a constellation is an important military center space that humans used to resist the offensive of the reptiles. Marduk understood that the Pleiades out of the way, he could conquer the rest of the Milky Way for the benefit of reptiles. (19)

As soon as the nibirianos learned of the existence of the Tower of Babel, they decided to stop its construction. They bombarded that tower, leaving it in ruins.

The nibirianos took steps to Marduk could not use the Lulus again against them. They commissioned Enki to create different languages ​​for human civilizations. Linguistic diversity hinder communication between Lulus and thus Marduk could not gather to fight the nibirianos. Before this event, most humans on Earth spoke the same language.

After the destruction of Babel, he was not heard of Marduk for a while. This was a period of harmony on Earth which allowed civilizations of Lulus were developed. The nibirianos saw that the Earth humans were ready to govern themselves. In this period it was that the calendars were founded in ancient cultures.

Marduk later reappears with his other tricks.This time, aided by reptiles, an army which declared war on the armed nibirianos. Both groups fought a fierce battle Marduk as being victorious. The nibirianos were expelled from the planet leaving the Lulus exposed to control Marduk and reptiles.

The expulsion of the nibirianos occurred about 5,000 years ago. From this moment Marduk was proclaimed as the supreme ruler of the Earth. This was the beginning of a new era of manipulation against the Lulus. Here begins the Anunnaki gods term used to refer mostly to the family of Marduk. As mentioned above, these were human hybrid beings and reptiles from the planet Nibiru.

The Anunnaki decided to abruptly change the culture of the Lulus to benefit them and reptiles. They altered the historical documents misrepresenting the true history of the Earth.The stories of nibirianos turned them into myths and legends. Many of the expelled nibirianos put in the category of gods so that they surrender cult.

That depart the Lulus to know the real reasons why nibirianos came to our planet.

Control of the Anunnaki opened the way for extraterrestrial beings polarized on the negative side came to Earth to play God with humans. These beings are mostly reptiles Alliance members from the constellations of Orion and Draco.

Many of these groups came with their own agendas to manipulate humanity. At this time they proliferated around the world religions, where he worships reptilian beings. The main symbols of this religion are intertwined serpent on the pole and the eye in the pyramid.

In ancient times it was known reptiles with the name of demons. Underground cities where the reptiles lived was known as "Hell".(twenty)

Communal forms of government Lulus were changed to hierarchical structures. All around the Earth forms of organization of the reptiles were established. Societies that were polarized female hand, altered the male side.Civilizations where leadership positions were held by women were dismantled and positions of power strictly passed to men.

One reason why a patriarchal hierarchical system is established to create an atmosphere of violence and hatred. Reptiles understood that a society that only manifests the masculine side is easier to manipulate to create wars and conflicts. Many of the draconios and reptiles who came to Earth are actually Darklords that feed on the negative energies of fear and hatred.

Our planet reptiles isolated from the rest of the universe. Many of space beings lost contact with Earth. Reptiles made people only have contact with the negative energies.

To counter reptiles manipulations, the Federation and other positive groups sent to Earth reincarnated spirits among humans with the mission of improving the consciousness of humanity. Usually they preached love and compassion in places where war and hatred was the order of the day.

Control of the planet by the reptiles began mainly from the city of Babylon. Families who ruled Babylon in the name of the reptiles are commonly known by the name Illuminati.Reptiles use human bodies Illuminati families as a means to manifest from other dimensions to the third dimension.

Reptiles from other dimensions are introduced as spirits in human bodies of these families.Then seek to settle in a position of power within society to create secret manipulations for the benefit of reptiles agendas. The process of possession of bodies is commonly known as "being possessed by the devil"

In an effort to control the world, the Illuminati families moved from Babylon to different parts of the Earth. The serpent cult moved its headquarters from Babylon to Egypt. In this country, he was known to Marduk with the name of Ra. about 2,500 years ago, the Illuminati moved from Egypt to Rome.

At this time, Marduk decided to organize an army to invade Nibiru. In a strong war Marduk managed to expel Anu of Nibiru became the supreme commander of the planet.From this moment Marduk was proclaimed as the supreme god of the earth and contrived to surrender all religions worship him.

Around this same time it appears in Rome the figure of Jesus. This was one of the spirits that reincarnated on Earth in order to help humanity. In an age where Roman rule promoted violence and hatred, Jesus promoted love and compassion as a way to improve society. The masses of people began to support the preaching of Jesus.

This affected mainly the Darklords that feed on fear and hatred. If people love each other and commiserate then there are no negative feelings. If there is fear and hatred, then the reptiles can not feed. Beliefs in love and compassion affect control of the Roman Church in the minds of people.

To counter the preaching of Jesus, Marduk ordered the creation of the Catholic Church.Here, the Illuminati founders of Catholicism applied an old trick used by the Anunnaki to manipulate humanity. They raised Jesus to the category of God so that people would surrender cult leaving their preachings of love and compassion to the background. The story of Jesus in the New Testament is a travesty of the life and teachings of the prophet.

In ancient times it was believed that spiritual evolution is achieved by looking within ourselves. Introspection is the most effective way to achieve better spirituality. Belief in Jesus as Savior applied the Illuminati for people to think that spiritual evolution is dependent on something external to them.

With that seeking people to look outward and not inward when meditating on spirituality.(twenty-one)

Belief in Jesus as messiah is another way that the Illuminati have used to manipulate humanity. With that look for people to live waiting for a savior and not try to solve their problems and take control of their lives.

The same applies to other cultures and religions who live expecting a Messiah. Such as Quetzalcoalt, Ashtar, Maitreya Massau and many others. No one will come to save mankind. The problems that we humans have to solve ourselves.

At the time of Rome, many of the old religious standards with which the Illuminati manipulated humanity were no longer being effective. The Catholic Church is the way they found the Illuminati to completely erase the true history of the Earth. From this moment the control of humanity by the reptiles became a hidden way. Many of the institutions that have power within societies moved to secret organizations.

Only certain people would have access to advanced knowledge of the universe and the true history of the Earth.

The main religious concepts of Catholicism are the same as the Church of Babylon. The Illuminati saw Catholicism as a way of bringing the Church of Babylon the rest of the world. (22) The Emperor Constantine who established the Catholic Church as the official religion of Rome was a descendant of the ruling families in ancient Babylon.

Only the hierarchy of the church knows the true meaning of Catholicism.

In ancient Babylon was a senior leader within the church hierarchy who was the representative of Marduk in society. Likewise, within the Catholic Church, the pope is the representative of Marduk on Earth.

The Bible itself is a set of many of the beliefs of various ancient religions. They tried to gather most of the beliefs of religions of the world into one religion. The Old Testament is the combination of the stories of the nibirianos presented as if it were a single god. The story of the life of Jesus is a copy of other much older stories. (2. 3)

The Illuminati used Christianity to continue the old belief in gods but this time reduced to one. Since Christianity claims that humans are part of a creation invented by a superior god.This position is contrary to a much older belief which affirms that the material universe created the spirits that dwell in it. In addition, Christianity seeks to contradict the old idea which states that reality is created by the people themselves.

People are not a consequence of Creation, people who create reality with thought. Life in the material world is a product of the thinking of people. This is an affirmation that Christian philosophy has erased from human consciousness, especially in Western cultures.(24)

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Illuminati moved their operations centers to Holland during the Middle Ages. At this time, the Illuminati tried to keep humanity in ignorance and technologically backward. But humans as thinking beings, experienced and made new scientific discoveries.

For humans not discover his true identity, the Illuminati manipulated science and invented the theory of evolution. Among many things, they said that humans are the product of evolution from ape and are the only intelligent race on earth. Other scientists and historians investigating the past following the basis of this theory.

According to traditional science, humans are the result of a universe that operates strictly under the laws of physics. Always provide materials to explain the material world omitting spiritual matter and influence our thoughts on the subject answers.

Postures of traditional science of the origin of the universe and humanity are very similar to Christian positions on these issues. Both promote the idea that the material universe exists so alien to people. Christianity claims that are the result of God's creation and traditional science claims that are the result of evolution.

