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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta philosophy. Mostrar todas las entradas

1 de mayo de 2019


 We are Dancing Between.

Source: Aluna Joy
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A new foundation has now been completed on Earth. Humanity has crossed a huge milestone, and now you can begin to create from a new perspective. This will take seeing with new eyes, hear with new ears, and feel with a newly, further-opened heart center. Once you are able to pull the blinders back on the old world, you will find a window to a new reality that will be deeply familiar. This is because this reality has always been here for you. It is also from where you came from. It will feel oddly familiar, comfortable and natural. But you also might feel like the child who just stole the cookie from the cookie jar. This has been an energy, a level of creation / consciousness, that we have been programmed to be ashamed of, or to fear, or even to feel that it is bad or evil. It will be up to you to break the shame, blame, fear program within each human being to reach this new plateau of reality. It will be up to you to consciously open and expand into love in each moment. Pace yourself. This is not a sprint. It will feel like a marathon, but in hind site, it will only feel like a brief moment.
By mid to late April, these new frequencies will peal open the blinders on your very soul, so you can gain assess to this new foundation to build upon. This is pure, creation energy, and it is the 20 core powers Mayan Elders call upon to open portals to pure God light. As this window is revealed to you, there will also be an overwhelming shift through your nervous/electrical/magnetic systems. Be careful to stay clear of stress and drama. Do not over-react to the dismantling of the old world. Just breathe. Step back and think from your heart before you react. This process will be assisted by magnetic and solar activity and world events that will shake up the collective consciousness in the coming months. This will also alter our Earth’s core as it is mostly iron which holds ancient memory. Your life may be challenged in many ways like your material world is short circuiting, or you having to deal with some physical health issues, both of which may have been holding you back.
If you are in a body and alive on this Earth, you will be participating in this process. Some people will struggle to hold on to the old ways, and some will let go easily; but most people will be surfing the middle of these extremes. There is no right or wrong way to enter into this new phase of our evolution. Even if it does not look like it, there is a cosmic balancing act being maintained. There will be many waves coming that will crest during this process. Some people will hold back for the next wave, and others will sail forward. There is a collective, divine balancing being held and orchestrated by higher realms and humanity simultaneously. All sentient life has the opportunity to evolve into this new timeline. All sentient life will engage and act out their part at the right time. It is not a time to judge anyone for their life choices or perspectives.
Since December 21, 2012, Earth and humanity has been in the process of Awakening the DOVE. We have entered another huge portal on equinox (March 20th, 2019). We call these energy zipper points. Once the zipper clicks into another higher level, there is no going back. You are now deep and fully in the process of pulling the blinders off. It is time. You are ready. Awakening the DOVE is when all sentient life comes into total alignment with pure creation energies. This could be viewed as pure love, total awareness, awakened consciousness or the kundalini rising. This will manifest as seeing and creating without any fragment of self doubt or denial. This is already being played out on the world stage. This is a realignment of Earth, and all life on it, with our entire solar system. This is a monumental change within you and a total rebooting of your old DNA memory and programming. You will dance between linear and spherical time for some time simultaneously. Yes, it will feel weird and a bit out of control. (More coming soon on bending timelines.)
Do your best to stay in a state of love, self acceptance, patience and empathy and compassion for all of humanity. Do not judge anyone’s process or belief system. Each one is doing their part even if it is very different than your path.
This is the beginning of ending separation. First you must become painfully aware of your differences, and also the difference between true reality and what you wish things to be. Most of your expectations were built on past vibrations which have evolved radically. In time, you will come into full acceptance, and move into loving all your differences. The last stage, and your ultimate goal, is to assimilate and not see the differences at all.
Allow yourself to adjust to the changes, and keep asking new, deeper questions to why each moment is manifesting the way it is. Turn around and look at what is happening in your life from another direction. Most of linear time based actions, that are still necessary to keep physical equilibrium, are becoming harder and more disjointed to manifest. You might feel ungrounded or confused when you begin to work from spherical realities. You are already seeing this play out in your lives and world. You will vacillate between these two realities for some time.
There is no big event date. Do not get caught up in following a solid linear time prediction. These predictions are created from an old reality that is not functioning properly anymore. I am sure you have noticed this already. These dates might make you feel like there is hope, or that there will be an end time where it all shifts and you are saved. But you are now a savior, and hope and faith is not truth. You are moving into pure knowingness, pure creation consciousness. You will work and create from this knowingness more and more as time moves forward. If you watch a linear date, you will miss learning about the spherical reality that is emerging in front of you right now.
If you try to control this process, you will be disappointed. You are learning how to live in spherical time with your feet still planted in flat linear time. It is a challenging and confusing time. Simply stand back, and be a witness to this shift. Watch everything and every clue to the new world emerging, as you will be the record keepers for this transformation for future shifts in the distant future. Once we arrive completely on the other side, the laboriously long time it took to get here will look like a blink of an eye. You, that read this message, are the new record keepers and new way-showers. It is time to claim your future heritage and never look back. Know that each step that you take forward will also build a new path for the future.
From Great Spirit, the Star Elders, through Aluna Joy

26 de abril de 2019


When we learn to recognize our suffering all you will change
 One of our mistakes is to believe that luck is only possible in the future. We think, "Nothing, so far there are not enough things that make me happy !. I still need some things to be." This is how we sacrifice the present to the future.However, if indeed we were present at the present time, we would realize that we have enough reasons to be happy Sit a while and write down on paper all those requirements you need to be happy and fulfilled in your life. You will be surprised that you need five or six sheets of paper. 

Contemplating the ephemeral nature of existence will help us to love more. 

When we have problems with our spouse, our children or our parents, we begin to discuss. Buddha tells us. "Dear dear friend friend close your eyes for a moment 
? Imagine where you will be within three hundred years what will be left of your environment within three hundred years what will be left of yourself ?. It is not wise to discuss and be suffering one another. Everything will change, it will change. Do not be so hard, life is short. " When we return to open my eyes, no longer we want to keep arguing. What you want is toembrace fondly oars others.

