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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta international. Mostrar todas las entradas

7 de enero de 2018

Leaders Say Czechoslovakia's Peaceful Split Could Be Model

Leaders Say Czechoslovakia's Peaceful Split Could Be Model

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia — The prime ministers of Slovakia and the Czech Republic say the peaceful split of Czechoslovakia could be an example for other nations, including Spain as it struggles with the restive Catalonia region.
Robert Fico of Slovakia and Andrej Babis of the Czech Republic spoke at a joint news conference in the Slovak capital of Bratislava on Friday to mark the 25th anniversary of the 2003 breakup that shaped their two countries.
Babis says Czechoslovakia's dissolution could be "an example to follow for anyone in the world, in Europe." He cited "what has been happening in Spain, in Catalonia," as a possibility.
He said relations between the neighboring countries that once formed Czechoslovakia are "excellent." Fico echoed the sentiment.
Fico said: "It can be an example for many countries that are seeking independence today."

21 de noviembre de 2017

The end of the Merkel is close

Date:  November 20, 2017

* This excellent article begins with the internal matter of parties in Germany ... and continues with what comes with the fall of Merkel and the post would fall into the hands of Yordy the child poll @ forgiveness Emmanuel Macron, you have to deal with the impending collapse, ofcourse after Germany drain wealth to her,
* After the fall of Merkel the European Union would fall, but of course this replacement manipulates Macron-ble, all to further complicate the international scene ...


This is a headline I've been waiting to write for six years.  German Chancellor emérita  Angela Merkel can not join  a bad coalition . This is the result of an election in which  the populist Alternative for Germany (AFD) emerged  and the  Social Democrats, led by Soros puppet Martin Schultz , fell.
Now  the Free Democrats (FDP), led by Christian Lidner,  understand how strong position. They do not have to do a bad deal with Merkel to get a seat at the table just to share with the ideologically opposed Verdes .They can bind to vote again, see their increased standing by AFD and go for cake much larger chunk.
But ultimately, if the party of the CDU / CSU coalition Merkel will remain united, and there is no guarantee that, a Merkel will have to leave if he wants to survive as a voting bloc.
Moreover, the CSU, led by Governor Horst Seehofer the Bavarian could be separated from the CDU making impossible any coalition without a new vote.

The last position Merkel-ism

All I get this  Washington Post article is that the decision now rests with President Frank-Walter Steinmeyer. It sets out three scenarios, none of which includes the obvious, a new vote. But that is anathema to the deep state on both sides of the Atlantic, so it is ignored by the Post Office.
However, a new vote is probably what is on the table. Powerful in Europe to anticipate as long as possible and try to carry this through the Bundestag with the hope that Merkel can gain the ability to form a minority government. But frankly, I do not see why anyone would want that more than block any access to power by AFD.
With a minority government, the electoral bloc of nearly 100 seats placed in a very strong position to start closing deals with other parties, who publicly say they would never work with them.
Then the reality of a new vote is high.And that means profit for all Germans called conservative parties - CSU, FDP and AfD. The nightmare scenario for everyone is that AFD rise above 15% in any new vote.Excluding the 6.8% of the CSU, Merkel's CDU won only 26.8% of the vote in September.
Falure to put together a government will not improve the position of the CDU. While the FDP, CSU and AfD everyone can win to ensure that Merkelism is completely rejected.The Social Democrats have beheaded, first entering the grand coalition with Merkel after the last elections and now after executing Schultz as a stalking horse for obvious Merkel.
You can not emphasize enough that Schultz oppose a Merkel to lose, as McCain and Romney were here in the United States. His job was to channel the votes a Merkel from the Social Democrats.
But it does not work.
What happened was a total collapse of support Merkel, a shift to a mindset of Germany first. This is the opposite of those who are Merkel and Schultz. They are the first people in the EU. And although EU sentiment in Germany remains very favorable, it is not favorable at the expense of German securities, and frankly, German women.