Everything to make people believe that the world works alone and that our thinking has no influence on what happens on our planet.The world in which we live is the result of our thoughts. The Illuminati seek to manipulate the conscience of humanity to forge with our thoughts a reality that benefits to them.

The cultures that emerged after Christianity, and Muslims are the only ones who ignored the alien influence on Earth's history. All ancient cultures that survive today hold the story based on beings from other planets who came to ours.

In the late Middle Ages, the Illuminati moved their operations centers to Spain.

At this time they allegedly discovered the New World themselves away in the past. Spain, the Illuminati moved to England. From the latter, moving part of its operations to the United States. The American nation was originally created in the image of the Illuminati by high-ranking Masons
The Deleted History of Humanity, Hidden Origins Revealed

At first there was the universe. There was no time nor matter. It was what is known as the INFINITE LOVE. All spirits were connected together to form one. Each spirit had its own individual conscience and the fact of being connected, gave them the ability to have infinite possibilities.
In many cultures and religions it is known to the infinite love as "God", "the All" and "Universal Energy" among others. (1)
The spirits in the infinite love exist as energy. A group of these spirits decided to experiment matter. They wanted to experience being separated from each other. They did this by creating a material universe in which embody individual beings made of matter. To sustain the universe, the Infinite created an energy that is known as the Matrix, which is contrary to what represents spiritual energy.
If spiritual energy is positive energy of love, then the energy of the matrix it represents negativity. The Infinite Matrix created the self-conscious and gave instructions to determine how would be the material universe where spirits were to embody. Matrix forged the universe in a manner contrary to what they represent spirits. Infinite love is the spiritual union that forms one.
Matrix created the material universe based differences and separation. He forged polar opposites, such as the feminine and masculine, light and darkness among other things. Matrix was who determined that living beings would live in isolated planets. LOVE INFINITE allowed and wanted to experience all this matter to the extreme levels of negativity and separation. (2)
The spirits that were disconnected from the Infinite Universe entered without remembering those who were before you get there.
The Matrix was given instructions to do everything possible so that the spirits would not recognize that they are one and not return to the Infinite. This is the basic foundation of what is called "The Universal Spiritual Game". When the spirits that are within the universe recognize that they are one then they will return to the Infinite. The experiences we live in the material world are part of a game. (3)
To reach the Infinite, the spirits must evolve spiritually through unconditional love. The more love and acceptance exists between living beings regardless of differences, then more is spiritually evolved. Spirits should reincarnate in different bodies to thereby experience different experiences that lead to greater unconditional love.
The material universe is divided into several dimensions. There are about 9 dimensions where spirits reincarnate, the third lowest dimension. The more unconditional love achieve the spirits then they rise to other dimensions that are closer to the Infinite. (4)
Spiritual evolution is also achieved when we integrate opposites. When we do not identify with ideas that are opposite each other. A good example is in relation to the masculine and feminine. These are concepts that have established themselves as socially different. When we stop identifying with both concepts and then we managed to integrate spiritual evolution.
Spirits are the only eternal energy in the universe.
Energy Matrix, on the other hand, needs to feed on other energy to stay alive. The main energy needed Matrix negative energy is related to fear. When living things feel fear or hatred produce a negative energy which feeds the Matrix. For the energy of fear, Matrix created beings of negative energy self-conscious.
Like spirits, the beings created by the Matrix reincarnate in bodies within the material universe.
A negative energy beings they are commonly known as "The Lords of Darkness." The aim of these beings is to provoke conflicts and wars in societies where embody to create fear and hatred. They absorb negative energies created by the spirits and then pass it to the matrix so that it is fed. (5)
Initially, the method used to feed the Matrix was beneficial because the conflicts created by the Lords of Darkness forced the living to become aware beings and so spiritually evolved. The conflict was a good way for spiritual evolution. The problem is that over time, the Matrix became stronger and began to take more control of the universe.
Conflicts created by negative energy are so many spirits have engaged in a pitched battle against the Lords of Darkness around the universe.
Under this framework it is that the Milky Way begins to develop. In this part of the universe there are many intelligent races, but nevertheless, there are two in particular that are more reputable. These two races are humans and reptiles.
The human race originated in the constellation Lyra, specifically on the planet Avyon. The first humans to develop in this world were what is known as the Nordic race. They were white human blond with blue eyes. The reptiles are original Aln planet in the constellation of Orion and Alpha Draconis planet in the constellation Draco.
Orion reptiles have similar physical appearance of snakes and reptiles have Draco physical appearance of dinosaurs and dragons. The reptiles of both constellations were gathered in an organization known as "The Alliance". (6)
Humans and reptiles developed in isolation. Culturally, both races are practically opposite each other. Humans had as ideals of justice and equality among all races in the galaxy. Reptiles understood that they were the first intelligent race in this part of the universe and therefore had the right to conquer the entire Milky Way and eliminate or enslaving other races that stand in their way. Humans were organized communally and were polarized on the feminine side.
The women owned the leadership positions. Instead, the society was patriarchal and reptiles were organized in an authoritarian and hierarchical. In spiritual matters, human represented the positive energy of light and reptiles represented the negative energy of darkness.
Within the Milky Way, The Lords of Darkness reincarnated mainly on reptiles societies. This was the initial field to create conflicts and wars in this part of the universe and thus obtain the energy of fear which they feed.
When humans and reptiles were found for the first time, it did not take long to occur conflicts between them. For many of the reptiles, human ideals of justice and equality were synonymous with weakness. For humans, the ideals reptiles were synonymous with evil. a good understanding between the two groups failed and ended up poring into a pitched war that has lasted for millions of years and has been in various dimensions.
The first unfortunate event in this war was the destruction of the planet Avyon by the reptiles. Avyon destruction of human groups forced to move to different constellations to find other planets to live. In the new planets that humans lived there were other atmospheres and environment. Humans evolved physically according to the atmosphere of planets lived.
From that moment he began to create racial diversity among humans. Skin color and physical characteristics varied according to the atmosphere of the planets.
Later, a group of humans and reptiles decided to organize to seek a solution to the war between the two races. They created an organization which is known as "The Intergalactic Federation". Members of this organization were identified mostly with the spiritual side of light. (7)
The first action that made the federation was to create a military ship if necessary involved in armed conflicts. For this they took a piece of the planet Avyon destroyed and rebuilt as if it were a ship. A military ship this planet it is commonly known as Nibiru.
This planet belongs to the Intergalactic Federation of the constellation Pleiades. Nibiru has an extensive orbit a single solar system is not restricted and the crew can change their route if they wish. (8)
The Federation members understood that the war between humans and reptiles should be for two main reasons.
* First, because the ideologies of both races were opposed. * Second, because the cultures of the two races there was no free will.
Both humans and reptiles sacrificed individual thinking people the benefit of the group. Both had rigid ways of thinking which made it difficult to find new ideas to improve understanding between the two races.
Members of the Federation concluded that to end the war should create a new society where they can integrate ideologies found in humans and reptiles. Many understood that was to create a race that had the genetics of both groups. Thus the new hybrid beings not be identified with any of the two races in particular. They concluded that the right to carry out this experiment planet was nothing less than the planet Earth.
million years ago, the Earth was different to what it is now. Our planet was twice as large and was known by the name of Tiamat.
Many intelligent races formed civilizations here. On several occasions our planet has suffered catastrophes that have led to the brink of destruction. Some natural reasons and because of the wars caused by the races that have abitado this planet.
The first intelligent race in Abitar Tiamat were reptiles. For being the first inhabitants, Tiamat they claimed as their property. In the age of the dinosaurs they existed many wild reptiles but also intelligent civilizations there were reptiles. The sky was completely covered by a thick cloud which was known as the Firmament. Thanks to this cloud there were no seasons. The entire planet was ruled by a subtropical climate.
The rain and wind were scarce and at night the stars were not visible in the sky. (9)
about a million years ago they came to Tiamat Intergalactic Federation members aboard the planet Nibiru. The expedition was led by Anu who was commander of Nibiru. Anu was a descendant of the original humans on the planet Avyon. The nibirianos decided to conduct his experiment in Tiamat because they discovered that on this planet there was a primitive human race which felt perfect for your experiment.
These early humans were those we know today as Neanderthals.
The Federation members gathered a group of Neanderthals and altered its organizational form. The Federation would ensure that early humans evolved in a way that might develop individual thought and free will. The problem faced is that Tiamat was already abitado by civilizations of reptiles.
Initially, the reptiles were not involved in the project of the Federation and stood aside. The conflict began when members of the Alliance reptile of the constellations Orion and Draco learned about the projects of the Federation on the planet Tiamat. The Alliance members disagreed with what was going on and pressured the reptiles of Tiamat to kill all the primitive humans.
Initially Tiamat reptiles refused but eventually ended up accessing the pressures of the Alliance.
When members of the Federation learned of the plans to kill reptiles primitive humans, they decided to take drastic measures. They understood that they would not be able to carry out their experiment in Tiamat while the civilizations of reptiles were kept on the planet. First they evacuated the primitive humans and brought them in ships to the constellation of Pegasus.
Then they organized a plan to eliminate reptiles civilizations of Tiamat.
To achieve this, they winched one of the moons of the planet Neptune and headed at high speed toward Tiamat. The impact between the two celestial bodies caused Tiamat split in two. One of the pieces is the planet Earth we inhabit today and the other piece became the asteroid belt. Neptune's moon took its own orbit around the Sun and became the planet we know today as Pluto. (10)