 Instead of worrying, smiles smile at life .

When you're lying in bed and can not sleep, stay just lying there, enjoying the air intake and exhalation.Smile, smile to life, smiles at the present moment. It is a wonderful moment not worry, even if you can not sleep enough. The simple fact of being there lying, enjoying the present moment and enjoying aspiration and exhalation air on a warm bed, it is very important if the body and mind are in such a state, you sleep naturally, much more easily when round and round and start to think and worry.

 If we allow our body to relax, our self - healing forces will be deployed by themselves completely .

Many of our physical pains and our tensions stem from the fact of having forgotten how to calm down 
Often not even on holiday got really relax. On the contrary it is creating increasing tension and hence real diseases arise. Instead of taking medicines often it makes more sense to allow our body to relax and calm down This is how our self - healing powers can be developed.

 You can not love without understanding

If you do not really understand your partner, it is impossible to truly love her; but there is understanding you can not take care of loved ones. You should take enough time to contemplate deeply the suffering and aspirations of your partner in order to develop your understanding time. If you have the feeling that you have not fully understood the problems of your partner talk to him about it and ask, "Honey, you think I have understood you correctly?" Develop understanding means the same as to develop love. 

Just listening patiently and compassionate communication can be dismantled misperceptions that are the root of all conflicts and violence .

Peace will only be realized when world leaders are able to perceive the sufferings and difficulties of their opponents. We too must be willing to really listen in conflicts.

Posted by Everth THENANSHED, 1st Officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, the author receives credit and the URL is included in https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com and copyright notice

10 de abril de 2019

The Importance of Our Last Thought

A study of the principles of living is philosophy. When consciousness is able to set itself in harmony with these principles, it becomes a philosophical life. While man is accustomed to regard religion and its practice as a holy act of the spirit or a concentrated effort of the mind which is in no way related to the practical life of the world, the truth of the matter seems far from this popular belief. Man is not a child of God for a few days alone, or only for a few hours of the day. His participation in the nature of reality is not a work that he performs like an employee in a corporation, but it is an affirmation of what is his essential status and very being. The intrinsic significance of the person does not change with vocations or the calls of social engagement.

The Theory of Karma

How does it happen that the human individual, nevertheless, looks only a partial abstraction from reality? The answer to some extent can be had if the doctrine of karma is analysed carefully. The conclusion of the systems of thought in India, except the Charvaka, or the thoroughgoing materialist, is that human individuality is a form assumed by the effects of karmas done in the past. The personality is itself a bundle of these forces. Karma is a concentrated point of the force of desire-impulsions grouping themselves into a body or an organism. There is a parallel to this thought in the philosophy of Leibnitz, who regarded every individual as a monad, i.e., a centre of force, and not a hard substance closed within itself.
Karma is a term whose meaning has been much misunderstood, and it has been associated with every event or occurrence. The dictionary meaning of it would be ‘action’, or ‘that which is done’, or ‘what one does’. But, this is not a sufficient coverage of the definition. Karma amounts to an interference with the harmony of Nature, somewhat like one’s coming in contact with a high voltage electrical field. The moment one touches it, it gives one a kick, and a jolt follows. Self-contained energies do not brook interference, for the field maintains an equilibrium, a balance of its own.
The universe may be compared to an ocean of force. When individuals are considered as points of force, it would follow that the whole of creation also has to be a mass of this force, a large sea of energy. It is constituted in the nature of an organism so that it successfully struggles to maintain its identity. Physiologists and biologists say that even when one feels a little prick from a thorn in the sole of one’s foot, there is an entire disturbance of the whole organism. The forces of the body are at war with this occurrence. There is an effort of the cumulative organism to throw out the enemy that has entered the system. Any interference with the system is not tolerated. The human body is a miniature cosmos. A study of the human system can suggest ways leading to the knowledge of what the universe is made of, and conversely, if the universe is known, one also knows one’s self. Man is a microcosm, while the universe is the macrocosm. This balance, which is the universe, is a perfect equilibrium of being.
What is called action, karma, activity, movement, doing, is a kind of interference with this balance, which is the reason why it sets up a reaction, comparable to the reaction caused by one’s own body when a thorn pricks the foot. The thorn coming in contact with the foot is the extraneous action, the activity, or anything that one does or anything that anyone does anywhere. The reaction of the organism to this event is the karma, the nemesis of retribution. The nature of the reaction, its quantity as well as quality, will depend upon the nature and intensity of the interference – even as when an enemy attacks a country, the reaction will depend upon the extent of the invasion. Thus, karma has a cosmic connotation, and it is not merely a little bit of sweeping or washing that one does in daily life. It is a metaphysical reality and not merely a movement of bodily limbs, with which karma, or activity, is generally identified, perfunctorily.
The so-called individuality is known to be ultimately a myth in the light of the structure of the universe which is a self-sufficient whole. Inasmuch as the universe is a completeness, it includes within its existence everything that is substantial in the individual. If anything exists as a reality in the individual, it has to be a part of the universe. There cannot be an individuality outside the universe. The universe is the name given to the totality of being and, therefore, it should include within its comprehension, everything that anything can be, including all humanity and all things.
The assertion of the individuality of a person, or even the notion of the presence of something isolated, is repugnant to the constitution of the universe. There cannot be something redundant hanging on in the human body. Such a thing is resented. We call this foreign matter. A thing that does not actually belong to the body is foreign to it; it is a toxin that has to be rejected, and cannot be tolerated even for a second. Likewise, egoistic individuality stands in the position of an irreconcilable element to the universe; it is foreign matter, and the powers do not tolerate its presence. The ego is an anathema to the cosmos. It is almost like a citizen in the country asserting total independence and defying all laws of the government, as if he does not belong to the nation at all. He becomes a toxin to the administration and he has to be expelled, because he has not become a part of the organism which is the governmental structure. He is not a citizen, and he cannot be tolerated. A moment’s existence of his is a pain to the organism. So does this organism of the administration of the universe not tolerate the presence of such a thing as individuality, which is a myth before it. It is a hobgoblin, and it cannot be there. But this goblin of the individual struggles to maintain its character of an apparition, and interferes with the healthy assertion of the universe.
From this study it would appear that even personal action is a myth; it cannot exist on its own right. If the individual, finally, is a chimera, action also goes with it. It looks that man is in a world of illusions. Do we live in a real world? Man is not permitted to affirm himself in the way he is doing every day, for it is contrary to the law of things. His existence as an isolated individual is against the operating law. Thus it is that nature kicks him back, and this repercussion is the law of karma operating inexorably, and one has to pay for it, indeed, through one’s nose.
The situation would reveal that the individual is an abstraction from the whole, in a very special sense. Some of the features of reality are taken into consideration at the time of the formation of individuality, and every other aspect is ignored, just as, when one has an attraction for an object, one sees in its presence only those forms which are conducive to one’s relationship with it, and every other characteristic of it is rejected. Anything that belongs to oneself is beautiful, and what one hates is ugly, because those contours which are suitable to the particular mood, or the mode of the mind accepted at that particular moment, are imposed upon the object under the pressure of a psychological exigency. Karma is this reaction of the universe to pay back to any kind of interference with its harmony – which is, thus, a cosmic occurrence and not just an individual affair. From this point of view, the individual would have to be defined as an effect that has been projected by the character of a reaction from reality. The individual can exist only so long as the momentum of his reaction persists (prarabdha-karma). When the reaction ceases, when the pressure of it is lifted, individuality evaporates, and it attains liberation from the bondage of isolation.
This little bit of an abstraction of force that is extracted from the total of the universe for the formation of the individuality, is called prarabdha-karma. And one can exist as a bodily individual so long as this selective operation continues; and when it is over, one is also no more. What is called physical death is the cessation of the momentum of a given form of the force which created this physical individuality, and then the form ceases, its purpose being fulfilled. But, since its other forms do not always get worked out in one life, there can be rebirth into a newly conceived form. The chain can be an endless one if karma accumulates repeatedly due to freshly formed desires in the subsequent incarnation. If this does not happen due to the rise of knowledge, salvation is attained in eternal life.