Divisions run deep Immigration

Merkel radical adherence to the ideology of open borders Soros will cost the Chancellery.  Also throw the EU into complete confusion as their de facto leader is deposed by a German electorate that is no longer fully committed to commit cultural suicide as penance for the Holocaust.
This leaves the boy-toy francés Emmanuel Macron to lead the EU at a time when leadership is needed hard to navigate dementia looming in the banking system . I've been hurting the end of the EU as it currently includes a couple of years ago.
See the rise of populist movements in Europe has been slow but steady. Despite having Macron in France, the Front Nationale populist Marine Le Pen beat two of the main French parties. While we can still end up with the scenario "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss" both in France and in Germany, the populist wave in Europe has not yet reached its peak.
The end of Merkelismo is the natural result. It was always a political position end. A federated Europe under the terms of Germany was never going to be stable for more than the generation that sold it .
It was built on a base of division, rolling the wealth of the continent to the Germans at the expense of everyone else.  As I summarized in my article of October:
Until now, Germany has used southern Europe as a dumping ground, trading Italian and Portuguese sovereign debt to BMW.
But this scheme has reached its limit and is tearing apart the EU.  Germany does not want to stop this agreement or want to pay their "fair share" of the burden for resolution, namely debt relief for countries which considers the 'Club Med'.
Merkel German politicians have exploited this cynically for political purposes, but now we have reached the debt limit, she has been exposed as nothing but a spokesman for the US policy and its Deep State, not the German leader.

EU will not survive a Merkel

And that's where we 're headed in Europe. Merkel once gone, you can begin the real work of dismantling the current version of the European project. Macron is the plan B of elites, an easily influential naif that will promote all the crazy nonsense they want.
That means 
  1. An EU army to subdue the separatist states.
  2. New banking rules that ensure that depositors are annihilated in the next financial crisis.
  3. More legal and political pressure on states of Eastern Europe such as Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic wholeheartedly reject everything that represents Merkelismp.
  4. Political turmoil in Italy and Spain that will see the opening for more autonomy since the message from Brussels is less focused on saving banks in Germany contagion.
Merkel really held much of this together, but the election results make it impossible for her to continue doing so. His legacy will be a Europe fractured along tribal lines old, exactly the opposite objective of the EU.
Soros and the rest of a world elites will try to use this unleashes chaos to forge a new European identity, a stronger EU. But do not count on it. Theresa May is holding up better than expected in Brexit talks.  Trump administration is putting your feet under this internally and that means ending the career of John McCain as president through the Senate.
Once Trump has a real legislative majority and opposition within the Republican Party is castrated correctly, will help in the resistance against the remnants of Merkelismo.
This is the reason why  we need tocarefully watch the attacks deployed on the pillars supporting the Merkelismo . The output of the "Soros List" of the MEP under its control is significant . Abandoning the Clinton Democrats of all shapes and sizes so is . Loss of diplomatic confidence and, most importantly, respect for the United States from its allies in all matters relating to Syria, as I described yesterday, also influence this.
And once the new vote confirms the trend against Merkelismo in Germany, we will have clarity on what the next phase of this story 

3 de noviembre de 2017

Global emergency: Dollar fall today, financial collapse in sight

The US military power is weakening and the consequences of this process are quite remarkable. In a world full of conflicts caused by Washington, the economic and financial evolution of many countries is an expected and predictable development of the situation, says the daily VestiFinance. 

The important role of the dollar in the world economy is due to three main factors: the petrodollar, the dollar as a world reserve currency and Nixon's decision in 1971 not to convert the dollar into gold.


The greatest geoeconomic changes in the last fifty years occurred in 1973 after the conclusion of the agreement between OPEC, Saudi Arabia and the US on the sale of oil exclusively in dollars. Billions of dollars were transferred in US Treasury bonds and other financial resources. In return, Saudi Arabia and other OPEC countries received US military protection. 

The second factor, perhaps even more important for the world economy, according to the  average, is that the dollar became the world reserve currency. The role of the dollar, obviously associated with the petrodollar trade, has almost always had its dominant share of more than 40% of the basket of SDRs - special drawing rights -, while the euro has maintained a stable share of 29-37 % since 2001. To understand the current economic changes, it is enough to remember that the  yuan  is being used more and more in the global trade of SDRs with an initial quota of 10%. 

A few years ago, almost all countries used the US dollar to trade with each other, even though they were countries opposed to the US and their imperialist policies, since the payment method required the use of dollars, the paper recalls.

"This continued use of the dollar had a devastating impact on the planet, and the US got the opportunity to print sheets of paper without the support of the gold value, and then exchange them for real goods," he adds. 

According to the media, the destabilizing factor for the world economy is Washington's ability to accumulate huge public debts without worrying about the consequences for international markets. 