This catastrophic event was the one that ended the age of dinosaurs. 98% of life on the planet was destroyed. A small group of reptiles survived by hiding in underground bases. This event angered members of the Alliance who ended up declaring war on the Intergalactic Federation.
In our solar system, the reptiles of the Alliance militarily armed a planet called Maldek in order to combat the Federation.
The conflict between the Federation and the Alliance became a major war involving the entire Milky Way. To end the war, the Federation first sent to the planet Nibiru commanded by Anu to destroy the planet Aln in the Orion constellation. Then they sent Nibiru to our solar system to destroy the planet Maldek. The remains of Maldek now part of the asteroid belt.
The destruction of Aln and planets Maldek was hard for reptiles of the Alliance who decided not to continue the war hit. At that time the Federation sent Nibiru to our solar system to continue with their plans. The problem they faced was that Nibiru was severely damaged during the war.
Said planet has a layer in the atmosphere composed of monoatomic gold maintaining the internal heat. The gold layer was quite destroyed by bombs dropped against Nibiru. The internal temperature became unstable and as a result many were dying nibirianos.
The nibirianos discovered that gold needed to restore the atmosphere of Nibiru was abundant on Earth.
Anu sent to our planet to a group of astronauts to work in mines to extract gold and then send him to Nibiru. The astronauts arrived on Earth about 700,000 years ago and were commanded by the son of Anu known as Enlil. (eleven)
By now, much of nature on Earth had been restored. They had also proliferated civilizations descendants of survivors of the destruction of Tiamat reptiles. Anu concluded that they would not be able to extract gold without reaching an agreement with the reptiles inhabitants of Earth. They resolved to make a symbolic marriage between Queen of reptiles with Anu.
They combined the genetics of both to create a hybrid which would be an intermediary between nibirianos and terrestrial reptiles. This hybrid creature, half human and half reptile is known by the name of Enki. The latter was raised on the planet Nibiru and was noted for being a great scientist. Enki used as the serpent symbol and for this reason many know it as The Serpent of Wisdom.
The nibirianos astronauts began working in gold mining in the mines and then transport it to Nibiru. The problem they faced was that workers could bring very few according to the amount of gold they needed. The astronauts began to be revealed by Overwork mines.
The nibirianos were in a difficult situation because many inhabitants of Nibiru were dying. Enki proposed a solution to this problem. He suggested that Neanderthals take several Earth and its genetics are altered to create intelligent human beings. These new beings would work in the mines to extract gold and the beings that would shape the plan of spiritual evolution. That way Nibiru is saved and at the same time continued the spiritual agenda.
Intergalactic Federation approved the proposal of Enki and the latter would be responsible for carrying out such a plan.
On Earth, Enki settled with his wife Ninursag in the area we now know as the Middle East. Ninursag was also a leading scientist. The nibirianos built a city known as E.DIN between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. There, Enki and his wife created the first terrestrial human being by combining the genetics of Neanderthals with the genetics of human nibirianos and reptiles.
The first human on Earth called him Adam. Ninursag him up on his belly for 9 months through artificial insemination. Then they took the genetics of Adam and created the first Earth woman they called Lilith.
Earth humans first, Adam and Lilith E.DIN grew under the tutelage of nibirianos. Enki decided to educate teaching science and universal laws. The latter bothered to Enlil and Enki intervened to desist from Adam and Lilith educate. Enlil understood that knowledge, humans must discover Earth on your own. Enlil thought to evolve spiritually, people should acquire knowledge for themselves.
In the end, nibirianos stood for Enlil and decided that Adam and Lilith E.DIN had to leave and move to another area where they have to live on their own. (12)
Enki and other Ninursag created humans in their laboratories. The nibirianos called the Earth humans as Lulus. For them, the word meant "primitive worker". Many of the Lulus They were put to work in gold mining. Eventually, the atmosphere of Nibiru Lulus was restored and began to create their own independent communities. The development of the lulus depended on themselves.
Members of the Federation made many of the spirits involved in the intergalactic war between humans and reptiles came voluntarily to Earth. These spirits reincarnated in the bodies of terrestrial humans. It was determined that the spirits of the Lulus would not remember their past lives. This was a way to erase the past and start again.
Reincarnated spirits in the Lulus could express both human personalities intergalactic like reptiles. The bodies of the Lulus possessed the genetics of both races of space. In concordance with the Federation, if the spirits on Earth could manifest both consciences on the same planet would make it easier to integrate and create a new kind of consciousness.
This would help greatly to spiritual evolution. (13)
Nibirianos were groups who wanted to take advantage of Lulus. The nibirianos who had greater spiritual evolution, the Lulus respected and ensured them. There were other groups nibirianos and reptiles who preyed on earth humans.
In certain areas of the Earth, the Lulus used as slaves or manipulated their convincing them that the nibirianos and reptiles were gods consciousness. Many humans began using terms to refer to nibirianos as Anunnaki. This word means "The gods of heaven down to earth."
Nibirianos existed between conflict regarding the Lulus. They were divided mainly between those seeking spiritual evolution of humans from Earth and those who wanted to manipulate them. (14)
The time on the planet Nibiru and Earth run in different ways. What are 3.600 Earth for years, Nibiru is one year. Physical constitution and metabolism of the Anunnaki are different from humans.
When traveling to Earth nibirianos metabolism continues to function as if they were on the planet Nibiru. This allows them to live for thousands of years on this planet without older. The 3.600 nibirianos can spend years on Earth and have one year aging. That they helped create the reputation of being immortal gods. (fifteen)
approximately 60,000 years ago, it was Enki who was in charge of the Earth at that time. He invited various human races of the universe to form colonies on Earth. Many human civilizations in the Milky Way attended the call and came to settle on our planet.
These were mainly constellations Lyra, Pleiades, Sirius and Andromeda among others.
Shortly thereafter, extraterrestrial human colonies on Earth came into conflict with certain groups of nibirianos. a war in which human aliens were forced to leave the planet was created. Those who stayed ended up mixing up with the lulus.
The mixture between the two groups created racial diversity among humans on our planet. Before that, all Lulus belonged to the same race. Earth is characterized by being the only planet in the universe where all human races coexist. (16)
Eventually, the societies of the Lulus were developed. The first great human civilization on Earth was Lemuria. This civilization was in the area of ​​the Pacific Ocean. Lemurios were polarized on the female side. Their culture revolved around spiritual evolution. They were organized in a communal way. In a way, the Lemurians had a similar kind of intergalactic human consciousness.
Soon after, he came another great civilization known as Atlantis. This civilization was in the area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. Atlantis was polarized male side. Its government was hierarchical and had a technological orientation. Atlantic mostly possessed the kind of consciousness of reptiles. (17)
Cultural differences between Atlantis and Lemuria were intentionally created by the nibirianos and members of the Federation.
The goal was to emulate human consciousness and reptiles on the same planet to achieve integration. Initially, Lemuria and Atlantis maintained good relations. The problems started when entering scene the son of Enki known as Marduk.
The latter grew on the planet Nibiru, and like his father, he had both human and reptilian genetics. When Marduk became involved in land issues he was identified with the reptiles. Spiritually it was polarized from the dark side. He was not in accordance with the creation of the Lulus and advocated for reptiles again take control of the Earth.
Marduk devised a plan to meet his goals. First the trust of the leaders of Atlantis won. He persuaded their governments to conquer other countries and thus Atlantis have the glory of being the country that ruled the world. Marduk secretly intended to create wars between the societies of the Lulus to one another is destroyed (as happens in times © actualeså and thus the reptiles would return to take control of Earth.
To ensure greater destruction, Marduk gave him advanced military technology to Atlantic knowing that their rulers were going to abuse it. Soon, Atlantis became a highly technological country.
Lemurians, being a spiritual culture, showed disagreement with the new twist that was taking Atlantis. With Marduk instigating the Atlantic leaders create wars against the Lemurian, I did not take long to occur conflicts between the two countries. In the end, the leaders decided to destroy Lemuria Atlantis.
In those days, there were two moons revolving around the world. about 25,000 years ago, the Atlantic bombed a moon turning it into pieces. Then with a tractor mobilized for the pieces they landed above the Lemurians. This act completely destroyed Lemuria leaving all that country in ruins. A group of Lemurian managed to survive moving underground cities which still live since.
With Lemuria out of the way, the Atlantic were given the task of conquering the world. This was a time of constant wars where different civilizations on Earth resisted the imperialism of Atlantis. When countries opposed to its control, the Atlantic hauled space comets and did land at the places of resistance.
Atlantis imperialism created division between different groups in that country. Atlantic were citizens who were against repression and for spiritual evolution. Many of them left Atlantis and migrated to different parts of the world.
At one point, the Atlantic winched a comet to destroy a resistance movement in the area we now know as Europe. The nibirianos decided to intervene in the conflict by changing the course of the comet. They managed to get the kite up Atlantis landed this country completely devastated.
After the destruction of Atlantis, Marduk understood that plans to exterminate the Lulus had failed. Then he had another plan to destroy humanity. Marduk, with his henchmen, made the Firmament collapse that covered the Earth. As a result, rain fell steadily throughout the world for more than a month.
Floods clothed continents ending civilizations on Earth. Only small groups of humans managed to survive the catastrophe. This event is what is known in the Bible as the Flood.
The destruction of the Firmament created many changes on the planet. One of these changes is the division of the continent's oceans. Before the flood there was more solid ground than seas. The ruins of the cities of Lemuria and Atlantis are buried beneath the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Flood survivors lost their technology and back to the time of hunters and gatherers or reorganized into tribes.
Several centuries later, the nibirianos decided to rebuild the Lulus civilizations on Earth with human survivors. The first civilization was the Sumerian Empire revival. Many of the ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Libya and Maya existed before the flood. The stories of Lemuria and Atlantis are many of the stories told in the ancient scriptures.