The Last Thought is Said to Determine the Future

It has been said that man’s future life depends on the path he follows in the course of his present life, and it is also held that the last thought determines the trans-empirical future of the individual. No one can say exactly when this last thought would occur, as no one knows the time when the last moment will come. It is so because the future is severed by the present attachment to the local body and its relations. There would, then, be no point in postponing the spiritual ideal of the meditation of consciousness to a future moment, the point of dying, since the future is unknown. The undecided future would be enough caution instilled into our minds to be prepared for the last moment, as if it is every moment of the day. For a sensible person, every moment is the last moment. It is only the foolhardy go-lucky that can entertain the notion that the last moment is going to be a future occurrence after several years. If it is true that the last thought will decide what man shall be in the future, he should be careful enough to see what would be the nature of the last thought.
This is, however, one aspect of the matter. The other side of it is that the last thought is not one isolated link in a chain of different kinds of thoughts. The last thought is not a single thought. The object of meditation, as already seen, is not one among the many objects. It is a supreme object which includes the concepts of every other object in the world. Similarly, the last thought is not one among the many thoughts. It is the wholeness which the mind assumes by including within itself all the earlier processes through which it has passed in the sojourn of life. As when a man grows up into a mature adult, he has included in this maturity of his personality all the earlier stages and the mature adult condition is not merely one stage among the many earlier ones – it is all the stages – so is the last thought of all the thoughts. The conduct of man, the way in which he has lived through his life here, will decide the nature of the last thought. As the fruit of a tree is the culminating maturity of the growth of the tree, one’s last thought can be said to be the fruit that has ripened through the maturity of the tree of one’s life.

The Last Moment is like Standing Before the Supreme Judge

At the time of passing, the last moment, man gets gathered up into a total force, even without his knowing what is happening to him. When one is drowning in the waters and there seems to be no hope of survival, when one has lost everything in this world and life itself is at stake, when one is at the moment of leaving the world, one gets gathered up into a concentrated jet of indivisible focussing of motion. This gathering up of whatever man has been, at the time he leaves this world, would look like his preparation to present himself before the Supreme Judge of creation. One stands alone at that moment, and one stands alone in a literal sense, stripped of every association – a condition which may be frightening even to imagine. One gets disillusioned at that moment, and one would not know what to think. Many times one becomes unconscious at the time of passing, but it is not always the case. The last thought is that idea which preponderates at the last conscious moment before entering into a state of oblivion. The fear of the severance of all relationship at this moment strikes like a thunderbolt, which is the reason why one becomes unconscious mostly. The snapping of the links of relation is stupefying, for it was the only sustenance of the individual in its life of attachment and revelry.