"The United States created the conditions for a new financial bubble that could ruin the entire global economy when it explodes," the paper warns. 

Dollars and war: the end of the era? 

The decisive factor, which has changed the focus of countries such as China and  Russia, was the financial crisis of 2008, as well as the increase of the US aggression in Yugoslavia in 1999, says the media. The Iraq war, along with other factors, prevented Saddam Hussein from starting to market the oil in euros, which threatened the financial hegemony of the dollar in the Middle East. 

A few decades ago, any idea of ​​moving away from petrodollars was perceived as a direct threat to the US world hegemony that required a military response. In 2017, given the decline in confidence in the United States as a result of multiple failed attempts to subjugate, undermine and control other small countries, the general decline of the dollar system began, the author points out.

In recent years, many countries, which oppose Washington, have realized that the only way to adequately restrict the consequences of the fall of the US empire is to gradually abandon the dollar. This serves to limit Washington's capabilities for military spending by creating alternative tools in the economic and financial spheres that would help end Washington's domination. What is also important for the Russian-Chinese-Iranian strategy of uniting Eurasia and, therefore, reducing the US role.

"The US shot up in the foot to accelerate this process with the exclusion of Iran from the SWIFT system and open the way for the Chinese alternative CIPS, as well as by applying sanctions against Russia, Iran and Venezuela, which also boosted the extraction and acquisition of gold on the part of China and Russia ", analyzes the medium. 


Beijing began to exert strong pressure on Riyadh in order to force it to accept payments for oil in yuan instead of dollars. Saudi Arabia  is in a difficult situation associated with the maintenance of the US dollar linked to oil, although its main ally, the United States, has implemented a controversial strategy in the Middle East. 

China became Saudi Arabia's biggest customer, and given the agreements with Nigeria and Russia, Beijing can quietly stop buying Riyadh oil if it continues to insist on payments exclusively in dollars. This would severely damage the petrodollar, a vicious system, harmful to China and Russia, the paper said.

"De-dollarization has become a strategic priority for Beijing, Moscow and Tehran, and eliminating the unlimited influence of the Fed and the US economy means limiting the expansion of the US imperialists and reducing global destabilization," the article stresses. 

More and more countries are beginning to see the advantages of a decentralized system, in contrast to the US dollar system. 

Iran and India, as well as Iran and Russia, often sell hydrocarbons in exchange for raw material products, thus avoiding US sanctions. 

In addition, China's economic strength allowed it to allocate a 10 billion euro loan to Iran, which allowed it to dodge the recent sanctions, the paper recalls.

Venezuela, which has the largest oil reserves in the world, has just started a historic movement towards a   total refusal to sell oil in dollars. 

Beijing plans to buy gas and oil from Russia by paying with yuan, and Moscow will immediately convert the yuan into gold on Shanghai's international energy exchange. 

"This 'gas-yuan-gold' mechanism represents revolutionary economic changes due to the gradual abandonment of the dollar in trade," the article concludes.

28 de septiembre de 2017

Portugal declares Water Management of Public Ownership ...... as it should be !!

Image results Water Management of Public Ownership.

Legislation day.  Portugal. waters

Law No. 44/2017 of 19 June, which alters the Water Law
Author : Amparo Sereno. Professor of Environmental Law at the Autonomous University of Lisbon (UAL, Portugal)
Source:  "Diary of the Republic" (DR) 1st Series - # 116 - June 19, 2017, which alters the Water Law
Key issues:  water; water resources; catering; sanitation
Summary:  Through this Act the fifth alteration of the Water Law, Law No. 58/2005, of 29 December is performed. 
It had already been modified by the following "Decree-Leis" (DL): DL 245/2009, of 22 September, No. 60/2012 DL, of 14 March, No. 130/2012 and DL of 22 of June. Furthermore last year the Water Act was changed by Act 42/2016 No. of 28 December.
Specifically, the alteration made is the addition of a new principle nine already contained in Article 3 # 1 of Law No. 58/2005, dated 29 December, with the aforementioned modification happens to have ten principles . 
The new was added to the line b)  of No. 1 of that article and is called the  "principle of public water management".
The same  will be applied imperatively all "INTERMUNICIPAL systems"  (systems of public water supply and wastewater sanitation operating in two or more municipalities). 
This alteration apparently tiny in the text of the law, will have a huge impact on all entities managing water supply and sanitation  because these activities can not be carried out by private entities, at least exclusively. 
That is, based on this principle and always concerned supply and public sanitation,  only a public entity may hold its management.
Effective date:  June 24, 2017.
Affected standards:  it was Law No. 58/2005 altered of 29 December.
Attached document: pdf_e

26 de septiembre de 2017


They are spending a lot of things, many of them so fast that give us reason before the end of the day. 