Time after reconstruction, Marduk decided to return to Earth again to continue with their handlers plans. This time it was established in the Middle East area where he founded the city of Babylon. Worship in that city settled the snake. The latter is a religion which worships the reptiles as if they were gods. (18)
Far from surveillance of Enki and Enlil, Marduk's first step was to create a military base. Marduk humans used the area to build what became known as the Tower of Babel. The plan was to use the Lulus as soldiers to fight the nibirianos and drive the planet. This time the main goal of Marduk was to conquer the world and then invade and destroy the Pleiades constellation.
Such a constellation is an important military center space that humans used to resist the offensive of the reptiles. Marduk understood that the Pleiades out of the way, he could conquer the rest of the Milky Way for the benefit of reptiles. (19)
As soon as the nibirianos learned of the existence of the Tower of Babel, they decided to stop its construction. They bombarded that tower, leaving it in ruins.
The nibirianos took steps to Marduk could not use the Lulus again against them. They commissioned Enki to create different languages ​​for human civilizations. Linguistic diversity hinder communication between Lulus and thus Marduk could not gather to fight the nibirianos. Before this event, most humans on Earth spoke the same language.
After the destruction of Babel, he was not heard of Marduk for a while. This was a period of harmony on Earth which allowed civilizations of Lulus were developed. The nibirianos saw that the Earth humans were ready to govern themselves. In this period it was that the calendars were founded in ancient cultures.
Marduk later reappears with his other tricks. This time, aided by reptiles, an army which declared war on the armed nibirianos. Both groups fought a fierce battle Marduk as being victorious. The nibirianos were expelled from the planet leaving the Lulus exposed to control Marduk and reptiles.
The expulsion of the nibirianos occurred about 5,000 years ago. From this moment Marduk was proclaimed as the supreme ruler of the Earth. This was the beginning of a new era of manipulation against the Lulus. Here begins the Anunnaki gods term used to refer mostly to the family of Marduk. As mentioned above, these were human hybrid beings and reptiles from the planet Nibiru.
The Anunnaki decided to abruptly change the culture of the Lulus to benefit them and reptiles. They altered the historical documents misrepresenting the true history of the Earth. The stories of nibirianos turned them into myths and legends. Many of the expelled nibirianos put in the category of gods so that they surrender cult.
That depart the Lulus to know the real reasons why nibirianos came to our planet.
Control of the Anunnaki opened the way for extraterrestrial beings polarized on the negative side came to Earth to play God with humans. These beings are mostly reptiles Alliance members from the constellations of Orion and Draco.
Many of these groups came with their own agendas to manipulate humanity. At this time they proliferated around the world religions, where he worships reptilian beings. The main symbols of this religion are intertwined serpent on the pole and the eye in the pyramid.
In ancient times it was known reptiles with the name of demons. Underground cities where the reptiles lived was known as "Hell". (twenty)
Communal forms of government Lulus were changed to hierarchical structures. All around the Earth forms of organization of the reptiles were established. Societies that were polarized female hand, altered the male side. Civilizations where leadership positions were held by women were dismantled and positions of power strictly passed to men.
One reason why a patriarchal hierarchical system is established to create an atmosphere of violence and hatred. Reptiles understood that a society that only manifests the masculine side is easier to manipulate to create wars and conflicts. Many of the draconios and reptiles who came to Earth are actually Darklords that feed on the negative energies of fear and hatred.
Our planet reptiles isolated from the rest of the universe. Many of space beings lost contact with Earth. Reptiles made people only have contact with the negative energies.
To counter reptiles manipulations, the Federation and other positive groups sent to Earth reincarnated spirits among humans with the mission of improving the consciousness of humanity. Usually they preached love and compassion in places where war and hatred was the order of the day.
Control of the planet by the reptiles began mainly from the city of Babylon. Families who ruled Babylon in the name of the reptiles are commonly known by the name Illuminati. Reptiles use human bodies Illuminati families as a means to manifest from other dimensions to the third dimension.
Reptiles from other dimensions are introduced as spirits in human bodies of these families. Then seek to settle in a position of power within society to create secret manipulations for the benefit of reptiles agendas. The process of possession of bodies is commonly known as "being possessed by the devil"
In an effort to control the world, the Illuminati families moved from Babylon to different parts of the Earth. The serpent cult moved its headquarters from Babylon to Egypt. In this country, he was known to Marduk with the name of Ra. about 2,500 years ago, the Illuminati moved from Egypt to Rome.
At this time, Marduk decided to organize an army to invade Nibiru. In a strong war Marduk managed to expel Anu of Nibiru became the supreme commander of the planet. From this moment Marduk was proclaimed as the supreme god of the earth and contrived to surrender all religions worship him.
Around this same time it appears in Rome the figure of Jesus. This was one of the spirits that reincarnated on Earth in order to help humanity. In an age where Roman rule promoted violence and hatred, Jesus promoted love and compassion as a way to improve society. The masses of people began to support the preaching of Jesus.
This affected mainly the Darklords that feed on fear and hatred. If people love each other and commiserate then there are no negative feelings. If there is fear and hatred, then the reptiles can not feed. Beliefs in love and compassion affect control of the Roman Church in the minds of people.
To counter the preaching of Jesus, Marduk ordered the creation of the Catholic Church. Here, the Illuminati founders of Catholicism applied an old trick used by the Anunnaki to manipulate humanity. They raised Jesus to the category of God so that people would surrender cult leaving their preachings of love and compassion to the background. The story of Jesus in the New Testament is a travesty of the life and teachings of the prophet.
In ancient times it was believed that spiritual evolution is achieved by looking within ourselves. Introspection is the most effective way to achieve better spirituality. Belief in Jesus as Savior applied the Illuminati for people to think that spiritual evolution is dependent on something external to them.
With that seeking people to look outward and not inward when meditating on spirituality. (twenty-one)
Belief in Jesus as messiah is another way that the Illuminati have used to manipulate humanity. With that look for people to live waiting for a savior and not try to solve their problems and take control of their lives.
The same applies to other cultures and religions who live expecting a Messiah. Such as Quetzalcoalt, Ashtar, Maitreya Massau and many others. No one will come to save mankind. The problems that we humans have to solve ourselves.
At the time of Rome, many of the old religious standards with which the Illuminati manipulated humanity were no longer being effective. The Catholic Church is the way they found the Illuminati to completely erase the true history of the Earth. From this moment the control of humanity by the reptiles became a hidden way. Many of the institutions that have power within societies moved to secret organizations.
Only certain people would have access to advanced knowledge of the universe and the true history of the Earth.
The main religious concepts of Catholicism are the same as the Church of Babylon. The Illuminati saw Catholicism as a way of bringing the Church of Babylon the rest of the world. (22) The Emperor Constantine who established the Catholic Church as the official religion of Rome was a descendant of the ruling families in ancient Babylon.
Only the hierarchy of the church knows the true meaning of Catholicism.
In ancient Babylon was a senior leader within the church hierarchy who was the representative of Marduk in society. Likewise, within the Catholic Church, the pope is the representative of Marduk on Earth.
The Bible itself is a set of many of the beliefs of various ancient religions. They tried to gather most of the beliefs of religions of the world into one religion. The Old Testament is the combination of the stories of the nibirianos presented as if it were a single god. The story of the life of Jesus is a copy of other much older stories. (2. 3)
The Illuminati used Christianity to continue the old belief in gods but this time reduced to one. Since Christianity claims that humans are part of a creation invented by a superior god. This position is contrary to a much older belief which affirms that the material universe created the spirits that dwell in it. In addition, Christianity seeks to contradict the old idea which states that reality is created by the people themselves.
People are not a consequence of Creation, people who create reality with thought. Life in the material world is a product of the thinking of people. This is an affirmation that Christian philosophy has erased from human consciousness, especially in Western cultures. (24)
After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Illuminati moved their operations centers to Holland during the Middle Ages. At this time, the Illuminati tried to keep humanity in ignorance and technologically backward. But humans as thinking beings, experienced and made new scientific discoveries.
For humans not discover his true identity, the Illuminati manipulated science and invented the theory of evolution. Among many things, they said that humans are the product of evolution from ape and are the only intelligent race on earth. Other scientists and historians investigating the past following the basis of this theory.
According to traditional science, humans are the result of a universe that operates strictly under the laws of physics. Always provide materials to explain the material world omitting spiritual matter and influence our thoughts on the subject answers.
Postures of traditional science of the origin of the universe and humanity are very similar to Christian positions on these issues. Both promote the idea that the material universe exists so alien to people. Christianity claims that are the result of God's creation and traditional science claims that are the result of evolution.
Everything to make people believe that the world works alone and that our thinking has no influence on what happens on our planet. The world in which we live is the result of our thoughts. The Illuminati seek to manipulate the conscience of humanity to forge with our thoughts a reality that benefits to them.
The cultures that emerged after Christianity, and Muslims are the only ones who ignored the alien influence on Earth's history. All ancient cultures that survive today hold the story based on beings from other planets who came to ours.
In the late Middle Ages, the Illuminati moved their operations centers to Spain.
At this time they allegedly discovered the New World themselves away in the past. Spain, the Illuminati moved to England. From the latter, moving part of its operations to the United States. The American nation was originally created in the image of the Illuminati by high-ranking Masons.
The Deleted History of Humanity, Hidden Origins Revealed
At first there was the universe. There was no time nor matter. It was what is known as the INFINITE LOVE. All spirits were connected together to form one. Each spirit had its own individual conscience and the fact of being connected, gave them the ability to have infinite possibilities.