One Should be Always Prepared for the Last Moment

Anyone could imagine from this circumstance that man mostly leads an unnatural life throughout his social career. The present state of earthly consciousness may safely be regarded as a passing phenomenon, an appearance. The truth comes out when one is about to leave this world. It is sometimes easy to live in a fool’s paradise, but that everyone has been living such a life will be shown when one is compelled to stand alone before the aloneness of reality. To live in this world is really a terrible thing. It is not always milk and honey, and it is not such a joy and a satisfaction as the unwise may think. Instead of forcibly getting huddled up into this corner of an unpleasant isolation where one is deprived of every help from outside, anyone endowed with a little discrimination of this true predicament here would do well to prepare oneself for this ordeal, the time of the great trial that one has to face, one day or the other. This preparation of the individual for standing on his own legs one day, to root himself in his own private status without being arrested by a court’s order but honourably by education and knowledge, is one of the requirements for a peaceful ascent to higher realms.
Sleep, death, and coma have some resemblance among themselves. In death man is drawn into himself wholly, though not voluntarily. In sleep also this happens for another reason. In coma the same circumstance supervenes under different causes. They differ from one another in other respects, though there is a feature of similarity in them in the sense that the individual gets withdrawn into himself in these states. In a sense, deep meditation is a state of conscious death, or a conscious sleep, and a conscious dissociation of oneself from every relationship with externals. But no one would be happy to be forced into this circumstance. It would be an honour on one’s part to enter into this state deliberately by a consciously operated will and aspiration. In the meditations of yoga, one enters into this state of conscious aloneness which is in consonance with the nature of reality.
It has been noticed that it is doubtful if man is living a natural life today. Inasmuch as he is going to be thrown to the winds, blown off from his feet one day with no connection with anything, one should conclude that the realities man regards as worth-the-while in his present ways of living are only semblances. The Bhagavadgita admonishes one to be perpetually in a state of yoga. While an establishment of oneself in yoga at the last moment will bestow the fruit of Yoga, one cannot always know when the last moment will come. Further, the last moment is not one moment among many others; it is the fruit of what man has done, felt, thought, experienced, or passed through during the course of his entire life. The last thought is the quintessence, the juice, the honey, as it were, squeezed out of what one has lived through in life. Hence, a continual establishment of oneself in yoga is advised. Else, one would be taken by surprise. It is known that wars do not take place always; but everyone is ready for it any moment. One does not start manufacturing weapons when the enemy unleashes attacks. Though there be no apparent danger of that kind, one is prepared for the eventuality as if it is to pounce on oneself now. While death may take place after many years, it can occur the next moment, also. Man is not omniscient; he cannot know his future. Hence, he has to consider the present as if it is the last moment and, like a good child, be ready by making necessary preparations, lest he should be surprised by unexpected summons.

25 de marzo de 2019


"March 24" 

DO NOT TRY TOANTICIPATE EVERYTHING is coming too early or make long -term plans, because if you do, you may have to change completely. 

Better let it all go unfurling, and see how everything happens much faster than you can imagine. 

Do not fret about it just waiting on me and watch every step of the most wonderful way open. But the pace must be fair. 

When winter is closed, always it gives the impression that will never end, but before you realize what is happening is in the spring, in a very modest way, begins to break. That is the process that is going on with the new.

Like spring is here already, and winter, old, has passed.But maybe you have not noticed or not accept all finished, and until that happens, your eyes will not be open to all its wonder. 

Open your eyes and do not miss anything of what is happening now. 

The book "The Inner Voice" by Eileen Caddy. 

Posted by Everth THENANSHED, 1st Officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets. 

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reservados.Puede copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, credit is given to author and this is included in the URL https: //misteri1963.blogspot.comy Notice of Copyright

31 de enero de 2019

Daily Affirmations Prosperity

Road safely by abundance.
I see myself in prosperity.
I have power to create my own world.
My dreams are realized because I persevere in them.
Everything I intend to make it.
I determine my desire and it materializes in my life.
Today I feel healthy, I'm strong, I have health in abundance, I can do everything and not get tired. My mind is also renovated and have new ideas of success.
I only speak of the things I like and my goal is set on my goals, I have certainty accomplish everything I want to achieve, I have a clear mind, a cheerful heart and enjoy what life gives me.
Today I decide to have an abundant life, with success, love and happiness.
I decide to have all the best, no matter how big it is.
Now I know I want to do, who want to be and where I want to go, the secret of prosperity is the answer.
I choose to attract all the good my da.
I'm attraction, I decide to be successful.
I think success and abundance.
My magnetic vibration attracts well-being to my life and everything around me.
I believe in the power of attraction.

Posted by Everth THENANSHED, 1st Officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reservados.Puede copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and that the URLestá included in yel Copyright notice

14 de enero de 2019

Painful rejection

One of the most painful experiences in a  lifetime might be feelings of rejection. It is recognizable in many different psychic layers and it has the power to properly ruin a person’s mood. This kind of emotional abuse has deep roots. I speak from experience.

After infinite conversations with healers in the past, after different rebirthings, after peeling off so many layers of pain, after deleting and working through past emotional abuses I still notice rejection is able to open (invisible) deep wounds, triggered by the outside world at unexpected moments. From time to time I still am confronted with those painful heartbreaking feelings. Believe me, they hurt.

Rejection has its roots by the experience of a vulnerable young child being confronted with his so called 'unwanted' behavior, that bystanders (parents, acquaintances) reject and point out.  It’s all about their personal unprocessed blockages they recognize in the child’s behavior they can’t deal with. They response in projecting their unsolved pain in the child. This can lead to (sexual/emotional) abuse, neglect and complete rejection in extreme situations.

The child doesn’t understand those signs and  tries to response in a ‘correct’ way, trying to please and to be loved again by accepting this rejection, doing his utmost best to behave correctly and cooperate in everything that happens to get back in the ‘loving’ favor of the adult. The child learns to fight for positive attention whereby he ignores his emotional and sometimes physical limits. Deep emotional wounds are created in the child's consciousness.

That’s the crucial point where child-openness changes into a withdrawn behavior, in inner pain, in not understanding and finally involuntarily adjusting the child’s  behavior in favor of the 'positive' adult’s attention. This is the moment when the child starts to supplant pain, hiding in his subconscious. The child's consciousness is programmed with the idea of adapting, subordinating to the wishes of the adult in favor of his own well-being, his own crucial survival.

Years later, finally being able to acknowledge this inappropriate improper behavior, this unconscious sharp emotional bomb, will explode immediately in similar situations when ‘old’ patterns are recognized.  The subconscious activates immediately to prevent painful remembrances that have been hide away carefully.