Yesterday, a deranged course prowling the White House in USA to kill ... I think that in this case rather the security of the president, do not think that the goal had been himself president but give proper notice by death security or public or private, carrying several knives and 9 firearms, no coincidence the number of these. Meanwhile, in Spain, a deranged killed with a knife to his ex - girlfriend one hour after it denounced him for harassment .... could not be otherwise .... many things are happening in Murcia at the same time, I would like write a post for another day .... this only something moving hard there !.

The main question I wanted to write is to prepare us for what is coming in terms of this issue of judges, police and justice throughout the world, as this is something global and also here in Spain.

Which incidentally today 26 = 8 (Justice) today Rajoy meets with Trump ... and he will say the same thing .... Obama will be your faithful dog .... if you do free me and not apoyais the Catalan secession and ears strips Netanyahu on this issue !. And how Trump will support secession if that would support the separation of California, Texas and other states who want to go their own Republic? ... impossible to touch that subject! .... just let you go when you mean more problems and solutions .... certainly soon be ruined California, Florida, it is now Puerto Rico and soon the New Orleans area and the banks of the Mississippi! ... will soon have many problems United States and its republic not know to attend first ... everything will urge and help will not come quickly .... all these things I speak in another post.

Attempt to return to the subject again, the thing is what I want to prevent has already passed some facts and evidence ... and this gives me the pattern to say next. Some policemen, inspectors, judges, etc ... will be a danger to themselves and society. Recently, in France, a policeman killed his own children and ex-wife for some family problem, in Barcelona arrested an inspector who threatened a drunken customers a bakery and was arrested ... ultimately the police with weapons and are not balanced or with a disorder would do well to give the floor a season and take away the weapon because they will be a danger to themselves and those around him. No doubt, so we're seeing, they want to be a police issue in the last quarter and next year, super important for both the confrontation, resolution of political problems, etc. police power struggles, the police themselves within different bodies, will spend a crisis of identity, values ​​and rethinking may suffer some nervous crisis, casualties and doubts ... in Spain are politically using all sides for its purposes !.

On the issue of justice as I said already ordered mass arrests, all the elites in an attempt to confuse have arrested other them first to hide their corruption before detain them, generate a lot noise also hide their own crimes. Justice has been manipulated and now judges both one side or the other will have to position themselves and take sides so that there is true justice and renewal thereof because besides going out many cases of their own corruptions, manipulations and rags and dirty business, as their own pacts .... the judges organization for democracy have to really speak out and bring order to all this with the support of the people and bring the corrupt institutions with the force of law and the power will be there for those who want to make good use obviously if the light side do not take initiatives dark take the reins of justice to his voluntada ... but even so the force of light will be pushed one way or another to take his power and bring true justice and order .... are you waiting for? strength to take it all the more forceful and clear .... Justice is underway already been decreed by heaven .... if cowards do not take their power and others will be taken justice into their own hands .. ..that I mean by this .... we have seen in Mexico and we will see even more next year ....

One thing that struck me that said a sensitive is to be by the media, unintentionally, confessions (murders, deaths, corruption and all kinds of crimes) live and live that will leave the astonished people !. Some clues as we have been seeing these last six months of the year, where some people in different places have gone to the police and confessed their crimes have repetentinamente .... especially attention confession of cannibalism which was hidden by the media and until recently elites believe these confessions may be increasing !. China said hospitals operating for elites leaving pregnant women to then use those embryos for cosmetics will be discovered and will be a worldwide scandal !.