In many cultures and religions it is known to the infinite love as "God", "the All" and "Universal Energy" among others. (1)

The spirits in the infinite love exist as energy. A group of these spirits decided to experiment matter. They wanted to experience being separated from each other. They did this by creating a material universe in which embody individual beings made of matter. To sustain the universe, the Infinite created an energy that is known as the Matrix, which is contrary to what represents spiritual energy.

If spiritual energy is positive energy of love, then the energy of the matrix it represents negativity. The Infinite Matrix created the self-conscious and gave instructions to determine how would be the material universe where spirits were to embody. Matrix forged the universe in a manner contrary to what they represent spirits. Infinite love is the spiritual union that forms one.

Matrix created the material universe based differences and separation. He forged polar opposites, such as the feminine and masculine, light and darkness among other things. Matrix was who determined that living beings would live in isolated planets. LOVE INFINITE allowed and wanted to experience all this matter to the extreme levels of negativity and separation. (2)

The spirits that were disconnected from the Infinite Universe entered without remembering those who were before you get there.

The Matrix was given instructions to do everything possible so that the spirits would not recognize that they are one and not return to the Infinite. This is the basic foundation of what is called "The Universal Spiritual Game". When the spirits that are within the universe recognize that they are one then they will return to the Infinite. The experiences we live in the material world are part of a game. (3)

To reach the Infinite, the spirits must evolve spiritually through unconditional love. The more love and acceptance exists between living beings regardless of differences, then more is spiritually evolved. Spirits should reincarnate in different bodies to thereby experience different experiences that lead to greater unconditional love.

The material universe is divided into several dimensions. There are about 9 dimensions where spirits reincarnate, the third lowest dimension. The more unconditional love achieve the spirits then they rise to other dimensions that are closer to the Infinite. (4)

Spiritual evolution is also achieved when we integrate opposites. When we do not identify with ideas that are opposite each other. A good example is in relation to the masculine and feminine. These are concepts that have established themselves as socially different. When we stop identifying with both concepts and then we managed to integrate spiritual evolution.

Spirits are the only eternal energy in the universe.

Energy Matrix, on the other hand, needs to feed on other energy to stay alive. The main energy needed Matrix negative energy is related to fear. When living things feel fear or hatred produce a negative energy which feeds the Matrix. For the energy of fear, Matrix created beings of negative energy self-conscious.

Like spirits, the beings created by the Matrix reincarnate in bodies within the material universe.

A negative energy beings they are commonly known as "The Lords of Darkness." The aim of these beings is to provoke conflicts and wars in societies where embody to create fear and hatred. They absorb negative energies created by the spirits and then pass it to the matrix so that it is fed. (5)

Initially, the method used to feed the Matrix was beneficial because the conflicts created by the Lords of Darkness forced the living to become aware beings and so spiritually evolved. The conflict was a good way for spiritual evolution. The problem is that over time, the Matrix became stronger and began to take more control of the universe.

Conflicts created by negative energy are so many spirits have engaged in a pitched battle against the Lords of Darkness around the universe.

Under this framework it is that the Milky Way begins to develop. In this part of the universe there are many intelligent races, but nevertheless, there are two in particular that are more reputable. These two races are humans and reptiles.

The human race originated in the constellation Lyra, specifically on the planet Avyon. The first humans to develop in this world were what is known as the Nordic race. They were white human blond with blue eyes. The reptiles are original Aln planet in the constellation of Orion and Alpha Draconis planet in the constellation Draco.