The solution for this life-time unexpectedly recurring painful behavior is to fully accept the pain. When you have the possibility to sit down in silence in private, connect with the pain and feel this energy circulating in your body, I encourage you to do so. Feel the sadness, accept your tears, be outrageous angry, hit a pillow, shout the wallpaper until it drops of the walls or shout your anger from the roofs. Let it  free this lifelong hidden and neglected suppressed pain. Open yourself to let It go.

That is for me the ultimate possibility to free myself from the inevitable painful decisions I made in my childhood.


10 de enero de 2019

5D Shift: What Will The New 5D Paradigm Look Like?

Submitted by Open on Wed, 01/09/2019 - 06:41

Imagine a World were everything is interconnected as frequencies of light. Imagine everything working in harmony together. Where you feel at peace, cherished and nurtured, where there's infinite possibility in the day to express yourself and unfold the next highest version of you. Imagine a World where conflict has transformed into constructive confrontation to peel away that which doesn't serve, so as to find the next highest harmony. Imagine a place where there are always enough resources to be who you really are, and where fear and suffering have fallen away. This is what it's like to live fully in 5D consciousness in the New Paradigm. My only question is, why wait?...

The Not so Truman Show

It's time to wake up from the amnesia. It comes as quite a shock when you realise that as Homo Sapiens, you've been caught in an experiment by an Opposing Consciousness whose very purpose it is to control, downgrade and enslave. Ever seen the film The Truman Show? Take a moment, see the perfect metaphor of the reality game show people have been contained within...
You just know it don't you! If you're reading this, the delusion is already coming into view. But the Interventon is exceptionally clever. It keeps creating new episodes of the drama to bend and distort people back into the show. It could be that new 'eco-friendly system', where we're all consuming exactly what we want, just as long as it has that all important "eco" stamp on the label. Yet it's still a prison cell - this one just designed to assuage a degree of guilt about how society is obliterating the eco-systems and mercilessly exploiting other life.
Let's wake up, it doesn't have to be like this! Just like Truman, we can all step out of the Show!

The Grand Deception

The greatest part of the deception has been to disconnect Humanity from his multidimensional self. This primarily happens through the fourth density, playing on karmic attachment, inserting energetic implants, thus causing addiction to lower behaviourisms through lack of trust. Humanity has lost trust in the divine that the flow itself can furnish everything we need. It's not humanity's fault - by playing dissonant frequencies through the field via electrosmog, an eddy current in the flow - a "Truman Show" - has been created. It's a clever way of controlling reality. And yet there's no longevity to it. In the end all control breaks down: it's like you've put an achor in the space-time-continuum, a dam in the stream, but since everything is interconnected, spacetime bends and gathers around it until eventually the anchor is wripped up. And so the Intervention moves onto another planet, perhaps it's Mars this time - all aboard SpaceX or Virgin Galactic - with the happless Truman Show in tow. It's just another series in another landscape, but with the same limiting agenda.
How about we step out of the show now?
It's not that difficult to reclaim your multidimensionality. I'd say there needs to be a couple of essential things landing for you: (1) the realisation that you're in something like the Truman Show and don't want to be there anymore (2) the daily commitment to find your authentic soul truth.

What will 5D reality look like?

There are many characteristics of the soul, but when you're in your authentic soul-ray-harmonic, what people say is that it just feels 'right'. There is a 'rightness' to it. That's not right as in 'right' and 'wrong', just the sense and feeling that you're in resonance in that moment for you. Imagine you were an ET from another constellation and you'd never seen a guitar before or heard it play. Nevertheless, you'd instantly know when a chord was being played that was in tune. When you've felt your soul resonance once, there's nothing quite like it, nothing that this synthetic reality can ever replicate. So keep looking for that new chord, that new tune, keep playing it, because that's exactly how the illusion evaporates like some distant desert mirage. Whatever the smart-phone-distraction, whatever the next social-media-must-see, keep playing that tune which is yours, and sure as the sun coming up over the ocean, just like Truman, you will escape into reality.
What will 5D reality look like?

The 5D New Paradigm (actually 5D, 6D and 7D) already exists. We're living in two worlds right now not one. And the most essential thing is that you get to know the New Paradigm yourself, in your daily living, right now. We can share reflections, yes, but you have to live it for yourself to be there. Here's my vision-knowing, I felt to share so as to inspire...
Imgaine a world without concrete cities, highrise buildings, without cars and trains and planes. Imagine all the pollution and electrosmog gone. Imagine governments, police forces and armies dissipated. A place where there's no war or conflict. And most essentially, a place where ALL sentient life is respected and cherished. A place where there is no requirement, need nor desire to consume another creature. Imagine the consciousness of all life here being rejuvenated in a higher vibration of light. Imagine that as you express your authentic self, light bends around you to create a vehicle for your expression. Imagine waking up for the day (you actually never go to sleep), and your purpose is to learn, evolve and grow, to experience the fullness of who you are. Imagine that as you create, you're creating in harmony with a group of souls closely resonant on your frequency, so it feels totally harmonious. This is a brief glimpse of my knowing-sense of the New Paradigm. Crucially, I experience it as already here, already around us.
What might it look like for you?

We're not Waiting for some Big "Event"

The point is that you can't wait for the next big "Event" to realise this. Yes the planet is undergoing phenonmenal transformation and transition. Over time, the old reality will steadily break down. If you're truly honest with yourself, surely you can see it doing that right now. It's getting increasingly dissonant with the authentic vibrations day by day, doing its damndest to shift and shape so as to lock people into another episode. But that's just the karmic construct twisting and turning in its end game.
Here's the crucial point - to fully shift into the New Paradigm, you have to be ALREADY living it as the karmic construct peels off. If you're here in this reality, then the chances are that you have karma to process and so fragments of soul are bound into the old reality. It's these that keep creating the illusions of the Truman Show - people keep getting sucked back in through distortions in relationships, careers and general living circumstances. And yet if you're reading this, likelihood is that you've already had experiences of what it's like to be living in 5D (and 6D/7D). The essential thing is that you keep digging for these kinds of experiences in daily life. It's definitely NOT waiting for "The Event" - that's likely just another deception. Yes there will be plenty of events in the Shift to the New Paradigm, but the point is to live it right now.

