
1 de mayo de 2017

FIVE SIGNS THAT WE ARE A GLOBAL CROSSING MASS AWAKENING ..- The real enemy is greed for money and power.

Luke Miller, April 12, 2017.

We are currently in the middle of a mass awakening that is happening at various levels across the globe. For sometimes we find it difficult to see what is happening because of the distractions of the media, advertising and manipulation. However, I have the chance to see the world from a different perspective for the work I do and I see a mass awakening a A local and global scale. There are many indicators of this awakening, five of which I describe below:


People are revolting. A small - scale rebellion, questioning government movements. This did not exist before, the level at which we seenow. Currently the cracks are starting to appear at all points of the regime, trying to keep us fighting among ourselves, but people want answers. Uprisings moderate type, with protests, petitions and strikes becoming very common throughout the world, with banners being built at Standing Rock, as an example for many people around the worldparticipate and express their solidarity. Largescale rebellion, with groups organizing revolutionary acts, also are joining in Iceland and Egypt these being just two examples of popular insurrection.

Worldwide we are fed up with the lies of governments. This is not a 100% smooth transition and unfortunately many activists and manufacturers are discussing changes between them. Nevertheless, something which I think most people can agree, is that we all want equal. We currently have a financial system that creates inequality and competition among the working classes, while the wealthiest members of society accumulate all the money; the simple recognition of this fact it is a step in the right direction. something which I think most people can agree, is that we all want equal. We currently have a financial system that creates inequality and competition among the working classes, while the wealthiest members of society accumulate all the money; the simple recognition of this fact it is a step in the right direction. something which I think most people can agree, is that we all want equal. We currently have a financial system that creates inequality and competition among the working classes, while the wealthiest members of society accumulate all the money; the simple recognition of this fact it is a step in the right direction.


The world as we know it is falling apart. Our forests are being devastated. The oceans are polluted. We still have slaves around the world, working so that we can consume more than we need. We voted again and again in corrupt politicians. We have been complacent about corruption and tax payments support. Everything is fine, because many times we do, because we know that we became complacent.
We however, and are not ignorant of these facts and if we choose to maintain power system, we are repressing our feelings about what is happening and the best hypothesis, choosing notdo our part for the changes manifest. This is our test, the mirror is showing us the negativity of relevant and powerful characters and all of them are teaching us what we have collectively and no longer need to leave to go on living this lie. Ignorance can be bliss, but denial is a slow torture.

Seeing the world as É L ES

With the above two points in mind, we begin to see things as they are. There are many groups of activists are denouncing the atrocities committed, as never happened before and is very easy to become involved in a movement, when you want.
Eco-villas are emerging around the world, local farmers markets and more people are turning to a life of communion of resources. This became evident with companies like Uber and Airbnb. These may not be in communities, but emerged as a result of a lawsuit by the communion of resources. We had a collective consumerist mentality for a long time and although this mentality is still very much alive, many are moving toward an understanding that we need not have so many things,


Discussions with a group of people, I was keeping abreast of the many people who are experiencing sync events and splits. This occurs when two or more situations or people gather in what modern society calls matching; for example, you are thinking of someone, the phone rings and the person calling. That is also evident in numerical codes, specific people appearing in a project to help or ideas and things, just magic, which happen at the right time now.

Synchronicity is not just a spiritual phenomenon; it can also be explained by science, through something called quantum interlaced. If you believe in the "Big Bang" as the beginning of the Earth, then you know that this theory is that we were just a tiny particle in a Dotty existence. Interlaced Quantum is the physical phenomenon in which particles are separated but remain connected at the microscopic level, meaning that if you alter a particle, the other will be affected, regardless of the distance to be.
Thus , the universe was a starting point a single particle, which was divided in many ways, created different forms of life and existence, but we all still remain the single particle. Some of us may be more intertwined than others; This may explain the occurrence of magical events of sync.
Some of the most popular articles I've written speak on this topic and it 's amazing to me the number of people who are experiencing these events simultaneously. If you are one of those people, do not worry; There are other very sensitive they are experiencing the same.
Related articles: Vibration and Synchrony, tuning into the flow of the universe and return to spiritual practice.
All modern science has its roots in alchemy, which is a form of philosophical, spiritual and physical art that aims to transmute substances for a purer form. All the progress we are doing now, They were born of that practice.
The image below also shows how the Mayan pyramids resemble a computer chip. Currently, we are using an ancient sacred spiritual knowledge in an incredible way.
Not only that, we are moving collectively to pursue spiritual practices like yoga and meditation. These ancient art forms are becoming commonplace and even practiced in schools and prisons to help maintain focus.
Some of these practices were definitely marketed and capitalized in some cases, losing the essence of the original practice. However, I think this was a necessary step to obtain information on a large scale process. It may not seem like much, when someone shares an inspiring meme on Facebook, but that word can often be enough to brighten someone's day and so we go, realizing that we are all the original particle, we all share that in common. And when someone feels pain on this planet, we all feel too; but not only that we all have the ability to heal that pain.
It's time to rebel, but when I say sublevar does not mean go out causing chaos. This type of rebellion is the strategy of division and conquest we initially placed in this confusion. You are rebelling doing the right things, even when nobody is looking. You are rebelling up and expressing their opinion when she witnesses an injustice. We rebel joining us in front of adversity and saying not continue letting a small group of people, who think they deserve to live at our expense, divide us. 
We're going together, this mass awakening. The real enemy is greed for money and power. We rebel sharing it! Share this article! With lots of love!

Copyright: © Luke Miller
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NOTE: To facilitate reading, some of the links they are driving the translation of Google. If someone wishes to view the original text just click on the "original" key.
Translation: Lúcia ( We rebel sharing it! Share this article! With lots of love! Copyright: © Luke Miller Source: https: // ... NOTE: To facilitate reading, some of the links they are driving the translation of Google. If someone wishes to view the original text just click on the "original" key. Source: Link: FIVE SINAIS that we ATRAVESSANDO EM UM AWAKENING GLOBAL MASSA. Luke Miller, April 12, 2017. Translation: Lúcia ( We rebel sharing it! Share this article! With lots of love! Copyright: © Luke Miller Source: https: // ... NOTE: To facilitate reading, some of the links they are driving the translation of Google. If someone wishes to view the original text just click on the "original" key. Source: Link: FIVE SINAIS that we ATRAVESSANDO EM UM AWAKENING GLOBAL MASSA. Luke Miller, April 12, 2017. Translation: Lúcia ( com / 2017/04/12/5-signs-going-global-mass-Awaken ... NOTE: To facilitate reading, some of the links are operating the Google translation. If someone wishes to view the original text just click on the "original" key. Source: Link: FIVE SINAIS that we ATRAVESSANDO EM UM AWAKENING GLOBAL MASSA. Luke Miller, April 12, 2017. Translation: Lúcia ( com / 2017/04/12/5-signs-going-global-mass-Awaken ... NOTE: To facilitate reading, some of the links are operating the Google translation. If someone wishes to view the original text just click on the "original" key. Source: Link: FIVE SINAIS that we ATRAVESSANDO EM UM AWAKENING GLOBAL MASSA. Luke Miller, April 12, 2017. Translation: Lúcia ( html Link: FIVE SINAIS that we ATRAVESSANDO EM UM AWAKENING GLOBAL MASSA. Luke Miller, April 12, 2017. Translation: Lúcia ( html Link: FIVE SINAIS that we ATRAVESSANDO EM UM AWAKENING GLOBAL MASSA. Luke Miller, April 12, 2017. Translation: Lúcia (

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