Orion reptiles have similar physical appearance of snakes and reptiles have Draco physical appearance of dinosaurs and dragons. The reptiles of both constellations were gathered in an organization known as "The Alliance". (6)

Humans and reptiles developed in isolation. Culturally, both races are practically opposite each other. Humans had as ideals of justice and equality among all races in the galaxy. Reptiles understood that they were the first intelligent race in this part of the universe and therefore had the right to conquer the entire Milky Way and eliminate or enslaving other races that stand in their way. Humans were organized communally and were polarized on the feminine side.

The women owned the leadership positions. Instead, the society was patriarchal and reptiles were organized in an authoritarian and hierarchical. In spiritual matters, human represented the positive energy of light and reptiles represented the negative energy of darkness.

Within the Milky Way, The Lords of Darkness reincarnated mainly on reptiles societies. This was the initial field to create conflicts and wars in this part of the universe and thus obtain the energy of fear which they feed.

When humans and reptiles were found for the first time, it did not take long to occur conflicts between them. For many of the reptiles, human ideals of justice and equality were synonymous with weakness. For humans, the ideals reptiles were synonymous with evil. a good understanding between the two groups failed and ended up poring into a pitched war that has lasted for millions of years and has been in various dimensions.

The first unfortunate event in this war was the destruction of the planet Avyon by the reptiles. Avyon destruction of human groups forced to move to different constellations to find other planets to live. In the new planets that humans lived there were other atmospheres and environment. Humans evolved physically according to the atmosphere of planets lived.

From that moment he began to create racial diversity among humans. Skin color and physical characteristics varied according to the atmosphere of the planets.

Later, a group of humans and reptiles decided to organize to seek a solution to the war between the two races. They created an organization which is known as "The Intergalactic Federation". Members of this organization were identified mostly with the spiritual side of light. (7)

The first action that made the federation was to create a military ship if necessary involved in armed conflicts. For this they took a piece of the planet Avyon destroyed and rebuilt as if it were a ship. A military ship this planet it is commonly known as Nibiru.

This planet belongs to the Intergalactic Federation of the constellation Pleiades. Nibiru has an extensive orbit a single solar system is not restricted and the crew can change their route if they wish. (8)

The Federation members understood that the war between humans and reptiles should be for two main reasons.

* First, because the ideologies of both races were opposed. * Second, because the cultures of the two races there was no free will.

Both humans and reptiles sacrificed individual thinking people the benefit of the group. Both had rigid ways of thinking which made it difficult to find new ideas to improve understanding between the two races.

Members of the Federation concluded that to end the war should create a new society where they can integrate ideologies found in humans and reptiles. Many understood that was to create a race that had the genetics of both groups. Thus the new hybrid beings not be identified with any of the two races in particular. They concluded that the right to carry out this experiment planet was nothing less than the planet Earth.

million years ago, the Earth was different to what it is now. Our planet was twice as large and was known by the name of Tiamat.

Many intelligent races formed civilizations here. On several occasions our planet has suffered catastrophes that have led to the brink of destruction. Some natural reasons and because of the wars caused by the races that have abitado this planet.

The first intelligent race in Abitar Tiamat were reptiles. For being the first inhabitants, Tiamat they claimed as their property. In the age of the dinosaurs they existed many wild reptiles but also intelligent civilizations there were reptiles. The sky was completely covered by a thick cloud which was known as the Firmament. Thanks to this cloud there were no seasons. The entire planet was ruled by a subtropical climate.

The rain and wind were scarce and at night the stars were not visible in the sky. (9)

about a million years ago they came to Tiamat Intergalactic Federation members aboard the planet Nibiru. The expedition was led by Anu who was commander of Nibiru. Anu was a descendant of the original humans on the planet Avyon. The nibirianos decided to conduct his experiment in Tiamat because they discovered that on this planet there was a primitive human race which felt perfect for your experiment.

These early humans were those we know today as Neanderthals.

The Federation members gathered a group of Neanderthals and altered its organizational form. The Federation would ensure that early humans evolved in a way that might develop individual thought and free will. The problem faced is that Tiamat was already abitado by civilizations of reptiles.

Initially, the reptiles were not involved in the project of the Federation and stood aside. The conflict began when members of the Alliance reptile of the constellations Orion and Draco learned about the projects of the Federation on the planet Tiamat. The Alliance members disagreed with what was going on and pressured the reptiles of Tiamat to kill all the primitive humans.

Initially Tiamat reptiles refused but eventually ended up accessing the pressures of the Alliance.

When members of the Federation learned of the plans to kill reptiles primitive humans, they decided to take drastic measures. They understood that they would not be able to carry out their experiment in Tiamat while the civilizations of reptiles were kept on the planet. First they evacuated the primitive humans and brought them in ships to the constellation of Pegasus.

Then they organized a plan to eliminate reptiles civilizations of Tiamat.

To achieve this, they winched one of the moons of the planet Neptune and headed at high speed toward Tiamat. The impact between the two celestial bodies caused Tiamat split in two. One of the pieces is the planet Earth we inhabit today and the other piece became the asteroid belt. Neptune's moon took its own orbit around the Sun and became the planet we know today as Pluto. (10)

This catastrophic event was the one that ended the age of dinosaurs. 98% of life on the planet was destroyed. A small group of reptiles survived by hiding in underground bases. This event angered members of the Alliance who ended up declaring war on the Intergalactic Federation.

In our solar system, the reptiles of the Alliance militarily armed a planet called Maldek in order to combat the Federation.

The conflict between the Federation and the Alliance became a major war involving the entire Milky Way. To end the war, the Federation first sent to the planet Nibiru commanded by Anu to destroy the planet Aln in the Orion constellation. Then they sent Nibiru to our solar system to destroy the planet Maldek. The remains of Maldek now part of the asteroid belt.

The destruction of Aln and planets Maldek was hard for reptiles of the Alliance who decided not to continue the war hit. At that time the Federation sent Nibiru to our solar system to continue with their plans. The problem they faced was that Nibiru was severely damaged during the war.

Said planet has a layer in the atmosphere composed of monoatomic gold maintaining the internal heat. The gold layer was quite destroyed by bombs dropped against Nibiru. The internal temperature became unstable and as a result many were dying nibirianos.

The nibirianos discovered that gold needed to restore the atmosphere of Nibiru was abundant on Earth.

Anu sent to our planet to a group of astronauts to work in mines to extract gold and then send him to Nibiru. The astronauts arrived on Earth about 700,000 years ago and were commanded by the son of Anu known as Enlil. (eleven)

By now, much of nature on Earth had been restored. They had also proliferated civilizations descendants of survivors of the destruction of Tiamat reptiles. Anu concluded that they would not be able to extract gold without reaching an agreement with the reptiles inhabitants of Earth. They resolved to make a symbolic marriage between Queen of reptiles with Anu.

They combined the genetics of both to create a hybrid which would be an intermediary between nibirianos and terrestrial reptiles. This hybrid creature, half human and half reptile is known by the name of Enki. The latter was raised on the planet Nibiru and was noted for being a great scientist. Enki used as the serpent symbol and for this reason many know it as The Serpent of Wisdom.

The nibirianos astronauts began working in gold mining in the mines and then transport it to Nibiru. The problem they faced was that workers could bring very few according to the amount of gold they needed. The astronauts began to be revealed by Overwork mines.

The nibirianos were in a difficult situation because many inhabitants of Nibiru were dying. Enki proposed a solution to this problem. He suggested that Neanderthals take several Earth and its genetics are altered to create intelligent human beings. These new beings would work in the mines to extract gold and the beings that would shape the plan of spiritual evolution. That way Nibiru is saved and at the same time continued the spiritual agenda.

Intergalactic Federation approved the proposal of Enki and the latter would be responsible for carrying out such a plan.

On Earth, Enki settled with his wife Ninursag in the area we now know as the Middle East. Ninursag was also a leading scientist. The nibirianos built a city known as E.DIN between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. There, Enki and his wife created the first terrestrial human being by combining the genetics of Neanderthals with the genetics of human nibirianos and reptiles.