Time to Step Right out of the Truman Show

So my encouragement is not to wait. You can explore higher dimensional consciousness in every aspect of your life. Beware, there are a zillion reasons the Truman Show keeps recreating to keep people locked into the illusion. Don't be fooled. In your soul you know the truth. Keep trusting in the guidance coming through you. Keep checking that against the synchronistic interplay of the flow. Keep exploring and inquiring. And don't worry about making 'mistakes' - I can tell you, I have only ever truly found the flow by the times I've mistakenly stepped out of it!
The New Paradigm is there for you right now. You know it intrinsically in the core of your being. When you're in it, it just feels 'right'. You're seeing and stepping through the density, out of the Truman Show...

I know this is not always easy. There are so many blinkers to keep people locked in. But I have the privilege of meeting and working with people around the world who are steadily breaking free, choice by choice, step by step, moment by moment. Yes the density pulls you back in for a time, but it's never long before the next wave sweeps you up again!

29 de noviembre de 2018

ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani padme, hum; om, mani padme, hum; hum, hum.

Greetings to you. One who serves here with you. You can now unmute your phones and we can have a dialog here.

We do not necessarily have message here, but are there any questions that you have for One Who Serves? Is Shoshanna standing by?

Shoshanna: (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell) Yes. I am here.

Are there questions for us here? Any questions? No? Then this will be a very short call, here.

Guest: One Who Serves, I have an affirmation. This is both to you and Shoshanna. I want to thank you for shedding light on that portal situation. I closed that portal immediately after I got off the call, and had the support of one of the Ancient Awakenings family in that
closing and it made all the difference. It made all the difference in my life and
everything. There was a slight jar a few days later. I realized it was ajar and I took care of it immediately and closed that thing and tightened it up and sealed it with more light and with additional lappings of Archangel Michael’s blue ray and St. Germain’s ray, and also Source light. I want to thank you. And, if there is any other advice that you could give me that I need? If not, thank you. Much love to both you and Shoshanna. Thank you.

OWS: What we can tell you is you are doing exactly as Ashtar has just said here in terms of a single thought can bring you out of whatever it is that might be holding you back and keeping you in the lower vibrations at the time. In your particular case, your thoughts, your visualization closed the portal as you are saying here. And that is all it takes. That is all. The times where it would be a long involved process because you were so enmeshed in the matrix, you might say, and the illusionary programming as past. You are not in that any longer. Those of you can realize now more and more that it can be an instant switch for
you, that is what we want you to know. It does not take a great deal of energy, a great deal of thought, a great deal of visualization. It just simply takes you doing it. Andonce you do it, because you have learned to work with these energies more and more here now, or we would say even more relearned how to work with these energies, you are able to more
quickly manifest what it is that you want in your life.

And with that understanding, know that because of this more instantaneous manifestation
capability that you have now, that buffer zone that up until now protected you in many cases, has now been lessened much, much more so that your manifestations will happen much, much quicker than they have in the past. Many of you are beginning to notice this
already, and you will continue to notice this even more and more as your visualizations, your imagination becomes even more and more powerful. And that is just the beginning of what is coming for you. Okay?

Guest: Yes, thank you. And thank you for your mentorship and support along the way.

Shoshanna: Shoshanna wishes to share.

OWS: Yes, Shoshanna wishes to add something here...

Shoshanna: Shoshanna wishes to share with you. Through the acknowledgement of your own power, through the continued acknowledgement from you yourself to yourself that you are the powerful creator being that walks the planet with all the other selves, you must acknowledge and realize in each moment of your life that it is only you creating your
circumstances. It is only you that can change those circumstances. It is only you. It is not Shoshanna. It is not One Who Serves. It is not beyond you. Yes there is help.

What is important, though, is that you continue to acknowledge your own power and the power and strength within you to do the things that you need to do to live a full love light life. That is all I have for you.

OWS: Very good. Do we have other questions here?

Guest: Hello One Who Serves. I would just like to say that I have noticed within the oneness of our family a very strong shift toward higher frequencies and a calmness, and just so much more love and wonder within all of us. It is more of a dramatic shift, I felt, within our family, and I am assuming that goes across the planet. But that is what I was wondering is since the Christ consciousness grid was activated in our area of the world,
and it has been spreading, and I feel this so strongly, I would like an update to know how is the rest of humanity doing? Has there been a discernible shift that you can see from your perspective? Thank you.

OWS: Certainly. If you could see it from the vantage point of those up here on the ships it would appear as they look at these frequencies. This is what this is, is a frequency
change. As they look at this, it is as if they would be looking at it on a computer screen, you might say. And as they look at this computer screen and see the entire planet below, they can see these lights, these new frequencies, coming up every minute, even, it seems. They
are lighting up everywhere. It is the thousand points of light, but it is not a thousand, it is millions and millions and millions of points of light that are appearing in this respect, in this understanding. This is how, if you were here on the ships, you would be able to see
this and be able to understand more fully how consciousness is awakening across the planet—much, much more than you can possibly imagine at this point.
Because you look out and you still see the programming that is here within this three-dimensional illusion and you get entrapped in that programming at that time.
But as you can see if from our vantage point, you can see that this programming is becoming less and less and less, and people are awakening everywhere. There are many that you would be aware of in terms of your acquaintances, your friends, things of this nature, and they are awakening without you even knowing that they may be, you see? You would not necessarily know it when you walk in your stores and these types of things, and you walk past people, you do not know which of those are awakened and which are
not. But you would be amazed at how many more are than aren’t.

Now that is not to say that the awakened population is the majority—it is not. It is still very much what you would call the minority that are awakened consciousness. But that is shifting and changing very, very fast as you move more fully through this entire transition here through the
ascension process.

Shoshanna: Shoshanna wishes to share.

OWS: Shoshanna, yes.