28 de agosto de 2017

The New Holocaust

Paul Craig Roberts Translations
The New Holocaust
August 28, 2017 

Unworthy Victims: Western Wars Have Killed Four Million Muslims Since 1990

By Nafeez Ahmed

April 08, 2015 "ICH" - "MEE" - Last month, the Washington DC-based Physicians for Social Responsibility (PRS) released a landmark studyconcluding that the death toll from 10 years of the “War on Terror” since the 9/11 attacks is at least 1.3 million, and could be as high as 2 million.
The 97-page report by the Nobel Peace Prize-winning doctors’ group is the first to tally up the total number of civilian casualties from US-led counter-terrorism interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The PSR report is authored by an interdisciplinary team of leading public health experts, including Dr. Robert Gould, director of health professional outreach and education at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center, and Professor Tim Takaro of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University.
Yet it has been almost completely blacked out by the English-language media, despite being the first effort by a world-leading public health organisation to produce a scientifically robust calculation of the number of people killed by the US-UK-led “war on terror”.
Mind the gaps
The PSR report is described by Dr Hans von Sponeck, former UN assistant secretary-general, as “a significant contribution to narrowing the gap between reliable estimates of victims of war, especially civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and tendentious, manipulated or even fraudulent accounts”.
The report conducts a critical review of previous death toll estimates of “war on terror” casualties. It is heavily critical of the figure most widely cited by mainstream media as authoritative, namely, the Iraq Body Count (IBC) estimate of 110,000 dead. That figure is derived from collating media reports of civilian killings, but the PSR report identifies serious gaps and methodological problems in this approach.
For instance, although 40,000 corpses had been buried in Najaf since the launch of the war, IBC recorded only 1,354 deaths in Najaf for the same period. That example shows how wide the gap is between IBC’s Najaf figure and the actual death toll – in this case, by a factor of over 30.
Such gaps are replete throughout IBC’s database. In another instance, IBC recorded just three airstrikes in a period in 2005, when the number of air attacks had in fact increased from 25 to 120 that year. Again, the gap here is by a factor of 40.
According to the PSR study, the much-disputed Lancet study that estimated 655,000 Iraq deaths up to 2006 (and over a million until today by extrapolation) was likely to be far more accurate than IBC’s figures. In fact, the report confirms a virtual consensus among epidemiologists on the reliability of the Lancet study.
Despite some legitimate criticisms, the statistical methodology it applied is the universally recognised standard to determine deaths from conflict zones, used by international agencies and governments.
Politicised denial
PSR also reviewed the methodology and design of other studies showing a lower death toll, such as a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine, which had a range of serious limitations.
That paper ignored the areas subject to the heaviest violence, namely Baghdad, Anbar and Nineveh, relying on flawed IBC data to extrapolate for those regions. It also imposed “politically-motivated restrictions” on collection and analysis of the data - interviews were conducted by the Iraqi Ministry of Health, which was “totally dependent on the occupying power” and had refused to release data on Iraqi registered deaths under US pressure.
In particular, PSR assessed the claims of Michael Spaget, John Sloboda and others who questioned the Lancet study data collection methods as potentially fraudulent. All such claims, PSR found, were spurious.
The few “justified criticisms,” PSR concludes, “do not call into question the results of the Lancet studies as a whole. These figures still represent the best estimates that are currently available”. The Lancet findings are also corroborated by the data from a new study in PLOS Medicine, finding 500,000 Iraqi deaths from the war. Overall, PSR concludes that the most likely number for the civilian death toll in Iraq since 2003 to date is about 1 million.
To this, the PSR study adds at least 220,000 in Afghanistan and 80,000 in Pakistan, killed as the direct or indirect consequence of US-led war: a “conservative” total of 1.3 million. The real figure could easily be “in excess of 2 million”.
Yet even the PSR study suffers from limitations. Firstly, the post-9/11 “war on terror” was not new, but merely extended previous interventionist policies in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Secondly, the huge paucity of data on Afghanistan meant the PSR study probably underestimated the Afghan death toll.
The war on Iraq did not begin in 2003, but in 1991 with the first Gulf War, which was followed by the UN sanctions regime.
An early PSR study by Beth Daponte, then a US government Census Bureau demographer, found that Iraq deaths caused by the direct and indirect impact of the first Gulf War amounted to around 200,000 Iraqis, mostly civilians. Meanwhile, her internal government study was suppressed.
After US-led forces pulled out, the war on Iraq continued in economic form through the US-UK imposed UN sanctions regime, on the pretext of denying Saddam Hussein the materials necessary to make weapons of mass destruction. Items banned from Iraq under this rationale included a vast number of items needed for everyday life.