The first human on Earth called him Adam. Ninursag him up on his belly for 9 months through artificial insemination. Then they took the genetics of Adam and created the first Earth woman they called Lilith.

Earth humans first, Adam and Lilith E.DIN grew under the tutelage of nibirianos. Enki decided to educate teaching science and universal laws. The latter bothered to Enlil and Enki intervened to desist from Adam and Lilith educate. Enlil understood that knowledge, humans must discover Earth on your own. Enlil thought to evolve spiritually, people should acquire knowledge for themselves.

In the end, nibirianos stood for Enlil and decided that Adam and Lilith E.DIN had to leave and move to another area where they have to live on their own. (12)

Enki and other Ninursag created humans in their laboratories. The nibirianos called the Earth humans as Lulus. For them, the word meant "primitive worker". Many of the Lulus They were put to work in gold mining. Eventually, the atmosphere of Nibiru Lulus was restored and began to create their own independent communities. The development of the lulus depended on themselves.

Members of the Federation made many of the spirits involved in the intergalactic war between humans and reptiles came voluntarily to Earth. These spirits reincarnated in the bodies of terrestrial humans. It was determined that the spirits of the Lulus would not remember their past lives. This was a way to erase the past and start again.

Reincarnated spirits in the Lulus could express both human personalities intergalactic like reptiles. The bodies of the Lulus possessed the genetics of both races of space. In concordance with the Federation, if the spirits on Earth could manifest both consciences on the same planet would make it easier to integrate and create a new kind of consciousness.

This would help greatly to spiritual evolution. (13)

Nibirianos were groups who wanted to take advantage of Lulus. The nibirianos who had greater spiritual evolution, the Lulus respected and ensured them. There were other groups nibirianos and reptiles who preyed on earth humans.

In certain areas of the Earth, the Lulus used as slaves or manipulated their convincing them that the nibirianos and reptiles were gods consciousness. Many humans began using terms to refer to nibirianos as Anunnaki. This word means "The gods of heaven down to earth."

Nibirianos existed between conflict regarding the Lulus. They were divided mainly between those seeking spiritual evolution of humans from Earth and those who wanted to manipulate them. (14)

The time on the planet Nibiru and Earth run in different ways. What are 3.600 Earth for years, Nibiru is one year. Physical constitution and metabolism of the Anunnaki are different from humans.

When traveling to Earth nibirianos metabolism continues to function as if they were on the planet Nibiru. This allows them to live for thousands of years on this planet without older. The 3.600 nibirianos can spend years on Earth and have one year aging. That they helped create the reputation of being immortal gods. (fifteen)

approximately 60,000 years ago, it was Enki who was in charge of the Earth at that time. He invited various human races of the universe to form colonies on Earth. Many human civilizations in the Milky Way attended the call and came to settle on our planet.

These were mainly constellations Lyra, Pleiades, Sirius and Andromeda among others.

Shortly thereafter, extraterrestrial human colonies on Earth came into conflict with certain groups of nibirianos. a war in which human aliens were forced to leave the planet was created. Those who stayed ended up mixing up with the lulus.

The mixture between the two groups created racial diversity among humans on our planet. Before that, all Lulus belonged to the same race. Earth is characterized by being the only planet in the universe where all human races coexist. (16)

Eventually, the societies of the Lulus were developed. The first great human civilization on Earth was Lemuria. This civilization was in the area of ​​the Pacific Ocean. Lemurios were polarized on the female side. Their culture revolved around spiritual evolution. They were organized in a communal way. In a way, the Lemurians had a similar kind of intergalactic human consciousness.

Soon after, he came another great civilization known as Atlantis. This civilization was in the area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. Atlantis was polarized male side. Its government was hierarchical and had a technological orientation. Atlantic mostly possessed the kind of consciousness of reptiles. (17)

Cultural differences between Atlantis and Lemuria were intentionally created by the nibirianos and members of the Federation.

The goal was to emulate human consciousness and reptiles on the same planet to achieve integration. Initially, Lemuria and Atlantis maintained good relations. The problems started when entering scene the son of Enki known as Marduk.

The latter grew on the planet Nibiru, and like his father, he had both human and reptilian genetics. When Marduk became involved in land issues he was identified with the reptiles. Spiritually it was polarized from the dark side. He was not in accordance with the creation of the Lulus and advocated for reptiles again take control of the Earth.

Marduk devised a plan to meet his goals. First the trust of the leaders of Atlantis won. He persuaded their governments to conquer other countries and thus Atlantis have the glory of being the country that ruled the world. Marduk secretly intended to create wars between the societies of the Lulus to one another is destroyed (as happens in times © actualeså and thus the reptiles would return to take control of Earth.

To ensure greater destruction, Marduk gave him advanced military technology to Atlantic knowing that their rulers were going to abuse it. Soon, Atlantis became a highly technological country.

Lemurians, being a spiritual culture, showed disagreement with the new twist that was taking Atlantis. With Marduk instigating the Atlantic leaders create wars against the Lemurian, I did not take long to occur conflicts between the two countries. In the end, the leaders decided to destroy Lemuria Atlantis.

In those days, there were two moons revolving around the world. about 25,000 years ago, the Atlantic bombed a moon turning it into pieces. Then with a tractor mobilized for the pieces they landed above the Lemurians. This act completely destroyed Lemuria leaving all that country in ruins. A group of Lemurian managed to survive moving underground cities which still live since.

With Lemuria out of the way, the Atlantic were given the task of conquering the world. This was a time of constant wars where different civilizations on Earth resisted the imperialism of Atlantis. When countries opposed to its control, the Atlantic hauled space comets and did land at the places of resistance.

Atlantis imperialism created division between different groups in that country. Atlantic were citizens who were against repression and for spiritual evolution. Many of them left Atlantis and migrated to different parts of the world.

At one point, the Atlantic winched a comet to destroy a resistance movement in the area we now know as Europe. The nibirianos decided to intervene in the conflict by changing the course of the comet. They managed to get the kite up Atlantis landed this country completely devastated.

After the destruction of Atlantis, Marduk understood that plans to exterminate the Lulus had failed. Then he had another plan to destroy humanity. Marduk, with his henchmen, made the Firmament collapse that covered the Earth. As a result, rain fell steadily throughout the world for more than a month.

Floods clothed continents ending civilizations on Earth. Only small groups of humans managed to survive the catastrophe. This event is what is known in the Bible as the Flood.

The destruction of the Firmament created many changes on the planet. One of these changes is the division of the continent's oceans. Before the flood there was more solid ground than seas. The ruins of the cities of Lemuria and Atlantis are buried beneath the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Flood survivors lost their technology and back to the time of hunters and gatherers or reorganized into tribes.

Several centuries later, the nibirianos decided to rebuild the Lulus civilizations on Earth with human survivors. The first civilization was the Sumerian Empire revival. Many of the ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Libya and Maya existed before the flood. The stories of Lemuria and Atlantis are many of the stories told in the ancient scriptures.

Time after reconstruction, Marduk decided to return to Earth again to continue with their handlers plans. This time it was established in the Middle East area where he founded the city of Babylon. Worship in that city settled the snake. The latter is a religion which worships the reptiles as if they were gods. (18)

Far from surveillance of Enki and Enlil, Marduk's first step was to create a military base. Marduk humans used the area to build what became known as the Tower of Babel. The plan was to use the Lulus as soldiers to fight the nibirianos and drive the planet. This time the main goal of Marduk was to conquer the world and then invade and destroy the Pleiades constellation.

Such a constellation is an important military center space that humans used to resist the offensive of the reptiles. Marduk understood that the Pleiades out of the way, he could conquer the rest of the Milky Way for the benefit of reptiles. (19)

As soon as the nibirianos learned of the existence of the Tower of Babel, they decided to stop its construction. They bombarded that tower, leaving it in ruins.

The nibirianos took steps to Marduk could not use the Lulus again against them. They commissioned Enki to create different languages ​​for human civilizations. Linguistic diversity hinder communication between Lulus and thus Marduk could not gather to fight the nibirianos. Before this event, most humans on Earth spoke the same language.