Shoshanna: Shoshanna wishes to share with you, my Dear Sister: It is with great joy that we can report that there is a great manifestation of fourth density consciousness arising on the planet. This fourth density consciousness is that of group resolution as opposed to
individual resolution. That is, that others are recognizing their other self. They are recognizing that group cooperation, group consciousness, group resolution is a very love light way to resolve differences. We see this in this group, and we see this in many groups across the planet. We see cooperation happening. We see those that in the past have spent
their lives in individual desires, individual fulfillments are now participating as a group, as
a group complex, wishing that all within the group cooperate and become more conscious of the individuals in the group, if that makes any sense to you. So what is happening world-wide in this moment, in this very moment, this fourth density variation and awareness and density and vibration is being imbued in humanity’s understanding. And, as we learn these cooperative techniques, the fifth dimension is right around the corner, and the fifth dimension is that of wisdom, that cooperation and understanding within a group that
individuals are all the same would be rhythm to that of wisdom. That is all I have for you.

OWS: Wonderful. Very good.
Guest: Thank you. Thank you One Who Serves and Shoshanna. I love you very much.

Shoshanna: Thank you. We love you!

OWS: Would there be other questions, now?
Guest: Hello, Beautiful Brother. I want to just check in. Last night I had stayed with friends because I was up traveling to visit for a particular event. It was a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time. What really just swirled right up inside of me being there was the lot of
trouble there are having in their relationship and their marriage. I was surprised that my friend’s way of interacting, given that he has a lot of training in personal growth and development, and his way of doing it was totally opposite to that. Both of them are really
wanting to work with me some. I saw a big difference in his aura, his energy, his happiness was like much lower. He gained a lot of weight. In retrospect, I was considering is there alcohol in the mix. I saw him do some drinking. I thought is alcohol one of the issues. And so in thinking of that, I am wondering in terms of if you can give me any information like as to in this day and age with where we are going and everything like that, with people who have substance abuse issues or there is alcohol getting in the way, how much are we going
to want to make use of the old-fashioned, I would say, ways of dealing of that, let’s say A.A.
or all that stuff, and how much are we just going to let it go and do whatever we can do in the energetic world and let them sort of work through that?

OWS: You will find, as you continue to move through this transition, that all of this will
take care of itself over a period of time here. But more importantly, not so much time, but as frequency raises, as vibrations continue to raise, as consciousness raises, so that those that imbibe in various types of drugs and alcohol and all of these types of pursuits to help
medicate themselves, they will move beyond this. They will have no need of this anymore. Not that they will not have an occasional drink or something of this nature to raise the spirit, you might say, a little bit. There is nothing wrong with this. There is nothing wrong either with those who even do it on a more regular basis, because it is for them. It is their pursuit at thattime. But consciousness rising will take care of this in itself. So it is not for you or anyone else to be concerned about whether they move into an A.A. Program, or whatever it might be. If it is their pursuit, then they will go in that
direction. But you cannot direct their direction, you see? You must let them be whatever they would be as they need to move through their various understandings and trainings that they are moving through—their lesions, you might say, that they are working through.
But again, all of this is going to take care of itself as you move more fully through this transition and the ascension process. In that ascension process, there will not be any more of these types of things where people will need to do the self-medication because they will be beyond that. .
Shoshanna, do you have anything to add here?

Shoshanna: My Dear Sister, may I share with you?

Guest: Yes, for sure.

Shoshanna: My Dear Sister, the one that you speak of has been heavily influenced by third-dimensional burdens that he carries. He carries many burdens in this third-dimensional world that he feels he is not adept at, that he is not conquering. His training,
as he finds it, is to learn to conquer these things in his life, when it is really not.

The third dimension is the third dimension with all of its challenges and problems and issues. There is no amount of training that can teach us, any of us, how to conquer the third dimension. What we must do is raise our vibration and raise up into cooperation and the
fourth dimension and the fifth dimension.

What you find in these two who are quarreling, who are fighting, who are straining to keep their relationship together, is a lack of cooperation and acceptance of who they are and what the reality of who they are and their own spirit, and what their goal really is in this in this lifetime. He finds his goal to be very material. This is a challenge for him. He must let
go of that.

What you can assist in is only one thing, and that is opening his heart. He must open his heart. He must learn the ways of love again, because he has forgotten. It has been covered up for him. In all these challenges that he faces every day, he has covered up his ability to love. We must in some way assist him in opening his heart and opening his heart to all
others around him, including his partner. Does this make sense to you?

Guest: Oh yes. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that. Beautiful.
Shoshanna: Much love to you, My Sister.

OWS: Very good. Are there other questions here now?

Guest: Hello One Who Serves. I have a question, I don’t know if it is appropriate or what you can tell me about it. My oldest brother’s wife passed Friday before Thanksgiving. She
suffered with cancer over the last six months quite a bit. Is there anything you can tell us how Jean is doing with her passing, and also my brother who is experiencing a tremendous amount of grief (they were together 30 years). Anything you can share about that that may
be helpful for our family?

Shoshanna: Shoshanna can share.

OWS: Yes, please do, yes.

Shoshanna: This is Shoshanna. May I share with you?

Guest: Please.

Shoshanna: The one known as Jean in your family in this lifetime is now approaching another healing process in her passing. She is learning of why she put herself through this  tremendous burden of cancer, and she is learning new consciousness. She is learning 
light. She is learning how to imbue her spirit and her soul with the light of love and understanding.

This one was burdened by believing that she must stand alone in many  things. She did not wish to ask for your help. She tried to stand alone in this life. She did 
not understand how much love was there for her. She was the one that took care of everyone, and this was her burden. She did not share the burden. She did not understand  this. And as a result, she brought herself and her immune system down because she could  not share her own burden. She could not share with you. She could not ask. Does this 
make sense?