Undisputed UN figures show that 1.7 million Iraqi civilians died due to the West’s brutal sanctions regime, half of whom were children.
The mass death was seemingly intended. Among items banned by the UN sanctions were chemicals and equipment essential for Iraq’s national water treatment system. A secret US Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) document discovered by Professor Thomas Nagy of the School of Business at George Washington University amounted, he said, to “an early blueprint for genocide against the people of Iraq”.
In his paper for the Association of Genocide Scholars at the University of Manitoba, Professor Nagi explained that the DIA document revealed “minute details of a fully workable method to ‘fully degrade the water treatment system’ of an entire nation” over a period of a decade. The sanctions policy would create “the conditions for widespread disease, including full scale epidemics,” thus “liquidating a significant portion of the population of Iraq”.
This means that in Iraq alone, the US-led war from 1991 to 2003 killed 1.9 million Iraqis; then from 2003 onwards around 1 million: totalling just under 3 million Iraqis dead over two decades.
In Afghanistan, PSR’s estimate of overall casualties could also be very conservative. Six months after the 2001 bombing campaign, The Guardian’s Jonathan Steele revealed that anywhere between 1,300 and 8,000 Afghans were killed directly, and as many as a further 50,000 people died avoidably as an indirect result of the war.
In his book, Body Count: Global Avoidable Mortality Since 1950 (2007), Professor Gideon Polya applied the same methodology used by The Guardian to UN Population Division annual mortality data to calculate plausible figures for excess deaths. A retired biochemist at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Polya concludes that total avoidable Afghan deaths since 2001 under ongoing war and occupation-imposed deprivation amount to around 3 million people, about 900,000 of whom are infants under five.
Although Professor Polya’s findings are not published in an academic journal, his 2007 Body Count study has been recommended by California State University sociologist Professor Jacqueline Carrigan as “a data-rich profile of the global mortality situation” in a review published by the Routledge journal, Socialism and Democracy.
As with Iraq, US intervention in Afghanistan began long before 9/11 in the form of covert military, logistical and financial aid to the Taliban from around 1992 onwards. This US assistance propelled the Taliban’s violent conquest of nearly 90 percent of Afghan territory.
In a 2001 National Academy of Sciences report, Forced Migration and Mortality, leading epidemiologist Steven Hansch, a director of Relief International, noted that total excess mortality in Afghanistan due to the indirect impacts of war through the 1990s could be anywhere between 200,000 and 2 million. The Soviet Union, of course, also bore responsibility for its role in devastating civilian infrastructure, thus paving the way for these deaths.
Altogether, this suggests that the total Afghan death toll due to the direct and indirect impacts of US-led intervention since the early nineties until now could be as high 3-5 million.
According to the figures explored here, total deaths from Western interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan since the 1990s - from direct killings and the longer-term impact of war-imposed deprivation - likely constitute around 4 million (2 million in Iraq from 1991-2003, plus 2 million from the “war on terror”), and could be as high as 6-8 million people when accounting for higher avoidable death estimates in Afghanistan.
Such figures could well be too high, but will never know for sure. US and UK armed forces, as a matter of policy, refuse to keep track of the civilian death toll of military operations - they are an irrelevant inconvenience.
Due to the severe lack of data in Iraq, almost complete non-existence of records in Afghanistan, and the indifference of Western governments to civilian deaths, it is literally impossible to determine the true extent of loss of life.
In the absence of even the possibility of corroboration, these figures provide plausible estimates based on applying standard statistical methodology to the best, if scarce, evidence available. They give an indication of the scale of the destruction, if not the precise detail.
Much of this death has been justified in the context of fighting tyranny and terrorism. Yet thanks to the silence of the wider media, most people have no idea of the true scale of protracted terror wrought in their name by US and UK tyranny in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Nafeez Ahmed PhD is an investigative journalist, international security scholar and bestselling author who tracks what he calls the 'crisis of civilization.' He is a winner of the Project Censored Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism for his Guardian reporting on the intersection of global ecological, energy and economic crises with regional geopolitics and conflicts. He has also written for The Independent, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Scotsman, Foreign Policy, The Atlantic, Quartz, Prospect, New Statesman, Le Monde diplomatique, New Internationalist. His work on the root causes and covert operations linked to international terrorism officially contributed to the 9/11 Commission and the 7/7 Coroner’s Inquest.
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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...