After the destruction of Babel, he was not heard of Marduk for a while. This was a period of harmony on Earth which allowed civilizations of Lulus were developed. The nibirianos saw that the Earth humans were ready to govern themselves. In this period it was that the calendars were founded in ancient cultures.

Marduk later reappears with his other tricks. This time, aided by reptiles, an army which declared war on the armed nibirianos. Both groups fought a fierce battle Marduk as being victorious. The nibirianos were expelled from the planet leaving the Lulus exposed to control Marduk and reptiles.

The expulsion of the nibirianos occurred about 5,000 years ago. From this moment Marduk was proclaimed as the supreme ruler of the Earth. This was the beginning of a new era of manipulation against the Lulus. Here begins the Anunnaki gods term used to refer mostly to the family of Marduk. As mentioned above, these were human hybrid beings and reptiles from the planet Nibiru.

The Anunnaki decided to abruptly change the culture of the Lulus to benefit them and reptiles. They altered the historical documents misrepresenting the true history of the Earth. The stories of nibirianos turned them into myths and legends. Many of the expelled nibirianos put in the category of gods so that they surrender cult.

That depart the Lulus to know the real reasons why nibirianos came to our planet.

Control of the Anunnaki opened the way for extraterrestrial beings polarized on the negative side came to Earth to play God with humans. These beings are mostly reptiles Alliance members from the constellations of Orion and Draco.

Many of these groups came with their own agendas to manipulate humanity. At this time they proliferated around the world religions, where he worships reptilian beings. The main symbols of this religion are intertwined serpent on the pole and the eye in the pyramid.

In ancient times it was known reptiles with the name of demons. Underground cities where the reptiles lived was known as "Hell". (twenty)

Communal forms of government Lulus were changed to hierarchical structures. All around the Earth forms of organization of the reptiles were established. Societies that were polarized female hand, altered the male side. Civilizations where leadership positions were held by women were dismantled and positions of power strictly passed to men.

One reason why a patriarchal hierarchical system is established to create an atmosphere of violence and hatred. Reptiles understood that a society that only manifests the masculine side is easier to manipulate to create wars and conflicts. Many of the draconios and reptiles who came to Earth are actually Darklords that feed on the negative energies of fear and hatred.

Our planet reptiles isolated from the rest of the universe. Many of space beings lost contact with Earth. Reptiles made people only have contact with the negative energies.

To counter reptiles manipulations, the Federation and other positive groups sent to Earth reincarnated spirits among humans with the mission of improving the consciousness of humanity. Usually they preached love and compassion in places where war and hatred was the order of the day.

Control of the planet by the reptiles began mainly from the city of Babylon. Families who ruled Babylon in the name of the reptiles are commonly known by the name Illuminati. Reptiles use human bodies Illuminati families as a means to manifest from other dimensions to the third dimension.

Reptiles from other dimensions are introduced as spirits in human bodies of these families. Then seek to settle in a position of power within society to create secret manipulations for the benefit of reptiles agendas. The process of possession of bodies is commonly known as "being possessed by the devil"

In an effort to control the world, the Illuminati families moved from Babylon to different parts of the Earth. The serpent cult moved its headquarters from Babylon to Egypt. In this country, he was known to Marduk with the name of Ra. about 2,500 years ago, the Illuminati moved from Egypt to Rome.

At this time, Marduk decided to organize an army to invade Nibiru. In a strong war Marduk managed to expel Anu of Nibiru became the supreme commander of the planet. From this moment Marduk was proclaimed as the supreme god of the earth and contrived to surrender all religions worship him.

Around this same time it appears in Rome the figure of Jesus. This was one of the spirits that reincarnated on Earth in order to help humanity. In an age where Roman rule promoted violence and hatred, Jesus promoted love and compassion as a way to improve society. The masses of people began to support the preaching of Jesus.

This affected mainly the Darklords that feed on fear and hatred. If people love each other and commiserate then there are no negative feelings. If there is fear and hatred, then the reptiles can not feed. Beliefs in love and compassion affect control of the Roman Church in the minds of people.

To counter the preaching of Jesus, Marduk ordered the creation of the Catholic Church. Here, the Illuminati founders of Catholicism applied an old trick used by the Anunnaki to manipulate humanity. They raised Jesus to the category of God so that people would surrender cult leaving their preachings of love and compassion to the background. The story of Jesus in the New Testament is a travesty of the life and teachings of the prophet.

In ancient times it was believed that spiritual evolution is achieved by looking within ourselves. Introspection is the most effective way to achieve better spirituality. Belief in Jesus as Savior applied the Illuminati for people to think that spiritual evolution is dependent on something external to them.

With that seeking people to look outward and not inward when meditating on spirituality. (twenty-one)

Belief in Jesus as messiah is another way that the Illuminati have used to manipulate humanity. With that look for people to live waiting for a savior and not try to solve their problems and take control of their lives.

The same applies to other cultures and religions who live expecting a Messiah. Such as Quetzalcoalt, Ashtar, Maitreya Massau and many others. No one will come to save mankind. The problems that we humans have to solve ourselves.

At the time of Rome, many of the old religious standards with which the Illuminati manipulated humanity were no longer being effective. The Catholic Church is the way they found the Illuminati to completely erase the true history of the Earth. From this moment the control of humanity by the reptiles became a hidden way. Many of the institutions that have power within societies moved to secret organizations.

Only certain people would have access to advanced knowledge of the universe and the true history of the Earth.

The main religious concepts of Catholicism are the same as the Church of Babylon. The Illuminati saw Catholicism as a way of bringing the Church of Babylon the rest of the world. (22) The Emperor Constantine who established the Catholic Church as the official religion of Rome was a descendant of the ruling families in ancient Babylon.

Only the hierarchy of the church knows the true meaning of Catholicism.

In ancient Babylon was a senior leader within the church hierarchy who was the representative of Marduk in society. Likewise, within the Catholic Church, the pope is the representative of Marduk on Earth.

The Bible itself is a set of many of the beliefs of various ancient religions. They tried to gather most of the beliefs of religions of the world into one religion. The Old Testament is the combination of the stories of the nibirianos presented as if it were a single god. The story of the life of Jesus is a copy of other much older stories. (2. 3)

The Illuminati used Christianity to continue the old belief in gods but this time reduced to one. Since Christianity claims that humans are part of a creation invented by a superior god. This position is contrary to a much older belief which affirms that the material universe created the spirits that dwell in it. In addition, Christianity seeks to contradict the old idea which states that reality is created by the people themselves.

People are not a consequence of Creation, people who create reality with thought. Life in the material world is a product of the thinking of people. This is an affirmation that Christian philosophy has erased from human consciousness, especially in Western cultures. (24)

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Illuminati moved their operations centers to Holland during the Middle Ages. At this time, the Illuminati tried to keep humanity in ignorance and technologically backward. But humans as thinking beings, experienced and made new scientific discoveries.

For humans not discover his true identity, the Illuminati manipulated science and invented the theory of evolution. Among many things, they said that humans are the product of evolution from ape and are the only intelligent race on earth. Other scientists and historians investigating the past following the basis of this theory.

According to traditional science, humans are the result of a universe that operates strictly under the laws of physics. Always provide materials to explain the material world omitting spiritual matter and influence our thoughts on the subject answers.

Postures of traditional science of the origin of the universe and humanity are very similar to Christian positions on these issues. Both promote the idea that the material universe exists so alien to people. Christianity claims that are the result of God's creation and traditional science claims that are the result of evolution.

Everything to make people believe that the world works alone and that our thinking has no influence on what happens on our planet. The world in which we live is the result of our thoughts. The Illuminati seek to manipulate the conscience of humanity to forge with our thoughts a reality that benefits to them.

The cultures that emerged after Christianity, and Muslims are the only ones who ignored the alien influence on Earth's history. All ancient cultures that survive today hold the story based on beings from other planets who came to ours.

In the late Middle Ages, the Illuminati moved their operations centers to Spain.

At this time they allegedly discovered the New World themselves away in the past. Spain, the Illuminati moved to England. From the latter, moving part of its operations to the United States. The American nation was originally created in the image of the Illuminati by high-ranking Masons

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