OWS: Yes, because we didn’t know.
Shoshanna: Yes. She would not share this. So I will tell you now, my Dear Sister, that what is occurring at this moment in her transition is that she understands what she did in the third dimensional lifetime that brought her down, and she is filling her own spirit and  her own soul with the light of understanding of her own lifetime. She is beginning to 
understand this, and she wishes to make you understand that she is well. She is being enlivened. She is being lightened. Her burden has passed now.

I do not know if that one that was her husband would understand this, because he is in great grief, because he takes on the guilt of her passing. He must give up that guilt. He  must understand that she made this happen for her own understanding for her own 
lifetime. Does this make sense?

Guest: Very much. Is there anything you can offer for my brother?

Shoshanna: Yes, you must show him a tremendous amount of compassion, love, and
understanding. You must allow him to move through this grief at whatever pace he wishes to move through this grief. He may take a long time to move through this grief. You must  be there for him and understand that this is his grief, which upon the grief is built with guilt. He must learn to let go of that guilt. I do not know if this is something that you can do 
for him. But you must show great compassion and great understanding, and allow his pain
to transition to love, as it eventually will. And this is not your burden. Your only real help
and assistance to this one is to show him love and compassion. Does this make sense to you?

Guest: It does. I just can’t get over that we didn’t know and weren’t able to be there.

Shoshanna: That is not your choice. That was the choice of the one that passed. That was her choice. You must let go of that, as that vibration that you are emanating from that misery that you are experiencing will actually bring down more misery. You must lift yourself up out of that, realizing that it has no bearing on you. Does that make sense?

Guest: Yes it does. Thank you.

Shoshanna: Much love to you my Dear Sister.

OWS: Always know also that whenever one is in grief over someone’s passing that it is only temporary. It will pass over a period of time certainly. And then always know that there will be a reunion. You will come back together with those ones again. It is destined. Everything comes back around again, again, and again, and again. So whoever you have in your lifetime here, you have had most definitely in many other lifetimes. So you have been with these particular ones because they are part of your soul group, and you will come together with them again. So always know that when one passes on that it is, again, only temporary. You will see, you will be with these ones again. Okay?
Are there any other questions here? We need to release channel here shortly. Are there any other questions?

Guest: I have a quick one if you can do it.

OWS: Yes, please.

Guest: Last Friday I was sitting home working on the computer. My son was also here with me in the house and he was on the phone talking to somebody. All of a sudden I heard the dishwasher start. Like I said, he was on the phone, I was on the computer, so neither of us were touching the dishwasher. I was just wondering if something beyond the two of us
actually started it.
OWS: Very interesting. We need to ask you a question, here, though: has something like this occurred before in your house? Have you had other types of incidences such as this where something turns on out of seemingly nowhere?

Guest: Not that I remember, no.

OWS: This is a one-time thing?

Guest: Yep.

OWS: Are you certain that it was not preprogrammed in terms of setting a timer of some type to bring this washer on?

Guest: It’s possible. I know it can do it. I know I did not program it, and I am pretty sure that my son didn’t, but it is possible that he just passed by and hit the start button.

OWS: We are finding at this time that there is nothing that is reallythere to associate with
in terms of anything abnormal or metaphysical, you might say, that is coming into the picture here about this type of an occurrence. That is not to say that there is not something. This is why we were attempting to understand if these things had occurred in previous times here. But since they have not, then it is something to just--what is your saying? -- Chock up to just happenstance here.
Shoshanna, do you have anything else to add here?

Shoshanna: No, I agree.

OWS: Very much the same, then.

Guest: Thank you.

Another Guest: Hi, One Who Serves, I would like to ask a question please.

OWS: Yes.

Guest: Thank you. Some of my very close family members, two, possibly three of them, I see them they are stuck on whatever it is that I don’t know. It seems to me they walk in circles. They come out of their own negative vibration but they climb back into the deep
depression and aggression. I worked really hard in raising my own vibrations, but when I see my close family going deep into depression and negative energies it makes my heart touched. Is it something that I am contributing to, or how can I help? Thank you.

OWS: Yes, Shoshanna, yes.

Shoshanna: May I share with you, my Dear Sister?

Guest: Yes, please.

Shoshanna: It is common for you to take on the burden of others. It is a personality challenge for you in this life, to believe that this is your burden. What is more important here is that you take on an awareness that each path must be walked. Each path must continue for that one that chooses the path. It is not your concern.
Your job, as it is my job, as it is for all of us, to show love and compassion and understanding, and extend our hand in whatever way we can. But advice is not needed here. In fact, your advice will be thrown out. They will not listen to you. This is painful for
you because you believe you may have answers for them, but this is not your burden. This is not for you to understand. This is not for you to advise unless you are asked to advise, and then even in the asking, you may not be acknowledged that what you are saying is accurate. You must let go and you must understand that this is their burden and they chose

OWS: Always remember that everyone travels their own path, and it is not your path, it is
their path. You have yours, they have theirs. So allow them to travel along their path. And do whatever you can along the way if there assistance that is asked for, as Shoshanna has  said. But if not, then simply continue on your path. And know that they travel their own  way, and that is the way it is for all. Okay?

Shoshanna: And my Dear Sister, we are all related. We are all one. So that which one does, we feel responsible for in many ways because we are all one. But we are also in this  life living individual lives, and that is what must be acknowledged here.

OWS: Yes.
We are needing to release channel here now.
We only say here that as you are moving toward the end of this year, there are still many
occurrences, we will say, that can happen here. You are moving through this transition. This transition is gaining momentum, very much momentum, as these waves of  energy are coming in, and more are going to come in, and they are going to be stronger, and  stronger, and stronger. So you are going to notice this as you move through these next weeks, through your Advance. And we used the term “Advance” here very specifically, as  there will be much advancement that can occur, not will occur, but can occur, as a result of  those of you who attend this in whatever way that you attend it.

So know that as you move closer and closer to the end of this year, it is but the beginning of a new understanding that is going to be coming over mankind, here. That is all we can say  on this at this point.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...